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Abnormal Security

This Integration is part of the Abnormal Security Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.0.0 and later.

Abnormal Security detects the whole spectrum of email attacks, from vendor email compromise and spear-phishing to unwanted email spam and graymail. To stop these advanced attacks, Abnormal leverages the industry’s most advanced behavioral data science to baseline known good behavior and detects anomalies. This integration was integrated and tested with version 1.3.0 of Abnormal Security

Configure Abnormal Security in Cortex#

Server URL (e.g.
API KeyTrue
Trust any certificate (not secure)False
Use system proxy settingsFalse


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Check the status of an action requested on a case.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
case_idA string representing the email case. Can be retrieved by first running command to list cases.Required
action_idA string representing the email case. Can be retrieved from payload after performing an action on a case.Required
mock-dataReturns test data if set to True.Optional
subtenantSubtenant of the user (if applicable).Optional

Context Output#

AbnormalSecurity.ActionStatus.statusStringStatus of the case after an action is performed
AbnormalSecurity.ActionStatus.descriptionStringDetailed description of the status

Command Example#

!abnormal-security-check-case-action-status case_id=12345 action_id=abcdefgh-1234-5678-ijkl-mnop9qrstuvwx

Context Example#

"AbnormalSecurity": {
"ActionStatus": {
"description": "The request was completed successfully",
"status": "acknowledged"

Human Readable Output#


The request was completed successfullyacknowledged


Check the status of an action requested on a threat.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
threat_idA UUID representing a threat campaign. Full list of threat IDs can be obtained by first running the command to list a threat.Required
action_idA UUID representing the action id for a threat. Can be obtained from payload after performing an action on the threat.Required
mock-dataReturns test data if set to True.Optional
subtenantSubtenant of the user (if applicable).Optional

Context Output#

AbnormalSecurity.ActionStatus.statusStringThe status of a threat after performing an action on it
AbnormalSecurity.ActionStatus.descriptionStringThe description of the status

Command Example#

!abnormal-security-check-threat-action-status threat_id=xwvutsrq-9pon-mlkj-i876-54321hgfedcba action_id=abcdefgh-1234-5678-ijkl-mnop9qrstuvwx

Context Example#

"AbnormalSecurity": {
"ActionStatus": {
"description": "The request was completed successfully",
"status": "acknowledged"

Human Readable Output#


The request was completed successfullyacknowledged


Download data from Threat Log in .csv format

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
filterFilter the results based on a filter key. Value must be of the format filter={FILTER KEY} gte YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ lte YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. Supported keys - [receivedTime].Optional
mock-dataReturns test data if set to True.Optional
sourceFilters threats based on the source of detection.Optional
subtenantSubtenant of the user (if applicable).Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!abnormal-security-download-threat-log-csv filter="receivedTime gte 2020-12-01T01:01:01Z"

Context Example#

"File": {
"EntryID": "2294@2ef16ace-2149-42b9-8b0f-fb7620ba7d44",
"Extension": "csv",
"Info": "csv",
"MD5": "a981545ee72fe115888800725883ca8a",
"Name": "threat_log.csv",
"SHA1": "c3cbae11542dc7244e3bf04a0901d7063597d381",
"SHA256": "296463cad959803d64bfc94fbffa24e30c9438ba58827a100a9e7c219f26b382",
"SHA512": "21a53f61c7d22b533abd7181b16116bf9017b7a444c10e4d2336803794ef0d9dded56e65179f924252f0bf3231e35fa1b726c8d7723f10b2f08bae0b3bedddd1",
"SSDeep": "12:dB2XRzmZIm88Rvu8R7b7+I78RQC5+GUHwgfdvvq:dB2XRMrt/C5+GYw",
"Size": 449,
"Type": "ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators"


Get a list of campaigns submitted to Abuse Mailbox

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
filterValue must be of the format filter={FILTER KEY} gte YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ lte YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. A {FILTER KEY} must be specified, and currently only the key lastReportedTime is supported for /abusecampaigns. At least one of gte/lte must be specified, with a datetime string following the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format. Do note that provided filter time is in UTC.Optional
page_sizeNumber of abuse campaigns shown on each page. Each page of data will have at most page_size abuse campaign IDs.Optional
page_number1-indexed page number to get a particular page of threats. Has no effect if filter is not specified.Optional
mock-dataReturns test data if set to True.Optional
subtenantSubtenant of the user (if applicable).Optional

Context Output#

AbnormalSecurity.AbuseCampaign.campaigns.campaignIdStringAn id which maps to an abuse campaign.
AbnormalSecurity.AbuseCampaign.pageNumberNumberThe current page number.
AbnormalSecurity.AbuseCampaign.nextPageNumberNumberThe next page number.

