Salesforce Pack.#
This Script is part of theAsks a user a question via Salesforce Chatter and process the reply directly into the investigation.
Script DataName | Description |
Script Type | python |
Tags | - |
DependenciesThis script uses the following commands and scripts.
- salesforce-push-comment
InputsArgument Name | Description |
persistent | Indicates whether to use a one-time entitlement or a persistent one. |
replyEntriesTag | The tags to add on comment reply entries. |
retries | The number of times to try and create an entitlement when there is a failure. |
task | The task that should be closed with the reply. If none, then no playbook tasks will be closed. |
option1 | The first option for a user reply. |
option2 | The second option for the user reply. |
oid | The object ID of the subject. |
additionalOptions | A comma delimited list of additional options (in cases where more than 2 options are needed). |
text | The text of the chatter comment. If not given, a default post message will be generated based on option arguments. |
link | The link to add to the message. |
OutputsThere are no outputs for this script.