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GitLab v2

This Integration is part of the GitLab Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.5.0 and later.


GitLab v2 is The DevOps platform that empowers organizations to maximize the overall return on software development by delivering software faster and efficiently while strengthening security and compliance.

Use Cases#

This integration enables you to:

  • Create, close, or update a GitLab issue.
  • Get a list of all GitLab issues you have access to.
  • Create, close, update and delete a GitLab issue note.
  • Get a list of all the notes related to an issue.
  • Create, delete and search a branch in GitLab.
  • Get a list of all GitLab branches in your project.
  • Get a list of the projects' commits.
  • Create, update a GitLab merge requests or get a list of all the merge requests.
  • Create, close, update and delete a merge request's note.
  • Create, upload ,delete and update a file in the GitLab project.
  • Get a list of files in the GitLab project.
  • Get the contents and details of a file in GitLab.
  • Search for code in the GitLab project.
  • Trigger a pipeline in the GitLab project.

Create a Personal Access Token#

Personal access tokens (PATs) are an alternative to using passwords for authentication to GitLab when using the GitLab API. To generate a new token:

  1. Navigate to the upper-right corner of any page and click your profile photo.
  2. In the left sidebar, click Preferences.
  3. In the left sidebar, click Access tokens.
  4. Give your token a descriptive name.
  5. To give your token an expiration, select the Expiration drop-down menu, then click a default or use the calendar picker.
  6. Select the scopes, or permissions, you want to grant this token. The minimum is read-only on repo.
  7. Click Create personal access token and copy the api key generated.-+

Create a Trigger Token#

Trigger tokens allow you to trigger a pipeline for a branch using it to authenticate on an API call.


You must have at least the Maintainer role for the project.

To generate a new token:

  1. Navigate to your project.
  2. Select Settings > CI/CD.
  3. Expand Pipeline triggers.
  4. Enter a description and select Add trigger.
    • You can view and copy the full token for all triggers you have created.
    • You can only see the first 4 characters for tokens created by other project members.

Get Project ID#

  1. Go to the desired project example
  2. Under the project name get the argument project_id

Configure GitLab on Cortex XSOAR#

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.

  2. Search for GitLab.

  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.

    Server URL (e.g.
    API KeyThe API Key to use for connectionTrue
    Trigger TokenThe trigger token to run pipelinesFalse
    Project IDTrue
    Trust any certificate (not secure)False
    Use system proxy settingsFalse
  4. Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Retrieve version information for this GitLab instance.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

GitLab.Version.versionStringThe version of this GitLab instance.
GitLab.Version.revisionStringThe revision of this GitLab instance.

Command example#


Context Example#

"GitLab": {
"Version": {
"revision": "4cfc3f317b2",
"version": "15.5.0-pre"

Human Readable Output#

GitLab version 15.5.0-pre reversion: 4cfc3f317b2


Allows to receive information about file in repository like name, size, content.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
file_pathThe file path.Optional
refThe name of branch, tag or commit.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.File.file_nameStringThe file name.
GitLab.File.file_pathStringThe path of the file.
GitLab.File.sizeNumberThe size of the file.
GitLab.File.encodingStringthe encoding of the file.'
GitLab.File.contentStringFile content.
GitLab.File.content_sha256StringThe file after hashing the content.
GitLab.File.refStringThe branch the file's content was taken from.
GitLab.File.blob_idStringThe blob id.
GitLab.File.commit_idStringThe commit id of the file.
GitLab.File.last_commit_idStringThe last commit id of the file.
GitLab.File.execute_filemodeBooleanIf the file is excute in filemode (Bool)


This allows you to create a single file. File path or entry_id must be specified.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
entry_idEntry id of the file.Optional
file_pathURL-encoded full path to new file.Optional
file_contentThe file's content.Optional
branchName of the new branch to create. The commit is added to this branch.Required
author_emailThe commit author's email address.Optional
author_nameThe commit author's name.Optional
commit_messageThe commit message.Required
execute_filemodeEnables or disables the execute flag on the file. Can be true or false. Possible values are: true, false.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.File.file_pathStringURL-encoded full path of the new file.
GitLab.File.branchStringName of the new branch to create.

Command Example#

!gitlab-file-create file_path=path branch=main entry_id=.gitlab-ci.yml author_name=authorName file_content='cfgdfr' commit_message=addFile execute_filemode=True

Human Readable Output#

File created successfully.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
file_pathURL-encoded full path to new file.Required
branchName of the new branch to create. The commit is added to this branch.Required
start_branchName of the base branch to create the new branch from.Optional
encodingChange encoding to base64. Default is text. Possible values are: text, base64. Default is text.Optional
author_emailThe commit author email address.Optional
author_nameThe commit author name address.Optional
entry_idEntry id of the file.if the user uploaded a file, he can provide the entry id. If he did, we need to read the content from the file and set the value in the file_content argument.Optional
file_contentThe file content.Required
commit_messageThe commit message.Required
last_commit_idLast known file commit ID.Optional
execute_filemodeEnables or disables the execute flag on the file. Can be true or false. Possible values are: true, false.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.File.file_pathStringThe file path.
GitLab.File.branchStringThe name of the branch.

Command Example#

!gitlab-file-update file_path=./gitlabca branch=thisbranch start_branch=main encoding=base64 author_name=name entry_id=.gitlab-ci.yml file_content="contant of file" commit_message=commit last_commit_id=5 execute_filemode=True

Human Readable Output#

File updated successfully.


Editing existing file in repository.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
file_pathURL-encoded full path of the file.Required
branchName of the new branch to delete.Required
commit_messageThe commit message.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!gitlab-file-delete branch=main file file_path=./gitlabca commit_message=deleteFile

Human Readable Output#

File deleted successfully.


Get a list of a project's issues.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
assignee_idReturn issues assigned to the given user id. The command gitlab-project-user-list gives a list of all relevent users.Optional
assignee_usernameReturn issues assigned to the given username.Optional
author_idReturn issues created by the given user id.Optional
author_usernameReturn issues created by the given username.Optional
confidentialFilter confidential or public issues.Optional
created_afterReturn issues created on or after the given time. Expected in ISO 8601 format (2019-03-15T08:00:00Z).Optional
created_beforeReturn issues created on or before the given time. Expected in ISO 8601 format (2019-03-15T08:00:00Z).Optional
due_dateReturn issues that have no due date, are overdue, or whose due date is this week, this month, or between two weeks ago and next month. Possible values are: 0 (no due date), any, today, tomorrow, overdue, week, month, next_month_and_previous_two_weeks.Optional
epic_idReturn issues associated with the given epic ID. None returns issues that are not associated with an epic.Optional
issue_typeFilter to a given type of issue. One of issue, incident, or test_case. Possible values are: issue, incident, test_case.Optional
labelsComma-separated list of label names, issues must have all labels to be returned. None lists all issues with no labels.Optional
milestoneThe milestone title. None lists all issues with no milestone. Any lists all issues that have an assigned milestone.Optional
order_byReturn issues ordered by created_at, updated_at, priority, due_date, relative_position, label_priority, milestone_due, popularity, weight fields. Default is created_at. Possible values are: created_at, updated_at, priority, due_date, relative_position, label_priority, milestone_due, popularity, weight. Default is created_at.Optional
scopeReturn issues for the given scope. Possible values are: created_by_me, assigned_to_me, all. Default is all.Optional
searchSearch project issues against their title and description.Optional
sortReturn issues sorted in asc or desc order. Default is desc. Possible values are: desc, asc. Default is desc.Optional
stateReturn all issues or just those that are opened or closed. Possible values are: opened, closed.Optional
updated_afterReturn issues updated on or after the given time.Optional
updated_beforeReturn issues updated on or before the given time.Optional
limitMaximum number of results to return. Default is 50.Optional
pageThe number of page to retrieve results from. Default is 1.Optional
partial_responseReturn partial API response in context data if true, otherwise returns full API response.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.Issue.iidNumberThe issue internal Id.
GitLab.Issue.titleStringThe title of the issue.
GitLab.Issue.response.created_atDateThe date of creation. name of the issue's author.
GitLab.Issue.response.updated_atDateThe date of the last update.
GitLab.Issue.milestone.titleNumberThe milestone title.
GitLab.Issue.stateStringThe state of the issue(closed or opened).
GitLab.Issue.assignee.nameStringThe name of the assignee.