Command Example#

!abnormal-security-list-abuse-mailbox-campaigns filter="lastReportedTime gte 2020-12-01T01:01:01Z"

Context Example#

"AbnormalSecurity": {
"AbuseCampaign": {
"campaigns": [
"campaignId": "fff51768-c446-34e1-97a8-9802c29c3ebd"
"campaignId": "07434ea5-df7b-3ff4-8d07-4a82df0c655d"
"pageNumber": 1

Human Readable Output#

List of Abuse Mailbox Campaigns#

Campaign IDs#



Get a list of Abnormal cases identified by Abnormal Security

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
filterValue must be of the format filter={FILTER KEY} gte YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ lte YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. A {FILTER KEY} must be specified, and currently the only key that is supported for /cases is lastModifiedTime. At least 1 of gte/lte must be specified, with a datetime string following the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format.Optional
page_sizeNumber of cases that are on each page. Each page of data will have at most page_size threats. Has no effect if filter is not specified.Optional
page_number1-indexed page number to get a particular page of cases. Has no effect if filter is not specified.Optional
mock-dataReturns test data if set to True.Optional
subtenantSubtenant of the user (if applicable).Optional

Context Output#

AbnormalSecurity.inline_response_200_1.cases.caseIdStringA unique identifier for this case.
AbnormalSecurity.inline_response_200_1.cases.descriptionStringDescription of the severity level for this case.
AbnormalSecurity.inline_response_200_1.pageNumberNumberThe current page number. Will not be be in the response if no filter query meter is passed in via the request.
AbnormalSecurity.inline_response_200_1.nextpageNumberNumberThe next page number. Will not be included in the response if there are no more pages of data or if no filter query meter is passed in via the request

Command Example#

!abnormal-security-list-abnormal-cases filter="lastModifiedTime gte 2020-12-01T01:01:01Z"

Context Example#

"AbnormalSecurity": {
"inline_response_200_1": {
"cases": [
"caseId": 1234,
"description": "Potential Account Takeover"
"nextPageNumber": 2,
"pageNumber": 1

Human Readable Output#

List of Cases#

Case IDs#

1234Potential Account Takeover


Get a list of threats

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
filterValue must be of the format filter={FILTER KEY} gte YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ lte YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. A {FILTER KEY} must be specified, and currently the only key that is supported for /threats is receivedTime. At least 1 of gte/lte must be specified, with a datetime string following the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format.Optional
page_sizeNumber of threats that on in each page. Each page of data will have at most page_size threats. Has no effect if filter is not specified.Optional
page_number1-indexed page number to get a particular page of threats. Has no effect if filter is not specified.Optional
mock-dataReturns test data if set to True.Optional
sourceFilters threats based on the source of detection.Optional
subtenantSubtenant of the user (if applicable).Optional

Context Output#

AbnormalSecurity.inline_response_200.threats.threatIdStringAn id which maps to a threat campaign. A threat campaign might be received by multiple users.
AbnormalSecurity.inline_response_200.pageNumberNumberThe current page number. Will not be be in the response if no filter query meter is passed in via the request.
AbnormalSecurity.inline_response_200.nextpageNumberNumberThe next page number. Will not be included in the response if there are no more pages of data or if no filter query meter is passed in via the request

Command Example#

!abnormal-security-list-threats filter="receivedTime gte 2020-12-01T01:01:01Z"

Context Example#

"AbnormalSecurity": {
"inline_response_200": {
"nextPageNumber": 2,
"pageNumber": 1,
"threats": [
"threatId": "184712ab-6d8b-47b3-89d3-a314efef79e2"

Human Readable Output#

List of Threats#

Threat IDs#



Get details of a threat

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
threat_idA UUID representing a threat campaign. Full list of threat IDs can be obtained by first running the command to list a threat.Required
mock-dataReturns test data if set to True.Optional
subtenantSubtenant of the user (if applicable).Optional

