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This Integration is part of the Cohesity Helios Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.0.0 and later.

Integrate with Cohesity Helios services to fetch alerts and take remedial action. This integration was integrated and tested with version 08.01 of CohesityHelios.

Configure CohesityHelios in Cortex#

Your server URLTrue
API KeyThe API Key to use for connectionTrue
Trust any certificate (not secure)Trust any certificate (not secure).False
Use system proxy settingsUse system proxy settings.False
Incident typeFalse
Maximum number of incidents to fetch every timeTrue
First fetch timestampFalse
Fetch incidentsFalse
Incidents Fetch IntervalFalse


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Get Cohesity Helios ransomware alerts.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
created_afterReturns only alerts created after the provided timestamp (ISO8601 format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ).Optional
created_beforeReturns only alerts created before the provided timestamp (ISO8601 format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ).Optional
limitLimits the number of alerts to return. Default is 200.Optional
alert_id_listList of comma-separated alert identifiers to filter alerts.Optional
cluster_id_listList of comma-separated cluster identifiers to filter alerts.Optional
region_id_listList of comma-separated region identifiers to filter alerts.Optional
alert_state_listOne or more state values. Possible values are: kOpen, kSuppressed, kResolved, kNote. Default is kOpen.Optional
alert_severity_listOne or more severity levels. Possible values are: kCritical, kWarning, kInfo. Default is kCritical,kWarning.Optional

Context Output#

CohesityHelios.RansomwareAlert.alert_idStringIdentifier for the ransomware alert.
CohesityHelios.RansomwareAlert.occurrence_timeDateName of the detected anomalous object.
CohesityHelios.RansomwareAlert.severityStringSeverity of the ransomware alert.
CohesityHelios.RansomwareAlert.alert_descriptionStringDescription for the ransomware alert.
CohesityHelios.RansomwareAlert.alert_causeStringCause for the ransomware alert.
CohesityHelios.RansomwareAlert.anomalous_object_nameStringName of the detected anomalous object.
CohesityHelios.RansomwareAlert.anomalous_object_envStringEnv of the detected anomalous object.
CohesityHelios.RansomwareAlert.anomaly_strengthNumberStrength of the detected ransomware alert.

Command Example#

!cohesity-helios-get-ransomware-alerts created_after=2021-09-26T created_before=2021-09-230T limit=2 alert_severity_list=kCritical,kInfo

Context Example#

"CohesityHelios": {
"RansomwareAlert": [
"alert_cause": "The recent protection run of Protection Group testSimJobCWWMwith job id 24248 has dramatic changes in the composition of files, which is a significant deviation from the previously observed protection runs",
"alert_description": "Anomalous change in file system detected on pankajk-ubuntu18-06, a symptom of potential ransomware attack on your primary environment",
"alert_id": "9346668452014081:1632849269030240",
"anomalous_object_env": "kVMware",
"anomalous_object_name": "pankajk-ubuntu18-06",
"anomaly_strength": "66",
"occurrence_time": "2021-09-28T17:14:29Z",
"severity": "kCritical"
"alert_cause": "The recent protection run of Protection Group testSimJobBTYAwith job id 24229 has dramatic changes in the composition of files, which is a significant deviation from the previously observed protection runs",
"alert_description": "Anomalous change in file system detected on pankajk-ubuntu18-05, a symptom of potential ransomware attack on your primary environment",
"alert_id": "2122491972847952:1632848348897740",
"anomalous_object_env": "kVMware",
"anomalous_object_name": "pankajk-ubuntu18-05",
"anomaly_strength": "63",
"occurrence_time": "2021-09-28T16:59:08Z",
"severity": "kCritical"

Human Readable Output#

Cohesity Helios Ransomware Alerts#

Alert IdAlert DescriptionAlert CauseAnomalous Object EnvAnomalous Object NameAnomaly Strength
9346668452014081:1632849269030240Anomalous change in file system detected on pankajk-ubuntu18-06, a symptom of potential ransomware attack on your primary environmentThe recent protection run of Protection Group testSimJobCWWMwith job id 24248 has dramatic changes in the composition of files, which is a significant deviation from the previously observed protection runskVMwarepankajk-ubuntu18-0666
2122491972847952:1632848348897740Anomalous change in file system detected on pankajk-ubuntu18-05, a symptom of potential ransomware attack on your primary environmentThe recent protection run of Protection Group testSimJobBTYAwith job id 24229 has dramatic changes in the composition of files, which is a significant deviation from the previously observed protection runskVMwarepankajk-ubuntu18-0563


Ignore detected anomalous object.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
object_nameAnomalous object name to be ignored. Can be retrieved by running the command cohesity-helios-get-ransomware-alerts.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!cohesity-helios-ignore-anomalous-object object_name=pankajk-ubuntu18-02

Human Readable Output#

Ignored object pankajk-ubuntu18-02


Restore the latest clean snapshot for the given object.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
object_nameAnomalous object name to be restored. Can be retrieved by running the command cohesity-helios-get-ransomware-alerts.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!cohesity-helios-restore-latest-clean-snapshot object_name=pankajk-ubuntu18-05

Human Readable Output#

Restored object pankajk-ubuntu18-05.