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Cortex Xpanse

This Integration is part of the Cortex Xpanse Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.5.0 and later.

Integration to pull assets and other ASM related information. This integration was integrated and tested with version 2.0 of Cortex Expander.

Configure Cortex Xpanse in Cortex#

Server URLThe web UI with `api-` appended to front (e.g.,\). For more information, see
API Key IDFor more information, see
API KeyOnly standard API key type is supported.True
Trust any certificate (not secure)False
Use system proxy settingsFalse
Fetch incidentsFalse
Incidents Fetch IntervalFalse
Incident typeFalse
Maximum number of alerts per fetchThe maximum number of alerts per fetch. Cannot exceed 100.False
First fetch timestamp (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days)False
Alert Severities to FetchThe severity of the alerts that will be fetched. If no severity is provided then alerts of all the severities will be fetched. Note: An alert whose status was changed to a filtered status after its creation time will not be fetched.False
Source ReliabilityReliability of the source providing the intelligence data. Used for !ip and !domain commands.False
Look Back (Minutes to look back when fetching)Use this parameter to determine how far back in time to look in the search for incidents that were created before the last run time and did not match the query when they were created.False


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Get a list of all your external services filtered by business units, externally detected providers, domain, externally inferred CVEs, active classifications, inactive classifications, service name, service type, protocol, IP address, is active, and discovery type. Maximum result limit is 100 assets.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ip_addressIP address on which to search.Optional
domainDomain on which to search.Optional
is_activeWhether the service is active. Possible values are: yes, no.Optional
discovery_typeHow service was discovered. Possible values are: colocated_on_ip, directly_discovery, unknown.Optional

Context Output#

ASM.ExternalService.service_idStringExternal service UUID.
ASM.ExternalService.service_nameStringName of the external service.
ASM.ExternalService.service_typeStringType of the external service.
ASM.ExternalService.ip_addressStringIP address of the external service.
ASM.ExternalService.externally_detected_providersStringProviders of external service.
ASM.ExternalService.is_activeStringWhether the external service is active.
ASM.ExternalService.first_observedDateDate of the first observation of the external service.
ASM.ExternalService.last_observedDateDate of the last observation of the external service.
ASM.ExternalService.portNumberPort number of the external service.
ASM.ExternalService.protocolStringProtocol number of the external service.
ASM.ExternalService.inactive_classificationsStringExternal service classifications that are no longer active.
ASM.ExternalService.discovery_typeStringHow the external service was discovered.
ASM.ExternalService.business_unitsStringExternal service associated business units.
ASM.ExternalService.externally_inferred_vulnerability_scoreUnknownExternal service vulnerability score.

Command example#

!asm-list-external-service is_active=yes discovery_type=directly_discovery

Context Example#

"ASM": {
"ExternalService": [
"active_classifications": [
"business_units": [
"VanDelay Industries"
"discovery_type": "DirectlyDiscovered",
"domain": [
"externally_detected_providers": [
"Microsoft Azure"
"externally_inferred_cves": [],
"externally_inferred_vulnerability_score": null,
"first_observed": 1659395040000,
"inactive_classifications": [],
"ip_address": [
"is_active": "Active",
"last_observed": 1663024320000,
"port": 80,
"protocol": "TCP",
"service_id": "4c755fea-59e8-3719-8829-9f6adde65068",
"service_name": "HTTP Server at",
"service_type": "HttpServer"
"active_classifications": [
"business_units": [
"VanDelay Industries"
"discovery_type": "DirectlyDiscovered",
"domain": [
"externally_detected_providers": [
"Amazon Web Services"
"externally_inferred_cves": [],
"externally_inferred_vulnerability_score": null,
"first_observed": 1659396480000,
"inactive_classifications": [],
"ip_address": [
"is_active": "Active",
"last_observed": 1663029060000,
"port": 80,
"protocol": "TCP",
"service_id": "32c85ab1-fc98-3061-a813-2fe5daf7e7c5",
"service_name": "HTTP Server at",
"service_type": "HttpServer"

Human Readable Output#

External Services#

Active ClassificationsBusiness UnitsDiscovery TypeDomainExternally Detected ProvidersFirst ObservedIp AddressIs ActiveLast ObservedPortProtocolService IdService NameService Type
VanDelay Industries
DirectlyDiscoveredautodiscover.acme.comMicrosoft Azure16593950400001.1.1.1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Active166302432000080TCP4c755fea-59e8-3719-8829-9f6adde65068HTTP Server at
VanDelay Industries
DirectlyDiscoveredweb.acme.comAmazon Web Services16593964800001.1.1.1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Active166302906000080TCP32c85ab1-fc98-3061-a813-2fe5daf7e7c5HTTP Server at


Get service details according to the service ID.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
service_idA string representing the service ID you want to get details for.Required

Context Output#

ASM.ExternalService.service_idStringExternal service UUID.
ASM.ExternalService.service_nameStringName of the external service.
ASM.ExternalService.service_typeStringType of the external service.
ASM.ExternalService.ip_addressStringIP address of the external service.
ASM.ExternalService.externally_detected_providersStringProviders of the external service.
ASM.ExternalService.is_activeStringWhether the external service is active.
ASM.ExternalService.first_observedDateDate of the first observation of the external service.
ASM.ExternalService.last_observedDateDate of the last observation of the external service.
ASM.ExternalService.portNumberPort number of the external service.
ASM.ExternalService.protocolStringProtocol of the external service.
ASM.ExternalService.inactive_classificationsStringExternal service classifications that are no longer active.
ASM.ExternalService.discovery_typeStringHow the external service was discovered.
ASM.ExternalService.business_unitsStringExternal service associated business units.
ASM.ExternalService.externally_inferred_vulnerability_scoreUnknownExternal service vulnerability score.
ASM.ExternalService.detailsStringAdditional details.

Command example#

!asm-get-external-service service_id=94232f8a-f001-3292-aa65-63fa9d981427

Context Example#

"ASM": {
"ExternalService": {
"active_classifications": [
"business_units": [
"details": {
"businessUnits": [
"name": "Acme"
"certificates": [],
"classifications": [
"activityStatus": "Active",
"firstObserved": 1662774120000,
"lastObserved": 1663026480000,
"name": "SshServer",
"values": [
"firstObserved": 1662774169000,
"jsonValue": "{\"version\":\"2.0\",\"serverVersion\":\"OpenSSH_7.6p1\",\"extraInfo\":\"Ubuntu-4ubuntu0.7\"}",
"lastObserved": 1663026500000
"activityStatus": "Active",
"firstObserved": 1662774120000,
"lastObserved": 1663026480000,
"name": "SSHWeakMACAlgorithmsEnabled",
"values": [
"firstObserved": 1662774169000,
"jsonValue": "{}",
"lastObserved": 1663026500000
"activityStatus": "Active",
"firstObserved": 1662774120000,
"lastObserved": 1663026480000,
"name": "OpenSSH",
"values": [
"firstObserved": 1662774169000,
"jsonValue": "{\"version\":\"7.6\"}",
"lastObserved": 1663026500000
"domains": [],
"enrichedObservationSource": "CLOUD",
"inferredCvesObserved": [
"activityStatus": "Active",
"firstObserved": 1662774169000,
"inferredCve": {
"cveId": "CVE-2020-15778",
"cveSeverityV2": "MEDIUM",
"cveSeverityV3": "HIGH",
"cvssScoreV2": 6.8,
"cvssScoreV3": 7.8,
"inferredCveMatchMetadata": {
"confidence": "High",
"inferredCveMatchType": "ExactVersionMatch",
"product": "openssh",
"vendor": "openbsd",
"version": "7.6"
"lastObserved": 1663026500000
"activityStatus": "Active",
"firstObserved": 1662774169000,
"inferredCve": {
"cveId": "CVE-2021-41617",
"cveSeverityV2": "MEDIUM",
"cveSeverityV3": "HIGH",
"cvssScoreV2": 4.4,
"cvssScoreV3": 7,
"inferredCveMatchMetadata": {
"confidence": "High",
"inferredCveMatchType": "ExactVersionMatch",
"product": "openssh",
"vendor": "openbsd",
"version": "7.6"
"lastObserved": 1663026500000
"activityStatus": "Active",
"firstObserved": 1662774169000,
"inferredCve": {
"cveId": "CVE-2019-6110",
"cveSeverityV2": "MEDIUM",
"cveSeverityV3": "MEDIUM",
"cvssScoreV2": 4,
"cvssScoreV3": 6.8,
"inferredCveMatchMetadata": {
"confidence": "High",
"inferredCveMatchType": "ExactVersionMatch",
"product": "openssh",
"vendor": "openbsd",
"version": "7.6"
"lastObserved": 1663026500000
"activityStatus": "Active",
"firstObserved": 1662774169000,
"inferredCve": {
"cveId": "CVE-2019-6109",
"cveSeverityV2": "MEDIUM",
"cveSeverityV3": "MEDIUM",
"cvssScoreV2": 4,
"cvssScoreV3": 6.8,
"inferredCveMatchMetadata": {
"confidence": "High",
"inferredCveMatchType": "ExactVersionMatch",
"product": "openssh",
"vendor": "openbsd",
"version": "7.6"
"lastObserved": 1663026500000
"activityStatus": "Active",
"firstObserved": 1662774169000,
"inferredCve": {
"cveId": "CVE-2020-14145",
"cveSeverityV2": "MEDIUM",
"cveSeverityV3": "MEDIUM",
"cvssScoreV2": 4.3,
"cvssScoreV3": 5.9,
"inferredCveMatchMetadata": {
"confidence": "High",
"inferredCveMatchType": "ExactVersionMatch",
"product": "openssh",
"vendor": "openbsd",
"version": "7.6"
"lastObserved": 1663026500000
"activityStatus": "Active",
"firstObserved": 1662774169000,
"inferredCve": {
"cveId": "CVE-2019-6111",
"cveSeverityV2": "MEDIUM",
"cveSeverityV3": "MEDIUM",
"cvssScoreV2": 5.8,
"cvssScoreV3": 5.9,
"inferredCveMatchMetadata": {
"confidence": "High",
"inferredCveMatchType": "ExactVersionMatch",
"product": "openssh",
"vendor": "openbsd",
"version": "7.6"
"lastObserved": 1663026500000
"activityStatus": "Active",
"firstObserved": 1662774169000,
"inferredCve": {
"cveId": "CVE-2018-20685",
"cveSeverityV2": "LOW",
"cveSeverityV3": "MEDIUM",
"cvssScoreV2": 2.6,
"cvssScoreV3": 5.3,
"inferredCveMatchMetadata": {
"confidence": "High",
"inferredCveMatchType": "ExactVersionMatch",
"product": "openssh",
"vendor": "openbsd",
"version": "7.6"
"lastObserved": 1663026500000
"activityStatus": "Active",
"firstObserved": 1662774169000,
"inferredCve": {
"cveId": "CVE-2018-15919",
"cveSeverityV2": "MEDIUM",
"cveSeverityV3": "MEDIUM",
"cvssScoreV2": 5,
"cvssScoreV3": 5.3,
"inferredCveMatchMetadata": {
"confidence": "High",
"inferredCveMatchType": "ExactVersionMatch",
"product": "openssh",
"vendor": "openbsd",
"version": "7.6"
"lastObserved": 1663026500000
"activityStatus": "Active",
"firstObserved": 1662774169000,
"inferredCve": {
"cveId": "CVE-2016-20012",
"cveSeverityV2": "MEDIUM",
"cveSeverityV3": "MEDIUM",
"cvssScoreV2": 4.3,
"cvssScoreV3": 5.3,
"inferredCveMatchMetadata": {
"confidence": "High",
"inferredCveMatchType": "ExactVersionMatch",
"product": "openssh",
"vendor": "openbsd",
"version": "7.6"
"lastObserved": 1663026500000
"activityStatus": "Active",
"firstObserved": 1662774169000,
"inferredCve": {
"cveId": "CVE-2018-15473",
"cveSeverityV2": "MEDIUM",
"cveSeverityV3": "MEDIUM",
"cvssScoreV2": 5,
"cvssScoreV3": 5.3,
"inferredCveMatchMetadata": {
"confidence": "High",
"inferredCveMatchType": "ExactVersionMatch",
"product": "openssh",
"vendor": "openbsd",
"version": "7.6"
"lastObserved": 1663026500000
"activityStatus": "Active",
"firstObserved": 1662774169000,
"inferredCve": {
"cveId": "CVE-2021-36368",
"cveSeverityV2": "LOW",
"cveSeverityV3": "LOW",
"cvssScoreV2": 2.6,
"cvssScoreV3": 3.7,
"inferredCveMatchMetadata": {
"confidence": "High",
"inferredCveMatchType": "ExactVersionMatch",
"product": "openssh",
"vendor": "openbsd",
"version": "7.6"
"lastObserved": 1663026500000
"ip_ranges": {},
"ips": [
"activityStatus": "Active",
"firstObserved": 1662774169000,
"geolocation": {
"city": "ASHBURN",
"countryCode": "US",
"latitude": 39.0438,
"longitude": -77.4879,
"regionCode": "VA",
"timeZone": null
"ip": 873887795,
"lastObserved": 1663026500000,
"protocol": "TCP",
"provider": "AWS"
"providerDetails": [
"firstObserved": 1662774169000,
"lastObserved": 1663026500000,
"name": "AWS"
"serviceKey": "",
"serviceKeyType": "IP",
"tlsVersions": []
"discovery_type": "ColocatedOnIp",
"domain": [],
"externally_detected_providers": [
"Amazon Web Services"
"externally_inferred_cves": [
"externally_inferred_vulnerability_score": 7.8,
"first_observed": 1662774120000,
"inactive_classifications": [],
"ip_address": [
"is_active": "Active",
"last_observed": 1663026480000,
"port": 22,
"protocol": "TCP",
"service_id": "94232f8a-f001-3292-aa65-63fa9d981427",
"service_name": "SSH Server at",
"service_type": "SshServer"