Context Output#

AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.threatIdStringAn id which maps to a threat campaign.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.abxMessageIdNumberA unique identifier for an individual message within a threat (i.e email campaign).
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.abxPortalUrlStringThe URL at which the specific message details are viewable.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.attachmentCountNumberThe number of attachments in the email.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.attachmentNamesArrayList of the names of attachments in the email.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.attackStrategyStringThe attack strategy used in the threat.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.attackTypeStringThe type of threat the message represents.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.attackVectorStringThe medium used for the attack.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.attackedPartyStringThe party that was targeted by the attack.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.autoRemediatedBooleanWhether the threat was automatically remediated.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.fromAddressStringThe email address of the sender.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.fromNameStringThe display name of the sender.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.impersonatedPartyStringThe party, if any, that was impersonated in the attack.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.internetMessageIdStringThe Internet Message ID, per RFC 822.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.isReadBooleanWhether the email has been read.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.postRemediatedBooleanWhether the threat was remediated after landing in the user's mailbox.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.receivedTimeStringThe timestamp at which this message arrived.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.recipientAddressStringThe email address of the user who actually received the message.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.remediationStatusStringThe status of remediation action.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.remediationTimestampStringThe timestamp at which the message was remediated.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.sentTimeStringThe timestamp at which this message was sent.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.subjectStringThe subject of the email.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.threatIdStringAn id which maps to a threat campaign.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.toAddressesArrayAll the email addresses to which the message was sent.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.ccEmailsArrayAll the email addresses in CC.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.replyToEmailsArrayAll the email addresses in the "Reply To" field.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.returnPathStringThe path where information is returned to the attacker.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.senderDomainStringThe domain of the sender.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.senderIpAddressStringThe IP address of the sender.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.summaryInsightsArraySummary insights into the threat's characteristics.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.urlCountNumberThe number of URLs contained in the email.
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatDetails.messages.urlsArrayList of all URLs contained in the email.

Command Example#

!abnormal-security-get-threat threat_id=xwvutsrq-9pon-mlkj-i876-54321hgfedcba

Context Example#

"AbnormalSecurity": {
"ThreatDetails": {
"messages": [
"abxMessageId": 4551618356913732000,
"abxPortalUrl": "",
"attachmentCount": null,
"attachmentNames": ["attachment.pdf"],
"attackStrategy": "Name Impersonation",
"attackType": "Extortion",
"attackVector": "Text",
"attackedParty": "VIP",
"autoRemediated": true,
"ccEmails": [""],
"fromAddress": "",
"fromName": "",
"impersonatedParty": "None / Others",
"internetMessageId": "<>",
"isRead": true,
"postRemediated": true,
"receivedTime": "2020-06-09T17:42:59Z",
"recipientAddress": "",
"remediationTimestamp": "2020-06-09T17:42:59Z",
"replyToEmails": [""],
"returnPath": "",
"senderDomain": "",
"senderIpAddress": "",
"sentTime": "2020-06-09T17:42:59Z",
"subject": "Phishing Email",
"summaryInsights": ["Bitcoin Topics", "Personal Information Theft", "Unusual Sender"],
"threatId": "184712ab-6d8b-47b3-89d3-a314efef79e2",
"toAddresses": ",",
"urlCount": 0,
"urls": [""]
"threatId": "184712ab-6d8b-47b3-89d3-a314efef79e2"

Human Readable Output#

Messages in Threat 184712ab-6d8b-47b3-89d3-a314efef79e2#

Phishing, another@example.comexample@example.com2020-06-09T17:42:59ZExtortionName Impersonationsupport@secure-reply.orgetc


Get details of an Abnormal case

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
case_idA string representing the email case. Can be retrieved by first running command to list cases.Required
mock-dataReturns test data if set to True.Optional
subtenantSubtenant of the user (if applicable).Optional

Context Output#

AbnormalSecurity.AbnormalCaseDetails.caseIdStringA unique identifier for this case.
AbnormalSecurity.AbnormalCaseDetails.severityStringDescription of the severity level for this case.
AbnormalSecurity.AbnormalCaseDetails.affectedEmployeeStringWhich employee this case pertains to.
AbnormalSecurity.AbnormalCaseDetails.firstObservedStringFirst time suspicious behavior was observed.

Command Example#

!abnormal-security-get-abnormal-case case_id=12805

Context Example#

"AbnormalSecurity": {
"AbnormalCaseDetails": {
"affectedEmployee": "FirstName LastName",
"analysis": "Mail Sent",
"caseId": 1234,
"case_status": "Action Required",
"firstObserved": "2020-06-09T17:42:59Z",
"remediation_status": "Not remediated",
"severity": "Potential Account Takeover",
"threatIds": ["184712ab-6d8b-47b3-89d3-a314efef79e2"]

Human Readable Output#

Details of Case 1234#

1234Potential Account TakeoverFirstName LastName2020-06-09T17:42:59Z184712ab-6d8b-47b3-89d3-a314efef79e2


Get details of an Abuse Mailbox campaign

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
campaign_idA UUID representing the abuse campaign id. Can be Can be retrieved by first running command to list abuse mailbox campaigns.Required
mock-dataReturns test data if set to True.Optional
subtenantSubtenant of the user (if applicable).Optional

