RSA NetWitness Security Analytics Pack.#
This Script is part of theAdds new events to an existing NetWitness SA incident.
Script DataName | Description |
Script Type | python |
Tags | RSA NetWitness Security Analytics |
DependenciesThis script uses the following commands and scripts.
- nw-add-events-to-incident
InputsArgument Name | Description |
incidentId | The existing incident ID. (string) |
eventList | The list of event IDs separated by a comma (,), this must not include spaces in it. In order to get list of events you can use nw-get-events . For example, "23,12,3". (array of strings) |
alertSummary | The short summary of the alert that will be attached to incident. (string) |
severity | The severity of the incident. For example, 50. (number) |
deviceId | The ID of the device/component. For example, Concentrator, Log Decoder, Packet Decoder, etc... from which the events are. The list of devices can be viewed by executing the command nw-get-components . (number) |
incidentManagementId | The ID of the NetWitness INCIDENT_MANAGEMENT device/component ID. It can be received by running nw-get-component command. If this argument is not filled/passed, the script will automatically get the first device of type INCIDENT_MANAGEMENT from the SA server. (optional number) |
OutputsThere are no outputs for this script.