Cortex REST API Pack.#
This Script is part of theSupported versions
Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.0.0 and later.
Groups all tasks for a specific incident according to the task headers (titles).
Script DataName | Description |
Script Type | python3 |
Tags | Utility |
Cortex XSOAR Version | 6.0.0 |
InputsArgument Name | Description |
investigation_id | Incident ID to create the task table. |
OutputsPath | Description | Type |
Tasks | The entire task object | Unknown | | Task ID | string | | Task name | string |
Tasks.section | Task section path | string |
Tasks.type | Task type (regular, condition, title, playbook, start) | string |
Tasks.owner | Task owner | string |
Tasks.state | Task state (inprogress, Completed, WillNotBeExecuted, Error, Waiting, Blocked, and empty string for not started) | string |
Tasks.scriptId | Task related script (empty if manual) | string |
Tasks.startDate | Task start date | unknown |
Tasks.completedDate | Task completed date | unknown |
Tasks.dueDate | Task due date (SLA) | unknown |
Tasks.parentPlaybookID | Task parent playbook ID (if the task is part of a sub-playbook) | unknown |
Tasks.completedBy | Name of the user who completed the task | string |