Context Output#

AbnormalSecurity.AbuseCampaign.campaignIdStringAn id which maps to an abuse campaign.
AbnormalSecurity.AbuseCampaign.firstReportedStringDate abuse campaign was first reported.
AbnormalSecurity.AbuseCampaign.lastReportedStringDate abuse campaign was last reported.
AbnormalSecurity.AbuseCampaign.messageIdStringA unique identifier for the first message in the abuse campaign.
AbnormalSecurity.AbuseCampaign.subjectStringSubject of the first email in the abuse campaign.
AbnormalSecurity.AbuseCampaign.fromNameStringThe display name of the sender.
AbnormalSecurity.AbuseCampaign.fromAddressStringThe email address of the sender.
AbnormalSecurity.AbuseCampaign.recipientNameStringThe email address of the recipient.
AbnormalSecurity.AbuseCampaign.recipientAddressStringThe email address of the recipient.
AbnormalSecurity.AbuseCampaign.judgementStatusStringJudgement status of message.
AbnormalSecurity.AbuseCampaign.overallStatusStringOverall status of message.
AbnormalSecurity.AbuseCampaign.attackTypeStringThe type of threat the message represents.

Command Example#

!abnormal-security-get-abuse-mailbox-campaign campaign_id=xwvutsrq-9pon-mlkj-i876-54321hgfedcba

Context Example#

"AbnormalSecurity": {
"AbuseCampaign": {
"campaigns": {
"attackType": "Attack Type: Spam",
"campaignId": "fff51768-c446-34e1-97a8-9802c29c3ebd",
"firstReported": "2020-11-11T13:11:40-08:00",
"fromAddress": "",
"fromName": "Tom Dinkley",
"judgementStatus": "Malicious",
"lastReported": "2020-11-11T13:11:40-08:00",
"messageId": "12345678910",
"overallStatus": "Move attempted",
"recipientAddress": "",
"recipientName": "Booker",
"subject": "Fwd: This is spam"

Human Readable Output#


Attack Type: Spamfff51768-c446-34e1-97a8-9802c29c3ebd2020-11-11T13:11:40-08:00example@example.comTom DinkleyMalicious2020-11-11T13:11:40-08:0012345678910Move attemptedexample_phisher@example.comBookerFwd: This is spam


Get employee identity analysis (Genome) data

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
email_addressEmail address of the employee you want to retrieve data for.Required
mock-dataReturns test data if set to True.Optional

Context Output#

AbnormalSecurity.Employee.emailStringEmployee email
AbnormalSecurity.Employee.histograms.keyStringGenome key name
AbnormalSecurity.Employee.histograms.nameStringGenome title
AbnormalSecurity.Employee.histograms.descriptionStringDescription of genome object
AbnormalSecurity.Employee.histograms.values.valueStringCategory value
AbnormalSecurity.Employee.histograms.values.percentageNumberRatio of this category relative to others
AbnormalSecurity.Employee.histograms.values.total_countNumberNumber of occurences for this category

Command Example#

!abnormal-security-get-employee-identity-analysis email_address=""

Context Example#

"AbnormalSecurity": {
"Employee": {
"email": "",
"histograms": [
"description": "Common IP addresses for user logins",
"key": "ip_address",
"name": "Common IP Addresses",
"values": [
"ratio": 0.25,
"raw_count": 12,
"text": "ip-address-0"
"ratio": 0.25,
"raw_count": 12,
"text": "ip-address-1"
"ratio": 0.25,
"raw_count": 12,
"text": "ip-address-2"
"ratio": 0.25,
"raw_count": 12,
"text": "ip-address-3"

Human Readable Output#

Analysis of

Common IP addresses for user loginsip_addressCommon IP Addresses{'text': 'ip-address-0', 'ratio': 0.25, 'raw_count': 12},
{'text': 'ip-address-1', 'ratio': 0.25, 'raw_count': 12},
{'text': 'ip-address-2', 'ratio': 0.25, 'raw_count': 12},
{'text': 'ip-address-3', 'ratio': 0.25, 'raw_count': 12}


Get employee information

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
email_addressEmail address of the employee you want to retrieve data for.Required
mock-dataReturns test data if set to True.Optional

Context Output#

AbnormalSecurity.Employee.nameStringName of the employee.
AbnormalSecurity.Employee.emailStringEmail of the employee.
AbnormalSecurity.Employee.titleStringJob title of the employee.
AbnormalSecurity.Employee.managerStringEmail address of the employee's manager

Command Example#

!abnormal-security-get-employee-information email_address=""

Context Example#

"AbnormalSecurity": {
"Employee": {
"email": "",
"manager": "",
"name": "test_name",
"title": "Test Operator"

Human Readable Output#


testemail@email.comtestmanageremail@email.nettest_nameTest Operator


Get employee login information for last 30 days in csv format

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
email_addressEmail address of the employee you want to retrieve data for.Required
mock-dataReturns test data if set to True.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!abnormal-security-get-employee-last-30-days-login-csv email_address=""

