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Azure Data Explorer

This Integration is part of the Azure Data Explorer Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.0.0 and later.

Use the Azure Data Explorer integration to collect and analyze data inside Azure Data Explorer clusters, and to manage search queries. This integration was integrated and tested with version V1 of AzureDataExplorer.


In order to connect to the Azure Data Explorer using either Cortex XSOAR Azure App or the Self-Deployed Azure App, use one of the following methods:

  1. Authorization Code Flow (Recommended).
  2. Device Code Flow.
  3. Client Credentials Flow.

Self-Deployed Azure App#

To use a self-configured Azure application, you need to add a new Azure App Registration in the Azure Portal. To add the registration, refer to the following Microsoft article steps 1-8.

Required permissions#

  • Azure Data Explorer - permission user_impersonation of type Delegated.
  • Microsoft Graph - permission offline_access of type Delegated.

To add a permission:

  1. Navigate to Azure Poral > Home > App registrations.
  2. Search for your app under 'all applications'.
  3. Click API permissions > Add permission.
  4. Search for the specific Microsoft API and select the specific permission of type Delegated.

Authentication Using the Authorization Code Flow (recommended)#

  1. In the Authentication Type field, select the Authorization Code option.
  2. In the Application ID field, enter your Client/Application ID.
  3. In the Client Secret field, enter your Client Secret.
  4. In the Tenant ID field, enter your Tenant ID .
  5. In the Application redirect URI field, enter your Application redirect URI.
  6. Save the instance.
  7. Run the !azure-data-explorer-generate-login-url command in the War Room and follow the instruction.
  8. Save the instance.

Authentication Using the Device Code Flow#

Use the device code flow to link Azure Data Explorer with Cortex XSOAR.

  1. Fill in the required parameters.
  2. In the Authentication Type field, select the Device Code option.
  3. Run the !azure-data-explorer-auth-start command.
  4. Follow the instructions that appear.
  5. Run the !azure-data-explorer-auth-complete command.

At end of the process you'll see a message that you've logged in successfully.

Cortex XSOAR Azure App#

In order to use the Cortex XSOAR Azure application, use the default application ID (a9ce8db2-847a-46af-9bfb-725d8a8d3c53).

Authentication Using the Client Credentials Flow#

  1. Assign Azure roles using the Azure portal Microsoft article

    Note: In the Select members section, assign the application you created earlier.

  2. To configure a Microsoft integration that uses this authorization flow with a self-deployed Azure application: a. In the Authentication Type field, select the Client Credentials option. b. In the Application ID field, enter your Client/Application ID. e. In the Tenant ID field, enter your Tenant ID . f. In the Client Secret field, enter your Client Secret. g. Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection h. Save the instance.

Configure Azure Data Explorer in Cortex#

Cluster URL (e.g.
Application IDTrue
Client Activity PrefixA customized prefix of the client activity identifier for the query execution. For example, for a prefix value of 'XSOAR-DataExplorer', the client activity ID will be in the format of: 'XSOAR-DataExplorer;<UUID>'.True
Trust any certificate (not secure)False
Use system proxy settingsFalse
Authentication TypeType of authentication - could be Authorization Code Flow (recommended), Device Code Flow or Client Credentials Flow.False
Tenant IDFor Authorization Code or Client Credentials Flows.False
Client SecretFor Authorization Code or Client Credentials Flows.False
Application redirect URI (for Authorization Code mode)False
Authorization codefor Authorization Code mode - received from the authorization step. see Detailed Instructions (?) sectionFalse


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Execute a Kusto Query Language (KQL) query against the given database inside a cluster. The Kusto query is a read-only request to process data and return results. To learn more about KQL go to

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
queryKusto Query Language (KQL) search query to execute on given database.Required
database_nameThe name of the database to execute the query on.Required
timeoutThe timeout for the execution of the search query on the server side. The timeout is a float number in minutes that ranges from 0 to 60. Default is 5.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDataExplorer.SearchQueryResults.QueryStringThe executed query on the given database.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQueryResults.ClientActivityIDStringThe Client Activity ID. A unique identifier of the executed query.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQueryResults.PrimaryResultsUnknownThe results of the query execution.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQueryResults.DatabaseStringThe database against which the query will be executed.