Command Example#

!gitlab-issue-list limit=1 page=1 assignee_id=1 assignee_username=Assignusername author_id=4 author_username=usernameAuthoe confidential=False created_after=2000-09-15T17:22:42.246Z created_before=2022-09-15T17:22:42.246Z due_date=2023-09-15T17:22:42.246Z epic_id=1 issue_type=Issue labels=label2 milestone=PR order_by=Weight partial_response=false

Human Readable Output#

List Issues:#



Updates an existing project issue. This call is also used to mark an issue as closed. The iid can be taken from gitlab-issue-list.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
issue_iidThe internal ID of a project's issue.Required
add_labelsComma-separated label names to add to an issue.Optional
assignee_idsThe ID of the users to assign the issue to. The command gitlab-project-user-list gives a list of all relevent users.Optional
confidentialUpdates an issue to be confidential.Optional
descriptionThe description of an issue.Optional
discussion_lockedFlag indicating if the issue's discussion is locked. If the discussion is locked only project members can add or edit comments.Optional
due_dateThe due date. Date time string in the format YYYY-MM-DD, for example 2016-03-11.Optional
epic_idID of the epic to add the issue to. Valid values are greater than or equal to 0.Optional
epic_iidIID of the epic to add the issue to. Valid values are greater than or equal to 0.Optional
issue_typeUpdates the type of issue. One of issue, incident, or test_case. Possible values are: issue, incident, test_case.Optional
milestone_idThe global ID of a milestone to assign the issue to. Set to 0 or provide an empty value to unassign a milestone.Optional
remove_labelsComma-separated label names to remove from an issue.Optional
state_eventThe state event of an issue. Set close to close the issue and reopen to reopen it.Optional
titleThe title of an issue.Optional
partial_responseReturn partial API response in context data if true, otherwise returns full API response.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.Issue.idNumberThe issue id.
GitLab.Issue.iidNumberThe issue's iid.
GitLab.Issue.project_idNumberThe project ID.
GitLab.Issue.titleunknownThe title of the project.
GitLab.Issue.descriptionUnknownThe project description.
GitLab.Issue.stateunknownThe state of the project.
GitLab.Issue.created_atDateIssue creation time.
GitLab.Issue.updated_atDateThe date of the last update.
GitLab.Issue.closed_atDateThe time of closing the project.
GitLab.Issue.labelsunknownThe labels of the project. author name. avatar url. username of the author. author ID. state of the issue. author url.
GitLab.Issue.closed_by.stateunknownThe state of the project at closing time.
GitLab.Issue.closed_by.web_urlunknownThe web url of the author who closed the project.
GitLab.Issue.closed_by.avatar_urlUnknownThe avatar url of the author who closed the project.
GitLab.Issue.closed_by.usernameunknownThe username of the author who closed the project.
GitLab.Issue.closed_by.idNumberThe id of the author who closed the project.
GitLab.Issue.closed_by.nameunknownThe name of the author who closed the project.
GitLab.Issue.upvotesNumberThe upvotes of the project.
GitLab.Issue.downvotesNumberThe downvotes of the project.
GitLab.Issue.merge_requests_countNumberThe project merge requests count.
GitLab.Issue.assigneeUnknownThe assignee of the project.
GitLab.Issue.milestoneUnknownThe projects milestones.
GitLab.Issue.subscribedBooleanif the user is subscribed to the project.
GitLab.Issue.user_notes_countNumberThe user notes count.
GitLab.Issue.due_dateDateThe due date of the project.
GitLab.Issue.web_urlunknownThe project web url.
GitLab.Issue.references.shortunknownThe issue's refrences's short ID.
GitLab.Issue.references.relativeunknownThe number of relatives of the project.
GitLab.Issue.references.fullunknownThe number of reference.
GitLab.Issue.time_stats.time_estimateNumberThe total time estimate to the project.
GitLab.Issue.time_stats.total_time_spentNumberThe total time spent on the project.
GitLab.Issue.time_stats.human_time_estimateunknownThe time estimate for the project.
GitLab.Issue.time_stats.human_total_time_spentUnknownThe total time estimate to the project.
GitLab.Issue.confidentialBooleanIf the project confidential.
GitLab.Issue.discussion_lockedBooleanIf the discussion is locked.
GitLab.Issue.issue_typeunknownThe issue type.
GitLab.Issue.severityunknownThe severity of the project.
GitLab.Issue._links.selfunknowndictionary of links.
GitLab.Issue._links.notesunknownNotes of links.
GitLab.Issue._links.award_emojiunknownAward emoji of the project.
GitLab.Issue._links.projectunknownLink to the project.
GitLab.Issue._links.closed_as_duplicate_ofunknownLink to closed duplicate of the project.
GitLab.Issue.task_completion_status.countNumberDictionray of completion status.
GitLab.Issue.task_completion_status.completed_countNumberdictionary of status.

Command Example#

!gitlab-issue-update issue_iid=20 add_labels=label3 assignee_ids=2 confidential=False description=UpdateDesc discussion_locked=False due_date=2022-09-15T17:22:42.246Z epic_id=1 epic_iid=2 issue_type=Issue milestone_id=16 remove_labels=label1 state_event=Close title=updateTitle partial_response=false

Human Readable Output#

Update Issue:#



Get a list of repository commits in a project.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
commit_idIf the user provided a value, a specific commit will be retrieved. otherwise, all the commits will be retrieved(sha).Optional
ref_nameThe name of a repository branch, tag or revision range, or if not given the default branch.Optional
created_beforeOnly commits before or on this date are returned (until). Expected in ISO 8601 format (2019-03-15T08:00:00Z).Optional
created_afterOnly commits after or on this date are returned(since). Expected in ISO 8601 format (2019-03-15T08:00:00Z).Optional
pathThe file path.Optional
allRetrieve every commit from the repository.Optional
with_statsStats about each commit are added to the response.Optional
first_parentFollow only the first parent commit upon seeing a merge commit.Optional
orderList commits in order. Possible values- default, topo. Defaults to default, the commits are shown in reverse chronological order. Possible values are: default, topo.Optional
limitTotal commits to show. Default is 50.Optional
pagePresent commits from page. Default is 1.Optional
partial_responseReturn partial API response in context data if true, otherwise returns full API response.Optional

Command Example#

!gitlab-commit-list limit=1 page=1 commit_id=c156b66b ref_name=main created_before=2022-09-15T17:22:42.246Z created_after=2000-09-15T17:22:42.246Z path=./ all=True with_stats=True first_parent=True order=Default partial_response=false

Human Readable Output#

List Commits:#

commitExamplethis is examplec156b66bdemo-user2000-09-15T17:22:42.246Z

Context Output#

GitLab.Commit.idStringThe commit ID.
GitLab.Commit.short_idStringThe commit short ID.
GitLab.Commit.titleStringThe title of the commit.
GitLab.Commit.author_nameStringThe commit's author's.
GitLab.Commit.author_emailStringThe commit's author's email.
GitLab.Commit.authored_dateDateThe commit authored date.
GitLab.Commit.committer_nameStringThe commit commiter's name.
GitLab.Commit.committer_emailStringThe commit commiter's email.
GitLab.Commit.committed_dateDateThe commit committed date.
GitLab.Commit.created_atDateWhen the commit was created.
GitLab.Commit.messageStringThe message attached to the commit.
GitLab.Commit.parent_idsStringThe commit's parent ids.
GitLab.Commit.web_urlStringThe commit's web url.