Context Example#

"File": {
"EntryID": "2338@2ef16ace-2149-42b9-8b0f-fb7620ba7d44",
"Extension": "csv",
"Info": "csv",
"MD5": "11afb4879c5026e25bd868dfcf23e811",
"Name": "employee_login_info_30_days.csv",
"SHA1": "345ea1d24b52c96baf6b0e4d892d13d4efcf666d",
"SHA256": "12620e0f576f4d74603b1f542919a3e5199e61435ffd99bcd68c26e02ed9c693",
"SHA512": "f0e788981ce70d9668100ae3f93d1f28660f0d8a9dfda02284a70f08ac14ca5a356872284f460d8fb7970791e314e0db4a6c84b0032c35046efce62368a00da5",
"SSDeep": "12:uR2xCC56aHoW2IY3zg05Eg05ng05Eg05V:uROjHn2IY3v5i5T5i5V",
"Size": 484,
"Type": "ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators"


DEPRECATED. Get the latest threat intel feed.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
mock-dataReturns test data if set to True.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#


Context Example#

"File": {
"EntryID": "2314@2ef16ace-2149-42b9-8b0f-fb7620ba7d44",
"Extension": "json",
"Info": "application/json",
"MD5": "a00e919efc9e28f77b8f7b7523b1ffe8",
"Name": "threat_intel_feed.json",
"SHA1": "53bf3e6075f407b53c95d5dd2197b9be0dfa5ced",
"SHA256": "f842e7f6795fba081f2046617fce662c050b5a3c64cac9501f23fa7576788429",
"SHA512": "27af66eefb1ed7227b4f8ec1c663ac8ef47660bb34ffd1d5853a7a58e25caec68615c2e66bfbd66577749faa889894e792f53cab70a826818b4d627ad02bbb04",
"SSDeep": "49152:dY0GiMq58ZVhOH+sZwFp+h/s0pH6VRRxIGFe7V3dCLtJ/W7H8nsIdL0E:u",
"Size": 8007799,
"Type": "ASCII text"


Manage a Threat identified by Abnormal Security

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
threat_idA UUID representing a threat campaign. Full list of threat IDs can be obtained by first running the command to list a threat.Required
actionAction to perform on threat.Required
mock-dataReturns test data if set to True.Optional

Context Output#

AbnormalSecurity.ThreatManageResults.action_idStringID of the action taken
AbnormalSecurity.ThreatManageResults.status_urlStringURL of the status of the action

Command Example#

!abnormal-security-manage-threat threat_id=xwvutsrq-9pon-mlkj-i876-54321hgfedcba action=remediate

Context Example#

"AbnormalSecurity": {
"ThreatManageResults": {
"action_id": "a33a212a-89ff-461f-be34-ea52aff44a73",
"status_url": ""

Human Readable Output#




Manage an Abnormal Case.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
case_idA string representing the email case. Can be retrieved by first running command to list cases.Required
actionAction to perform on case.Required
mock-dataReturns test data if set to True.Optional

Context Output#

AbnormalSecurity.CaseManageResults.action_idStringID of the action taken
AbnormalSecurity.CaseManageResults.status_urlStringURL of the status of the action

Command Example#

!abnormal-security-manage-abnormal-case case_id=12805 action=action_required

Context Example#

"AbnormalSecurity": {
"CaseManageResults": {
"action_id": "61e76395-40d3-4d78-b6a8-8b17634d0f5b",
"status_url": ""

Human Readable Output#




Provides the analysis and timeline details of a case

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
case_idA string representing the email case. Can be retrieved by first running command to list cases.Required
mock-dataReturns test data if set to True.Optional
subtenantSubtenant of the user (if applicable).Optional

Context Output#

AbnormalSecurity.CaseAnalysis.insights.signalStringInsight signal or highlight of a case
AbnormalSecurity.CaseAnalysis.insights.descriptionStringDescription of insight signal or highlight
AbnormalSecurity.CaseAnalysis.eventTimeline.event_timestampStringTime when event occurred
AbnormalSecurity.CaseAnalysis.eventTimeline.categoryStringType of event
AbnormalSecurity.CaseAnalysis.eventTimeline.titleStringTitle of the event
AbnormalSecurity.CaseAnalysis.eventTimeline.ip_addressStringIP Address where user accessed mail from
AbnormalSecurity.CaseAnalysis.eventTimeline.field_labelsUnknownAnalysis labels associated with the fields in the timeline event

