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This Script is part of the Base Pack.#

Find past similar incidents based on incident fields' similarity. Includes an option to also display indicators similarity. Note: For the similarity calculation, at least one field must be provided in one of the "similarTextField", "similarCategoricalField", or "similarJsonField" arguments.

Script Data#

Script Typepython3
Cortex XSOAR Version5.0.0

Used In#

This script is used in the following playbooks and scripts.

  • Cortex XDR incident handling v3
  • Dedup - Generic v4
  • Endpoint Malware Investigation - Generic V2


Argument NameDescription
incidentIdIncident ID to get the prediction of. If empty, predicts the the current incident ID.
similarTextFieldComma-separated list of incident text fields to take into account when computing similarity. For example: commandline, URL. Note: In order to calculate similarity, fields must consist of a minimum of 2 letters.
similarCategoricalFieldComma-separated list of incident categorical fields to take into account whe computing similarity. For example: IP, URL. Note: In order to calculate similarity, fields must consist of a minimum of 2 letters.
similarJsonFieldComma-separated list of incident JSON fields to take into account whe computing similarity. For example: CustomFields. Note: In order to calculate similarity, fields must consist of a minimum of 2 letters.
fieldsToDisplayComma-separated list of additional incident fields to display, but which will not be taken into account when computing similarity.
fieldExactMatchComma-separated list of incident fields that have to be equal to the current incident fields. This helps reduce the query size. These fields are not part of the similarity calculation.
useAllFieldsWhether to use a predefined set of fields and custom fields to compute similarity. If "True", it will ignore values in similarTextField, similarCategoricalField, similarJsonField.
fromDateThe start date by which to filter incidents. Date format will be the same as in the incidents query page, for example, "3 days ago", ""2019-01-01T00:00:00 +0200").
toDateThe end date by which to filter incidents. Date format will be the same as in the incidents query page, for example, "3 days ago", ""2019-01-01T00:00:00 +0200").
queryArgument for the query. This helps reduce the query size.
limitThe maximum number of incidents to query.
aggreagateIncidentsDifferentDateWhether to aggregate duplicate incidents within diffrerent dates.
showIncidentSimilarityForAllFieldsWhether to display the similarity score for each of the incident fields.
minimunIncidentSimilarityRetain incidents with similarity score that's higher than the MinimunIncidentSimilarity.
maxIncidentsToDisplayThe maximum number of incidents to display.
showCurrentIncidentWhether to display the current incident.
includeIndicatorsSimilarityWhether to include similarity of indicators from DBotFindSimilarIncidentsByIndicators in the final score.
minNumberOfIndicatorsThe minimum number of indicators required related to the incident before running the model. Relevant if includeIndicatorsSimilarity is "True".
indicatorsTypesComma-separated list of indicator types to take into account. If empty, uses all indicators types. Relevant if includeIndicatorsSimilarity is "True".
maxIncidentsInIndicatorsForWhiteListHelp to filter out indicators that appear in many incidents. Relevant if includeIndicatorsSimilarity is "True".


There are no outputs for this script.