Get all merge requests for this project.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
stateReturn all merge requests or just those that are opened, closed, locked, or merged. Possible values are: opened, closed, locked, merged.Optional
order_byReturn requests ordered by created_at, title or updated_at fields. Default is created_at. Possible values are: created_at, updated_at, title. Default is created_at.Optional
sortReturn requests sorted in asc or desc order. Default is desc. Possible values are: asc, desc. Default is desc.Optional
milestoneReturn merge requests for a specific milestone. None returns merge requests with no milestone. Any returns merge requests that have an assigned milestone.Optional
labelsReturn merge requests matching a comma-separated list of labels. None lists all merge requests with no labels. Any lists all merge requests with at least one label. Predefined names are case-insensitive.Optional
created_afterReturn merge requests created on or after the given time. Expected in ISO 8601 format (2019-03-15T08:00:00Z).Optional
created_beforeReturn merge requests created on or before the given time. Expected in ISO 8601 format (2019-03-15T08:00:00Z).Optional
updated_afterReturn merge requests updated on or after the given time. Expected in ISO 8601 format (2019-03-15T08:00:00Z).Optional
updated_beforeReturn merge requests updated on or before the given time. Expected in ISO 8601 format (2019-03-15T08:00:00Z).Optional
scopeReturn merge requests for the given scope- created_by_me, assigned_to_me, or all. Possible values are: created_by_me, assigned_to_me, all.Optional
author_idReturns merge requests created by the given user id. Mutually exclusive with author_username.Optional
author_usernameReturns merge requests created by the given username. Mutually exclusive with author_id.Optional
assignee_idReturns merge requests assigned to the given user id. The command gitlab-project-user-list gives a list of all relevent users.Optional
reviewer_idReturns merge requests which have the user as a reviewer with the given user id. The command gitlab-project-user-list gives a list of all relevent users.Optional
reviewer_usernameReturns merge requests which have the user as a reviewer with the given username. The command gitlab-project-user-list gives a list of all relevent users.Optional
source_branchReturn merge requests with the given source branch.Optional
target_branchReturn merge requests with the given target branch.Optional
searchSearch merge requests against their title and description.Optional
limitTotal merge requests to show. Default is 50.Optional
pagePresent merge requests from page. Default is 1.Optional
partial_responseReturn partial API response in context data if true, otherwise returns full API response.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.MergeRequest.iidNumberThe internal ID of the merge request.
GitLab.MergeRequest.titleStringThe merge requests't title.
GitLab.MergeRequest.created_atStringWhen the merge request's creation time.
GitLab.MergeRequest.created_byDateThe request's author.
GitLab.MergeRequest.updated_atDateWhen the merge request was update.
GitLab.MergeRequest.statusUnknownThe status of the merge request.
GitLab.MergeRequest.merge_byUnknownThe merge request's author.
GitLab.MergeRequest.merged_atUnknownWhen the merge request was merged.
GitLab.MergeRequest.reviewersNumberThe reviewer of the merge requests.

Command Example#

!gitlab-merge-request-list limit=1 page=1 state=Opened order_by=title sort=asc milestone=Any labels=label1 created_before=2022-11-15T17:22:42.246Z created_after=2000-09-15T17:22:42.246Z updated_after=2000-09-15T17:22:42.246Z updated_before=2022-09-15T17:22:42.246Z scope=All author_id=1 author_username=usernameAuthor assignee_id=1 reviewer_id=6 reviewer_username=username source_branch=sourceBranceName target_branch=main search=gitlab partial_response=false