Command Example#

!abnormal-security-get-case-analysis-and-timeline case_id=12345

Context Example#

"AbnormalSecurity": {
"CaseAnalysis": {
"eventTimeline": [
"category": "Risk Event",
"description": "Impossible Travel Event was observed for",
"event_timestamp": "2021-07-14T22:41:54Z",
"ip_address": "",
"location": {
"city": "Aldie",
"country": "US",
"state": "Virginia"
"prev_location": {
"city": "Atherton",
"country": "US",
"state": "California"
"title": "Impossible Travel"
"category": "Mail Rule",
"condition": "hasNoCondition",
"event_timestamp": "2021-07-14T22:41:54Z",
"flagging_detectors": "DELETE_ALL",
"rule_name": "Swag Voice Note",
"title": "Mail Rule Change"
"category": "Mail Sent",
"event_timestamp": "2021-07-14T22:41:54Z",
"recipient": "Recipient Name",
"sender": "",
"subject": "Spoof email subject",
"title": "Unusual Correspondence"
"application": "Microsoft Office 365 Portal",
"browser": "Chrome 79.0.3453",
"category": "Sign In",
"description": "Suspicious Failed Sign In Attempt for",
"device_trust_type": "None",
"event_timestamp": "2021-07-14T22:41:54Z",
"field_labels": {
"ip_address": ["rare", "proxy"],
"operating_system": ["legacy"]
"ip_address": "",
"isp": "NGCOM",
"location": {
"country": "Ireland"
"operating_system": "Windows XP",
"protocol": "Browser",
"title": "Suspicious Failed Sign In Attempt"
"insights": [
"description": "There was a signin into from a location frequently used to launch attacks.",
"signal": "Risky Location"

Human Readable Output#

Insights for 12345#

Risky LocationThere was a signin into from a location frequently used to launch attacks.

Event Timeline for#

2021-07-14T22:41:54ZRisk EventImpossible Travel127.0.0.1Impossible Travel Event was observed for Aldie
state: Virginia
country: US
Impossible Travel
2021-07-14T22:41:54ZMail RuleMail Rule ChangeMail Rule ChangeSwag Voice Note
2021-07-14T22:41:54ZMail SentUnusual Correspondencetest@lamronba.comSpoof email subjectUnusual Correspondence
2021-07-14T22:41:54ZSign InSuspicious Failed Sign In Attemptip_address: rare,
operating_system: legacy Failed Sign In Attempt for test@lamronba.comcountry: IrelandSuspicious Failed Sign In Attempt

[Deprecated] abnormal-security-submit-inquiry-to-request-a-report-on-misjudgement#

Submit an Inquiry to request a report on misjudgement by Abnormal Security

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
mock-dataReturns test data if set to True.Optional
reporterEmail of the reporter.Required
report_typeType of misjudgement reported.Required

Context Output#

AbnormalSecurity.SubmitInquiry.detailStringConfirmation of inquiry sent

Command Example#

!abnormal-security-submit-inquiry-to-request-a-report-on-misjudgement report_type=false-positive

Context Example#

"AbnormalSecurity": {
"SubmitInquiry": {
"detail": "Thank you for your feedback! We have sent your inquiry to our support staff."

Human Readable Output#


Thank you for your feedback! We have sent your inquiry to our support staff.


Submit a False Negative Report

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
sender_emailEmail address of the sender.Required
recipient_emailEmail address of the recipient.Required
subjectEmail subject.Required

Command Example#

!abnormal-security-submit-false-negative-report subject=hello

Human Readable Output#


Thank you for your feedback! We have sent your inquiry to our support staff.


Submit a False Positive Report

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
portal_linkURL link of threat log in abnormal security portalRequired

Command Example#

!abnormal-security-submit-false-positive-report portal_link=

Human Readable Output#


Thank you for your feedback! We have sent your inquiry to our support staff.


Get a list of vendors

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
page_sizeNumber of vendors that are on each page. Each page of data will have at most page_size vendors. Has no effect if filter is not specified.Optional
page_number1-indexed page number to get a particular page of vendors. Has no effect if filter is not specified.Optional

Context Output#

AbnormalSecurity.VendorsListUnknownList of vendors.
AbnormalSecurity.VendorsList.vendorDomainStringThe domain of the vendor.

Command Example#


Context Example#

"AbnormalSecurity": {
"VendorsList": [
"vendorDomain": ""
"vendorDomain": ""
"vendorDomain": ""

Human Readable Output#

List of Vendors#

Vendor Domains#



Get details of a vendor

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
vendor_domainThe domain name of the vendor in question. It should be formatted as a fully qualified domain name (e.g.,

Context Output#

AbnormalSecurity.VendorDetails.vendorDomainStringThe domain name of the vendor
AbnormalSecurity.VendorDetails.riskLevelStringThe risk level associated with the vendor.
AbnormalSecurity.VendorDetails.vendorContactsUnknownList of contacts related to the vendor.
AbnormalSecurity.VendorDetails.companyContactsUnknownList of contacts related to the company.
AbnormalSecurity.VendorDetails.vendorCountriesUnknownList of countries associated with the vendor.
AbnormalSecurity.VendorDetails.analysisUnknownList of analyses associated with the vendor.
AbnormalSecurity.VendorDetails.vendorIpAddressesUnknownList of IP addresses associated with the vendor.