Human Readable Output#

External Service#

Active ClassificationsBusiness UnitsDetailsDiscovery TypeExternally Detected ProvidersExternally Inferred CvesExternally Inferred Vulnerability ScoreFirst ObservedIp AddressIs ActiveLast ObservedPortProtocolService IdService NameService Type
serviceKeyType: IP
businessUnits: {'name': 'Acme'}
providerDetails: {'name': 'AWS', 'firstObserved': 1662774169000, 'lastObserved': 1663026500000}
ips: {'ip': 873887795, 'protocol': 'TCP', 'provider': 'AWS', 'geolocation': {'latitude': 39.0438, 'longitude': -77.4879, 'countryCode': 'US', 'city': 'ASHBURN', 'regionCode': 'VA', 'timeZone': None}, 'activityStatus': 'Active', 'lastObserved': 1663026500000, 'firstObserved': 1662774169000}
classifications: {'name': 'SshServer', 'activityStatus': 'Active', 'values': [{'jsonValue': '{"version":"2.0","serverVersion":"OpenSSH_7.6p1","extraInfo":"Ubuntu-4ubuntu0.7"}', 'firstObserved': 1662774169000, 'lastObserved': 1663026500000}], 'firstObserved': 1662774120000, 'lastObserved': 1663026480000},
{'name': 'SSHWeakMACAlgorithmsEnabled', 'activityStatus': 'Active', 'values': [{'jsonValue': '{}', 'firstObserved': 1662774169000, 'lastObserved': 1663026500000}], 'firstObserved': 1662774120000, 'lastObserved': 1663026480000},
{'name': 'OpenSSH', 'activityStatus': 'Active', 'values': [{'jsonValue': '{"version":"7.6"}', 'firstObserved': 1662774169000, 'lastObserved': 1663026500000}], 'firstObserved': 1662774120000, 'lastObserved': 1663026480000}
inferredCvesObserved: {'inferredCve': {'cveId': 'CVE-2020-15778', 'cvssScoreV2': 6.8, 'cveSeverityV2': 'MEDIUM', 'cvssScoreV3': 7.8, 'cveSeverityV3': 'HIGH', 'inferredCveMatchMetadata': {'inferredCveMatchType': 'ExactVersionMatch', 'product': 'openssh', 'confidence': 'High', 'vendor': 'openbsd', 'version': '7.6'}}, 'activityStatus': 'Active', 'firstObserved': 1662774169000, 'lastObserved': 1663026500000},
{'inferredCve': {'cveId': 'CVE-2021-41617', 'cvssScoreV2': 4.4, 'cveSeverityV2': 'MEDIUM', 'cvssScoreV3': 7.0, 'cveSeverityV3': 'HIGH', 'inferredCveMatchMetadata': {'inferredCveMatchType': 'ExactVersionMatch', 'product': 'openssh', 'confidence': 'High', 'vendor': 'openbsd', 'version': '7.6'}}, 'activityStatus': 'Active', 'firstObserved': 1662774169000, 'lastObserved': 1663026500000},
{'inferredCve': {'cveId': 'CVE-2019-6110', 'cvssScoreV2': 4.0, 'cveSeverityV2': 'MEDIUM', 'cvssScoreV3': 6.8, 'cveSeverityV3': 'MEDIUM', 'inferredCveMatchMetadata': {'inferredCveMatchType': 'ExactVersionMatch', 'product': 'openssh', 'confidence': 'High', 'vendor': 'openbsd', 'version': '7.6'}}, 'activityStatus': 'Active', 'firstObserved': 1662774169000, 'lastObserved': 1663026500000},
{'inferredCve': {'cveId': 'CVE-2019-6109', 'cvssScoreV2': 4.0, 'cveSeverityV2': 'MEDIUM', 'cvssScoreV3': 6.8, 'cveSeverityV3': 'MEDIUM', 'inferredCveMatchMetadata': {'inferredCveMatchType': 'ExactVersionMatch', 'product': 'openssh', 'confidence': 'High', 'vendor': 'openbsd', 'version': '7.6'}}, 'activityStatus': 'Active', 'firstObserved': 1662774169000, 'lastObserved': 1663026500000},
{'inferredCve': {'cveId': 'CVE-2020-14145', 'cvssScoreV2': 4.3, 'cveSeverityV2': 'MEDIUM', 'cvssScoreV3': 5.9, 'cveSeverityV3': 'MEDIUM', 'inferredCveMatchMetadata': {'inferredCveMatchType': 'ExactVersionMatch', 'product': 'openssh', 'confidence': 'High', 'vendor': 'openbsd', 'version': '7.6'}}, 'activityStatus': 'Active', 'firstObserved': 1662774169000, 'lastObserved': 1663026500000},
{'inferredCve': {'cveId': 'CVE-2019-6111', 'cvssScoreV2': 5.8, 'cveSeverityV2': 'MEDIUM', 'cvssScoreV3': 5.9, 'cveSeverityV3': 'MEDIUM', 'inferredCveMatchMetadata': {'inferredCveMatchType': 'ExactVersionMatch', 'product': 'openssh', 'confidence': 'High', 'vendor': 'openbsd', 'version': '7.6'}}, 'activityStatus': 'Active', 'firstObserved': 1662774169000, 'lastObserved': 1663026500000},
{'inferredCve': {'cveId': 'CVE-2018-20685', 'cvssScoreV2': 2.6, 'cveSeverityV2': 'LOW', 'cvssScoreV3': 5.3, 'cveSeverityV3': 'MEDIUM', 'inferredCveMatchMetadata': {'inferredCveMatchType': 'ExactVersionMatch', 'product': 'openssh', 'confidence': 'High', 'vendor': 'openbsd', 'version': '7.6'}}, 'activityStatus': 'Active', 'firstObserved': 1662774169000, 'lastObserved': 1663026500000},
{'inferredCve': {'cveId': 'CVE-2018-15919', 'cvssScoreV2': 5.0, 'cveSeverityV2': 'MEDIUM', 'cvssScoreV3': 5.3, 'cveSeverityV3': 'MEDIUM', 'inferredCveMatchMetadata': {'inferredCveMatchType': 'ExactVersionMatch', 'product': 'openssh', 'confidence': 'High', 'vendor': 'openbsd', 'version': '7.6'}}, 'activityStatus': 'Active', 'firstObserved': 1662774169000, 'lastObserved': 1663026500000},
{'inferredCve': {'cveId': 'CVE-2016-20012', 'cvssScoreV2': 4.3, 'cveSeverityV2': 'MEDIUM', 'cvssScoreV3': 5.3, 'cveSeverityV3': 'MEDIUM', 'inferredCveMatchMetadata': {'inferredCveMatchType': 'ExactVersionMatch', 'product': 'openssh', 'confidence': 'High', 'vendor': 'openbsd', 'version': '7.6'}}, 'activityStatus': 'Active', 'firstObserved': 1662774169000, 'lastObserved': 1663026500000},
{'inferredCve': {'cveId': 'CVE-2018-15473', 'cvssScoreV2': 5.0, 'cveSeverityV2': 'MEDIUM', 'cvssScoreV3': 5.3, 'cveSeverityV3': 'MEDIUM', 'inferredCveMatchMetadata': {'inferredCveMatchType': 'ExactVersionMatch', 'product': 'openssh', 'confidence': 'High', 'vendor': 'openbsd', 'version': '7.6'}}, 'activityStatus': 'Active', 'firstObserved': 1662774169000, 'lastObserved': 1663026500000},
{'inferredCve': {'cveId': 'CVE-2021-36368', 'cvssScoreV2': 2.6, 'cveSeverityV2': 'LOW', 'cvssScoreV3': 3.7, 'cveSeverityV3': 'LOW', 'inferredCveMatchMetadata': {'inferredCveMatchType': 'ExactVersionMatch', 'product': 'openssh', 'confidence': 'High', 'vendor': 'openbsd', 'version': '7.6'}}, 'activityStatus': 'Active', 'firstObserved': 1662774169000, 'lastObserved': 1663026500000}
enrichedObservationSource: CLOUD
ip_ranges: {}
ColocatedOnIpAmazon Web ServicesCVE-2020-15778,
7.816627741200001.1.1.1Active166302648000022TCP94232f8a-f001-3292-aa65-63fa9d981427SSH Server at


Get a list of all your internet exposures filtered by business units and organization handles. Maximum result limit is 100 ranges.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired

Context Output#

ASM.ExternalIpAddressRange.range_idStringExternal IP address range UUID.
ASM.ExternalIpAddressRange.first_ipStringFirst IP address of the external IP address range.
ASM.ExternalIpAddressRange.last_ipStringLast IP address of the external IP address range.
ASM.ExternalIpAddressRange.ips_countNumberNumber of IP addresses of the external IP address range.
ASM.ExternalIpAddressRange.active_responsive_ips_countNumberThe number of IPs in the external address range that are actively responsive.
ASM.ExternalIpAddressRange.date_addedDateDate the external IP address range was added.
ASM.ExternalIpAddressRange.business_unitsStringExternal IP address range associated business units.
ASM.ExternalIpAddressRange.organization_handlesStringExternal IP address range associated organization handles.

Command example#


Context Example#

"ASM": {
"ExternalIpAddressRange": [
"active_responsive_ips_count": 0,
"business_units": [
"VanDelay Industries"
"date_added": 1663031000145,
"first_ip": "",
"ips_count": 64,
"last_ip": "",
"organization_handles": [
"range_id": "4da29b7f-3086-3b52-981b-aa8ee5da1e60"
"active_responsive_ips_count": 0,
"business_units": [
"VanDelay Industries"
"date_added": 1663031000144,
"first_ip": "",
"ips_count": 16,
"last_ip": "",
"organization_handles": [
"range_id": "6ef4638e-7788-3ef5-98a5-ad5b7f4e02f5"

Human Readable Output#

External IP Address Ranges#

Active Responsive Ips CountBusiness UnitsDate AddedFirst IpIps CountLast IpOrganization HandlesRange Id
0VanDelay Industries16630310001451.1.1.1641.1.1.1MAINT-HK-PCCW-BIA-CS,
0VanDelay Industries16630310001441.1.1.1161.1.1.1AR17615-RIPE,


Get external IP address range details according to the range IDs.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
range_idA string representing the range ID for which you want to get the details.Required

Context Output#

ASM.ExternalIpAddressRange.range_idStringExternal IP address range UUID.
ASM.ExternalIpAddressRange.first_ipStringFirst IP address of the external IP address range.
ASM.ExternalIpAddressRange.last_ipStringLast IP address of the external IP address range.
ASM.ExternalIpAddressRange.ips_countNumberNumber of IP addresses of the external IP address range.
ASM.ExternalIpAddressRange.active_responsive_ips_countNumberThe number of IPs in the external address range that are actively responsive.
ASM.ExternalIpAddressRange.date_addedDateDate the external IP address range was added.
ASM.ExternalIpAddressRange.business_unitsStringExternal IP address range associated business units.
ASM.ExternalIpAddressRange.organization_handlesStringExternal IP address range associated organization handles.
ASM.ExternalIpAddressRange.detailsStringAdditional information.

