ProtectWise Pack.#
This Script is part of theDeprecated
No available replacement.
Downloads PCAPs related to the specified observations. This supports rate throttling.
Script DataName | Description |
Script Type | python |
Tags | protectwise |
DependenciesThis script uses the following commands and scripts.
- observation-pcap-download
InputsArgument Name | Description |
id | The observation ID. Can be, a comma-separated list of IDs. |
sensorId | The sensor ID. Can be, a comma-separated list of IDs. |
filename | The filename provided for the download. |
burstsize | The download burstsize files every time, and wait waitms milliseconds each time. The defaults are 10 files and 1 second. |
waitms | The download burstsize files every time, and wait waitms milliseconds each time. The defaults are 10 files and 1 second. |
OutputsThere are no outputs for this script.