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This Script is part of the Common Scripts Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.5.0 and later.

Automation used to more easily populate a grid field. This is necessary when you want to assign certain values as static or if you have context paths that you will assign to different values as well. Instead of a value you can enter TIMESTAMP to get the current timestamp in ISO format. For example: !GridFieldSetup keys=ip,src,timestamp val1=${AWS.EC2.Instances.NetworkInterfaces.PrivateIpAddress} val2="AWS" val3="TIMESTAMP" gridfiled="gridfield"

Script Data#

Script Typepython3
Cortex XSOAR Version6.5.0


Argument NameDescription
keyscolumns for the grid field in comma separated format
val1A value for the 1st key. (Can be a string or context path or TIMESTAMP to get the current timestamp in ISO format.)
val2A value for the 2nd key. (Can be a string or context path or TIMESTAMP to get the current timestamp in ISO format.)
val3A value for the 3rd key. (Can be a string or context path or TIMESTAMP to get the current timestamp in ISO format.)
val4A value for the 4th key. (Can be a string or context path or TIMESTAMP to get the current timestamp in ISO format.)
val5A value for the 5th key. (Can be a string or context path or TIMESTAMP to get the current timestamp in ISO format.)
val6A value for the 6th key. (Can be a string or context path or TIMESTAMP to get the current timestamp in ISO format.)
val7A value for the 7th key. (Can be a string or context path or TIMESTAMP to get the current timestamp in ISO format.)
val8A value for the 8th key. (Can be a string or context path or TIMESTAMP to get the current timestamp in ISO format.)
val9A value for the 9th key. (Can be a string or context path or TIMESTAMP to get the current timestamp in ISO format.)
val10A value for the 10th key. (Can be a string or context path or TIMESTAMP to get the current timestamp in ISO format.)
gridfieldGrid field to populate
overwritewhether to overwrite what is in the gridfield or not (default is to append)


There are no outputs for this script.

Script Examples#

Example command#

!GridFieldSetup keys=url,verified val1="" val2="verified" gridfield="urlsslverification"

Context Example#


Human Readable Output#

FieldURL SSL Verification
Old Value[{"url":"","verified":"verified"}]
New Value[{"url":"","verified":"verified"},{"url":"","verified":"verified"}]

Example command#

!GridFieldSetup keys=url,verified val1="" val2="verified" gridfield="urlsslverification" overwrite=true

Context Example#


Human Readable Output#

FieldURL SSL Verification
Old Value[{"url":"","verified":"verified"},{"url":"","verified":"verified"}]
New Value[{"url":"","verified":"verified"}]