Command example#

!asm-get-external-ip-address-range range_id=4da29b7f-3086-3b52-981b-aa8ee5da1e60

Context Example#

"ASM": {
"ExternalIpAddressRange": {
"active_responsive_ips_count": 0,
"business_units": [
"VanDelay Industries"
"date_added": 1663031000145,
"details": {
"networkRecords": [
"firstIp": "",
"handle": " -",
"lastChanged": 1663030241931,
"lastIp": "",
"name": "SEARS-HK",
"organizationRecords": [
"address": "",
"dateAdded": 1663029346957,
"email": "",
"firstRegistered": null,
"formattedName": "",
"handle": "MAINT-HK-PCCW-BIA-CS",
"kind": "group",
"lastChanged": null,
"org": "",
"phone": "",
"remarks": "",
"roles": [
"address": "27/F, PCCW Tower, Taikoo Place,\n979 King's Road, Quarry Bay, HK ",
"dateAdded": 1663029346957,
"email": "",
"firstRegistered": 1220514857000,
"handle": "BNA2-AP",
"kind": "group",
"lastChanged": 1514892767000,
"org": "",
"phone": "+852-2888-6932",
"remarks": "",
"roles": [
"address": "HKT Limited\nPO Box 9896 GPO ",
"dateAdded": 1663029346957,
"email": "",
"firstRegistered": 1220514856000,
"handle": "TA66-AP",
"kind": "group",
"lastChanged": 1468555410000,
"org": "",
"phone": "+852-2883-5151",
"remarks": "",
"roles": [
"remarks": "Sears Holdings Global Sourcing Ltd",
"whoIsServer": ""
"first_ip": "",
"ips_count": 64,
"last_ip": "",
"organization_handles": [
"range_id": "4da29b7f-3086-3b52-981b-aa8ee5da1e60"

Human Readable Output#

External IP Address Range#

Active Responsive Ips CountBusiness UnitsDate AddedDetailsFirst IpIps CountLast IpOrganization HandlesRange Id
0VanDelay Industries1663031000145networkRecords: {'handle': ' -', 'firstIp': '', 'lastIp': '', 'name': 'SEARS-HK', 'whoIsServer': '', 'lastChanged': 1663030241931, 'organizationRecords': [{'handle': 'MAINT-HK-PCCW-BIA-CS', 'dateAdded': 1663029346957, 'address': '', 'email': '', 'phone': '', 'org': '', 'formattedName': '', 'kind': 'group', 'roles': ['registrant'], 'lastChanged': None, 'firstRegistered': None, 'remarks': ''}, {'handle': 'BNA2-AP', 'dateAdded': 1663029346957, 'address': "27/F, PCCW Tower, Taikoo Place,\n979 King's Road, Quarry Bay, HK ", 'email': '', 'phone': '+852-2888-6932', 'org': '', 'formattedName': 'BIZ NETVIGATOR ADMINISTRATORS', 'kind': 'group', 'roles': ['administrative'], 'lastChanged': 1514892767000, 'firstRegistered': 1220514857000, 'remarks': ''}, {'handle': 'TA66-AP', 'dateAdded': 1663029346957, 'address': 'HKT Limited\nPO Box 9896 GPO ', 'email': '', 'phone': '+852-2883-5151', 'org': '', 'formattedName': 'TECHNICAL ADMINISTRATORS', 'kind': 'group', 'roles': ['technical'], 'lastChanged': 1468555410000, 'firstRegistered': 1220514856000, 'remarks': ''}], 'remarks': 'Sears Holdings Global Sourcing Ltd'},


Get a list of all your internet exposures filtered by IP address, domain, type, asm id, IPv6 address, AWS/GCP/Azure tags, has XDR agent, Externally detected providers, Externally inferred cves, Business units list, has BU overrides and/or if there is an active external service. Maximum result limit is 100 assets.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ip_addressIP address on which to search.Optional
nameName of the asset on which to search.Optional
typeType of the external service. Possible values are: certificate, cloud_compute_instance, on_prem, domain, unassociated_responsive_ip.Optional
has_active_external_servicesWhether the internet exposure has an active external service. Possible values are: yes, no.Optional
search_fromRepresents the start offset index of results. Default is 0.Optional
search_toRepresents the end offset index of results.Optional
asm_id_listList of asm ids.Optional
ipv6_addressIPv6 address on which to search.Optional
gcp_cloud_tagsSearch based on GCP cloud tags.Optional
aws_cloud_tagsSearch based on AWS cloud tags.Optional
azure_cloud_tagsSearch based on AZURE cloud tags.Optional
has_xdr_agentSearch based on xdr agent.Optional
externally_detected_providersSearch on externally detected providers.Optional
externally_inferred_cvesSearch on externally inferred cve.Optional
business_units_listSearch on Business units list.Optional
has_bu_overridesWhether it has BU overrides. Possible values are: True, False.Optional
mac_addressSearch based on MAC address.Optional

Context Output#

ASM.AssetInternetExposure.asm_idsStringAttack surface management UUID.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.nameStringName of the exposed asset.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.asset_typeStringType of the exposed asset.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.cloud_providerUnknownThe cloud provider used to collect these cloud assets as either GCP, AWS, or Azure.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.regionUnknownDisplays the region as provided by the cloud provider.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.last_observedUnknownLast time the exposure was observed.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.first_observedUnknownFirst time the exposure was observed.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.has_active_externally_servicesBooleanWhether the internet exposure is associated with an active external service(s).
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.has_xdr_agentStringWhether the internet exposure asset has an XDR agent.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.cloud_idUnknownDisplays the resource ID as provided from the cloud provider.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.domain_resolvesBooleanWhether the asset domain is resolvable.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.operation_systemUnknownThe operating system reported by the source for this asset.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.agent_idUnknownThe endpoint ID if there is an endpoint installed on this asset.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.externally_detected_providersStringThe provider of the asset as determined by an external assessment.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.service_typeStringType of the asset.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.externally_inferred_cvesStringIf the internet exposure has associated CVEs.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.ipsStringIP addresses associated with the internet exposure.

Command example#

!asm-list-asset-internet-exposure name="" type=certificate has_active_external_services=no

Context Example#

"ASM": {
"AssetInternetExposure": [
"agent_id": null,
"asm_ids": [
"asm_va_score": null,
"asset_type": "CERTIFICATE",
"business_units": [
"VanDelay Industries"
"certificate_algorithm": "SHA256withRSA",
"certificate_classifications": [
"certificate_issuer": "DigiCert",
"cloud_id": null,
"cloud_provider": null,
"domain_resolves": false,
"externally_detected_providers": [],
"externally_inferred_cves": [],
"first_observed": null,
"has_active_externally_services": false,
"has_xdr_agent": "NA",
"iot_category": null,
"iot_model": null,
"iot_profile": null,
"ip_ranges": [],
"ips": [],
"last_observed": null,
"mac_addresses": [],
"management_status": [],
"name": "*",
"operation_system": null,
"region": null,
"sensor": [
"service_type": []
"agent_id": null,
"asm_ids": [
"asm_va_score": null,
"asset_type": "CERTIFICATE",
"business_units": [
"VanDelay Industries"
"certificate_algorithm": "SHA256withRSA",
"certificate_classifications": [
"certificate_issuer": "DigiCert",
"cloud_id": null,
"cloud_provider": null,
"domain_resolves": false,
"externally_detected_providers": [],
"externally_inferred_cves": [],
"first_observed": null,
"has_active_externally_services": false,
"has_xdr_agent": "NA",
"iot_category": null,
"iot_model": null,
"iot_profile": null,
"ip_ranges": [],
"ips": [],
"last_observed": null,
"mac_addresses": [],
"management_status": [],
"name": "*",
"operation_system": null,
"region": null,
"sensor": [
"service_type": []

Human Readable Output#

Asset Internet Exposures#

Asm IdsAsset TypeBusiness UnitsCertificate AlgorithmCertificate ClassificationsCertificate IssuerDomain ResolvesHas Active Externally ServicesHas Xdr AgentNameSensor
VanDelay Industries
VanDelay Industries


Get internet exposure asset details according to the asset ID.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asm_idA string representing the asset ID for which you want to get the details.Required

Context Output#

ASM.AssetInternetExposure.asm_idsStringAttack surface management UUID.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.nameStringName of the exposed asset.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.typeStringType of the exposed asset.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.last_observedUnknownLast time the exposure was observed.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.first_observedUnknownFirst time the exposure was observed.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.createdDateDate the ASM issue was created.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.business_unitsStringAsset associated business units.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.domainUnknownAsset associated domain.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.certificate_issuerStringAsset certificate issuer.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.certificate_algorithmStringAsset certificate algorithm.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.certificate_classificationsStringAsset certificate classifications.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.resolvesBooleanWhether the asset has DNS resolution.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.detailsUnknownAdditional details.
ASM.AssetInternetExposure.externally_inferred_vulnerability_scoreUnknownAsset vulnerability score.

Command example#

!asm-get-asset-internet-exposure asm_id=3c176460-8735-333c-b618-8262e2fb660c

Context Example#

"ASM": {
"AssetInternetExposure": {
"active_external_services_types": [],
"active_service_ids": [],
"all_service_ids": [],
"asm_ids": "3c176460-8735-333c-b618-8262e2fb660c",
"business_units": [
"certificate_algorithm": "SHA1withRSA",
"certificate_classifications": [
"certificate_issuer": "Thawte",
"created": 1663030146931,
"details": {
"businessUnits": [
"name": "Acme"
"certificateDetails": {
"formattedIssuerOrg": "Thawte",
"issuer": "C=US,O=Thawte\\, Inc.,CN=Thawte SSL CA",
"issuerAlternativeNames": "",
"issuerCountry": "US",
"issuerEmail": null,
"issuerLocality": null,
"issuerName": "Thawte SSL CA",
"issuerOrg": "Thawte\\\\, Inc.",
"issuerOrgUnit": null,
"issuerState": null,
"md5Fingerprint": "498ec19ebd6c6883ecd43d064e713002",
"publicKey": "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAp21W/QVHuo0Nyy9l6Qp6Ye7yniuCccplWLdkL34pB0roNWBiklLJFftFTXJLtUuYEBhEbUtOPtNr5QRZFo+LQSj+JMQsGajEgNvIIMDms2xtc+vYkuJeNRsN/0zRm8iBjCNEZ0zBbWdupO6xee+Lngq5RiyRzAN2+Q5HlmHmVOcc7NtY5VIQhajp3a5Gc7tmLXa7ZxwQb+afdlpmE0iv4ZxmXFyHwlPXUlIxfETDDjtv2EzAgrnpZ5juo7TEFZA7AjsT0lO6cC2qPE9x9kC02PeC1Heg4hWf70CsXcKQBsprLqusrPYM9+OYfZnj+Dq9j6FjZD314Nz4qTGwmZrwDQIDAQAB",
"publicKeyAlgorithm": "RSA",
"publicKeyBits": 2048,
"publicKeyModulus": "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",
"publicKeyRsaExponent": 65537,
"publicKeySpki": "Up3fHwOddA9cXEeO4XBOgn63bfnvkXsOrOv6AycwQAk=",
"serialNumber": "91384582774546160650506315451812470612",
"sha1Fingerprint": "77d025c36f055e254063ae2ac3625fd4bf4507fb",
"sha256Fingerprint": "9a37c952ee1169cfa6e91efb57fe6d405d1ca48b26a714e9a46f008c15ea62e8",
"signatureAlgorithm": "SHA1withRSA",
"subject": "C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Wayne,O=Acme,OU=MIS,CN=*",
"subjectAlternativeNames": "*",
"subjectCountry": "US",
"subjectEmail": null,
"subjectLocality": "Wayne",
"subjectName": "*",
"subjectOrg": "Acme",
"subjectOrgUnit": "MIS",
"subjectState": "New Jersey",
"validNotAfter": 1444780799000,
"validNotBefore": 1413158400000,
"version": "3"
"dnsZone": null,
"domain": null,
"domainAssetType": null,
"domainDetails": null,
"inferredCvesObserved": [],
"ip_ranges": {},
"isPaidLevelDomain": false,
"latestSampledIp": null,
"providerDetails": [],
"recentIps": [],
"subdomainMetadata": null,
"topLevelAssetMapperDomain": null
"domain": null,
"external_services": [],
"externally_detected_providers": [],
"externally_inferred_cves": [],
"externally_inferred_vulnerability_score": null,
"first_observed": null,
"ips": [],
"last_observed": null,
"name": "*",
"resolves": false,
"type": "Certificate"

