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This Script is part of the CrowdStrike Falcon Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.0.0 and later.

Transform an indicator in Cortex into a CrowdStrike Falcon IOC. The output (found at the TransformIndicatorToCSFalconIOC.JsonOutput context path) is a JSON, which represents the indicators in CrowdStrike Falcon format. This JSON can be used as the input for the cs-falcon-batch-upload-custom-ioc command. (Available from Cortex XSOAR 6.0.0).

Script Data#

Script Typepython3
Cortex XSOAR Version6.0.0


Argument NameDescription
queryThe indicators query. Using GetIndicatorsByQuery automation.
Example: type:IP and lastSeen:>="2022-02-16T16:20:00 +0200".
actionThe action that will be taken if the indicator will be discovered in the organization.
limitThe maximum number of indicators to fetch.
offsetThe results offset page. Only change when the number of the results exceed the limit.
host_groupsList of host group IDs that the indicator applies to.
Can be retrieved by running the cs-falcon-list-host-groups command.
Either applied_globally or host_groups must be provided.
platformsThe platforms that the indicator applies to.
applied_globallyWhether the indicator is applied globally.
Either applied_globally or host_groups must be provided. Default set to True.


TransformIndicatorToCSFalconIOCJson output of the indicators. Should be the input for the *cs-falcon-batch-upload-custom-ioc*.String
TransformIndicatorToCSFalconIOC.Indicators.valueThe value of the Indicator.String
TransformIndicatorToCSFalconIOC.Indicators.expirationThe date on which the indicator will become inactive.String
TransformIndicatorToCSFalconIOC.Indicators.descriptionDescriptive label for the indicator.String
TransformIndicatorToCSFalconIOC.Indicators.tagsList of tags of the indicator.Unknown
TransformIndicatorToCSFalconIOC.Indicators.sourceThe source where this indicator originated.String
TransformIndicatorToCSFalconIOC.Indicators.idThe ID of the indicator.String
TransformIndicatorToCSFalconIOC.Indicators.typeType of the indicator. Possible values are: md5, sha256, ipv4, ipv6 and domain.String
TransformIndicatorToCSFalconIOC.Indicators.severityThe severity of the indicator. possible values are: Informational, Low, Medium, High and Critical.String
TransformIndicatorToCSFalconIOC.Indicators.actionThe action that will be taken if the indicator will be discovered in the organization.String
TransformIndicatorToCSFalconIOC.Indicators.applied_globallyWhether the indicator is applied globally.Boolean
TransformIndicatorToCSFalconIOC.Indicators.platformsThe platforms that the indicator applies to.Unknown
TransformIndicatorToCSFalconIOC.Indicators.host_groupsList of host group IDs that the indicator applies to.Unknown

Script Examples#

Example command#

!TransformIndicatorToCSFalconIOC query="type:IP" action=no_action platforms=linux

Context Example#

"TransformIndicatorToCSFalconIOC": {
"Indicators": [
"Severity": "Informational",
"Tags": [
"action": "no_action",
"applied_globally": true,
"expiration": "2022-02-16T13:02:26Z",
"platforms": [
"source": "Cortex",
"type": "ipv4",
"value": ""
"Severity": "Informational",
"action": "no_action",
"applied_globally": true,
"expiration": "2022-02-22T13:36:02.776329896Z",
"platforms": [
"source": "Cortex",
"type": "ipv4",
"value": ""
"Severity": "Informational",
"action": "no_action",
"applied_globally": true,
"expiration": "2022-02-22T13:41:02.960974457Z",
"platforms": [
"source": "Cortex",
"type": "ipv4",
"value": ""
"Severity": "Informational",
"action": "no_action",
"applied_globally": true,
"expiration": "2022-02-22T13:41:02.960919913Z",
"platforms": [
"source": "Cortex",
"type": "ipv4",
"value": ""
"Severity": "Informational",
"action": "no_action",
"applied_globally": true,
"expiration": "2022-02-22T13:36:02.776389915Z",
"platforms": [
"source": "Cortex",
"type": "ipv4",
"value": ""
"Severity": "Informational",
"action": "no_action",
"applied_globally": true,
"expiration": "2022-02-16T13:02:46Z",
"platforms": [
"source": "Cortex",
"type": "ipv4",
"value": ""
"JsonOutput": "[{\"expiration\": \"2022-02-16T13:02:26Z\", \"type\": \"ipv4\", \"Severity\": \"Informational\", \"Tags\": [\"test\"], \"value\": \"\", \"action\": \"no_action\", \"source\": \"Cortex\", \"platforms\": [\"linux\"], \"applied_globally\": true}, {\"expiration\": \"2022-02-22T13:36:02.776329896Z\", \"type\": \"ipv4\", \"Severity\": \"Informational\", \"value\": \"\", \"action\": \"no_action\", \"source\": \"Cortex\", \"platforms\": [\"linux\"], \"applied_globally\": true}, {\"expiration\": \"2022-02-22T13:41:02.960974457Z\", \"type\": \"ipv4\", \"Severity\": \"Informational\", \"value\": \"\", \"action\": \"no_action\", \"source\": \"Cortex\", \"platforms\": [\"linux\"], \"applied_globally\": true}, {\"expiration\": \"2022-02-22T13:41:02.960919913Z\", \"type\": \"ipv4\", \"Severity\": \"Informational\", \"value\": \"\", \"action\": \"no_action\", \"source\": \"Cortex\", \"platforms\": [\"linux\"], \"applied_globally\": true}, {\"expiration\": \"2022-02-22T13:36:02.776389915Z\", \"type\": \"ipv4\", \"Severity\": \"Informational\", \"value\": \"\", \"action\": \"no_action\", \"source\": \"Cortex\", \"platforms\": [\"linux\"], \"applied_globally\": true}, {\"expiration\": \"2022-02-16T13:02:46Z\", \"type\": \"ipv4\", \"Severity\": \"Informational\", \"value\": \"\", \"action\": \"no_action\", \"source\": \"Cortex\", \"platforms\": [\"linux\"], \"applied_globally\": true}]"

Human Readable Output#

TransformIndicatorToCSFalconIOC is done:#
