1Touch.io's Inventa Connector
Inventa Pack.#
This Integration is part of theSupported versions
Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 5.5.0 and later.
Use the Inventa integration to generate DSAR reports within Inventa instance and retrieve DSAR data for the XSOAR This integration was integrated and tested with version 2.8.0 of Inventa
Configure 1Touch.io's Inventa Connector in CortexParameter | Description | Required |
Your Inventa server URL | True | |
API Key | The API Key to use for connection | True |
Trust any certificate (not secure) | False | |
Use system proxy settings | False |
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
inventa-get-datasubjectsGet Data Subject full details
Base Commandinventa-get-datasubjects
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
national_id | National ID of a PII. | Optional |
passport_number | Passport Number of a PII. | Optional |
driver_license | Driver's License of a PII. | Optional |
tax_id | Tax ID of a PII. | Optional |
cc_number | Credit Card Number of a PII. | Optional |
given_name | Given Name of a PII. | Optional |
surname | Surname of a PII. | Optional |
full_name | Full Name of a PII. | Optional |
vehicle_number | Vehicle Number of a PII. | Optional |
phone_number | Phone Number of a PII. | Optional |
birthday | Birthday of a PII. | Optional |
city | City of Resdence of a PII. | Optional |
street_address | Street Address of a PII. | Optional |
Please note that all the arguments are optional, but they form a constraint which determines extraction of the right PII. Following combinations are treated as constraints:
- national_id
- passport_number
- driver_license
- tax_id
- cc_number
- given_name + vehicle_number
- given_name + phone_number
- given_name + surname + birthday
- given_name + surname + city + street_address
- full_name + birthday
- full_name + city + street_address
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Inventa.DataSubjects.dataSubjects.id | String | ID of a Data Subject |
Inventa.DataSubjects.dataSubjects.piis.id | String | ID of an Entity Type for the PII |
Inventa.DataSubjects.dataSubjects.piis.piiEntityType | String | Entity Type name for the PII |
Inventa.DataSubjects.dataSubjects.piis.piiEntityValue | String | Value of an Entity Type for the PII |
Inventa.DataSubjects.dataSubjects.piis.piiEntityValueNew | String | New Value of an Entity Type for the PII |
Inventa.DataSubjects.dataSubjects.piis.action | String | Action of an Entity Type for the PII |
Inventa.DataSubjects.total | String | Total number of PII Entities found for the PII |
Command Examples#
inventa-get-sourcesRetrieves data sources' details containing info about data subject
Base Commandinventa-get-sources
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
datasubject_id | ID of a datasubject within Inventa. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Inventa.Sources.sources.id | String | Id of a source containing info about data subject |
Inventa.Sources.sources.applianceName | String | Data sources conteining info related to a PII |
Inventa.Sources.sources.timestamp | String | Timestamp of a source containing info about data subject |
Inventa.Sources.sources.keyType | String | KeyType of a source containing info about data subject |
Inventa.Sources.sources.path | String | Path of a source containing info about data subject |
Inventa.Sources.sources.url | String | URL of a source containing info about data subject |
Inventa.Sources.sources.hostname | String | Hostname of a source containing info about data subject |
Inventa.Sources.sources.dbName | String | DB name of a source containing info about data subject |
Inventa.Sources.sources.vendor | String | Vendor of a source containing info about data subject |
Inventa.Sources.sources.type | String | Type of a source containing info about data subject |
Inventa.Sources.sources.context | String | Additional info on a source containing info about data subject |
Inventa.Sources.sources.entityTypes | String | Types of sensitive data stored in a source containing info about data subject |
Command Example!inventa-get-sources datasubject_id=123asd123
inventa-get-sources-piisRetrieves PII entities stored in data sources related to datasubject
Base Commandinventa-get-sources-piis
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
datasubject_id | ID of a datasubject within Inventa. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Inventa.Sources.piis | String | PII entity types in sources |
Command Example!inventa-get-sources-piis datasubject_id=123asd123
inventa-get-dsar-transactionsRetrieves data transactions' details containing info about data subject
Base Commandinventa-get-dsar-transactions
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
ticket_id | ID of a DSAR ticket within Inventa. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Inventa.DSAR.Transactions.transactions | String | List of data transactions |
Command Example!inventa-get-dsar-transactions ticket_id=3