Human Readable Output#

Asset Internet Exposure#

Asm IdsBusiness UnitsCertificate AlgorithmCertificate ClassificationsCertificate IssuerCreatedDetailsNameResolvesType
domain: null
topLevelAssetMapperDomain: null
domainAssetType: null
isPaidLevelDomain: false
domainDetails: null
dnsZone: null
latestSampledIp: null
subdomainMetadata: null
businessUnits: {'name': 'Acme'}
certificateDetails: {"issuer": "C=US,O=Thawte\, Inc.,CN=Thawte SSL CA", "issuerAlternativeNames": "", "issuerCountry": "US", "issuerEmail": null, "issuerLocality": null, "issuerName": "Thawte SSL CA", "issuerOrg": "Thawte\\, Inc.", "formattedIssuerOrg": "Thawte", "issuerOrgUnit": null, "issuerState": null, "publicKey": "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAp21W/QVHuo0Nyy9l6Qp6Ye7yniuCccplWLdkL34pB0roNWBiklLJFftFTXJLtUuYEBhEbUtOPtNr5QRZFo+LQSj+JMQsGajEgNvIIMDms2xtc+vYkuJeNRsN/0zRm8iBjCNEZ0zBbWdupO6xee+Lngq5RiyRzAN2+Q5HlmHmVOcc7NtY5VIQhajp3a5Gc7tmLXa7ZxwQb+afdlpmE0iv4ZxmXFyHwlPXUlIxfETDDjtv2EzAgrnpZ5juo7TEFZA7AjsT0lO6cC2qPE9x9kC02PeC1Heg4hWf70CsXcKQBsprLqusrPYM9+OYfZnj+Dq9j6FjZD314Nz4qTGwmZrwDQIDAQAB", "publicKeyAlgorithm": "RSA", "publicKeyRsaExponent": 65537, "signatureAlgorithm": "SHA1withRSA", "subject": "C=US,ST=New Jersey,L=Wayne,O=Acme,OU=MIS,", "subjectAlternativeNames": "", "subjectCountry": "US", "subjectEmail": null, "subjectLocality": "Wayne", "subjectName": "*", "subjectOrg": "Acme", "subjectOrgUnit": "MIS", "subjectState": "New Jersey", "serialNumber": "91384582774546160650506315451812470612", "validNotBefore": 1413158400000, "validNotAfter": 1444780799000, "version": "3", "publicKeyBits": 2048, "publicKeyModulus": "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", "publicKeySpki": "Up3fHwOddA9cXEeO4XBOgn63bfnvkXsOrOv6AycwQAk=", "sha1Fingerprint": "77d025c36f055e254063ae2ac3625fd4bf4507fb", "sha256Fingerprint": "9a37c952ee1169cfa6e91efb57fe6d405d1ca48b26a714e9a46f008c15ea62e8", "md5Fingerprint": "498ec19ebd6c6883ecd43d064e713002"}
ip_ranges: {}


Get a list of all your ASM alerts filtered by alert IDs, severity and/or creation time. Can also sort by creation time or severity. Maximum result limit is 100 assets.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
alert_id_listComma-separated list of alert IDs.Optional
severityComma-separated list of alert severities (valid values are low, medium, high, critical, informational).Optional
tagsComma-separated list of alert tags. These should include the tag prefix, ex. AT:Asset Tag.Optional
statusComma-separated list of the alert status. Possible values are: new, reopened, under_investigation, resolved_no_longer_observed, resolved_no_risk, resolved_risk_accepted, resolved_contested_asset, resolved_remediated_automatically, resolved.Optional
business_units_listComma-separated list business units.Optional
case_id_listComma-separated list of case (incident) IDs.Optional
lte_creation_timeA date in the format 2019-12-31T23:59:00. Only incidents that were created on or before the specified date/time will be retrieved.Optional
gte_creation_timeA date in the format 2019-12-31T23:59:00. Only incidents that were created on or after the specified date/time will be retrieved.Optional
sort_by_creation_timeSorts returned incidents by the date/time that the incident was created ("asc" - ascending, "desc" - descending). Possible values are: asc, desc.Optional
sort_by_severitySorts returned incidents by the date/time that the incident was created ("asc" - ascending, "desc" - descending). Possible values are: asc, desc.Optional
pagePage number (for pagination). The default is 0 (the first page). Default is 0.Optional
limitMaximum number of incidents to return per page. The default and maximum is 100. Default is 100.Optional

Context Output#

ASM.Alert.alert_idStringA unique identifier that Cortex XSIAM assigns to each alert.
ASM.Alert.severityStringThe severity that was assigned to this alert when it was triggered (Options are Informational, Low, Medium, High, Critical, or Unknown).
ASM.Alert.external_idStringThe alert ID as recorded in the detector from which this alert was sent.
ASM.Alert.nameStringSummary of the ASM internet exposure alert.
ASM.Alert.descriptionStringMore detailed explanation of internet exposure alert.
ASM.Alert.host_nameStringThe hostname of the endpoint or server on which this alert triggered.
ASM.Alert.dynamic_fieldsUnknownAlert fields pulled from Cortex XSOAR context.
ASM.Alert.eventsUnknownIndividual events that comprise the alert.
ASM.Alert.detection_timestampDateDate the alert was created.

Command example#

!asm-list-alerts limit=2 severity=high sort_by_creation_time=asc

Context Example#

"ASM": {
"Alerts": [
"action": "NOT_AVAILABLE",
"action_pretty": "N/A",
"agent_data_collection_status": null,
"agent_device_domain": null,
"agent_fqdn": null,
"agent_ip_addresses_v6": null,
"agent_os_sub_type": null,
"agent_os_type": "NO_HOST",
"agent_version": null,
"alert_id": "231",
"alert_type": "Unclassified",
"attempt_counter": null,
"bioc_category_enum_key": null,
"bioc_indicator": null,
"category": null,
"deduplicate_tokens": null,
"description": "Networking and security infrastructure, such as firewalls and routers, generally should not have their administration panels open to public Internet. Compromise of these devices, often though password guessing or vulnerability exploitation, provides privileged access to an enterprise network.",
"detection_timestamp": 1659452808759,
"dynamic_fields": null,
"end_match_attempt_ts": null,
"endpoint_id": null,
"events": [
"action_country": "UNKNOWN",
"action_external_hostname": null,
"action_file_macro_sha256": null,
"action_file_md5": null,
"action_file_name": null,
"action_file_path": null,
"action_file_sha256": null,
"action_local_ip": null,
"action_local_ip_v6": null,
"action_local_port": null,
"action_process_causality_id": null,
"action_process_image_command_line": null,
"action_process_image_name": null,
"action_process_image_sha256": null,
"action_process_instance_id": null,
"action_process_signature_status": "N/A",
"action_process_signature_vendor": null,
"action_registry_data": null,
"action_registry_full_key": null,
"action_registry_key_name": null,
"action_registry_value_name": null,
"action_remote_ip": null,
"action_remote_ip_v6": null,
"action_remote_port": 80,
"actor_causality_id": null,
"actor_process_causality_id": null,
"actor_process_command_line": null,
"actor_process_image_md5": null,
"actor_process_image_name": null,
"actor_process_image_path": null,
"actor_process_image_sha256": null,
"actor_process_instance_id": null,
"actor_process_os_pid": null,
"actor_process_signature_status": "N/A",
"actor_process_signature_vendor": null,
"actor_thread_thread_id": null,
"agent_host_boot_time": null,
"agent_install_type": "NA",
"association_strength": null,
"causality_actor_causality_id": null,
"causality_actor_process_command_line": null,
"causality_actor_process_execution_time": null,
"causality_actor_process_image_md5": null,
"causality_actor_process_image_name": null,
"causality_actor_process_image_path": null,
"causality_actor_process_image_sha256": null,
"causality_actor_process_signature_status": "N/A",
"causality_actor_process_signature_vendor": null,
"cloud_provider": null,
"cluster_name": null,
"container_id": null,
"contains_featured_host": "NO",
"contains_featured_ip": "NO",
"contains_featured_user": "NO",
"dns_query_name": null,
"dst_action_country": null,
"dst_action_external_hostname": null,
"dst_action_external_port": null,
"dst_agent_id": null,
"dst_association_strength": null,
"dst_causality_actor_process_execution_time": null,
"event_id": null,
"event_sub_type": null,
"event_timestamp": 1659452808759,
"event_type": null,
"fw_app_category": null,
"fw_app_id": null,
"fw_app_subcategory": null,
"fw_app_technology": null,
"fw_device_name": null,
"fw_email_recipient": null,
"fw_email_sender": null,
"fw_email_subject": null,
"fw_interface_from": null,
"fw_interface_to": null,
"fw_is_phishing": "N/A",
"fw_misc": null,
"fw_rule": null,
"fw_rule_id": null,
"fw_serial_number": null,
"fw_url_domain": null,
"fw_vsys": null,
"fw_xff": null,
"identity_sub_type": null,
"identity_type": null,
"image_name": null,
"module_id": null,
"operation_name": null,
"os_actor_causality_id": null,
"os_actor_effective_username": null,
"os_actor_process_causality_id": null,
"os_actor_process_command_line": null,
"os_actor_process_image_name": null,
"os_actor_process_image_path": null,
"os_actor_process_image_sha256": null,
"os_actor_process_instance_id": null,
"os_actor_process_os_pid": null,
"os_actor_process_signature_status": "N/A",
"os_actor_process_signature_vendor": null,
"os_actor_thread_thread_id": null,
"project": null,
"referenced_resource": null,
"resource_sub_type": null,
"resource_type": null,
"story_id": null,
"user_agent": null,
"user_name": null
"external_id": "FAKE-GUID",
"filter_rule_id": null,
"host_ip": null,
"host_name": null,
"is_pcap": false,
"is_whitelisted": false,
"last_modified_ts": 1660240725450,
"local_insert_ts": 1659455267908,
"mac": null,
"mac_addresses": null,
"matching_service_rule_id": null,
"matching_status": "MATCHED",
"mitre_tactic_id_and_name": null,
"mitre_technique_id_and_name": null,
"name": "Networking Infrastructure",
"original_tags": null,
"resolution_comment": "ASM alert resolution",
"resolution_status": "STATUS_070_RESOLVED_OTHER",
"severity": "high",
"source": "ASM",
"starred": false,
"tags": null
"action": "NOT_AVAILABLE",
"action_pretty": "N/A",
"agent_data_collection_status": null,
"agent_device_domain": null,
"agent_fqdn": null,
"agent_ip_addresses_v6": null,
"agent_os_sub_type": null,
"agent_os_type": "NO_HOST",
"agent_version": null,
"alert_id": "33",
"alert_type": "Unclassified",
"attempt_counter": null,
"bioc_category_enum_key": null,
"bioc_indicator": null,
"category": null,
"deduplicate_tokens": null,
"description": "Networking and security infrastructure, such as firewalls and routers, generally should not have their administration panels open to public Internet. Compromise of these devices, often though password guessing or vulnerability exploitation, provides privileged access to an enterprise network.",
"detection_timestamp": 1659452809020,
"dynamic_fields": null,
"end_match_attempt_ts": null,
"endpoint_id": null,
"events": [
"action_country": "UNKNOWN",
"action_external_hostname": null,
"action_file_macro_sha256": null,
"action_file_md5": null,
"action_file_name": null,
"action_file_path": null,
"action_file_sha256": null,
"action_local_ip": null,
"action_local_ip_v6": null,
"action_local_port": null,
"action_process_causality_id": null,
"action_process_image_command_line": null,
"action_process_image_name": null,
"action_process_image_sha256": null,
"action_process_instance_id": null,
"action_process_signature_status": "N/A",
"action_process_signature_vendor": null,
"action_registry_data": null,
"action_registry_full_key": null,
"action_registry_key_name": null,
"action_registry_value_name": null,
"action_remote_ip": null,
"action_remote_ip_v6": null,
"action_remote_port": 80,
"actor_causality_id": null,
"actor_process_causality_id": null,
"actor_process_command_line": null,
"actor_process_image_md5": null,
"actor_process_image_name": null,
"actor_process_image_path": null,
"actor_process_image_sha256": null,
"actor_process_instance_id": null,
"actor_process_os_pid": null,
"actor_process_signature_status": "N/A",
"actor_process_signature_vendor": null,
"actor_thread_thread_id": null,
"agent_host_boot_time": null,
"agent_install_type": "NA",
"association_strength": null,
"causality_actor_causality_id": null,
"causality_actor_process_command_line": null,
"causality_actor_process_execution_time": null,
"causality_actor_process_image_md5": null,
"causality_actor_process_image_name": null,
"causality_actor_process_image_path": null,
"causality_actor_process_image_sha256": null,
"causality_actor_process_signature_status": "N/A",
"causality_actor_process_signature_vendor": null,
"cloud_provider": null,
"cluster_name": null,
"container_id": null,
"contains_featured_host": "NO",
"contains_featured_ip": "NO",
"contains_featured_user": "NO",
"dns_query_name": null,
"dst_action_country": null,
"dst_action_external_hostname": null,
"dst_action_external_port": null,
"dst_agent_id": null,
"dst_association_strength": null,
"dst_causality_actor_process_execution_time": null,
"event_id": null,
"event_sub_type": null,
"event_timestamp": 1659452809020,
"event_type": null,
"fw_app_category": null,
"fw_app_id": null,
"fw_app_subcategory": null,
"fw_app_technology": null,
"fw_device_name": null,
"fw_email_recipient": null,
"fw_email_sender": null,
"fw_email_subject": null,
"fw_interface_from": null,
"fw_interface_to": null,
"fw_is_phishing": "N/A",
"fw_misc": null,
"fw_rule": null,
"fw_rule_id": null,
"fw_serial_number": null,
"fw_url_domain": null,
"fw_vsys": null,
"fw_xff": null,
"identity_sub_type": null,
"identity_type": null,
"image_name": null,
"module_id": null,
"operation_name": null,
"os_actor_causality_id": null,
"os_actor_effective_username": null,
"os_actor_process_causality_id": null,
"os_actor_process_command_line": null,
"os_actor_process_image_name": null,
"os_actor_process_image_path": null,
"os_actor_process_image_sha256": null,
"os_actor_process_instance_id": null,
"os_actor_process_os_pid": null,
"os_actor_process_signature_status": "N/A",
"os_actor_process_signature_vendor": null,
"os_actor_thread_thread_id": null,
"project": null,
"referenced_resource": null,
"resource_sub_type": null,
"resource_type": null,
"story_id": null,
"user_agent": null,
"user_name": null
"external_id": "FAKE-GUID",
"filter_rule_id": null,
"host_ip": null,
"host_name": null,
"is_pcap": false,
"is_whitelisted": false,
"last_modified_ts": 1660240426055,
"local_insert_ts": 1659455246812,
"mac": null,
"mac_addresses": null,
"matching_service_rule_id": null,
"matching_status": "MATCHED",
"mitre_tactic_id_and_name": null,
"mitre_technique_id_and_name": null,
"name": "Networking Infrastructure",
"original_tags": null,
"resolution_comment": "ASM alert resolution",
"resolution_status": "STATUS_070_RESOLVED_OTHER",
"severity": "high",
"source": "ASM",
"starred": false,
"tags": null