Human Readable Output#

List Merge requests :#



Creates a new merge request.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
source_branchThe merge request source branch.Required
target_branchThe merge request target branch.Required
titleThe merge request title.Required
assignee_idsThe ID of the users to assign the MR to. The command gitlab-project-user-list gives a list of all relevent users.Optional
reviewer_idsThe ID of the users added as a reviewer to the MR. The command gitlab-project-user-list gives a list of all relevent users.Optional
descriptiondescription of MR. Limited to 1,048,576 characters.Optional
target_project_idThe target project (numeric ID).Optional
labelsThe global ID of a milestone.Optional
milestone_idLabels for MR as a comma-separated list.Optional
remove_source_branchFlag indicating if a merge request should remove the source branch when merging.Optional
allow_collaborationAllow commits from members who can merge to the target branch.Optional
allow_maintainer_to_pushAlias of allow_collaboration.Optional
approvals_before_mergeNumber of approvals required before this can be merged.Optional
squashSquash commits into a single commit when merging.Optional
partial_responseReturn partial API response in context data if true, otherwise returns full API response.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.MergeRequest.idNumberThe merge request ID. Alias of allow_collaboration.
GitLab.MergeRequest.iidNumberThe merge request IID.
GitLab.MergeRequest.project_idNumberThe project ID of the merge request.
GitLab.MergeRequest.titleStringThe merge request title.
GitLab.MergeRequest.descriptionUnknownThe merge request description.
GitLab.MergeRequest.stateStringThe merge request state.
GitLab.MergeRequest.created_atDateThe time the merge request was created.
GitLab.MergeRequest.updated_atDateThe time the merge request was updated.
GitLab.MergeRequest.merged_byUnknownThe time the merge request was merged.
GitLab.MergeRequest.merge_userUnknownThe user who closed the merge request.
GitLab.MergeRequest.merged_atUnknownThe time the merge request was closed.
GitLab.MergeRequest.closed_byUnknownThe user who closed the merge request.
GitLab.MergeRequest.closed_atUnknownThe time the merge request was closed.
GitLab.MergeRequest.target_branchStringThe merge request source branch.
GitLab.MergeRequest.source_branchStringThe merge request source branch.
GitLab.MergeRequest.user_notes_countNumberThe merge request user notes count.
GitLab.MergeRequest.upvotesNumberThe merge request upvotes.
GitLab.MergeRequest.downvotesNumberThe merge request downvotes. merge request author's id. merge request author's username. merge request author's name. merge request author's state. merge request author's avatar url. merge request author's web url.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignees.idNumberThe merge request assignees's id.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignees.usernameStringThe merge request assignees's username.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignees.nameStringThe merge request assignees's name.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignees.stateStringThe merge request assignees's state.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignees.avatar_urlStringThe merge request assignees's avatar url.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignees.web_urlStringThe merge request assignees's web url.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignee.idNumberThe merge request assignees's id.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignee.usernameStringThe merge request assignees's username.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignee.nameStringThe merge request assignees's name.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignee.stateStringThe merge request assignees's state.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignee.avatar_urlStringThe merge request assignees's avatar_url.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignee.web_urlStringThe merge request assignees's web_url.
GitLab.MergeRequest.source_project_idNumberThe merge request source project id.
GitLab.MergeRequest.target_project_idNumberThe merge request target project id.
GitLab.MergeRequest.draftBooleanThe merge request draft.
GitLab.MergeRequest.work_in_progressBooleanThe merge request work in progress.
GitLab.MergeRequest.milestoneUnknownThe global ID of a milestone.
GitLab.MergeRequest.merge_when_pipeline_succeedsBooleanIf to merge when pipeline succeeds.
GitLab.MergeRequest.merge_statusStringThe merge status.
GitLab.MergeRequest.shaStringThe request's sha.
GitLab.MergeRequest.merge_commit_shaUnknownThe merge commit sha.
GitLab.MergeRequest.squash_commit_shaUnknownThe squash commit sha.
GitLab.MergeRequest.discussion_lockedUnknowndiscussion locked value.
GitLab.MergeRequest.should_remove_source_branchUnknownIf should remove source branch.
GitLab.MergeRequest.force_remove_source_branchUnknownIf to force remove source branch.
GitLab.MergeRequest.referenceStringThe merge request's reference.
GitLab.MergeRequest.references.shortStringThe merge requests refrence's short.
GitLab.MergeRequest.references.relativeStringThe merge requests refrence's relative.
GitLab.MergeRequest.references.fullStringThe merge requests refrence's full.
GitLab.MergeRequest.web_urlStringThe merge request web url.
GitLab.MergeRequest.time_stats.time_estimateNumberThe merge requests time estimate.
GitLab.MergeRequest.time_stats.total_time_spentNumberThe merge requests total time spent.
GitLab.MergeRequest.time_stats.human_time_estimateUnknownThe merge requests human time estimate.
GitLab.MergeRequest.time_stats.human_total_time_spentUnknownThe merge request's human total time spent.
GitLab.MergeRequest.squashBooleanThe merge request's squash.
GitLab.MergeRequest.task_completion_status.countNumberThe merge request's task completion status- count.
GitLab.MergeRequest.task_completion_status.completed_countNumberThe merge request's task completion status- completed count.
GitLab.MergeRequest.has_conflictsBooleanIf the request has conflict.
GitLab.MergeRequest.blocking_discussions_resolvedBooleanIf the merge request blocking discussion are resolved.
GitLab.MergeRequest.approvals_before_mergeUnknownTh approvals before merge.
GitLab.MergeRequest.subscribedBooleanIf subscribed.
GitLab.MergeRequest.changes_countStringCounter of changes.
GitLab.MergeRequest.latest_build_started_atUnknownWhen latest build started at.
GitLab.MergeRequest.latest_build_finished_atUnknownWhen latest build finished at.
GitLab.MergeRequest.first_deployed_to_production_atUnknownWhen is the first deployed to production at.
GitLab.MergeRequest.pipelineUnknownThe merge request's pipeline.
GitLab.MergeRequest.head_pipelineUnknownThe merge request's head pipeline.
GitLab.MergeRequest.diff_refs.base_shaStringThe refrence's base sha.
GitLab.MergeRequest.diff_refs.head_shaStringThe refrence's head sha.
GitLab.MergeRequest.diff_refs.start_shaStringThe refrence's start sha.
GitLab.MergeRequest.merge_errorUnknownIf exist, the error of the merge.
GitLab.MergeRequest.user.can_mergeBooleanIf the user can merge.

Command Example#

!gitlab-merge-request-create source_branch=NewName target_branch=main title=titleName assignee_ids=1 reviewer_ids2 description=description target_project_id=3320 labels=label1 milestone_id=1 remove_source_branch=False allow_collaboration=False allow_maintainer_to_push=False approvals_before_merge=2 squash=False partial_response=false