Command Example#

!azure-data-explorer-search-query-execute database_name=Samples query="StormEvents| limit 1"

Context Example#

"AzureDataExplorer": {
"SearchQueryResults": {
"ClientActivityID": "XSOAR-DataExplorer;759d43a9-cdc1-4882-8f8b-3e8d8a703f1e",
"Database": "Samples",
"PrimaryResults": [
"BeginLat": 28.0393,
"BeginLocation": "MELBOURNE BEACH",
"BeginLon": -80.6048,
"DamageCrops": 0,
"DamageProperty": 0,
"DeathsDirect": 0,
"DeathsIndirect": 0,
"EndLat": 28.0393,
"EndLocation": "MELBOURNE BEACH",
"EndLon": -80.6048,
"EndTime": "2007-09-29T08:11:00",
"EpisodeId": 11091,
"EpisodeNarrative": "Showers and thunderstorms lingering along the coast produced waterspouts in Brevard County.",
"EventId": 61032,
"EventNarrative": "A waterspout formed in the Atlantic southeast of Melbourne Beach and briefly moved toward shore.",
"EventType": "Waterspout",
"InjuriesDirect": 0,
"InjuriesIndirect": 0,
"Source": "Trained Spotter",
"StartTime": "2007-09-29T08:11:00",
"StormSummary": {
"Details": {
"Description": "A waterspout formed in the Atlantic southeast of Melbourne Beach and briefly moved toward shore.",
"Location": "ATLANTIC SOUTH"
"EndTime": "2007-09-29T08:11:00.0000000Z",
"StartTime": "2007-09-29T08:11:00.0000000Z",
"TotalDamages": 0
"Query": "StormEvents| limit 1"

Human Readable Output#

Results of executing search query with client activity ID: XSOAR-DataExplorer;759d43a9-cdc1-4882-8f8b-3e8d8a703f1e#

Begin LatBegin LocationBegin LonDamage CropsDamage PropertyDeaths DirectDeaths IndirectEnd LatEnd LocationEnd LonEnd TimeEpisode IdEpisode NarrativeEvent IdEvent NarrativeEvent TypeInjuries DirectInjuries IndirectSourceStart TimeStateStorm Summary
28.0393MELBOURNE BEACH-80.6048000028.0393MELBOURNE BEACH-80.60482007-09-29T08:11:0011091Showers and thunderstorms lingering along the coast produced waterspouts in Brevard County.61032A waterspout formed in the Atlantic southeast of Melbourne Beach and briefly moved toward shore.Waterspout00Trained Spotter2007-09-29T08:11:00ATLANTIC SOUTHTotalDamages: 0
StartTime: 2007-09-29T08:11:00.0000000Z
EndTime: 2007-09-29T08:11:00.0000000Z
Details: {"Description": "A waterspout formed in the Atlantic southeast of Melbourne Beach and briefly moved toward shore.", "Location": "ATLANTIC SOUTH"}