Human Readable Output#

ASM Alerts#

ActionAction PrettyAgent Os TypeAlert IdAlert TypeDescriptionDetection TimestampEventsExternal IdIs PcapIs WhitelistedLast Modified TsLocal Insert TsMatching StatusNameResolution CommentResolution StatusSeveritySourceStarred
NOT_AVAILABLEN/ANO_HOST231UnclassifiedNetworking and security infrastructure, such as firewalls and routers, generally should not have their administration panels open to public Internet. Compromise of these devices, often though password guessing or vulnerability exploitation, provides privileged access to an enterprise network.1659452808759{'agent_install_type': 'NA', 'agent_host_boot_time': None, 'event_sub_type': None, 'module_id': None, 'association_strength': None, 'dst_association_strength': None, 'story_id': None, 'event_id': None, 'event_type': None, 'event_timestamp': 1659452808759, 'actor_process_instance_id': None, 'actor_process_image_path': None, 'actor_process_image_name': None, 'actor_process_command_line': None, 'actor_process_signature_status': 'N/A', 'actor_process_signature_vendor': None, 'actor_process_image_sha256': None, 'actor_process_image_md5': None, 'actor_process_causality_id': None, 'actor_causality_id': None, 'actor_process_os_pid': None, 'actor_thread_thread_id': None, 'causality_actor_process_image_name': None, 'causality_actor_process_command_line': None, 'causality_actor_process_image_path': None, 'causality_actor_process_signature_vendor': None, 'causality_actor_process_signature_status': 'N/A', 'causality_actor_causality_id': None, 'causality_actor_process_execution_time': None, 'causality_actor_process_image_md5': None, 'causality_actor_process_image_sha256': None, 'action_file_path': None, 'action_file_name': None, 'action_file_md5': None, 'action_file_sha256': None, 'action_file_macro_sha256': None, 'action_registry_data': None, 'action_registry_key_name': None, 'action_registry_value_name': None, 'action_registry_full_key': None, 'action_local_ip': None, 'action_local_ip_v6': None, 'action_local_port': None, 'action_remote_ip': None, 'action_remote_ip_v6': None, 'action_remote_port': 80, 'action_external_hostname': None, 'action_country': 'UNKNOWN', 'action_process_instance_id': None, 'action_process_causality_id': None, 'action_process_image_name': None, 'action_process_image_sha256': None, 'action_process_image_command_line': None, 'action_process_signature_status': 'N/A', 'action_process_signature_vendor': None, 'os_actor_effective_username': None, 'os_actor_process_instance_id': None, 'os_actor_process_image_path': None, 'os_actor_process_image_name': None, 'os_actor_process_command_line': None, 'os_actor_process_signature_status': 'N/A', 'os_actor_process_signature_vendor': None, 'os_actor_process_image_sha256': None, 'os_actor_process_causality_id': None, 'os_actor_causality_id': None, 'os_actor_process_os_pid': None, 'os_actor_thread_thread_id': None, 'fw_app_id': None, 'fw_interface_from': None, 'fw_interface_to': None, 'fw_rule': None, 'fw_rule_id': None, 'fw_device_name': None, 'fw_serial_number': None, 'fw_url_domain': None, 'fw_email_subject': None, 'fw_email_sender': None, 'fw_email_recipient': None, 'fw_app_subcategory': None, 'fw_app_category': None, 'fw_app_technology': None, 'fw_vsys': None, 'fw_xff': None, 'fw_misc': None, 'fw_is_phishing': 'N/A', 'dst_agent_id': None, 'dst_causality_actor_process_execution_time': None, 'dns_query_name': None, 'dst_action_external_hostname': None, 'dst_action_country': None, 'dst_action_external_port': None, 'contains_featured_host': 'NO', 'contains_featured_user': 'NO', 'contains_featured_ip': 'NO', 'image_name': None, 'container_id': None, 'cluster_name': None, 'referenced_resource': None, 'operation_name': None, 'identity_sub_type': None, 'identity_type': None, 'project': None, 'cloud_provider': None, 'resource_type': None, 'resource_sub_type': None, 'user_agent': None, 'user_name': None}FAKE-GUIDfalsefalse16602407254501659455267908MATCHEDNetworking InfrastructureASM alert resolutionSTATUS_070_RESOLVED_OTHERhighASMfalse
NOT_AVAILABLEN/ANO_HOST33UnclassifiedNetworking and security infrastructure, such as firewalls and routers, generally should not have their administration panels open to public Internet. Compromise of these devices, often though password guessing or vulnerability exploitation, provides privileged access to an enterprise network.1659452809020{'agent_install_type': 'NA', 'agent_host_boot_time': None, 'event_sub_type': None, 'module_id': None, 'association_strength': None, 'dst_association_strength': None, 'story_id': None, 'event_id': None, 'event_type': None, 'event_timestamp': 1659452809020, 'actor_process_instance_id': None, 'actor_process_image_path': None, 'actor_process_image_name': None, 'actor_process_command_line': None, 'actor_process_signature_status': 'N/A', 'actor_process_signature_vendor': None, 'actor_process_image_sha256': None, 'actor_process_image_md5': None, 'actor_process_causality_id': None, 'actor_causality_id': None, 'actor_process_os_pid': None, 'actor_thread_thread_id': None, 'causality_actor_process_image_name': None, 'causality_actor_process_command_line': None, 'causality_actor_process_image_path': None, 'causality_actor_process_signature_vendor': None, 'causality_actor_process_signature_status': 'N/A', 'causality_actor_causality_id': None, 'causality_actor_process_execution_time': None, 'causality_actor_process_image_md5': None, 'causality_actor_process_image_sha256': None, 'action_file_path': None, 'action_file_name': None, 'action_file_md5': None, 'action_file_sha256': None, 'action_file_macro_sha256': None, 'action_registry_data': None, 'action_registry_key_name': None, 'action_registry_value_name': None, 'action_registry_full_key': None, 'action_local_ip': None, 'action_local_ip_v6': None, 'action_local_port': None, 'action_remote_ip': None, 'action_remote_ip_v6': None, 'action_remote_port': 80, 'action_external_hostname': None, 'action_country': 'UNKNOWN', 'action_process_instance_id': None, 'action_process_causality_id': None, 'action_process_image_name': None, 'action_process_image_sha256': None, 'action_process_image_command_line': None, 'action_process_signature_status': 'N/A', 'action_process_signature_vendor': None, 'os_actor_effective_username': None, 'os_actor_process_instance_id': None, 'os_actor_process_image_path': None, 'os_actor_process_image_name': None, 'os_actor_process_command_line': None, 'os_actor_process_signature_status': 'N/A', 'os_actor_process_signature_vendor': None, 'os_actor_process_image_sha256': None, 'os_actor_process_causality_id': None, 'os_actor_causality_id': None, 'os_actor_process_os_pid': None, 'os_actor_thread_thread_id': None, 'fw_app_id': None, 'fw_interface_from': None, 'fw_interface_to': None, 'fw_rule': None, 'fw_rule_id': None, 'fw_device_name': None, 'fw_serial_number': None, 'fw_url_domain': None, 'fw_email_subject': None, 'fw_email_sender': None, 'fw_email_recipient': None, 'fw_app_subcategory': None, 'fw_app_category': None, 'fw_app_technology': None, 'fw_vsys': None, 'fw_xff': None, 'fw_misc': None, 'fw_is_phishing': 'N/A', 'dst_agent_id': None, 'dst_causality_actor_process_execution_time': None, 'dns_query_name': None, 'dst_action_external_hostname': None, 'dst_action_country': None, 'dst_action_external_port': None, 'contains_featured_host': 'NO', 'contains_featured_user': 'NO', 'contains_featured_ip': 'NO', 'image_name': None, 'container_id': None, 'cluster_name': None, 'referenced_resource': None, 'operation_name': None, 'identity_sub_type': None, 'identity_type': None, 'project': None, 'cloud_provider': None, 'resource_type': None, 'resource_sub_type': None, 'user_agent': None, 'user_name': None}FAKE-GUIDfalsefalse16602404260551659455246812MATCHEDNetworking InfrastructureASM alert resolutionSTATUS_070_RESOLVED_OTHERhighASMfalse


Fetches attack surface rules related to how Cortex Xpanse does assessment.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
enabled_statusEnablement status to search rules with. Valid values are "On" and "Off".Optional
categoryComma-separated list of strings attack surface rule categories.Optional
priorityComma-separated list of strings attack surface rule priorities.Optional
attack_surface_rule_idsComma-separated list of strings attack surface rule IDs.Optional
limitMaximum number of results to return.Optional

Context Output#

ASM.AttackSurfaceRules.priorityunknownPriority level for the different rules. Low, Medium, High, Critical.
ASM.AttackSurfaceRules.attack_surface_rule_nameunknownName of the attack surface rule.
ASM.AttackSurfaceRules.attack_surface_rule_idunknownID of the attack surface rule.
ASM.AttackSurfaceRules.descriptionunknownDescription of the attack surface rule.
ASM.AttackSurfaceRules.categoryunknownCategory of the attack surface rule.
ASM.AttackSurfaceRules.remediation_guidanceunknownGuidance for how to address various ASM risks.
ASM.AttackSurfaceRules.enabled_statusunknownEnablement status of the attack surface rule.
ASM.AttackSurfaceRules.createdunknownCreation date of the attack surface rule.
ASM.AttackSurfaceRules.modifiedunknownLast modification of the attack surface rule.

