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Microsoft Defender for Cloud

This Integration is part of the Microsoft Defender for Cloud Pack.#

Unified security management and advanced threat protection across hybrid cloud workloads. For more information see Azure Security Center documentation

Use Case#

With Security Center, you can apply security policies across your workloads, limit your exposure to threats, and detect and respond to attacks.


For more details about the authentication used in this integration, see Microsoft Integrations - Authentication .

  • After authorizing the Demisto app, you will get an ID, Token, and Key, which should be inserted in the integration instance configuration's corresponding fields. After giving consent, the application has to have a role assigned so it can access the relevant resources per subscription.
  • In order to assign a role to the application after consent was given:
    • Go to the Azure Portal UI.
    • Go to Subscriptions, and then Access Control (IAM).
    • Click Add.
    • Select a role that includes the following permissions:
      • Microsoft.Security/locations/read
      • Microsoft.Security/alerts/read
      • Microsoft.Security/locations/alerts/read
      • Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/read
      • Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/read
      • Microsoft.Security/advancedThreatProtectionSettings/*
      • Microsoft.Security/informationProtectionPolicies/read
      • Microsoft.Security/locations/jitNetworkAccessPolicies/*
      • Microsoft.Security/locations/jitNetworkAccessPolicies/initiate/action
    • Select the Azure Security Center application.

Configure Azure Security Center v2 on Cortex XSOAR#

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations  > Servers & Services.
  2. Search for Azure Security Center v2.
  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.
    • Name: a textual name for the integration instance.
    • Microsoft Azure Management URL
    • ID (received from the admin consent - see Detailed Instructions (?)
    • Token (received from the admin consent - see Detailed Instructions (?) section)
    • Key (received from the admin consent - see Detailed Instructions (?)
    • Trust any certificate (not secure)
    • Use system proxy settings
    • Default subscription ID to use
  4. Click Test to validate the new instance.


Subscription ID#

Some commands require a subscription ID parameter in order to run. You can find your organization's subscriptions list in the Microsoft Azure Portal > Subscriptions or by running the azure-list-subscriptions command.

You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.

  1. azure-sc-list-alert
  2. azure-sc-update-atp
  3. azure-sc-get-atp
  4. azure-sc-update-aps
  5. azure-sc-get-aps
  6. azure-sc-list-aps
  7. azure-sc-list-jit
  8. azure-sc-list-storage
  9. azure-list-subscriptions
  10. azure-sc-list-location
  11. azure-sc-get-alert
  12. azure-get-secure-score

1. azure-sc-list-alert#

Lists alerts for the subscription according to the specified filters.

Require Subscription ID

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group within the user's subscription. The name is case insensitive.Optional
asc_locationThe location where Azure Security Center stores the data of the subscription. Run the 'azure-sc-list-location' command to get the ascLocation. This command requires the resourceGroupName argument.Optional
filterOData filterOptional
selectOData selectOptional
expandOData expandOptional
subscription_idSubscription ID to use. Can be retrieved from the azure-sc-list-subscriptions command. If not specified, the default subscripton ID will be used.Optional
Context Output#
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.AlertDisplayNamestringAlert display name
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.CompromisedEntitystringThe entity on which the incident occurred
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.DetectedTimeUtcdateTime the vendor detected the incident
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.ReportedSeveritystringEstimated severity of this alert
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.StatestringAlert state (Active, Dismissed, etc.)
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.IDstringAlert ID
Command Example#


Context Example#
"AzureSecurityCenter.Alert": [
"ActionTaken": "Undefined",
"CompromisedEntity": "alerts",
"Description": "Azure security center has detected incoming traffic from IP addresses, which have been identified as IP addresses that should be blocked by the Adaptive Network Hardening control",
"DetectedTime": "2019-10-27T00:00:00Z",
"DisplayName": "Traffic from unrecommended IP addresses was detected",
"ID": "2518301663999999999_d1521d81-f4c1-40ae-b224-01456637790c",
"ReportedSeverity": "Information",
"State": "Active"
Human Readable Output#

Azure Security Center - List Alerts#

Traffic from unrecommended IP addresses was detectedalerts2019-10-27T00:00:00ZInformationActiveUndefinedAzure security center has detected incoming traffic from IP addresses, which have been identified as IP addresses that should be blocked by the Adaptive Network Hardening control2518301663999999999_d1521d81-f4c1-40ae-b224-01456637790c

2. azure-sc-update-atp#

Updates Advanced Threat Detection settings.

