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Scheduled Commands

A command can schedule the future execution of another command.

The playbook does not proceed to the next task until it is done with all scheduled commands, i.e. until there is no future execution scheduled. When the playbook is waiting for a command execution it does not use a worker, as workers are only used at the time commands are executed.

Use cases for scheduled commands include:

  • Polling Flow - The command cannot return the full result in a single execution (possibly because a remote process hasn't finished execution). Scheduled commands enable you to try the command again later, and return the full results when available. Examples include Sandbox Detonation and Autofocus samples search.

YAML Prerequisite#

  • Integration: In the integration yml, under the command root, add polling: true.
  • Script: In the script yml, in the root of the file, add polling: true.

The polling_function Decorator#

The polling_function decorator can be used to save much of the boilerplate code you would otherwise need to implement yourself to write a polling function.

All functions implementing this decorator must always return a PollResult object.

Note: args must be the first parameter in the function definition and call.

Code Example#

In the example below, we are polling against the client.call_api function.

If the api has a successful response, we return our results wrapped in a PollResult object.

Otherwise, we return whether to continue_to_poll according to the results of the should_not_keep_polling function. (Note, either a boolean or a predicate can be passed to continue_to_poll)

def some_polling_command(args: Dict[str, Any], client: Client):
key = get_api_id(args)
api_response = client.call_api()
successful_response = api_response.status_code == 200
if successful_response:
success_return = show_successful_response()
return PollResult(success_return)
error_response = CommandResults(raw_response=report_response,
readable_output='API returned an error',
return PollResult(continue_to_poll=lambda: not should_not_keep_polling(client, key), response=error_response)

polling_function arguments#

namestrThe name of the command
intervalintHow many seconds until the next run30
timeoutintHow long to poll until timeout600
poll_messagestrThe message to display in the war room while pollingFetching Results:
polling_arg_namestrThe name of the argument to indicate polling should be donepolling
requires_polling_argboolWhether a polling argument should be expected as one of the demisto argsTrue

The PollResult Class#

responseAnyThe response of the command in the event of success, or in case of failure but Polling is false
continue_to_pollUnion[bool, Callable]Wether to return a ScheduledCommand to the server to keep polling.
args_for_next_runDictThe arguments to use in the next iteration. Will use the input args in case of None. Important: if you are using this argument, you must add it to the yml file with the attribute "hidden: true", that way the polling command will recognize the argument for the next run.
partial_resultCommandResultsCommandResults to return, even though we will poll again

One last thing regarding the decorator, to Ignore Scheduled War Room Entries (as indicated below) add hide_polling_output as a boolean argument to the command in the yml file.

For example see the cs-falcon-sandbox-scan command.

A more complicated example#

Say we are trying to implement a command that submits a url for analysis and then polls for the result. The proper way to implement this would be to split this flow into two commands. The submit command, and the find command. The find command will be a polling command, and is useful on its own without the context of submit. We want to perform the submit command once and poll on the get_result command until we have a response.

We will then have the submit-file command call the find-url command.

def find_url_command(args: Dict[str, Any], client: Client):
api_response = client.call_api(args.get('url')
successful_response = api_response.status_code == 200
if successful_response:
success_return = show_successful_response(api_response)
return PollResult(success_return)
error_response = CommandResults(raw_response=report_response,
readable_output='API returned an error',
return PollResult(continue_to_poll=True, response=error_response)
def submit_url_command(args: Dict[str, Any], client: Client):
return find_url_command(args, client)
If this decorator doesnt cover a specific usecase, read the advanced section:

ScheduledCommand Class#

ScheduledCommand is an optional class that enables scheduling commands via the command results.

commandstrThe command that runs after next_run_in_seconds has passed.
next_run_in_secondsintHow long to wait before executing the command.
args (optional)dictArguments to use when executing the command.
timeout_in_seconds (optional)intNumber of seconds until the polling sequence timeouts.