Command example#

!asm-get-attack-surface-rule enabled_status=On limit=1

Context Example#

"ASM": {
"AttackSurfaceRules": {
"attack_surface_rule_id": "VMwareVRealizeAutomationAppliance",
"attack_surface_rule_name": "VMware vRealize Automation Appliance",
"category": "Attack Surface Reduction",
"created": 1688836450000,
"description": "VMware vRealize Automation, formerly vCloud Automation Center, is a software product that offers multivendor and multicloud support. It allows for IT infrastructure personalization and resource provisioning and configuration, and it automates application delivery and container management. This issue identifies the web login interface for VMware vRealize Automation Appliance.",
"enabled_status": "On",
"knowledge_base_link": null,
"modified": 1688074708000,
"modified_by": null,
"priority": "High",
"remediation_guidance": "Due to the network access provided by VMware vRealize Automation, it is recommended for instances of VMware vRealize Automation to not be accessible to the public Internet unless there is a business need.\nXpanse recommends working to identify the asset owner and collaborating with them to remove the asset from the internet."

Human Readable Output#

Attack Surface Rules#

Attack Surface Rule IdAttack Surface Rule NameCategoryCreatedDescriptionEnabled StatusModifiedPriorityRemediation Guidance
VMwareVRealizeAutomationApplianceVMware vRealize Automation ApplianceAttack Surface Reduction1688836450000VMware vRealize Automation, formerly vCloud Automation Center, is a software product that offers multivendor and multicloud support. It allows for IT infrastructure personalization and resource provisioning and configuration, and it automates application delivery and container management. This issue identifies the web login interface for VMware vRealize Automation Appliance.On1688074708000HighDue to the network access provided by VMware vRealize Automation, it is recommended for instances of VMware vRealize Automation to not be accessible to the public Internet unless there is a business need.
Xpanse recommends working to identify the asset owner and collaborating with them to remove the asset from the internet.


Assigns tags to a list of assets.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asm_id_listComma-separated list of asset IDs to add tags to.Required
tagsThe name of the tags to apply to supplied assets.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!asm-tag-asset-assign tags="Test" asm_id_list="76fb0c06-52cf-33b5-8166-3a130bb25eb6"

Context Example#

"ASM": {
"TagAssignment": "Assignment operation: succeeded"

Human Readable Output#

Assignment operation: succeeded


Removes tags from a list of assets.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asm_id_listComma-separated list of asset IDs to remove tags from.Optional
tagsThe name of the tags to remove from supplied assets.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!asm-tag-asset-remove tags="Test" asm_id_list="76fb0c06-52cf-33b5-8166-3a130bb25eb6"

Context Example#

"ASM": {
"TagRemoval": "Removal operation: succeeded"

Human Readable Output#

Removal operation: succeeded


Assigns tags to a list of IP ranges.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
range_id_listComma-separated list of range IDs to add tags to.Optional
tagsThe name of the tags to apply to supplied assets.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!asm-tag-range-assign range_id_list="ba8d8f59-6445-37c0-a145-2233f9e5a9bd" tags="Test"

Context Example#

"ASM": {
"TagAssignment": "Assignment operation: succeeded"

Human Readable Output#

Assignment operation: succeeded


Removes tags from a list of IP ranges.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
range_id_listComma-separated list of range IDs to remove tags from.Optional
tagsThe name of the tags to remove from supplied IP ranges.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!asm-tag-range-remove range_id_list="ba8d8f59-6445-37c0-a145-2233f9e5a9bd" tags="Test"

Context Example#

"ASM": {
"TagRemoval": "Removal operation: succeeded"

Human Readable Output#

Removal operation: succeeded


Fetches ASM incidents that match provided filters. Incidents are an aggregation of related alerts. Note: Incident IDs may also be references as "Case IDs' elsewhere in the API.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
incident_id_listIncident IDs to filter on. Note: Incident IDs may also be references as "Case IDs' elsewhere in the API.Optional
descriptionString to search for within the incident description field.Optional
statusStatus to search incidents for. Possible values are: new, under_investigation, resolved.Optional
lte_creation_timeA date in the format 2019-12-31T23:59:00. Only incidents that were created on or before the specified date/time will be retrieved.Optional
gte_creation_timeA date in the format 2019-12-31T23:59:00. Only incidents that were created on or after the specified date/time will be retrieved.Optional
sort_by_creation_timeSorts returned incidents by the date/time that the incident was created ("asc" - ascending, "desc" - descending).Optional
sort_by_severitySorts returned incidents by the severity of the incident.Optional
pagePage number (for pagination). The default is 0 (the first page).Optional
limitMaximum number of incidents to return per page. The default and maximum is 100.Optional

Context Output#

ASM.Incident.alert_countNumberNumber of alerts included in the incident.
ASM.Incident.alerts_grouping_statusStringWhether alert grouping is enabled.
ASM.Incident.assigned_user_mailUnknownEmail of the assigned user.
ASM.Incident.assigned_user_pretty_nameUnknownFriendly name of the assigned user.
ASM.Incident.creation_timeDateCreation timestamp.
ASM.Incident.critical_severity_alert_countNumberNumber of critical alerts.
ASM.Incident.descriptionStringDescription of the incident.
ASM.Incident.high_severity_alert_countNumberNumber of high alerts.
ASM.Incident.incident_idStringID of the incident.
ASM.Incident.incident_nameUnknownIncident name.
ASM.Incident.incident_sourcesStringIncident source.
ASM.Incident.low_severity_alert_countNumberNumber of low alerts.
ASM.Incident.manual_severityUnknownSeverity override.
ASM.Incident.med_severity_alert_countNumberNumber of medium alerts.
ASM.Incident.modification_timeDateModification timestamp.
ASM.Incident.notesUnknownIncident notes.
ASM.Incident.original_tagsUnknownTags on the incident at creation time.
ASM.Incident.resolve_commentUnknownResolution comment (optional).
ASM.Incident.resolved_timestampUnknownResolution timestamp.
ASM.Incident.severityStringSeverity of the incident.
ASM.Incident.starredBooleanWhether the incident has been starred.
ASM.Incident.statusStringStatus of the incident.
ASM.Incident.tagsStringTags on the incident.
ASM.Incident.xdr_urlStringLink to navigate to the incident.
ASM.Incident.xpanse_risk_scoreUnknownRisk score of the incident.

Command example#

!asm-list-incidents limit=1 status=new

Context Example#

"ASM": {
"Incident": {
"aggregated_score": null,
"alert_categories": null,
"alert_count": 1,
"alerts_grouping_status": "Enabled",
"assigned_user_mail": null,
"assigned_user_pretty_name": null,
"creation_time": 1688837015292,
"critical_severity_alert_count": 0,
"description": "'Insecure Communication Protocol at'",
"detection_time": null,
"high_severity_alert_count": 0,
"host_count": 1,
"hosts": [
"incident_id": "5508",
"incident_name": null,
"incident_sources": [
"low_severity_alert_count": 0,
"manual_description": null,
"manual_score": null,
"manual_severity": null,
"med_severity_alert_count": 1,
"modification_time": 1688837015292,
"notes": null,
"original_tags": [],
"resolve_comment": null,
"resolved_timestamp": null,
"rule_based_score": null,
"severity": "medium",
"starred": false,
"status": "new",
"tags": [
"AR:Registered to You",
"IPR:Test IP"
"user_count": 0,
"xdr_url": "",
"xpanse_risk_score": null

Human Readable Output#

ASM Incidents#

Alert CountAlerts Grouping StatusCreation TimeCritical Severity Alert CountDescriptionHigh Severity Alert CountHost CountHostsIncident IdIncident SourcesLow Severity Alert CountMed Severity Alert CountModification TimeSeverityStarredStatusTagsUser CountXdr Url
1Enabled16888370152920'Insecure Communication Protocol at' to You,


Returns additional details about a specific incident. Note: Incident IDs may also be references as "Case IDs" elsewhere in the API.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
incident_idThe ID of the incident to be fetched.Required

Context Output#

ASM.Incident.incident_idStringThe ID of the incident.
ASM.Incident.xpanse_risk_scoreNumberThe Xpanse risk score of the incident.
ASM.Incident.alertsUnknownThe alerts included in the incident.
ASM.Incident.tagsUnknownTags assigned to assets included in the incident.
ASM.Incident.statusStringThe status of the incident.
ASM.Incident.severityStringThe severity of the incident.
ASM.Incident.descriptionStringDescription of the incident.
ASM.Incident.notesStringUser-provided notes related to the incident.

Command example#

!asm-get-incident incident_id=71

Context Example#

"aggregated_score": 825,
"alert_categories": null,
"alert_count": 2,
"alerts": [
"alert_id": "113716",
"description": "This issue flags on-premises Microsoft Exchange Servers that are known to be below the current up-to-date secured versions suggested by Microsoft.",
"name": "Insecure Microsoft Exchange Server (15.0.1497.36) at",
"resolution_status": "STATUS_020_UNDER_INVESTIGATION"
"alert_id": "89896",
"description": "The X-XSS-Protection header is used to reduce the risk of cross-site scripting attacks. Not including it could make your website less secure.",
"name": "Missing X-Xss-Protection at",
"resolution_status": "STATUS_010_NEW"
"alerts_grouping_status": "Disabled",
"assigned_user_mail": "",
"assigned_user_pretty_name": "User One",
"creation_time": 1671912678672,
"critical_severity_alert_count": 0,
"description": "'Insecure Microsoft Exchange Server (15.0.1497.36) at' along with 1 other alerts",
"detection_time": null,
"high_severity_alert_count": 4,
"host_count": 1,
"hosts": [
"incident_id": "71",
"incident_name": null,
"incident_sources": [
"is_blocked": false,
"low_severity_alert_count": 0,
"manual_description": null,
"manual_score": null,
"manual_severity": null,
"med_severity_alert_count": 2,
"modification_time": 1696275576460,
"notes": null,
"original_tags": [
"BU:Xpanse VanDelay Demo 3"
"resolve_comment": null,
"resolved_timestamp": null,
"rule_based_score": 825,
"severity": "high",
"starred": true,
"status": "under_investigation",
"tags": [
"AR:Registered to You"
"user_count": 0,
"xdr_url": "",
"xpanse_risk_explainer": {
"cves": [
"confidence": "High",
"cveId": "CVE-2021-26855",
"cvssScore": 9.800000190734863,
"epssScore": 0.9749900102615356,
"exploitMaturity": "Weaponized",
"matchType": "ExactVersionMatch",
"mostRecentReportedExploitDate": "2023-10-12",
"reportedExploitInTheWild": true
"confidence": "High",
"cveId": "CVE-2021-34473",
"cvssScore": 9.800000190734863,
"epssScore": 0.9732999801635742,
"exploitMaturity": "Weaponized",
"matchType": "ExactVersionMatch",
"mostRecentReportedExploitDate": "2023-10-12",
"reportedExploitInTheWild": true
"confidence": "High",
"cveId": "CVE-2021-34523",
"cvssScore": 9.800000190734863,
"epssScore": 0.9726300239562988,
"exploitMaturity": "Weaponized",
"matchType": "ExactVersionMatch",
"mostRecentReportedExploitDate": "2023-10-12",
"reportedExploitInTheWild": true
"riskFactors": [
"attributeId": "misconfiguration",
"attributeName": "Misconfiguration",
"issueTypes": [
"displayName": "Insecure Microsoft Exchange Server",
"issueTypeId": "InsecureMicrosoftExchangeServer"
"displayName": "Missing X-XSS-Protection Header",
"issueTypeId": "MissingXXssProtectionHeader"
"attributeId": "critical_system",
"attributeName": "Critical System",
"issueTypes": [
"displayName": "Insecure Microsoft Exchange Server",
"issueTypeId": "InsecureMicrosoftExchangeServer"
"attributeId": "potential_data_loss",
"attributeName": "Potential Data Loss",
"issueTypes": [
"displayName": "Insecure Microsoft Exchange Server",
"issueTypeId": "InsecureMicrosoftExchangeServer"
"versionMatched": true
"xpanse_risk_score": 825