Require Subscription ID

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
resource_group_nameResource group nameRequired
setting_nameName of the Advanced Threat Detection setting, default is 'current'.Optional
storage_accountStorage name in your Azure accountRequired
is_enabledIndicates whether Advanced Threat Protection is enabled.Required
subscription_idSubscription ID to use. Can be retrieved from the azure-sc-list-subscriptions command. If not specified, the default subscripton ID will be used.Optional
Context Output#
AzureSecurityCenter.AdvancedThreatProtection.IDstringResource ID
AzureSecurityCenter.AdvancedThreatProtection.NamestringResource Name
AzureSecurityCenter.AdvancedThreatProtection.IsEnabledstringIndicates whether Advanced Threat Protection is enabled
Command Example#

!azure-sc-update-atp resource_group_name=recouce_name

3. azure-sc-get-atp#

Returns the Advanced Threat Protection setting.

Require Subscription ID

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
resource_group_nameName of the resource group.Required
setting_nameName of Advanced Threat Detection setting, default setting's name is 'current'.Optional
storage_accountName of a storage in your azure account.Required
subscription_idSubscription ID to use. Can be retrieved from the azure-sc-list-subscriptions command. If not specified, the default subscripton ID will be used.Optional
Context Output#
AzureSecurityCenter.AdvancedThreatProtection.IDstringResource ID
AzureSecurityCenter.AdvancedThreatProtection.NamestringResource name
AzureSecurityCenter.AdvancedThreatProtection.IsEnabledstringIndicates whether Advanced Threat Protection is enabled
Command Example#

!azure-sc-get-atp resource_group_name=resource_group storage_account=st_acc1

4. azure-sc-update-aps#

Updates a specific auto provisioning setting.

Require Subscription ID

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
setting_nameName of the auto provisioning setting, default setting's name is 'default'Required
auto_provisionDescribes the type of security agent provisioning action to take (On or Off)Required
subscription_idSubscription ID to use. Can be retrieved from the azure-sc-list-subscriptions command. If not specified, the default subscripton ID will be used.Optional
Context Output#
AzureSecurityCenter.AutoProvisioningSetting.NamestringSetting display name
AzureSecurityCenter.AutoProvisioningSetting.AutoProvisionstringDisplay the type of security agent provisioning action to take (On or Off)
AzureSecurityCenter.AutoProvisioningSetting.IDstringSetting resource ID
Command Example#

!azure-sc-update-aps setting_name=default auto_provision=Off

Context Example#
"AzureSecurityCenter.AutoProvisioningSetting": [
"AutoProvision": null,
"ID": "/subscriptions/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx/providers/Microsoft.Security/autoProvisioningSettings/default",
"Name": "default"
Human Readable Output#

Azure Security Center - Update Auto Provisioning Setting#


5. azure-sc-get-aps#

Returns details of a specific auto provisioning setting.

Require Subscription ID

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
setting_nameName of the auto provisioning settingRequired
subscription_idSubscription ID to use. Can be retrieved from the azure-sc-list-subscriptions command. If not specified, the default subscripton ID will be used.Optional
Context Output#
AzureSecurityCenter.AutoProvisioningSetting.NamestringSetting display name
AzureSecurityCenter.AutoProvisioningSetting.AutoProvisionstringDisplay the type of security agent provisioning action to take (On or Off)
AzureSecurityCenter.AutoProvisioningSetting.IDstringSet resource ID
Command Example#

!azure-sc-get-aps setting_name=default

Context Example#
"AzureSecurityCenter.AutoProvisioningSetting": [
"AutoProvision": "Off",
"ID": "/subscriptions/0xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx/providers/Microsoft.Security/autoProvisioningSettings/default",
"Name": "default"
Human Readable Output#

Azure Security Center - Get Auto Provisioning Setting#


6. azure-sc-list-aps#

Lists auto provisioning settings in the subscription.