Command Example#

!abnormal-security-get-vendor-details vendor_domain=""

Context Example#

"AbnormalSecurity": {
"VendorDetails": {
"vendorDomain": "",
"riskLevel": "High",
"vendorContacts": [""],
"companyContacts": ["", ""],
"vendorCountries": ["USA"],
"analysis": ["Vendor Compromise Seen in Abnormal Community"],
"vendorIpAddresses": ["192.158. 1.38"]

Human Readable Output#

Vendor Domain Details#

vendorDomainriskLevelvendorContactscompanyContactsvendorCountriesanalysisvendorIpAddresses, jane.doe@test-domain-2.comUSAVendor Compromise Seen in Abnormal Community192.158.1.38


<<<<<<< HEAD#

Get details of a vendor

52b3eaef7e (validating files)

Get details of a vendor

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
vendor_domainThe domain name of the vendor in question. It should be formatted as a fully qualified domain name (e.g.,

Context Output#

AbnormalSecurity.VendorActivity.eventTimelineUnknownEvent timeline for the vendor.
AbnormalSecurity.VendorActivity.eventTimeline.eventTimestampStringTimestamp of the event in the vendor's activity timeline.
AbnormalSecurity.VendorActivity.eventTimeline.eventTypeStringType of event in the vendor's activity timeline.
AbnormalSecurity.VendorActivity.eventTimeline.suspiciousDomainStringSuspicious domain involved in the event.
AbnormalSecurity.VendorActivity.eventTimeline.domainIpStringIP address of the suspicious domain.
AbnormalSecurity.VendorActivity.eventTimeline.ipGeolocationStringGeolocation of the IP address.
AbnormalSecurity.VendorActivity.eventTimeline.attackGoalStringThe goal of the attack.
AbnormalSecurity.VendorActivity.eventTimeline.actionTakenStringAction taken in response to the event.
AbnormalSecurity.VendorActivity.eventTimeline.hasEngagementBooleanIndicates whether the event involved any form of engagement.
AbnormalSecurity.VendorActivity.eventTimeline.recipientUnknownThe recipient targeted by the event, if applicable.
AbnormalSecurity.VendorActivity.eventTimeline.threatIdStringUnique identifier for the threat.

Command Example#

!abnormal-security-get-vendor-activity vendor_domain=""

Context Example#

"AbnormalSecurity": {
"VendorActivity": {
"eventTimeline": [
"eventTimestamp": "2023-07-28T16:20:05Z",
"eventType": "Federated Signal",
"suspiciousDomain": "",
"domainIp": "",
"ipGeolocation": null,
"attackGoal": "Spam",
"actionTaken": "Remediation Triggered",
"hasEngagement": false,
"recipient": "",
"threatId": "184712ab-6d8b-47b3-89d3-a314efef79e2"

Human Readable Output#

Vendor Activity#

2023-07-28T16:20:05ZFederated SignalSignal test@test-domain.com192.158.1.38nullSpamRemediation Triggeredfalsejane@doe.com184712ab-6d8b-47b3-89d3-a314efef79e2


Get a list of vendor cases

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
filterValue must be of the format filter={FILTER KEY} gte YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ lte YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. A {FILTER KEY} must be specified, and currently the only keys that are supported are firstObservedTime and lastModifiedTime. At least 1 of gte/lte must be specified, with a datetime string following the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format.Optional
page_sizeNumber of cases that are on each page.Optional
page_number1-indexed page number to get a particular page of cases.Optional

Context Output#

AbnormalSecurity.VendorCasesUnknownList of vendor cases.
AbnormalSecurity.VendorCases.vendorCaseIdNumberThe identifier of the vendor case.

Command Example#

!abnormal-security-list-vendor-cases filter="lastModifiedTime gte 2020-12-01T01:01:01Z"

Context Example#

"AbnormalSecurity": {
"VendorCases": [
"vendorCaseId": 123
"vendorCaseId": 456
"vendorCaseId": 789

Human Readable Output#

List of Cases#

Vendor Case IDs#



Get details of a vendor case

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
case_idA string representing the email case. Can be retrieved by first running command to list cases.Required
subtenantSubtenant of the user (if applicable).Optional

Context Output#

AbnormalSecurity.VendorCaseDetails.vendorCaseIdStringThe identifier of the vendor case.
AbnormalSecurity.VendorCaseDetails.vendorDomainStringThe vendor domain associated with the case.
AbnormalSecurity.VendorCaseDetails.firstObservedTimeStringThe time the vendor case was first observed.
AbnormalSecurity.VendorCaseDetails.lastModifiedTimeStringThe last time the vendor case was modified.
AbnormalSecurity.VendorCaseDetails.insightsUnknownList of insights related to the vendor case.
AbnormalSecurity.VendorCaseDetails.timelineUnknownTimeline of events related to the vendor case.