Human Readable Output#

Merge request created successfully.#


Updates an existing merge request. You can change the target branch, title, or even close the MR.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
merge_request_idThe ID of a merge request. Can be taken from gitlab-merge-request-list.Required
target_branchThe target branch.Required
titleTitle of MR.Required
assignee_idsThe ID of the users to assign the MR to. The command gitlab-project-user-list gives a list of all relevent users.Optional
reviewer_idsThe ID of the users set as a reviewer to the MR. The command gitlab-project-user-list gives a list of all relevent users.Optional
descriptiondescription of MR. Limited to 1,048,576 characters.Optional
target_project_idThe target project id.Optional
labelsComma-separated label names for a merge request. Set to an empty string to unassign all labels.Optional
add_labelsComma-separated label names to add to a merge request.Optional
remove_labelsComma-separated label names to remove from a merge request.Optional
milestone_idThe global ID of a milestone to assign the merge request to. Set to 0 or provide an empty value to unassign a milestone.Optional
state_eventNew state (close/reopen).Optional
remove_source_branchFlag indicating if a merge request should remove the source branch when merging.Optional
squashSquash commits into a single commit when merging.Optional
discussion_lockedFlag indicating if the merge request's discussion is locked. If the discussion is locked only project members can add, edit or resolve comments.Optional
allow_collaborationAllow commits from members who can merge to the target branch.Optional
allow_maintainer_to_pushAlias of allow_collaboration.Optional
partial_responseReturn partial API response in context data if true, otherwise returns full API response.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.MergeRequest.idNumberThe merge request ID. Alias of allow_collaboration.
GitLab.MergeRequest.iidNumberThe merge request IID.
GitLab.MergeRequest.project_idNumberThe project ID of the merge request.
GitLab.MergeRequest.titleStringThe merge request title.
GitLab.MergeRequest.descriptionUnknownThe merge request description.
GitLab.MergeRequest.stateStringThe merge request state.
GitLab.MergeRequest.created_atDateThe time the merge request was created.
GitLab.MergeRequest.updated_atDateThe time the merge request was updated.
GitLab.MergeRequest.target_branchStringThe merge request source branch.
GitLab.MergeRequest.source_branchStringThe merge request source branch.
GitLab.MergeRequest.upvotesNumberThe merge request upvotes.
GitLab.MergeRequest.downvotesNumberThe merge request downvotes. merge request author's id. merge request author's username. merge request author's name. merge request author's state. merge request author's avatar url. merge request author's web url.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignee.idNumberThe merge request assignees's id.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignee.nameStringThe merge request assignees's name.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignee.usernameStringThe merge request assignees's username.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignee.stateStringThe merge request assignees's state.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignee.avatar_urlStringThe merge request assignees's avatar_url.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignee.web_urlStringThe merge request assignees's web_url.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignees.idNumberThe merge request assignees's id.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignees.usernameStringThe merge request assignees's username.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignees.nameStringThe merge request assignees's name.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignees.stateStringThe merge request assignees's state.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignees.avatar_urlStringThe merge request assignees's avatar url.
GitLab.MergeRequest.assignees.web_urlStringThe merge request assignees's web url.
GitLab.MergeRequest.reviewers.idNumberThe reviewer's ID.
GitLab.MergeRequest.reviewers.usernameStringThe reviewer's username.
GitLab.MergeRequest.reviewers.nameStringThe reviewer's name.
GitLab.MergeRequest.reviewers.stateStringThe reviewer's state.
GitLab.MergeRequest.reviewers.avatar_urlStringThe reviewer's avatar_url.
GitLab.MergeRequest.reviewers.web_urlStringThe reviewer's web_url.
GitLab.MergeRequest.source_project_idNumberThe merge request source project id.
GitLab.MergeRequest.target_project_idNumberThe merge request target project id.
GitLab.MergeRequest.labelsUnknownMerge request's labels
GitLab.MergeRequest.draftBooleanIf the merge request is draft.
GitLab.MergeRequest.work_in_progressBooleanIf the merge request is draft.
GitLab.MergeRequest.milestoneUnknownMilestone details.
GitLab.MergeRequest.milestone.idIntegerMilestone details.
GitLab.MergeRequest.milestone.iidIntegerMilestone's id.
GitLab.MergeRequest.milestone.project_idIntegerMilestone's project_id.
GitLab.MergeRequest.milestone.titleStringMilestone's title.
GitLab.MergeRequest.milestone.descriptionStringMilestone's description.
GitLab.MergeRequest.milestone.StringMilestone's details.
GitLab.MergeRequest.milestone.stateStringMilestone's state.
GitLab.MergeRequest.milestone.created_atStringMilestone's created_at date.
GitLab.MergeRequest.milestone.updated_atStringMilestone's updated_at date.
GitLab.MergeRequest.milestone.due_dateStringMilestone's due_date.
GitLab.MergeRequest.milestone.start_dateStringMilestone's start_date.
GitLab.MergeRequest.milestone.web_urlStringMilestone's web_url.
GitLab.MergeRequest.merge_when_pipeline_succeedsBooleanIf to merge when pipeline succeeds.
GitLab.MergeRequest.merge_statusStringThe merge status.
GitLab.MergeRequest.merge_errorStringThe merge error if exist.
GitLab.MergeRequest.shaStringThe request's sha.
GitLab.MergeRequest.merge_commit_shaUnknownThe merge commit sha.
GitLab.MergeRequest.squash_commit_shaUnknownThe squash commit sha.
GitLab.MergeRequest.user_notes_countIntegerThe merge request user notes count.
GitLab.MergeRequest.discussion_lockedUnknowndiscussion locked value.
GitLab.MergeRequest.should_remove_source_branchUnknownIf should remove source branch.
GitLab.MergeRequest.force_remove_source_branchUnknownIf to force remove source branch.
GitLab.MergeRequest.allow_collaborationBooleanIf to allow collaboration.
GitLab.MergeRequest.allow_maintainer_to_pushBooleanIf to allow maintainer to push.
GitLab.MergeRequest.web_urlStringThe merge request web url.
GitLab.MergeRequest.referenceStringThe merge request's reference.
GitLab.MergeRequest.references.shortStringThe merge requests refrence's short.
GitLab.MergeRequest.references.relativeStringThe merge requests refrence's relative.
GitLab.MergeRequest.references.fullStringThe merge requests refrence's full.
GitLab.MergeRequest.time_stats.time_estimateNumberThe merge requests time estimate.
GitLab.MergeRequest.time_stats.total_time_spentNumberThe merge requests total time spent.
GitLab.MergeRequest.time_stats.human_time_estimateUnknownThe merge requests human time estimate.
GitLab.MergeRequest.time_stats.human_total_time_spentUnknownThe merge request's human total time spent.
GitLab.MergeRequest.squashBooleanThe merge request's squash.
GitLab.MergeRequest.subscribedBooleanIf subscribed.
GitLab.MergeRequest.changes_countIntegerThe merge request number of changes.
GitLab.MergeRequest.merge_user.idIntegerThe merge requests merge user's ID.
GitLab.MergeRequest.merge_user.nameStringThe merge requests merge user's name.
GitLab.MergeRequest.merge_user.usernameStringThe merge requests merge user's username.
GitLab.MergeRequest.merge_user.stateStringThe merge requests merge user's state.
GitLab.MergeRequest.merge_user.avatar_urlStringThe merge requests merge user's .avatar url
GitLab.MergeRequest.merged_atDateThe merge request was merged.
GitLab.MergeRequest.closed_byStringwho close the request.
GitLab.MergeRequest.closed_atDateThe merge requests closing time.
GitLab.MergeRequest.latest_build_started_atDateWhen latest build started at.
GitLab.MergeRequest.latest_build_started_atDateWhen latest build started at.
GitLab.MergeRequest.latest_build_finished_atDateWhen latest build finished at.
GitLab.MergeRequest.first_deployed_to_production_atDateWhen is the first deployed to production at.
GitLab.MergeRequest.pipeline.IDIntegerThe merge request's pipeline's ID.
GitLab.MergeRequest.pipeline.shaStringThe merge request's pipeline's sha.
GitLab.MergeRequest.pipeline.refStringThe merge request's pipeline's reference.
GitLab.MergeRequest.pipeline.statusStringThe merge request's pipeline's status.
GitLab.MergeRequest.pipeline.web_urlStringThe merge request's pipeline's weburl.
GitLab.MergeRequest.diff_refs.base_shaStringThe refrence's base sha.
GitLab.MergeRequest.diff_refs.head_shaStringThe refrence's head sha.
GitLab.MergeRequest.diff_refs.start_shaStringThe refrence's start sha.
GitLab.MergeRequest.diverged_commits_countIntegerThe number of diverged commits.
GitLab.MergeRequest.task_completion_status.countIntegerThe number of task completion.
GitLab.MergeRequest.task_completion_status.completed_countIntegerThe number of task completed completion.

Command Example#

!gitlab-merge-request-update merge_request_id target_branch=NewName title=newTitle assignee_ids=1 reviewer_ids=2 description=UpdateDesc target_project_id=3003 add_labels=label2 remove_labels=label1 milestone_id=1 state_event=Close remove_source_branch=True squash=True discussion_locked=True allow_collaboration=True allow_maintainer_to_push=True partial_response=false

Human Readable Output#

Merge request updated successfully.#


Creates a new note to a single project issue.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
issue_iidThe IID of an issue.Required
bodyThe content of a note. Limited to 1,000,000 characters.Required
confidentialwill be removed in GitLab 16.0 and renamed to internal. The confidential flag of a note. Default is false.Optional
partial_responseReturn partial API response in context data if true, otherwise returns full API response.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.IssueNote.idNumberThe issue note ID.
GitLab.IssueNote.typeUnknownThe type of the Project- private, internal, or public.
GitLab.IssueNote.bodyStringThe issue note's body.
GitLab.IssueNote.attachmentUnknownThe attachment of the issue note. issue note's author's ID. issue note's author's username. issue note's author's name. issue note's author's state. issue note's author's avatar_url. issue note's author's web_url.
GitLab.IssueNote.created_atDateThe creation time of the issue note.
GitLab.IssueNote.updated_atDateLast update time of the issue note.
GitLab.IssueNote.systemBooleanIf the issue note is a about changes to the project.
GitLab.IssueNote.noteable_idNumberThe noteable id of the issue note.
GitLab.IssueNote.noteable_typeStringThe noteable type of the issue note.
GitLab.IssueNote.resolvableBooleanIf the issue is resolvable.
GitLab.IssueNote.confidentialBooleanIf the issue is confidential.
GitLab.IssueNote.internalBooleanIf the issue is internal.
GitLab.IssueNote.noteable_iidNumberThe noteable IID.

