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This Script is part of the Common Scripts Pack.#

Update Grid Table from items or key value pairs.

Script Data#

Script Typepython3
XSOAR Version5.0.0


Argument NameDescription
context_pathContext path to list of items with similar properties or key value pairs.
grid_idGrid ID to modify. This argument can be either: 1) Grid name as it appears in the layout. 2) Grid "Machine name", as can be found in the grid incident field editor under Settings->Advanced->Fields (Incidents).
overwriteTrue if to overwrite Grid Data, False otherwise.
columnsComma-separated list of column header names, for example: columns="columnheader1,columnheader2,.."
keysKeys to retrieve from items or "*" for max keys (limited when item list to columns amount) - Key will not be columns correlated. If you want to leave an empty column, provide a place holder name that should not be in the context data such as "PLACE_HOLDER"
Make sure the key is lower case and does not contain spaces. For example, for a column header named USER ID, key="userid".
sort_byColumns names by which to sort the rows.
unpack_nested_elementsSet to 'true' to unpack nested elements.
keys_from_nestedKeys to retrieve from nested dictionaries. Can be used only when the unpack_nested_elements argument is set to false. Keys will not be columns correlated. Default is all keys. Note: when the number of values exceeds the number of columns, it truncates the last values that are outside the range for table.

Command Example#

Assume the following:

  1. Entry Context:
"EWS": {
"Items": {
"HeadersMap": {
"X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthSource": "Value1",
"Received": "Value2",
"Thread-Index": "Value3",
"Accept-Language": "Value4"
"headers": [
"name": "name1",
"value": "value1"
"name": "name2",
"value": "value2"
"name": "name3",
"value": "value3"
"name": "name4",
"value": "value4"
  1. Grid: \ Grid

Considering the following cases:

  1. Key value to Grid:
!SetGridField columns="columnheader1,columnheader2" context_path=EWS.Items.HeadersMap grid_id=mygrid

Grid after update: \ Grid

  1. List of item properties to Grid:
!SetGridField columns="columnheader1,columnheader2" context_path=EWS.Items.headers grid_id=mygrid
keys="name, value"

Grid after update: \ Grid

Entry Context:

"PaloAltoNetworksXDR": {
"RiskyUser": [
"email": null,
"id": "1",
"norm_risk_score": 1000,
"reasons": [
"date created": "2023-08-20",
"description": "test",
"points": 90,
"severity": "test",
"status": "test"
"date created": "2023-08-20",
"description": "test",
"points": 90,
"severity": "test",
"status": "test"
"risk_level": "HIGH",
"score": 244,
"type": "user"
!SetGridField_CopyForInvestigation columns=`User id,Risk level,Score,Reasons` grid_id=xdrriskyusers context_path=`PaloAltoNetworksXDR.RiskyUser` keys=`id,risk_level,score,reasons` keys_from_nested=description,points,severity



The first time you run SetGridField on a newly created grid field, you may see an error similar to the following:

Screen Shot 2021-12-21 at 10 36 03 PM

To resolve the error:

  1. Make sure the grid field is associated with the incident type the field is being used in.
  2. Run the following command to initialize the grid field: !setIncident <GRID_FIELD_NAME>=[]