Require Subscription ID

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
subscription_idSubscription ID to use. Can be retrieved from the azure-sc-list-subscriptions command. If not specified, the default subscripton ID will be used.Optional
Context Output#
AzureSecurityCenter.AutoProvisioningSetting.NamestringSetting display name
AzureSecurityCenter.AutoProvisioningSetting.AutoProvisionstringDisplay the type of security agent provisioning action to take (On or Off)
AzureSecurityCenter.AutoProvisioningSetting.IDstringSetting resource ID
Command Example#


Context Example#
"AzureSecurityCenter.AutoProvisioningSetting": [
"AutoProvision": "Off",
"ID": "/subscriptions/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx/providers/Microsoft.Security/autoProvisioningSettings/default",
"Name": "default"
Human Readable Output#

Azure Security Center - List Auto Provisioning Settings#


7. azure-sc-list-jit#

Lists all policies for protecting resources using Just-in-Time access control.

Require Subscription ID

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asc_locationThe location where Azure Security Center stores the data of the subscription. Run the 'azure-sc-list-location' command to get the asc_location.Optional
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group within the user's subscription. The name is case insensitive.Optional
subscription_idSubscription ID to use. Can be retrieved from the azure-sc-list-subscriptions command. If not specified, the default subscripton ID will be used.Optional
Context Output#
AzureSecurityCenter.JITPolicy.NamestringPoliyc display name
AzureSecurityCenter.JITPolicy.RulesstringCSV list of access rules for Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines resource, in the format (VMName: allowPort1,...)
AzureSecurityCenter.JITPolicy.LocationstringLocation where the resource is stored
AzureSecurityCenter.JITPolicy.KindstringPolicy resource type
Command Example#


8. azure-sc-list-storage#

Lists all the storage accounts available under the subscription.

Require Subscription ID

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
subscription_idSubscription ID to use. Can be retrieved from the azure-sc-list-subscriptions command. If not specified, the default subscripton ID will be used.Optional
Context Output#
AzureSecurityCenter.Storage.NamestringName of the storage account
AzureSecurityCenter.Storage.ResourceGroupNamestringNames of the attached resource group
AzureSecurityCenter.Storage.LocationstringThe geo-location where the resource resides
Command Example#


Context Example#
"AzureSecurityCenter.Storage": [
"ID": "/subscriptions/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx/resourceGroups/cloud-shell-storage-eastus/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/cs20f907ea4bc8bx4c11x9d7",
"Location": "eastus",
"Name": "cs20f907ea4bc8bx4c11x9d7",
"ResourceGroupName": "cloud-shell-storage-eastus"
Human Readable Output#

Azure Security Center - List Storage Accounts#


9. azure-list-subscriptions#

List available subscriptions for this application.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#
Azure.Subscription.IDStringSubscription ID
Azure.Subscription.NameStringSubscription Name
Azure.Subscription.EnabledStringSubscription state
Command Example#


Context Example#
"Azure.Subscription": [
"ID": "/subscriptions/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx",
"Name": "Pay-As-You-Go",
"State": "Enabled"
Human Readable Output#

Azure Security Center - Subscriptions#


List of Subscriptions#


10. azure-sc-list-location#

The location of the responsible ASC of the specific subscription. For each subscription there is only one responsible location.

Require Subscription ID

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There are no context output for this command.

Command Example#


Context Example#
"AzureSecurityCenter.Location": [
"HomeRegionName": "centralus",
"ID": "/subscriptions/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx/providers/Microsoft.Security/locations/centralus",
"Name": "centralus"
Human Readable Output#

Azure Security Center - List Locations#


11. azure-sc-get-alert#

Get an alert that is associated a resource group or a subscription.