List search queries that have reached a final state in the given database. A database admin or database monitor can see any command that was invoked on their database. Other users can only see queries that they themselves invoked.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
database_nameThe name of the database from which to list the completed search queries. .Required
client_activity_idThe client activity ID property of the search query. Use this value to get a specific search query.Optional
limitThe maximum number of completed queries to return. Default is 50.Optional
pageThe page number from which to start a search. Default is 1.Optional
page_sizeThe maximum number of completed queries to return per page. If this argument is not provided, an automatic pagination will be made according to the limit argument.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ClientActivityIdStringThe client activity ID. A unique identifier of the query execution.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.TextStringThe search query text.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.DatabaseStringThe name of the database that the search query is run on.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.StartedOnDateThe query execution start time in UTC.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.LastUpdatedOnDateThe last update time of the query.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.DurationDateThe search query runtime.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.StateStringThe search query state.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.RootActivityIdStringThe root activity ID.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.UserStringThe user who performed the query.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.FailureReasonStringThe reason for query failure.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.TotalCpuStringThe total CPU clock time (User mode + Kernel mode) consumed by this query.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.CacheStatistics.Memory.HitsNumberThe number of cache hits.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.CacheStatistics.Memory.MissesNumberThe number of cache misses.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.CacheStatistics.Disk.HitsNumberThe number of disk hits.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.CacheStatistics.Disk.MissesNumberThe number of disk misses.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.CacheStatistics.Shards.Hot.HitBytesNumberThe amount of data (in bytes) which was found in the hot data cache of the table's extents, during the search query execution.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.CacheStatistics.Shards.Hot.MissBytesNumberThe amount of data (in bytes) which was not found in the hot data cache of the table's extents, during the search query execution.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.CacheStatistics.Shards.Hot.RetrieveBytesNumberThe amount of data (in bytes) that was retrieved from hot data cache of the table's extents, during the search query execution.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.CacheStatistics.Shards.Cold.HitBytesNumberThe amount of data (in bytes) which was found in the cold data cache of the table's extents, during the search query execution.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.CacheStatistics.Shards.Cold.MissBytesNumberThe amount of data (in bytes) which was not found in the cold data cache of the table's extents, during the search query execution.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.CacheStatistics.Shards.Cold.RetrieveBytesNumberThe amount of data (in bytes) that was retrieved from cold data cache during the search query execution.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.CacheStatistics.Shards.BypassBytesNumberThe amount of data (in bytes) that was bypassed (reloaded) in the cache of the table's extents during the search query execution.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ApplicationStringThe application name that invoked the command.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.MemoryPeakNumberThe peak memory usage of the query execution.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ScannedExtentsStatistics.MinDataScannedTimeDateThe minimum data scan time.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ScannedExtentsStatistics.MaxDataScannedTimeDateThe maximum data scan time.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ScannedExtentsStatistics.TotalExtentsCountNumberThe total number of extents which were used during the query execution.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ScannedExtentsStatistics.ScannedExtentsCountNumberThe number of extents which were scanned during the query execution.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ScannedExtentsStatistics.TotalRowsCountNumberThe total row count of extents which were used during the query execution.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ScannedExtentsStatistics.ScannedRowsCountNumberThe number of scanned rows of an extent during query execution.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.PrincipalStringThe principal that invoked the query.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.SecurityTokenPresentBooleanWhether the security token is present in the request or not.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.AuthorizationSchemeStringThe authorization scheme.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.RequestHostNameStringThe hostname of the request.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.LocalClusterNameStringThe cluster name.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.OriginClusterNameStringThe origin cluster name.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.Options.api_versionStringThe API version.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.Options.request_readonlyBooleanWhether the request is read-only or not.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.Options.servertimeoutNumberThe server timeout value.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.Options.servertimeoutoriginStringThe server timeout origin.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.Options.query_datascopeNumberThe query datascope.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.Options.query_fanout_nodes_percentNumberThe percentage of the query nodes in the cluster to use per subquery distribution operation.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.Options.query_fanout_threads_percentNumberThe percentage of CPUs the cluster will assign on each node.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.Options.maxmemoryconsumptionperiteratorNumberThe maximum amount of memory that a single query plan result set iterator can hold.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.Options.max_memory_consumption_per_query_per_nodeNumberThe maximum amount of memory that can be used on a single node for a specific query.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.Options.truncationmaxsizeNumberThe maximum overall data size returned by the query, in bytes.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.Options.truncationmaxrecordsNumberThe maximum number of records returned by the query.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ResultSetStatistics.TableCountNumberThe number of tables that were retrieved following search query execution.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ResultSetStatistics.TablesStatistics.RowCountNumberThe row count of the table retrieved following search query execution.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.ResultSetStatistics.TablesStatistics.TableSizeNumberThe total size in bytes of the table retrieved following search query execution.
AzureDataExplorer.SearchQuery.WorkloadGroupStringThe workload group which the query was assigned to. The query is executed using the policies assigned to the workload group. There are two pre-defined workload groups (internal and default) and up to 10 custom workload groups which may be defined at the cluster level.