Command example#

!gitlab-issue-note-create issue_iid=4 body=body confidential=True partial_response=false

Context Example#

"GitLab": {
"IssueNote": {
"attachment": null,
"author": {
"avatar_url": "",
"id": 12665296,
"name": "Test Account",
"state": "active",
"username": "test9308",
"web_url": ""
"body": "body",
"commands_changes": {},
"confidential": true,
"created_at": "2022-10-11T09:35:02.558Z",
"id": 1131185222,
"internal": true,
"noteable_id": 116016614,
"noteable_iid": 4,
"noteable_type": "Issue",
"resolvable": false,
"system": false,
"type": null,
"updated_at": "2022-10-11T09:35:02.558Z"

Human Readable Output#

Issue note created successfully


Deletes an existing note of an issue.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
issue_iidThe IID of an issue.Required
note_idThe ID of a note.Required

Context Output#

GitLab.IssueNote.messageStringissue note message

Command Example#

!gitlab-issue-note-delete issue_iid=4 note_id=1045951925

Human Readable Output#

Issue note deleted successfully#


Modify existing note of an issue.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
issue_iidThe issue internal Id.Required
note_idThe note Id.Required
bodyThe content of a note.Required
partial_responseReturn partial API response in context data if true, otherwise returns full API response.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.IssueNote.idNumberThe issue note ID.
GitLab.IssueNote.typeUnknownThe issue note type.
GitLab.IssueNote.bodyStringThe content of a note.
GitLab.IssueNote.attachmentUnknownAttachment to the issue note. issue note's author's ID. issue note's author's username. issue note's author's name. issue note's author's state. issue note's author's avatar url. issue note's author's web url.
GitLab.IssueNote.created_atDateDate time string, date of creating the file.
GitLab.IssueNote.updated_atDateDate time string, date of updating the file.
GitLab.IssueNote.systemBooleanIf the note is about changes to the object.
GitLab.IssueNote.noteable_idNumberThe notable ID.
GitLab.IssueNote.noteable_typeStringThe notable type.
GitLab.IssueNote.resolvableBooleanIf the thread is resolvable.
GitLab.IssueNote.confidentialBooleanIf the thread is confidential.
GitLab.IssueNote.internalBooleanIf the thread is internal.
GitLab.IssueNote.noteable_iidNumberThe notable internal ID.

Command Example#

!gitlab-issue-note-update issue_iid=4 note_id=1045951925 body=UpdatedBody partial_response=false

Human Readable Output#

Issue note updated was updated successfully.#


Gets a list of all notes for a single issue.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
issue_iidThe IID of an issue in order to get a specific issue note.Required
order_byReturn issue noted ordered by created_at, updated_at fields. Possible values are: created_at, updated_at. Default is created_at.Optional
sortReturn issue noted ordered by created_at, updated_at fields. Possible values are: desc, asc. Default is desc.Optional
limitMaximum number of results to return. Default is 50.Optional
pageThe page number of the results to retrieve. Minimum value is 1. Default is 1.Optional
partial_responseReturn partial API response in context data if true, otherwise returns full API response.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.IssueNote.idNumberThe issue note ID.
GitLab.IssueNote.typeUnknownThe issue note type.
GitLab.IssueNote.bodyStringThe content of a note.
GitLab.IssueNote.attachmentUnknownAttachment to the issue note. issue note's author's ID. issue note's author's username. issue note's author's name. issue note's author's state. issue note's author's avatar url. issue note's author's web url.
GitLab.IssueNote.created_atDateDate time string, date of creating the file.
GitLab.IssueNote.updated_atDateDate time string, date of updating the file.
GitLab.IssueNote.systemBooleanIf the note is about changes to the object.
GitLab.IssueNote.noteable_idNumberThe notable ID.
GitLab.IssueNote.noteable_typeStringThe notable type.
GitLab.IssueNote.resolvableBooleanIf the thread is resolvable.
GitLab.IssueNote.confidentialBooleanIf the thread is confidential.
GitLab.IssueNote.internalBooleanIf the thread is internal.
GitLab.IssueNote.noteable_iidNumberThe notable internal ID.

Command Example#

!gitlab-issue-note-list limit=1 page=1 partial_response=false

Human Readable Output#

List Issue notes:#

4authorExampletext example2000-09-15T17:22:42.246Z2000-09-15T17:23:42.246Z


Gets a list of all notes for a single merge request.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
merge_request_iidThe IID of a project merge request.Required
sortReturn merge request notes sorted in asc or desc order. Default is desc. Possible values are: desc, asc. Default is desc.Optional
order_byReturn merge request notes ordered by created_at or updated_at fields. Default is created_at. Possible values are: created_at, updated_at. Default is created_at.Optional
limitTotal merge requests to show. Default is 50.Optional
pagePresent merge requests from page. Default is 1.Optional
partial_responseReturn partial API response in context data if true, otherwise returns full API response.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.MergeRequestNote.idNumberThe ID of the merge request note.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.typeUnknownThe merge request note's type.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.bodyStringThe merge request note's body.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.attachmentUnknownThe merge request note's attachment. merge request note's author's ID. merge request note's author's username. merge request note's author's name. merge request note's author's state. merge request note's author's avatar url. merge request note's author's web url.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.created_atDateThe merge request note's creation time.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.updated_atDateThe time of the last update of the merge request note.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.systemBooleanIf the note is about changes to the object.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.noteable_idNumberThe merge request's noteable ID.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.noteable_typeStringThe merge request's noteable type.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.resolvableBooleanIf the merge request is resolvable.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.confidentialBooleanIf the merge request is confidential.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.internalBooleanIf the merge request is internal.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.noteable_iidNumberThe merge request's noteable IID.

Command example#

!gitlab-merge-request-note-list limit=1 page=1 merge_request_iid=5 sort=asc order_by=created_at partial_response=false

Human Readable Output#

List Merge Issue Notes#



Creates a new note for a single merge request.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
merge_request_iidThe IID of a project merge request.Required
bodyThe content of a note. Limited to 1,000,000 characters.Required
partial_responseReturn partial API response in context data if true, otherwise returns full API response.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.MergeRequestNote.idNumberThe ID of the merge request note.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.typeUnknownThe merge request note's type.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.bodyStringThe merge request note's body.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.attachmentUnknownThe merge request note's attachment. merge request note's author's ID. merge request note's author's username. merge request note's author's name. merge request note's author's state. merge request note's author's avatar url. merge request note's author's web url.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.created_atDateThe merge request note's creation time.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.updated_atDateThe time of the last update of the merge request note.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.systemBooleanIf the note is about changes to the object.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.noteable_idNumberThe merge request's noteable ID.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.noteable_typeStringThe merge request's noteable type.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.resolvableBooleanIf the merge request is resolvable.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.confidentialBooleanIf the merge request is confidential.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.internalBooleanIf the merge request is internal.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.noteable_iidNumberThe merge request's noteable IID.

Command example#

!gitlab-merge-request-note-create merge_request_iid=5 body=body partial_response=false

Context Example#

"GitLab": {
"MergeRequestNote": {
"attachment": null,
"author": {
"avatar_url": "",
"id": 12665296,
"name": "Test Account",
"state": "active",
"username": "test9308",
"web_url": ""
"body": "body",
"commands_changes": {},
"confidential": false,
"created_at": "2022-10-11T09:35:10.685Z",
"id": 1131185415,
"internal": false,
"noteable_id": 180503976,
"noteable_iid": 5,
"noteable_type": "MergeRequest",
"resolvable": false,
"system": false,
"type": null,
"updated_at": "2022-10-11T09:35:10.685Z"

Human Readable Output#

Merge request note created successfully.