Require Subscription ID

Base Command#


Argument NameDescriptionRequired
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group within the user's subscription. The name is case insensitive.Optional
asc_locationThe location where Azure Security Center stores the data of the subscription. Run the 'azure-sc-list-location' command to get the ascLocation. This command requires the resourceGroupName argument.Required
alert_idThe alert ID.Optional
Context Output#
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.DisplayNamestringThe display name of the alert.
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.CompromisedEntitystringThe entity on which the incident occurred.
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.DetectedTimedateThe time the vendor detected the incident.
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.ReportedTimedateThe time the incident was reported to Microsoft.Security, in UTC.
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.ReportedSeveritystringThe estimated severity of the alert.
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.StatestringThe alert state (Active, Dismissed, etc.).
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.ConfidenceScorestringLevel of confidence for the alert.
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.ActionTakenstringThe action that was taken as a response to the alert (Active, Blocked etc.).
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.CanBeInvestigatedstringWhether this alert can be investigated using Azure Security Center.
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.RemediationStepsstringRecommended steps to remediate the incident.
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.VendorNamestringName of the vendor that discovered the incident.
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.AssociatedResourcestringAzure resource ID of the associated resource.
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.AlertNamestringName of the alert type.
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.InstanceIDstringInstance ID of the alert.
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.IDstringThe alert ID.
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.SubscriptionIDstringAzure subscription ID of the resource that had the security alert or the subscription ID of the workspace that this resource reports to.
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.DescriptionstringDescription and explanation of the incident.
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.ExtendedPropertiesstringChanging set of properties depending on the alert type.
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.EntitiesstringObjects that are related to the alert.
Command Example#

!azure-sc-get-alert asc_location="location" alert_id="alert_id"

Additional Information#

For more information regarding roles, see the microsoft documentation.

12. azure-get-secure-score#

Retrieve the Secure Score for the provided subscription and score name

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
secure_score_namedescription. Possible values are: . Default is ascScore.Optional
subscription_idThe subscription ID to use. Can be retrieved from the azure-sc-list-subscriptions command. If not specified, the default subscription ID is used. Possible values are: .Optional

Context Output#

Azure.Securescore.displayNameStringThe initiative’s name.
Azure.Securescore.score.maxStringThe max score of the Securescore.
Azure.Securescore.score.currentStringThe current score of the Securescore.
Azure.Securescore.score.percentageStringThe Ratio of the current score divided by the maximum.
Azure.Securescore.weightStringThe relative weight for each subscription.

Command Example#


Context Example#

"Azure": {
"Securescore": {
"displayName": "ASC score",
"score": {
"current": 14.51,
"max": 58,
"percentage": 0.2502
"weight": 199

Human Readable Output#

Azure Security Center - Secure Score#

ASC scoremax: 58
current: 14.51
percentage: 0.2502

13. azure-sc-update-alert#

Update an alert's state.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
resource_group_nameThe name of the resource group within the user's subscription. The name is case insensitive.Optional
asc_locationThe location where Azure Security Center stores the data of the subscription. Run the 'azure-sc-list-location' command to get the ascLocation. This command requires the resourceGroupName argument.Required
alert_idThe alert ID.Required
subscription_idThe subscription ID to use. Can be retrieved from the azure-sc-list-subscriptions command. If not specified, the default subscription ID is used.Optional
alert_update_action_typeThe update action type. Possible values are: dismiss.Required

Context Output#

AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.ActionTakenstringThe action that was taken on the alert.
AzureSecurityCenter.Alert.IDstringThe alert ID.


Run this command if for some reason you need to rerun the authentication process.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


List all resource groups for a subscription.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
subscription_idThe subscription ID to use. Can be retrieved from the azure-sc-list-subscriptions command. If not specified, the default subscription ID is used.Optional
limitLimit on the number of resource groups to return. Default is 50.Optional
tagA single tag in the form of '{"Tag Name":"Tag Value"}' to filter the list by.Optional

Context Output#

Azure.ResourceGroupName.nameStringResource group name.
Azure.ResourceGroupName.locationStringResource group location.
Azure.ResourceGroupName.tagsUnknownResource group tags. group provisioning state.