PassiveTotal Pack.#
This Script is part of theDeprecated
No available replacement.
Enriches the given IP address or domain with metadata, malware, or osint.
Script DataName | Description |
Script Type | javascript |
Tags | passive-total, server, threat-intel |
DependenciesThis script uses the following commands and scripts.
- pt-osint
- pt-malware
- pt-enrichment
- pt-get-subdomains
- pt-ssl-cert
- pt-whois
- pt-passive-dns
InputsArgument Name | Description |
query | The IP address or domain to enrich. |
OutputsPath | Description | Type |
subdomains | The list of subdomains as strings. | Unknown |
Domain.Name | The name of the queries domain. | Unknown |
Domain.DNS.Address | The resolved address of the domain. | Unknown | | The contact email for the queried domain. | Unknown |
passivetotal.resolves | The various resolves from the passive DNS collection. | Unknown |
IP.Address | The bad IP addresses found during enrichment. | Unknown |
IP.Malicious.Vendor | The vendor that made the decision that the IP addresses are malicious. | Unknown |
IP.Malicious.Description | The reason that the vendor decided that the IP addresses were malicious. | Unknown |
Domain.Name | The bad domains found during the enrichment. | Unknown |
Domain.Malicious.Vendor | The vendor that made the decision that the domains are malicious. | Unknown |
Domain.Malicious.Description | The reason that the vendor decided that the domains were malicious. | Unknown |
File.MD5 | The bad MD5 hash of teh file. | Unknown |
File.SHA1 | The bad SHA1 hash of the file. | Unknown |
File.SHA256 | The bad SHA256 hash of the file. | Unknown |
File.Malicious.Vendor | The vendor that made the decision that the files are malicious. | Unknown |
File.Malicious.Description | The bad SHA256 hash of the file. | Unknown |
DBotScore.Indicator | The indicator that was tested. | Unknown |
DBotScore.Type | The type of the indicator. | Unknown |
DBotScore.Vendor | The vendor used to calculate the score. | Unknown |
DBotScore.Score | The actual score. | Unknown |