inventa-get-dsar-filesRetrieves details of files contatining info about data subject
Base Commandinventa-get-dsar-files
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
ticket_id | ID of a DSAR ticket within Inventa. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Inventa.DSAR.Files.files | String | List of files containing info about data subject |
Command Example!inventa-get-dsar-files ticket_id=3
inventa-get-dsar-databasesRetrieves list of databases and tables containing info about data subject
Base Commandinventa-get-dsar-databases
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
ticket_id | ID of a DSAR ticket within Inventa. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Inventa.DSAR.DataBases.databases | String | List of datatables containing info about data subject |
Command Example!inventa-get-dsar-databases ticket_id=3
inventa-get-datasubject-detailsGet datasubject name and email
Base Commandinventa-get-datasubject-details
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
ticket_id | ID of a DSAR ticket within Inventa. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Inventa.DataSubject.name | String | Name of a data subject |
Inventa.DataSubject.email | String | Email address of a data subject |
Command Example!inventa-get-datasubject-details ticket_id = 3
inventa-get-dsar-dataassetsRetrieves list of data assets containing info about data subject
Base Commandinventa-get-dsar-dataassets
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
ticket_id | ID of a DSAR ticket within Inventa. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Inventa.DSAR.DataAssets.dataAssets | String | List of data assets containing info about data subject |
Command Exampleinventa-get-dsar-dataassets ticket_id=3
inventa-get-dsar-piisGet list of PII categories related to the data subject
Base Commandinventa-get-dsar-piis
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
ticket_id | ID of a DSAR ticket within Inventa. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Inventa.DSAR.piis | String | List of PII categories related to data subject |
Command Example!inventa-get-dsar-piis ticket_id=3
inventa-get-entitiesRetrieves list of PII entities described in Inventa
Base Commandinventa-get-entities
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Inventa.Entities.entity | String | List of PII entities described in Inventa |
Command Example!inventa-get-entities
inventa-get-datasubject-id-from-ticketRetrieves ID of a data subject from Inventa's DSAR ticket
Base Commandinventa-get-datasubject-id-from-ticket
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
ticket_id | ID of a DSAR ticket within Inventa. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Inventa.DataSubjects.datasubject_id | String | ID of a data subject within Inventa |
Command Example!inventa-get-datasubject-id-from-ticket ticket_id=3
inventa-get-datasubject-idRetrieves ID of a data subject from passed constraints
Base Commandinventa-get-datasubject-id
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
national_id | National ID of a PII. | Optional |
passport_number | Passport Number of a PII. | Optional |
driver_license | Driver's License of a PII. | Optional |
tax_id | Tax ID of a PII. | Optional |
cc_number | Credit Card Number of a PII. | Optional |
given_name | Given Name of a PII. | Optional |
surname | Surname of a PII. | Optional |
full_name | Full Name of a PII. | Optional |
vehicle_number | Vehicle Number of a PII. | Optional |
phone_number | Phone Number of a PII. | Optional |
birthday | Birthday of a PII. | Optional |
city | City of Resdence of a PII. | Optional |
street_address | Street Address of a PII. | Optional |
Please note that all the arguments are optional, but they form a constraint which determines extraction of the right PII. Following combinations are treated as constraints:
- national_id
- passport_number
- driver_license
- tax_id
- cc_number
- given_name + vehicle_number
- given_name + phone_number
- given_name + surname + birthday
- given_name + surname + city + street_address
- full_name + birthday
- full_name + city + street_address
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Inventa.DataSubjects.datasubject_id | String | ID of a data subject within Inventa |
Command Example#
inventa-create-ticketCreates Inventa ticket
Base Commandinventa-create-ticket
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
reason | Reason for DSAR report. | Required |
datasubject_id | ID of a data subject within Inventa. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Inventa.DataSubjects.Ticket.ticket_id | String | ID of a DSAR ticket, created within Inventa |
Command Example!inventa-create-ticket reason="test reason" datasubject_id=123asd456789
inventa-validate-incident-inputsValidates Incident inputs
Base Commandinventa-validate-incident-inputs
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Inventa.Incident.validated | Boolean | Whether inputs are valid |
Command Example!inventa-validate-incident-inputs