When provided to CommandResults it transforms the result into a schedule result. After the next_run_in_seconds delay, the command will be executed. The scheduled command can return another schedule result, that schedules another scheduled command and so on.

The interval between each run is determined by next_run_in_seconds, however it will never be less than 10 seconds.

The schedule sequence completes when any one of three terminating actions occur:

  1. Done - The integration finishes a schedule sequence by not returning a schedule result. Otherwise, the sequence continues as long as a schedule result is returned.
  2. Error - The schedule sequence finishes with an error when a command in the sequence returns an error result.
  3. Timeout (automatically handled) - The schedule sequence finishes execution with a timeout error when the timeout is reached. Cortex XSOAR will return the timeout error entry automatically.

How to Ignore Scheduled War Room Entries#

You can prevent printing the Scheduled Entries to the War Room when there is no output. However, this is possible only for entries that are subsequent to the first entry, since the first entry is expected to provide context about the expected final result. In other words, the first entry is always expected to have a result, but the entries that come after it may be empty until a non-scheduled result is returned.

It makes sense to prevent printing to the War Room until the final result is available, since the schedule icon provides the scheduling context via its tooltip . To prevent War Room entries while using a ScheduledCommand, return a CommandResults with just a scheduled_command. For example:


Code Example#

In the example below, if the status is not complete then a result with scheduled_command is returned. After interval_in_seconds seconds (60 by default), the result schedules a poll for the search status and result. This is done in the next run as well, and repeats until the status is complete.

def run_polling_command(args: dict, cmd: str, search_function: Callable, results_function: Callable):
interval_in_secs = int(args.get('interval_in_seconds', 60))
if 'af_cookie' not in args:
# create new search
command_results = search_function(args)
outputs = command_results.outputs
af_cookie = outputs.get('AFCookie')
if outputs.get('Status') != 'complete':
polling_args = {
'af_cookie': af_cookie,
'interval_in_seconds': interval_in_secs,
'polling': True,
scheduled_command = ScheduledCommand(
command_results.scheduled_command = scheduled_command
return command_results
# continue to look for search results
args['af_cookie'] = af_cookie
# get search status
command_results, status = results_function(args)
if status != 'complete':
# schedule next poll
polling_args = {
'af_cookie': args.get('af_cookie'),
'interval_in_seconds': interval_in_secs,
'polling': True,
scheduled_command = ScheduledCommand(
# result with scheduled_command only - no update to the war room
command_results = CommandResults(scheduled_command=scheduled_command)
return command_results

How to use with demisto.executeCommand#

When using demisto.executeCommand() a command or a script that returns schedule result will not schedule a command execution. However, its result will contain the schedule metadata.

It's recommended to create a new result with ScheduledCommand class to schedule a future script execution.

Advanced users can extract the schedule metadata, and use it when scheduling the future script execution. The schedule metadata fields are: PollingCommand, NextRun, Timeout PollingArgs (for reference see: demisto.results).

Code Example#

Given the command autofocus-search-samples, that may return a schedule result (if it has Metadata.polling in its fields, and af_cookie in its Contents), or a non-scheduled result, the wrapping script AutoFocusSearchScript can handle it like so:

args = demisto.args()
samples_result = demisto.executeCommand('autofocus-search-samples', **args)
script_results = []
if samples_result and not isError(samples_result[0]):
if demisto.get(samples_result[0], 'Metadata.polling'): # result has polling metadata
# extract the af_cookie from the results
af_cookie = demisto.get(samples_result[0], 'Contents.AFCookie')
if not af_cookie:
raise ValueError('af_cookie is missing from schedule result.')
schedule_args = {
'af_cookie': af_cookie,
'polling': True
schedule_command = 'AutoFocusSearchScript'
# take the timeout and next_run from the polling fields
schedule_timeout = demisto.get(samples_result[0], 'Timeout')
schedule_next_run = demisto.get(samples_result[0], 'NextRun')
scheduled_command = ScheduledCommand(
readable_output = "Autofocus search created successfully."
readable_output = "Autofocus search is done, see result below."
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