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Playbook Contribution Guide


This guide is intended to guide you through the process of contributing playbooks to our content, after they were created through the user interface.


  • For general guidelines on how to create playbooks, visit our Creating Playbooks article.
  • Playbooks can be be divided into 2 categories depending on their usage. Technically, they are the same, but usage-wise, there are some differences. "Parent" playbooks are playbooks that run as the main playbook of an incident. The other type is "sub-playbooks", which are just playbooks that are being called by another playbook. Examples of parent playbooks can be Phishing Investigation - Generic v2, or Endpoint Malware Investigation - Generic because an incident starts with them. Examples of sub-playbooks are IP Enrichment - Generic v2 or Retrieve File From Endpoint - Generic, because they are steps we take as part of the bigger investigation. What one needs to consider is that since sub-playbooks are used as part of a bigger investigation, they should have inputs and outputs. Make sure that the data you want to get from a sub-playbook is defined in the outputs, so that it can be used outside of that playbook. Since sub-playbooks are building blocks that will preferably be usable in other playbooks and use-cases, you should define generic inputs for them as explained in our context standards article.
  • Test playbooks can be used for testing integration commands individually (checking that they work and return the right inputs/outputs), but in the sense of playbooks - test playbooks should test a certain scenario of the investigation. For example, the test of Phishing Investigation - Generic v2 creates an incident and attaches an email, and then makes sure that the URL contained in the email was found to be malicious (as it should be).

Exporting playbooks#

  • Your playbooks contain playbook and task descriptions by now and they should be able to run smoothly.

  • In order to contribute your newly created playbooks, they have to be exported via the "Export" button in playbook view mode:

  • The playbook will be exported as a YML file. Use demisto-sdk command demisto-sdk format -i <path to playbook yml> against the YML file. The command will modify some fields in the file to normalize it with the rest of the playbooks in our content, and will output a file with the prefix playbook- in the filename. That is the file you have to use from now on.

    Pull Request#

  • Your playbooks will only be reviewed after finalizing the code-review stage.

  • We will review your playbooks and comment for any needed changes.

We value your time and willingness to contribute. Thank you for contributing to our content!

Last updated on