Email.To | This shows to whom the message was addressed, but may not contain the recipient's address. | string |
Email.CC | Email 'cc' addresses | string |
Email.From | This displays who the message is from, however, this can be easily forged and can be the least reliable. | string |
Email.Subject | Email subject | string |
Email.HTML | Email 'html' body if exists | string |
Email.Text | Email 'text' body if exists | string |
Email.Depth | The depth of the email. Depth=0 for the first level email. If email1 contains email2 contains email3. Then email1 depth is 0, email2 depth is 1, email3 depth is 2 | number |
Email.Headers | Deprecated - use Email.HeadersMap output instead. The full email headers as a single string | string |
Email.HeadersMap | The full email headers json | Unknown |
Email.HeadersMap.From | This displays who the message is from, however, this can be easily forged and can be the least reliable. | Unknown |
Email.HeadersMap.To | This shows to whom the message was addressed, but may not contain the recipient's address. | Unknown |
Email.HeadersMap.Subject | Email subject | String |
Email.HeadersMap.Date | The date and time the email message was composed | Unknown |
Email.HeadersMap.CC | Email 'cc' addresses | Unknown |
Email.HeadersMap.Reply-To | The email address for return mail | String |
Email.HeadersMap.Received | List of all the servers/computers through which the message traveled | String |
Email.HeadersMap.Message-ID | A unique string assigned by the mail system when the message is first created. These can easily be forged. (e.g. | String |
Email.AttachmentsData.Name | The name of the attachment | String |
Email.AttachmentsData.Content-ID | The content-id of the attachment | String |
Email.AttachmentsData.Content-Disposition | The content-disposition of the attachment | String |
Email.AttachmentsData.FilePath | the location of the attachment, on the XSOAR server | String |
Email.AttachmentNames | The list of attachment names in the email | string |
Email.Format | The format of the email if available | string |