Command Example#

!abnormal-security-get-vendor-case-details case_id=123

Context Example#

"AbnormalSecurity": {
"AbnormalCaseDetails": {
"vendorCaseId": 123,
"vendorDomain": "",
"firstObservedTime": "2022-04-04T21:12:14Z",
"lastModifiedTime": "2022-04-05T14:40:11Z",
"insights": [
"highlight": "Inconsistent Sender Domain Registrars",
"description": "The suspicious sending domain, \"\", was registered in \"City, United States\" to \"unknown\" on 2022-02-07 with registrar \"ABCD\". The legitimate domain for \"\", was registered through \"Test, LLC\" in \"City, United States\" on 1999-12-02."
"highlight": "Look-a-like Sender Domain",
"description": "The sending domain of this message, \"\", is attempting to impersonate the legitimate domain of \"\"."
"highlight": "Young Sender Domain",
"description": "The sender domain \"\" was 65 days old when the first engagement in this case was observed, a suspicious signal for a financial email conversation."
"timeline": [
"eventTimestamp": "2022-04-04T21:12:14Z",
"senderAddress": "",
"recipientAddress": "",
"subject": "Important Notice",
"markedAs": "Malicious",
"threatId": 1234
"eventTimestamp": "2022-04-04T21:12:14Z",
"senderAddress": "",
"recipientAddress": "",
"subject": "Important Notice",
"markedAs": "Malicious",
"threatId": 12345

Human Readable Output#

Case Details#

123some-domain.com2022-04-04T21:12:14Z2022-04-05T14:40:11Z{"highlight": "Inconsistent Sender Domain Registrars","description": "The suspicious sending domain, \"\", was registered in \"City, United States\" to \"unknown\" on 2022-02-07 with registrar \"ABCD\". The legitimate domain for \"\", was registered through \"Test, LLC\" in \"City, United States\" on 1999-12-02."}...{"eventTimestamp": "2022-04-04T21:12:14Z","senderAddress": "","recipientAddress": "","subject": "Important Notice","markedAs": "Malicious","threatId": 123}..


Get a list of unanalyzed Abuse Mailbox campaigns

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
startThe start time for retrieving the list of unanalyzed abuse mailbox campaigns..Optional
endThe end time for retrieving the list of unanalyzed abuse mailbox campaigns.Optional

Context Output#

AbnormalSecurity.UnanalyzedAbuseCampaigns.results.abx_message_idNumberAn id which maps to an abuse campaign.
AbnormalSecurity.UnanalyzedAbuseCampaigns.results.recipient.nameStringThe name of the recipient.
AbnormalSecurity.UnanalyzedAbuseCampaigns.results.recipient.emailStringThe email address of the recipient.
AbnormalSecurity.UnanalyzedAbuseCampaigns.results.reported_datetimeStringThe datetime the report was made.
AbnormalSecurity.UnanalyzedAbuseCampaigns.results.reporter.emailStringThe email address of the reporter.
AbnormalSecurity.UnanalyzedAbuseCampaigns.results.reporter.nameStringThe name of the reporter.
AbnormalSecurity.UnanalyzedAbuseCampaigns.results.subjectStringThe subject of the message.
AbnormalSecurity.UnanalyzedAbuseCampaigns.results.not_analyzed_reasonStringThe reason the message was not analyzed.

Command Example#


Context Example#

"AbnormalSecurity": {
"AbuseCampaign": {
"results": [
"abx_message_id": 123456789,
"recipient": {
"name": "John Doe",
"email": ""
"reported_datetime": "2023-06-15T00:17:31Z",
"reporter": {
"email": "",
"name": "Support"
"subject": "URGENT",
"not_analyzed_reason": "INVALID_SUBMISSION"
"abx_message_id": 987654321,
"recipient": {
"name": "Jane Doe",
"email": ""
"reported_datetime": "2023-06-14T06:23:31Z",
"reporter": {
"email": "",
"name": "support"
"subject": "Hello",
"not_analyzed_reason": "INVALID_SUBMISSION"

Human Readable Output#

Unanalyzed Abuse Mailbox Campaigns#

123456789name: John Doe email: john.doe@some-domain.com2023-06-15T00:17:31Zemail : name: SupportURGENTINVALID_SUBMISSION