Modify existing note of a merge request.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
merge_request_iidThe IID of a project merge request.Required
note_idThe ID of a note.Required
bodyThe content of a note. Limited to 1,000,000 characters.Required

Context Output#

GitLab.MergeRequestNote.idNumberThe ID of the merge request note.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.typeUnknownThe merge request note's type.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.bodyStringThe merge request note's body.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.attachmentUnknownThe merge request note's attachment. merge request note's author's ID. merge request note's author's username. merge request note's author's name. merge request note's author's state. merge request note's author's avatar url. merge request note's author's web url.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.created_atDateThe merge request note's creation time.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.updated_atDateThe time of the last update of the merge request note.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.systemBooleanIf the note is about changes to the object.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.noteable_idNumberThe merge request's noteable ID.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.noteable_typeStringThe merge request's noteable type.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.resolvableBooleanIf the merge request is resolvable.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.confidentialBooleanIf the merge request is confidential.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.internalBooleanIf the merge request is internal.
GitLab.MergeRequestNote.noteable_iidNumberThe merge request's noteable IID.

Command Example#

!gitlab-merge-request-note-update merge_request_iid=5 body=UpdatedBody note_id=1100241092

Human Readable Output#

Merge request note was updated successfully.


Deletes an existing note of a merge request.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
merge_request_iidThe IID of a merge request.Required
note_idThe ID of a note.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!gitlab-merge-request-note-delete merge_request_iid=5 note_id=1100241092

Human Readable Output#

Merge request note was deleted successfully.


Create an issue.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
labelsComma separated values of labels to add to the issue.Optional
titleThe issue title.Required
descriptionThe issue description.Required
partial_responseReturn partial API response in context data if true, otherwise returns full API response.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.Issue.iidNumberThe issue's IID.
GitLab.Issue.created_atDateThe issue's creation date.
GitLab.Issue.titleStringThe issue's title.
GitLab.Issue.stateStringThe issue's state.
GitLab.Issue.assigneeUnknownThe issue's assignee.
GitLab.Issue.typeStringThe issue's type.
GitLab.Issue.labelsStringThe issue's labels.
GitLab.Issue.upvotesNumberThe issue's upvotes.
GitLab.Issue.downvotesNumberThe issue's downvotes.
GitLab.Issue.merge_requests_countNumberThe issue's number of merge requests. issue author's name. issue author's avatar url. issue author's state. issue author's web url. issue author's ID. issue author's username.
GitLab.Issue.descriptionUnknownThe issue's description.
GitLab.Issue.updated_atDateThe issue's last update date.
GitLab.Issue.closed_atUnknownThe date that the issue has closed.
GitLab.Issue.closed_byUnknownThe one who had closed the issue if closed.
GitLab.Issue.milestoneUnknownThe issue's milestone title.
GitLab.Issue.subscribedBooleanIf the user is subscribed to the issue(receive notifications about the issue).
GitLab.Issue.user_notes_countNumberThe number of the user notes.
GitLab.Issue.due_dateUnknownThe due date of the issue.
GitLab.Issue.web_urlStringThe issue's web url.
GitLab.Issue.references.shortStringThe issue's short refrences.
GitLab.Issue.references.relativeStringThe issue's relative refrences.
GitLab.Issue.references.fullStringThe issue's full refrences.
GitLab.Issue.time_stats.time_estimateNumberThe time estimate to solve the issue.
GitLab.Issue.time_stats.total_time_spentNumberThe time that had spent to solve the issue.
GitLab.Issue.time_stats.human_time_estimateUnknownThe human time estimate to solve the issue.
GitLab.Issue.time_stats.human_total_time_spentUnknownThe human time that had spent to solve the issue.
GitLab.Issue.confidentialBooleanIf the issue is confidential.
GitLab.Issue.discussion_lockedBooleanIf the discussion is locked.
GitLab.Issue.issue_typeStringThe issue's type.
GitLab.Issue.severityStringThe issue's severity.
GitLab.Issue._links.selfStringThe issue's link.
GitLab.Issue._links.notesStringThe issue's notes' link.
GitLab.Issue._links.award_emojiStringThe issue's award_emoji's link.
GitLab.Issue._links.projectStringThe issue's project's link.
GitLab.Issue._links.closed_as_duplicate_ofStringThe issue's closed_as_duplicate_of's link.
GitLab.Issue.task_completion_status.countNumberThe issue's completion status counter.
GitLab.Issue.task_completion_status.completed_countNumberThe issue's completion status completed counter.

Command example#

!gitlab-issue-create description=issueDescription title=issueTitle labels=label1,label2 partial_response=false

Context Example#

"GitLab": {
"Issue": {
"_links": {
"award_emoji": "",
"closed_as_duplicate_of": null,
"notes": "",
"project": "",
"self": ""
"assignee": null,
"assignees": [],
"author": {
"avatar_url": "",
"id": 12665296,
"name": "Test Account",
"state": "active",
"username": "test9308",
"web_url": ""
"blocking_issues_count": 0,
"closed_at": null,
"closed_by": null,
"confidential": false,
"created_at": "2022-10-11T09:34:55.292Z",
"description": "issueDescription",
"discussion_locked": null,
"downvotes": 0,
"due_date": null,
"has_tasks": false,
"id": 116652264,
"iid": 21,
"issue_type": "issue",
"labels": [
"merge_requests_count": 0,
"milestone": null,
"moved_to_id": null,
"project_id": 39823965,
"references": {
"full": "test9308/gitlabtest#21",
"relative": "#21",
"short": "#21"
"service_desk_reply_to": null,
"severity": "UNKNOWN",
"state": "opened",
"subscribed": true,
"task_completion_status": {
"completed_count": 0,
"count": 0
"time_stats": {
"human_time_estimate": null,
"human_total_time_spent": null,
"time_estimate": 0,
"total_time_spent": 0
"title": "issueTitle",
"type": "ISSUE",
"updated_at": "2022-10-11T09:34:55.292Z",
"upvotes": 0,
"user_notes_count": 0,
"web_url": ""