Human Readable Output#

ASM Incident#

Aggregated ScoreAlert CountAlertsAlerts Grouping StatusAssigned User MailAssigned User Pretty NameCreation TimeCritical Severity Alert CountDescriptionHigh Severity Alert CountHost CountHostsIncident IdIncident SourcesIs BlockedLow Severity Alert CountMed Severity Alert CountModification TimeOriginal TagsRule Based ScoreSeverityStarredStatusTagsUser CountXdr UrlXpanse Risk ExplainerXpanse Risk Score
8252{'alert_id': '113716', 'name': 'Insecure Microsoft Exchange Server (15.0.1497.36) at', 'description': 'This issue flags on-premises Microsoft Exchange Servers that are known to be below the current up-to-date secured versions suggested by Microsoft.' , 'resolution_status': 'STATUS_010_NEW'},
{'alert_id': '89896', 'name': 'Missing X-Xss-Protection at', 'description': 'The X-XSS-Protection header is used to reduce the risk of cross-site scripting attacks. Not including it could make your website less secure.', 'resolution_status': 'STATUS_010_NEW'}
Disabledcs@acme.comUser One16719126786720'Insecure Microsoft Exchange Server (15.0.1497.36) at' along with 1 other alerts411.1.1.1:null71ASMfalse021696275576460BU:Xpanse VanDelay Demo 3825hightrueunder_investigationAR:Registered to You0 {'cveId': 'CVE-2021-26855', 'cvssScore': 9.800000190734863, 'epssScore': 0.9749900102615356, 'matchType': 'ExactVersionMatch', 'confidence': 'High', 'exploitMaturity': 'Weaponized', 'reportedExploitInTheWild': True, 'mostRecentReportedExploitDate': '2023-10-12'},
{'cveId': 'CVE-2021-34473', 'cvssScore': 9.800000190734863, 'epssScore': 0.9732999801635742, 'matchType': 'ExactVersionMatch', 'confidence': 'High', 'exploitMaturity': 'Weaponized', 'reportedExploitInTheWild': True, 'mostRecentReportedExploitDate': '2023-10-12'},
{'cveId': 'CVE-2021-34523', 'cvssScore': 9.800000190734863, 'epssScore': 0.9726300239562988, 'matchType': 'ExactVersionMatch', 'confidence': 'High', 'exploitMaturity': 'Weaponized', 'reportedExploitInTheWild': True, 'mostRecentReportedExploitDate': '2023-10-12'}
riskFactors: {'attributeId': 'misconfiguration', 'attributeName': 'Misconfiguration', 'issueTypes': [{'displayName': 'Insecure Microsoft Exchange Server', 'issueTypeId': 'InsecureMicrosoftExchangeServer'}, {'displayName': 'Missing X-XSS-Protection Header', 'issueTypeId': 'MissingXXssProtectionHeader'}]},
{'attributeId': 'critical_system', 'attributeName': 'Critical System', 'issueTypes': [{'displayName': 'Insecure Microsoft Exchange Server', 'issueTypeId': 'InsecureMicrosoftExchangeServer'}]},
{'attributeId': 'potential_data_loss', 'attributeName': 'Potential Data Loss', 'issueTypes': [{'displayName': 'Insecure Microsoft Exchange Server', 'issueTypeId': 'InsecureMicrosoftExchangeServer'}]}
versionMatched: true


Updates a given incident. Can be used to modify the status, severity, assignee, or add comments.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
incident_idID of the incident to modify.Required
alert_idUsed for scoping updates such as comments to the alert level.Optional
assigned_user_mailEmail address of the user to assign incident to. This user must exist within your Expander instance.Optional
manual_severityAdministrator-defined severity for the incident.Optional
statusIncident status. Possible values are: new, under_investigation, resolved.Optional
resolve_commentOptional resolution comment when resolving the incident.Optional
commentA comment to add to the incident. If an alert_id is supplied it will be prefixed to the comment.Optional

Context Output#

ASM.IncidentUpdateunknownWhether the incident update was successful.

Command example#

!asm-update-incident incident_id="3674" alert_id="4372" comment="this is an xsoar test"

Context Example#

"ASM": {
"IncidentUpdate": "Update operation successful: true"

Human Readable Output#

Update operation successful: true


Updates the state of one or more alerts.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
alert_id_listComma-separated list of integers of the alert ID.Optional
statusUpdated alert status. Possible values are: new, reopened, under_investigation, resolved_no_longer_observed, resolved_no_risk, resolved_risk_accepted, resolved_contested_asset, resolved_remediated_automatically, resolved.Optional
severityThe severity of the alert. Possible values are: low, medium, high, critical.Optional
resolution_commentDescriptive comment explaining the alert change.Optional

Context Output#

ASM.UpdatedAlertsunknownIDs of the updated alerts.

Command example#

!asm-update-alerts alert_id_list=602 status=new

Context Example#

"ASM": {
"UpdatedAlerts": [602]

Human Readable Output#

Updated alerts: [602]


(Deprecated as of version 1.2.7) Returns reputation lookup for an IP address found in Cortex Xpanse.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
ipIP address to enrich.Required

Context Output#

ASM.IP.ipStringThe IP address of the asset.
ASM.IP.domainStringThe domain affiliated with an asset.
ASM.IP.nameStringThe asset name.
ASM.IP.asset_typeStringThe asset type.
ASM.IP.first_observedunknownWhen the asset was first observed.
ASM.IP.last_observedunknownWhen the asset was last observed.
ASM.IP.asm_idsunknownThe ID of the asset.
ASM.IP.service_typeunknownAffiliated service types for the asset.
ASM.IP.tagsunknownA list of tags that have been assigned to the asset.
ASM.IP.asset_explainersunknownThe asset explanation details.
ASM.IP.domain_detailsunknownAdditional domain details.
ASM.IP.recent_ipsunknownDetails about the recent IP observations.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor reporting the score of the indicator.
DBotScore.ScoreIntegerAn integer regarding the status of the indicator.
DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator value.
DBotScore.TypeStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.
DBotScore.ReliabilityStringReliability of the source providing the intelligence data.
IP.AddressStringIP address.
ASM.TIM.IP.nameStringThe existing Cortex Xpanse IP address recently updated in the Cortex XSOAR indicators
ASM.TIM.IP.indicator_typeStringThe existing Cortex Xpanse indicator type in the Cortex XSOAR indicators
ASM.TIM.IP.idStringThe existing indicator ID in the Cortex XSOAR indicators
ASM.TIM.IP.reliabilityStringThe existing indicator reliability recently updated in the Cortex XSOAR indicators
ASM.TIM.IP.scoreIntegerThe existing indicator score recently updated in the Cortex XSOAR indicators

Command example#

!ip ip=',,'

Context Example#

If the indicator was not updated in Cortex XSOAR in the last 3 days:

"ASM": {
"IP": {
"asm_ids": [
"asset_explainers": [],
"asset_type": "DOMAIN",
"domain": "*",
"domain_details": {
"admin": {
"city": "",
"country": "us",
"emailAddress": "",
"faxExtension": null,
"faxNumber": "",
"name": "",
"organization": "Acme, Inc.",
"phoneExtension": null,
"phoneNumber": "",
"postalCode": "",
"province": "AZ",
"registryId": null,
"street": ""
"alignedRegistrar": "MarkMonitor",
"collectionTime": 1695942091000,
"creationDate": 785376000000,
"dnssec": null,
"domainName": "",
"domainStatuses": [
"dropped": false,
"nameServers": []
"first_observed": 1679457579382,
"ip": "",
"last_observed": 1697361335282,
"name": "*",
"recent_ips": [
"firstObserved": 1692418207732,
"id": "218b3cc9-2d26-3a17-aadd-9eac08cc30ec",
"ip": "",
"ipv6": null,
"lastObserved": 1697361335282,
"provider": {
"additionalProviderInfo": null,
"cdn": false,
"displayName": "Amazon Web Services",
"isCdn": false,
"legacyName": "AWS",
"name": "AWS"
"source": {
"service_type": [
"tags": [
"BU:Xpanse VanDelay Demo 3"

If the indicator is related to Xpanse was updated in Cortex XSOAR in the last 3 days:

"ASM": {
"TIM": {
"id": "abcd1b2abcd1a0b20c7a8bc5d67e8eea",
"indicator_type": "IP",
"name": "",
"reliability": "A+ - 3rd party enrichment",
"score": 0

Human Readable Output#

If the indicator was not updated in Cortex XSOAR in the last 3 days:

Xpanse Discovered IP List#

4b1f3765-de40-3a1a-8535-667420408fd9DOMAIN*.acme.comadmin: {"city": "", "country": "us", "emailAddress": "", "faxExtension": null, "faxNumber": "", "name": "", "organization": "Acme, Inc.", "phoneExtension": null, "phoneNumber": "", "postalCode": "", "province": "AZ", "registryId": null, "street": ""}16794575793821.1.1.11697361335282*{'id': '218b3cc9-2d26-3a17-aadd-9eac08cc30ec', 'ip': 52529952, 'ipv6': None, 'source': {'name': 'DOMAIN_RESOLUTION'}, 'provider': {'name': 'AWS', 'additionalProviderInfo': None, 'isCdn': False, 'legacyName': 'AWS', 'displayName': 'Amazon Web Services', 'cdn': False}, 'firstObserved': 1692418207732, 'lastObserved': 1697361335282}HttpServerBU:Xpanse VanDelay Demo 3

If the indicator is related to Xpanse was updated in Cortex XSOAR in the last 3 days:

Xpanse Discovered IP List (Existing Indicators)#

This domain list is from existing records found in Cortex XSOAR within the last 3 days. If you would additional Cortex Xpanse specific information about these, use asm-list-asset-internet-exposure.

abcd1b2abcd1a0b20c7a8bc5d67e8eeaIP1.1.1.2A+ - 3rd party enrichment0

If the indicator was updated in Cortex XSOAR in the last 3 days:

XSOAR Indicator Discovered IP List (Not Related to Cortex Xpanse)#

This IP list is from existing records found in Cortex XSOAR within the last 3 days. These IPs have not been found to be attributed to Cortex Xpanse.

VirusTotal (API v3)


(Deprecated as of version 1.2.7) Returns reputation lookup for an domain found in Cortex Xpanse.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
domainDomain to enrich.Required

Context Output#

ASM.Domain.domainStringThe domain affiliated with an asset.
ASM.Domain.nameStringThe asset name.
ASM.Domain.asset_typeStringThe asset type.
ASM.Domain.first_observedunknownWhen the asset was first observed.
ASM.Domain.last_observedunknownWhen the asset was last observed.
ASM.Domain.asm_idsunknownThe ID of the asset.
ASM.Domain.service_typeunknownAffiliated service types for the asset.
ASM.Domain.tagsunknownA list of tags that have been assigned to the asset.
ASM.Domain.asset_explainersunknownThe asset explanation details.
ASM.Domain.domain_detailsunknownAdditional domain details.
ASM.Domain.recent_ipsunknownDetails about the recent IP observations.
DBotScore.VendorStringThe vendor reporting the score of the indicator.
DBotScore.ScoreNumberAn integer regarding the status of the indicator.
DBotScore.IndicatorStringThe indicator value.
DBotScore.TypeStringThe vendor used to calculate the score.
DBotScore.ReliabilityStringReliability of the source providing the intelligence data.
Domain.NameStringName of the domain.
ASM.TIM.Domain.nameStringThe existing Cortex Xpanse domain recently updated in the Cortex XSOAR indicators
ASM.TIM.Domain.indicator_typeStringThe existing Cortex Xpanse indicator type in the Cortex XSOAR indicators
ASM.TIM.Domain.idStringThe existing indicator ID in the Cortex XSOAR indicators
ASM.TIM.Domain.reliabilityStringThe existing indicator reliability recently updated in the Cortex XSOAR indicators
ASM.TIM.Domain.scoreIntegerThe existing indicator score recently updated in the Cortex XSOAR indicators

Command example#

!domain domain="*,,"

Context Example#

If the indicator was not updated in Cortex XSOAR in the last 3 days:

"ASM": {
"Domain": {
"asm_ids": [
"asset_explainers": [],
"asset_type": "DOMAIN",
"domain": "*",
"domain_details": {
"admin": {
"city": "",
"country": "us",
"emailAddress": "",
"faxExtension": null,
"faxNumber": "",
"name": "",
"organization": "Acme, Inc.",
"phoneExtension": null,
"phoneNumber": "",
"postalCode": "",
"province": "AZ",
"registryId": null,
"street": ""
"alignedRegistrar": "MarkMonitor",
"collectionTime": 1695942091000,
"creationDate": 785376000000,
"dnssec": null,
"domainName": "",
"domainStatuses": [
"dropped": false,
"nameServers": []
"first_observed": 1679457579382,
"last_observed": 1697361335282,
"name": "*",
"recent_ips": [
"firstObserved": 1692418207732,
"id": "218b3cc9-2d26-3a17-aadd-9eac08cc30ec",
"ip": "",
"ipv6": null,
"lastObserved": 1697361335282,
"provider": {
"additionalProviderInfo": null,
"cdn": false,
"displayName": "Amazon Web Services",
"isCdn": false,
"legacyName": "AWS",
"name": "AWS"
"source": {
"service_type": [
"tags": [
"BU:Xpanse VanDelay Demo 3"