Command Example#

!azure-data-explorer-search-query-list database_name=Samples limit=1

Context Example#

"AzureDataExplorer": {
"SearchQuery": {
"Application": "KusWeb",
"CacheStatistics": {
"Disk": {
"Hits": 0,
"Misses": 0
"Memory": {
"Hits": 0,
"Misses": 0
"Shards": {
"BypassBytes": 0,
"Cold": {
"HitBytes": 0,
"MissBytes": 0,
"RetrieveBytes": 0
"Hot": {
"HitBytes": 0,
"MissBytes": 0,
"RetrieveBytes": 0
"ClientActivityId": "KustoWebV2;f1be2c7e-f810-437b-a1f8-f8bbbedf238d",
"ClientRequestProperties": {
"AuthorizationScheme": "Bearer",
"LocalClusterName": "",
"Options": {
"api_version": "v2",
"max_memory_consumption_per_query_per_node": 2000000000,
"maxmemoryconsumptionperiterator": 5368709120,
"query_datascope": 1,
"query_fanout_nodes_percent": 100,
"query_fanout_threads_percent": 100,
"query_language": "csl",
"queryconsistency": "strongconsistency",
"request_app_name": "KusWeb",
"request_readonly": true,
"request_readonly_hardline": false,
"servertimeout": 600000000,
"truncationmaxrecords": 500000,
"truncationmaxsize": 67108864
"OriginClusterName": "",
"RequestHostName": "",
"SecurityTokenPresent": true
"Database": "Samples",
"Duration": "0:00:00",
"FailureReason": "[none]",
"LastUpdatedOn": "2021-11-24T15:15:27",
"MemoryPeak": 0,
"Principal": "aaduser=xxx-xxxx-xxxx",
"ResultSetStatistics": {
"TableCount": 2,
"TablesStatistics": [
"RowCount": 0,
"TableSize": 0
"RowCount": 2,
"TableSize": 1244
"RootActivityId": "2b9e0ec8-f6b0-407e-90b6-68eba3777564",
"ScannedExtentsStatistics": {
"MaxDataScannedTime": null,
"MinDataScannedTime": null,
"ScannedExtentsCount": 0,
"ScannedRowsCount": 0,
"TotalExtentsCount": 0,
"TotalRowsCount": 0
"StartedOn": "2021-11-24T15:15:27",
"State": "Completed",
"Text": "set notruncation;\nCovid19",
"TotalCpu": "0:00:00",
"User": "",
"WorkloadGroup": "default"

Human Readable Output#

List of Completed Search Queries#

Showing 0 to 1 records out of 134.

Client Activity IdUserTextDatabaseStarted OnLast Updated OnState
KustoWebV2;f1be2c7e-f810-437b-a1f8-f8bbbedf238ddataExplorer@qmasterslabgmail.onmicrosoft.comset notruncation;


List currently executing search queries in the given database. A database admin or database monitor can see any search query that was invoked on their database. Other users can only see search queries that they themselves invoked.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
database_nameThe database name.Required
client_activity_idThe client activity ID property of the search query. Use this to get a specific running search query.Optional
limitThe maximum number of running queries to return. Default is 50.Optional
pageThe page number from which to start a search. Default is 1.Optional
page_sizeThe maximum number of running queries to return per page. If this argument is not provided, an automatic pagination will be made according to the limit argument.Optional

Context Output#

AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.ClientActivityIdStringThe client activity ID. A unique identifier of the query execution.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.TextStringThe search query text.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.DatabaseStringThe name of the database that the search query is run on.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.StartedOnDateThe query execution start time in UTC.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.LastUpdatedOnStringThe last update time of the query.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.DurationDateThe search query runtime duration.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.StateStringThe search query state.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.RootActivityIdStringThe root activity ID.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.UserStringThe user who performed the query.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.FailureReasonStringThe reason for query failure.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.TotalCpuStringThe total CPU clock time (User mode + Kernel mode) consumed by this query.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.CacheStatisticsUnknownThe cache statistics.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.ApplicationStringThe application name that invoked the command.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.MemoryPeakNumberThe peak memory usage of the running query execution.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.ScannedExtentsStatisticsUnknownThe scanned extent count.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.PrincipalStringThe principal that invoked the query.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.SecurityTokenPresentBooleanWhether the security token is present in the request or not.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.AuthorizationSchemeStringThe authorization scheme.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.RequestHostNameStringThe hostname of the request.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.LocalClusterNameStringThe cluster name.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.OriginClusterNameStringThe origin cluster name.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.Options.api_versionStringThe API version.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.Options.request_readonlyBooleanWhether the request is read-only or not.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.Options.servertimeoutNumberThe server timeout value.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.Options.servertimeoutoriginStringThe server timeout origin.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.Options.query_datascopeNumberThe query datascope.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.Options.query_fanout_nodes_percentNumberThe percentage of the query nodes in the cluster to use per subquery distribution operation.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.Options.query_fanout_threads_percentNumberThe percentage of CPUs the cluster will assign on each node.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.Options.maxmemoryconsumptionperiteratorNumberThe maximum amount of memory that a single query plan result set iterator can hold.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.Options.max_memory_consumption_per_query_per_nodeNumberThe maximum amount of memory that can be used on a single node for a specific query.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.Options.truncationmaxsizeNumberThe maximum overall data size returned by the query, in bytes.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.ClientRequestProperties.Options.truncationmaxrecordsNumberThe maximum number of records returned by the query.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.ResultSetStatisticsUnknownThe result set statistics.
AzureDataExplorer.RunningSearchQuery.WorkloadGroupStringThe workload group.

