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Generic Polling

In some cases, when working with 3rd party software (detonation, scan, search, etc.) you need a playbook to pause and wait for a process to complete on a remote host, and then continue when the process is done.

Due to hardware limitations, you can not achieve this via integrations or automations. The GenericPolling playbook, however, enables you to pause a playbook and resume execution after a remote host finishes a process.

What it does#

The playbook periodically polls the status of a process being executed on a remote host. When the host returns that the process execution is done, the playbook finishes execution.


If the polling timeout is reached, the playbook finishes. Be sure to validate that the remote process was completed.

How to use#

Follow these instructions to use the GenericPolling playbook.


  • Start command - Command that fetches the initial state of the process and saves it to the context. This command usually starts the process that should be polled. For example:
    • Detonation - joe-analysis-submit-sample - Submits a sample for analysis (detonated as part of the analysis).
    • Scan - nexpose-start-assets-scan - Starts a scan for specified asset IP addresses and host names.
    • Search - qradar-searches - Searches in QRadar using AQL.
  • Polling command - Command that polls the status of the process and saves it to the context. The input of this command must be checked as Is array - this allows the playbook to poll (at the same time) more than a single process being executed. For example:
    • Detonation - joe-analysis-info - Returns the status of the analysis execution.
    • Scan - nexpose-get-scan - Returns the specified scan.
    • Search - qradar-get-search - Gets a specific search id and status.


  • Ids - A list of process IDs to poll (usually a previous task output).
  • PollingCommandName - Name of the polling command to run.
  • PollingCommandArgName - Argument name of the polling command. The argument should be the name of the process identifier (usually an ID).
  • dt - Cortex XSOAR Transform Language filter to be checked against the polling command result. Polling stops when no results are returned from the DT filter.
  • Interval - Interval between each poll (default is one minute, maximum is 60 minutes).
  • Timeout - The amount of time until the playbook stops waiting for the process to finish. After this time has passed, the playbook finishes its run, even if it didn't receive confirmation that the remote process completed.
  • Additional polling command arguments - If the polling command has more than a single argument, add their names via this input, for example: arg1,arg2,....
  • AdditionalPollingCommandArgValues - If the polling command has more than a single argument, add their values via this input, for example: value1,value2,....


Detonate File – JoeSecurity#


  • Start command - joe-analysis-submit-sample - Starts a new analysis of a file in Joe Security.
  • Polling command - joe-analysis-info - Returns the status of the analysis execution.
  • Argument name - webid - Argument name of the polling command.
  • Context path to store poll results - Joe.Analysis
    • ID context path - WebID - Stores the ID of the process to be polled.
    • Status context path - Status - Stores the status of the process.
  • Possible values returned from polling command: starting, running, finished.
  • DT - We need a list of IDs of the processes that are still running. Let's explain how it's built: Path.To.Object(val.Status !== ‘finished’).ID Get the object that has a status other than ‘finished’, then get its ID field. The polling is done only when the result is finished. The dt filter will return an empty result in that case - which triggers the GenericPolling playbook to stop running.


  • Global context is not supported.
  • GenericPolling doesn't work correctly in the Playground, thus, testing should be done within an incident.
  • Polling command must support list argument. image


  • Playbook is "stuck" on Waiting for polling to complete: Since generic polling schedules tasks outside the context of the playbook (not visible in the playbook run), errors may appear only in the War Room. Go to the incident War Room and check for errors or warnings related to GenericPolling tasks.
  • GenericPolling task is completed but status is still not "finished": If the timeout is reached, the playbook succesfully finishes even if there are items that did not complete. Try increasing the timeout value for the GenericPolling task.
  • The integration returns an ID not found error when running from GenericPolling, however when running manualy, it finishes successfully: Some products cannot handle consecutive requests to query an action status right after the request to perform the action. After you initiate the action, try adding a Sleep task before calling the GenericPolling sub-playbook.

For more information about generic polling, see the Cortex XSOAR Administrator's Guide.

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