If the indicator is related to Xpanse was updated in Cortex XSOAR in the last 3 days:

"ASM": {
"TIM": {
"id": "abcd1b2abcd1a0b20c7a8bc5d67e8eea",
"indicator_type": "Domain",
"name": "",
"reliability": "A+ - 3rd party enrichment",
"score": 0

Human Readable Output#

If the indicator was not updated in Cortex XSOAR in the last 3 days:

Xpanse Discovered Domain List#

4b1f3765-de40-3a1a-8535-667420408fd9DOMAIN*.acme.comadmin: {"city": "", "country": "us", "emailAddress": "", "faxExtension": null, "faxNumber": "", "name": "", "organization": "Acme, Inc.", "phoneExtension": null, "phoneNumber": "", "postalCode": "", "province": "AZ", "registryId": null, "street": ""}16794575793821697361335282*{'id': '218b3cc9-2d26-3a17-aadd-9eac08cc30ec', 'ip': 52529952, 'ipv6': None, 'source': {'name': 'DOMAIN_RESOLUTION'}, 'provider': {'name': 'AWS', 'additionalProviderInfo': None, 'isCdn': False, 'legacyName': 'AWS', 'displayName': 'Amazon Web Services', 'cdn': False}, 'firstObserved': 1692418207732, 'lastObserved': 1697361335282}HttpServerBU:Xpanse VanDelay Demo 3

If the indicator is related to Xpanse was updated in Cortex XSOAR in the last 3 days:

Xpanse Discovered Domain List (Existing Indicators)#

This domain list is from existing records found in Cortex XSOAR within the last 3 days. If you would like additional Cortex Xpanse specific information about these, use asm-list-asset-internet-exposure.

abcd1b2abcd1a0b20c7a8bc5d67e8eeaDomainwww.example.comA+ - 3rd party enrichment0

If the indicator was updated in Cortex XSOAR in the last 3 days:

XSOAR Indicator Discovered Domain List (Not Related to Xpanse)#

This domain list is from existing records found in Cortex XSOAR within the last 3 days. These domains have not been found to be attributed to Cortex Xpanse. |integrations|name| |---|---| | VirusTotal (API v3) | |


Get a list of all your external websites filtered by authentication type. Maximum result limit is 500 assets.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
authenticationAuthentication type string on which to search.Optional
limitMaximum number of assets to return. The default and maximum is 100.Optional

Context Output#

ASM.Externalwebsite.website_idStringExternal website UUID.
ASM.Externalwebsite.website_nameStringName of the external website.
ASM.Externalwebsite.website_typeStringType of the external website.
ASM.Externalwebsite.ip_addressStringIP address of the external website.
ASM.Externalwebsite.externally_detected_providersStringProviders of external website.
ASM.Externalwebsite.is_activeStringWhether the external website is active.
ASM.Externalwebsite.first_observedDateDate of the first observation of the external website.
ASM.Externalwebsite.last_observedDateDate of the last observation of the external website.
ASM.Externalwebsite.portNumberPort number of the external website.
ASM.Externalwebsite.protocolStringProtocol number of the external website.
ASM.Externalwebsite.inactive_classificationsStringExternal website classifications that are no longer active.
ASM.Externalwebsite.discovery_typeStringHow the external website was discovered.
ASM.Externalwebsite.business_unitsStringExternal website associated business units.
ASM.Externalwebsite.externally_inferred_vulnerability_scoreUnknownExternal website vulnerability score.

Command example#

!asm-list-external-website authentiaction=Form limit=5

Context Example#

"ExternalWebsite": {
"total_count": 3343,
"result_count": 5,
"websites": [
"website_id": null,
"host": "",
"protocol": "HTTPS",
"is_active": "ACTIVE",
"site_categories": [],
"technology_ids": [
"first_observed": 1704494700000,
"last_observed": 1705363560000,
"provider_names": [
"ips": [
"port": 443,
"active_service_ids": [
"http_type": "HTTPS",
"third_party_script_domains": [],
"security_assessments": [
"name": "Has HTTPS Enabled",
"priority": 10,
"score": 1,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [],
"description": "This website uses HTTPS which encrypts data in transit between browser and server."
"name": "Secure Forms",
"priority": 10,
"score": 1,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [],
"description": "Forms on this website are submitted over HTTPS."
"name": "No Mixed Content",
"priority": 10,
"score": 1,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [],
"description": "Pages on this website do not include content fetched using cleartext HTTP."
"name": "Protocol Downgrade",
"priority": 10,
"score": 1,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [],
"description": "Redirects never downgrade from HTTPS to HTTP."
"name": "Sets valid X-Frame-Options Header",
"priority": 10,
"score": 0,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [
"url": "",
"message": "not_set",
"elements": []
"description": "This header prevents browser from rendering this site inside an iframe or other embedding methods. This helps to prevent click-jacking attacks."
"name": "Sets valid X-Content-Type-Options Header",
"priority": 10,
"score": 0,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [
"url": "",
"message": "not_set",
"elements": []
"description": "This header is used by the server to prevent browsers from guessing the media type (MIME type) known as MIME sniffing. The absence of this header might cause browsers to transform non-executable content into executable content."
"name": "Sets valid Content-Type Header",
"priority": 10,
"score": 1,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [],
"description": "This header is used to indicate the original media type of the resource. The charset attribute is necessary in this header to prevent XSS in HTML pages."
"name": "Sets HTTP Strict Transport Security Header",
"priority": 10,
"score": 1,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [],
"description": "This website sets a HSTS Header which ensures that the browser will always request the encrypted HTTPS version of the website regardless of what links are clicked or URL a site visitor enters."
"name": "Sets valid Referrer-Policy Header",
"priority": 10,
"score": 0,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [
"url": "",
"message": "not_set",
"elements": []
"description": "This HTTP header controls how much referrer information should be included with requests. Today, the default behavior in modern browsers is to no longer send all referrer information (origin, path, and query string) to the same site but to only send the origin to other sites. However, since not all users may be using the latest browsers we suggest forcing this behavior by sending this header on all requests."
"authentication": [
"Form Based Auth"
"rootPageHttpStatusCode": "302",
"isNonConfiguredHost": false,
"externally_inferred_vulnerability_score": null,
"externally_inferred_cves": [],
"tags": [
"website_id": null,
"host": "",
"protocol": "HTTPS",
"is_active": "ACTIVE",
"site_categories": [],
"technology_ids": [
"first_observed": 1704494700000,
"last_observed": 1705363560000,
"provider_names": [
"ips": [
"port": 443,
"active_service_ids": [
"http_type": "HTTPS",
"third_party_script_domains": [],
"security_assessments": [
"name": "Has HTTPS Enabled",
"priority": 10,
"score": 1,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [],
"description": "This website uses HTTPS which encrypts data in transit between browser and server."
"name": "Secure Forms",
"priority": 10,
"score": 1,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [],
"description": "Forms on this website are submitted over HTTPS."
"name": "No Mixed Content",
"priority": 10,
"score": 1,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [],
"description": "Pages on this website do not include content fetched using cleartext HTTP."
"name": "Protocol Downgrade",
"priority": 10,
"score": 1,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [],
"description": "Redirects never downgrade from HTTPS to HTTP."
"name": "Sets valid X-Frame-Options Header",
"priority": 10,
"score": 0,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [
"url": "",
"message": "not_set",
"elements": []
"description": "This header prevents browser from rendering this site inside an iframe or other embedding methods. This helps to prevent click-jacking attacks."
"name": "Sets valid X-Content-Type-Options Header",
"priority": 10,
"score": 0,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [
"url": "",
"message": "not_set",
"elements": []
"description": "This header is used by the server to prevent browsers from guessing the media type (MIME type) known as MIME sniffing. The absence of this header might cause browsers to transform non-executable content into executable content."
"name": "Sets valid Content-Type Header",
"priority": 10,
"score": 1,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [],
"description": "This header is used to indicate the original media type of the resource. The charset attribute is necessary in this header to prevent XSS in HTML pages."
"name": "Sets HTTP Strict Transport Security Header",
"priority": 10,
"score": 1,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [],
"description": "This website sets a HSTS Header which ensures that the browser will always request the encrypted HTTPS version of the website regardless of what links are clicked or URL a site visitor enters."
"name": "Sets valid Referrer-Policy Header",
"priority": 10,
"score": 0,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [
"url": "",
"message": "not_set",
"elements": []
"description": "This HTTP header controls how much referrer information should be included with requests. Today, the default behavior in modern browsers is to no longer send all referrer information (origin, path, and query string) to the same site but to only send the origin to other sites. However, since not all users may be using the latest browsers we suggest forcing this behavior by sending this header on all requests."
"authentication": [
"Form Based Auth"
"rootPageHttpStatusCode": "302",
"isNonConfiguredHost": false,
"externally_inferred_vulnerability_score": null,
"externally_inferred_cves": [],
"tags": [
"website_id": null,
"host": "",
"protocol": "HTTPS",
"is_active": "ACTIVE",
"site_categories": [],
"technology_ids": [
"first_observed": 1704494700000,
"last_observed": 1705363560000,
"provider_names": [
"ips": [
"port": 443,
"active_service_ids": [
"http_type": "HTTPS",
"third_party_script_domains": [],
"security_assessments": [
"name": "Has HTTPS Enabled",
"priority": 10,
"score": 1,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [],
"description": "This website uses HTTPS which encrypts data in transit between browser and server."
"name": "Secure Forms",
"priority": 10,
"score": 1,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [],
"description": "Forms on this website are submitted over HTTPS."
"name": "No Mixed Content",
"priority": 10,
"score": 1,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [],
"description": "Pages on this website do not include content fetched using cleartext HTTP."
"name": "Protocol Downgrade",
"priority": 10,
"score": 1,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [],
"description": "Redirects never downgrade from HTTPS to HTTP."
"name": "Sets valid X-Frame-Options Header",
"priority": 10,
"score": 0,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [
"url": "",
"message": "not_set",
"elements": []
"description": "This header prevents browser from rendering this site inside an iframe or other embedding methods. This helps to prevent click-jacking attacks."
"name": "Sets valid X-Content-Type-Options Header",
"priority": 10,
"score": 0,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [
"url": "",
"message": "not_set",
"elements": []
"description": "This header is used by the server to prevent browsers from guessing the media type (MIME type) known as MIME sniffing. The absence of this header might cause browsers to transform non-executable content into executable content."
"name": "Sets valid Content-Type Header",
"priority": 10,
"score": 1,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [],
"description": "This header is used to indicate the original media type of the resource. The charset attribute is necessary in this header to prevent XSS in HTML pages."
"name": "Sets HTTP Strict Transport Security Header",
"priority": 10,
"score": 1,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [],
"description": "This website sets a HSTS Header which ensures that the browser will always request the encrypted HTTPS version of the website regardless of what links are clicked or URL a site visitor enters."
"name": "Sets valid Referrer-Policy Header",
"priority": 10,
"score": 0,
"securityAssessmentDetails": {
"pages": [
"url": "",
"message": "not_set",
"elements": []
"description": "This HTTP header controls how much referrer information should be included with requests. Today, the default behavior in modern browsers is to no longer send all referrer information (origin, path, and query string) to the same site but to only send the origin to other sites. However, since not all users may be using the latest browsers we suggest forcing this behavior by sending this header on all requests."
"authentication": [
"Form Based Auth"
"rootPageHttpStatusCode": "302",
"isNonConfiguredHost": false,
"externally_inferred_vulnerability_score": null,
"externally_inferred_cves": [],
"tags": [

Human Readable Output#

External websites#

HostAuthentication Type
example.comForm based authentication


Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
asset_idAuthentication type string on which to search.Required
entity_typeMaximum number of assets to return. The default and maximum is 100.Required
note_to_addThe custom note to be added to the notes section of the asset in Cortex XpanseRequired
should_appendSet to 'false' to overwrite the current note on the asset. Set to 'true' to append to the current note. Default is 'true'.Optional

Context Output#

ASM.AssetAnnotation.statusStringStatus of the note being added to the asset in Xpanse.

Command example#

!asm-add-note-to-asset asset_id=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx entity_type=asset note_to_add="Test adding note to asset."

Context Example#

"status": "succeeded"

Human Readable Output#




Resets the fetch incidents last run value, which resets the fetch to its initial fetch state.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.