Command Example#

!azure-data-explorer-running-search-query-list database_name=Samples limit=1

Context Example#

"AzureDataExplorer": {
"RunningSearchQuery": {
"Application": "KusWeb",
"CacheStatistics": "null",
"ClientActivityId": "KustoWebV2;c6ff3e99-d2cb-4a3e-ab05-955ae383a7c6",
"ClientRequestProperties": "{\"SecurityTokenPresent\":true,\"AuthorizationScheme\":\"Bearer\",\"RequestHostName\":\"\",\"LocalClusterName\":\"\",\"OriginClusterName\":\"\",\"Options\":{\"servertimeout\":600000000,\"queryconsistency\":\"strongconsistency\",\"query_language\":\"csl\",\"request_readonly\":true,\"request_readonly_hardline\":false,\"api_version\":\"v2\",\"request_app_name\":\"KusWeb\",\"query_datascope\":1,\"query_fanout_nodes_percent\":100,\"query_fanout_threads_percent\":100,\"maxmemoryconsumptionperiterator\":5368709120,\"max_memory_consumption_per_query_per_node\":2000000000,\"truncationmaxsize\":67108864,\"truncationmaxrecords\":500000}}",
"Database": "Samples",
"Duration": "0:00:00",
"FailureReason": "",
"LastUpdatedOn": "2021-11-24T15:16:34",
"MemoryPeak": 0,
"Principal": "aaduser=xxx-xxxx-xxxx",
"ResultSetStatistics": "null",
"RootActivityId": "c8233607-30a9-4cc0-9c54-ec716e5fc246",
"ScannedExtentsStatistics": "null",
"StartedOn": "2021-11-24T15:16:34",
"State": "InProgress",
"Text": "set notruncation;\nCovid19_Bing",
"TotalCpu": "0:00:00",
"User": "",
"WorkloadGroup": "default"

Human Readable Output#

List of Currently running Search Queries#

Showing 0 to 1 records out of 2.

Client Activity IdUserTextDatabaseStarted OnLast Updated OnState
KustoWebV2;c6ff3e99-d2cb-4a3e-ab05-955ae383a7c6dataExplorer@qmasterslabgmail.onmicrosoft.comset notruncation;


Starts a best-effort attempt to cancel a specific running search query in the specified database.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
client_activity_idThe client activity ID of the query to delete.Required
database_nameThe database name.Required
reasonThe reason for canceling the running query. .Optional

Context Output#

AzureDataExplorer.CanceledSearchQuery.RunningQueryCanceledBooleanWhether the query was successfully canceled or not.
AzureDataExplorer.CanceledSearchQuery.ClientRequestIdStringThe client activity ID of the cancelled query.
AzureDataExplorer.CanceledSearchQuery.ReasonPhraseStringThe reason for canceling the running query.

Command Example#

!azure-data-explorer-running-search-query-cancel database_name=Samples client_activity_id=xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx

Context Example#

"AzureDataExplorer": {
"CanceledSearchQuery": {
"ClientRequestId": "xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx",
"ReasonPhrase": "None",
"RunningQueryCanceled": false

Human Readable Output#

Canceled Search Query xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx#

Client Request IdReason PhraseRunning Query Canceled


Run this command to start the authorization process and follow the instructions in the command results.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Run this command to complete the authorization process. This should be used after running the azure-data-explorer-auth-start command.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Run this command if for some reason you need to rerun the authentication process.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Run this command to test the connectivity to Azure Data Explorer.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Generate the login url used for Authorization code flow.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#


Human Readable Output#

Authorization instructions#

  1. Click on the login URL to sign in and grant Cortex XSOAR permissions for your Azure Service Management. You will be automatically redirected to a link with the following structure: REDIRECT_URI?code=AUTH_CODE&session_state=SESSION_STATE
  2. Copy the AUTH_CODE (without the code= prefix, and the session_state parameter) and paste it in your instance configuration under the Authorization code parameter.