Human Readable Output#

Created Issue#

21issueTitle2022-10-11T09:34:55.292ZTest Account2022-10-11T09:34:55.292Zopened


Get a list of all visible projects across GitLab for the authenticated user. When accessed without authentication, only public projects with simple fields are returned.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
membershipLimit by projects that the current user is a member of.Optional
order_byReturn projects ordered by id, name, path, created_at, updated_at, last_activity_at, or similarity fields. repository_size, storage_size, packages_size or wiki_size fields are only allowed for administrators. Possible values are: id, name, path, created_at, updated_at, last_activity_at, similarity. Default is created_at.Optional
ownedLimit by projects explicitly owned by the current user.Optional
searchReturn list of projects matching the search criteria.Optional
sortReturn projects sorted in asc or desc order. Possible values are: asc, desc. Default is desc.Optional
visibilityLimit by visibility public, internal, or private.Optional
with_issues_enabledLimit by enabled issues feature.Optional
with_merge_requests_enabledLimit by enabled merge requests feature.Optional
pageThe page number. Default is 1.Optional
limitMaximum number of results to return. Default is 50.Optional
partial_responseReturn partial API response in context data if true, otherwise returns full API response.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.Project.idNumberThe project's ID.
GitLab.Project.descriptionUnknownThe project's description.
GitLab.Project.nameStringThe project's name.
GitLab.Project.name_with_namespaceStringThe project's name with namespace.
GitLab.Project.pathStringThe project's path.
GitLab.Project.path_with_namespaceStringThe project's path with namespace.
GitLab.Project.created_atDateThe project's creation date.
GitLab.Project.default_branchStringThe project's default branch.
GitLab.Project.ssh_url_to_repoStringThe project's SSH url to repository.
GitLab.Project.http_url_to_repoStringThe project's http url to repository.
GitLab.Project.web_urlStringThe project's web url.
GitLab.Project.readme_urlStringThe project's readme url.
GitLab.Project.avatar_urlUnknownThe project's avatar url.
GitLab.Project.forks_countNumberNumber of forks of the project.
GitLab.Project.star_countNumberNumber of star of the project.
GitLab.Project.last_activity_atNumberThe last activity time.
GitLab.Project.namespace.idNumberNamespace ID.
GitLab.Project.namespace.nameStringThe Project's namespace name.
GitLab.Project.namespace.pathStringThe Project's namespace path.
GitLab.Project.namespace.kindStringThe Project's namespace kind.
GitLab.Project.namespace.full_pathStringThe Project's namespace full path.
GitLab.Project.namespace.parent_idUnknownThe Project's namespace parent ID.
GitLab.Project.namespace.avatar_urlUnknownThe Project's namespace avatar.
GitLab.Project.namespace.web_urlStringThe Project's namespace web url.
GitLab.Project.container_registry_image_prefixStringThe project container registry image prefix.
GitLab.Project._links.selfDictionaryDictionary of links for list project.
GitLab.Project._links.issuesStringLink to the issues of the project.
GitLab.Project._links.merge_requestsStringLink to the merge requests of the project.
GitLab.Project._links.repo_branchesStringLink to the repository branches of the project.
GitLab.Project._links.labelsStringLink to the labels of the project.
GitLab.Project._links.eventsStringLink to the events of thr project.
GitLab.Project._links.membersStringLink to the members of the project.
GitLab.Project._links.cluster_agentsStringLink to the cluster agents of the project.
GitLab.Project.packages_enabledStringIf the packages are enabled.
GitLab.Project.empty_repoBooleanIf the repository is empty.
GitLab.Project.archivedBooleanIf the project is archived.
GitLab.Project.visibilityStringThe visibility of the project Public, Private or Internal.
GitLab.Project.resolve_outdated_diff_discussionsBooleanThe resolve outdated diff discussions.
GitLab.Project.container_expiration_policy.cadenceStringThe cadence of the container expiration policy.
GitLab.Project.container_expiration_policy.enabledBooleanIf the container expiration policy enabled.
GitLab.Project.container_expiration_policy.keep_nNumberKeep n value.
GitLab.Project.container_expiration_policy.older_thanStringNumber of days of the container expiration policy.
GitLab.Project.container_expiration_policy.name_regexStringRegex name of the container expiration policy.
GitLab.Project.container_expiration_policy.name_regex_keepUnknownValue of regex keep of the container expiration policy.
GitLab.Project.container_expiration_policy.next_run_atDateNext run at value of the container expiration policy.
GitLab.Project.issues_enabledBooleanIssues enabled list project.
GitLab.Project.merge_requests_enabledBooleanIf the merge requests are enabled.
GitLab.Project.wiki_enabledBooleanIf the wiki is enabled.
GitLab.Project.jobs_enabledBooleanIf the jobs are enabled.
GitLab.Project.snippets_enabledBooleanIf snippets are enabled.
GitLab.Project.container_registry_enabledBooleanThe container registry is enabled.
GitLab.Project.service_desk_enabledBooleanIf the service desk is enabled.
GitLab.Project.service_desk_addressStringThe service desk address.
GitLab.Project.can_create_merge_request_inBooleanIf creating merge request is an option.
GitLab.Project.issues_access_levelStringThe access level of the issues.
GitLab.Project.repository_access_levelStringThe repository access level.
GitLab.Project.merge_requests_access_levelStringThe merge requests access level.
GitLab.Project.forking_access_levelStringThe forking access level.
GitLab.Project.wiki_access_levelStringThe wiki access level.
GitLab.Project.builds_access_levelStringThe builds access level.
GitLab.Project.snippets_access_levelStringThe snippets access level.
GitLab.Project.pages_access_levelStringThe pages access level.
GitLab.Project.operations_access_levelStringThe operations access level.
GitLab.Project.analytics_access_levelStringThe analytics access level.
GitLab.Project.container_registry_access_levelStringThe container registry access level.
GitLab.Project.security_and_compliance_access_levelStringThe security and compliance access level.
GitLab.Project.emails_disabledUnknownIf the emails are disabled.
GitLab.Project.shared_runners_enabledBooleanIf shared runners is enabled.
GitLab.Project.lfs_enabledBooleanIf lfs are enabled.
GitLab.Project.creator_idNumberThe creator ID.
GitLab.Project.import_urlUnknownThe import url pf list project.
GitLab.Project.import_typeUnknownThe import type of the list project.
GitLab.Project.import_statusStringThe import status
GitLab.Project.open_issues_countNumberThe open issues count number.
GitLab.Project.ci_default_git_depthNumberThe ci default git depth value
GitLab.Project.ci_forward_deployment_enabledBooleanIf the ci forward deployment is enabled.
GitLab.Project.ci_job_token_scope_enabledBooleanIf the ci job token scope is enabled.
GitLab.Project.ci_separated_cachesBooleanIf the ci separated caches is enabled.
GitLab.Project.public_jobsBooleanIf there is public jobs in the project.
GitLab.Project.build_timeoutNumberThe timeout of the build.
GitLab.Project.auto_cancel_pending_pipelinesStringIf the auto cancel pending pipelines is enabled.
GitLab.Project.ci_config_pathStringThe ci config path of the project list.
GitLab.Project.only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeedsBooleanOnly allow merge if pipeline succeeds.
GitLab.Project.ci_allow_fork_pipelines_to_run_in_parent_projectBooleanCi allow fork pipelines to run in parent project.
GitLab.Project.allow_merge_on_skipped_pipelineUnknownAllow merge on skipped pipeline.
GitLab.Project.restrict_user_defined_variablesBooleanIf to restrict user defined variables.
GitLab.Project.request_access_enabledBooleanIf to enable access request.
GitLab.Project.only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolvedBooleanIf only allow merge if all discussions are resolved.
GitLab.Project.remove_source_branch_after_mergeBooleanIf to remove source branch after merge.
GitLab.Project.printing_merge_request_link_enabledBooleanIf printing merge request link is enabled.
GitLab.Project.merge_methodStringThe merge method.
GitLab.Project.squash_optionStringThe squash option.
GitLab.Project.enforce_auth_checks_on_uploadsBooleanIf to printing merge request link enabled.
GitLab.Project.suggestion_commit_messageUnknownSuggestion commit message
GitLab.Project.merge_commit_templateUnknownThe merge commit template.
GitLab.Project.squash_commit_templateUnknownThe squash commit template.
GitLab.Project.auto_devops_enabledBooleanIf the auto devops is enabled.
GitLab.Project.auto_devops_deploy_strategyStringThe auto devops deploy strategy.
GitLab.Project.autoclose_referenced_issuesBooleanIf to autoclose the referenced issues.
GitLab.Project.keep_latest_artifactBooleanIf to keep the lastest artifact.
GitLab.Project.runner_token_expiration_intervalUnknownThe runner token expiration interval.
GitLab.Project.external_authorization_classification_labelStringThe external authorization classification label.
GitLab.Project.requirements_enabledBooleanIf the requirements enabled.
GitLab.Project.requirements_access_levelStringThe requirements access level.
GitLab.Project.security_and_compliance_enabledBooleanThe requirements access level.
GitLab.Project.permissions.project_access.access_levelNumberThe access level of the project.
GitLab.Project.permissions.project_access.notification_levelUnknownThe project notification level.
GitLab.Project.permissions.group_access.access_levelNumberThe access level of the group level.
GitLab.Project.permissions.group_access.notification_levelNumberThe notification level of the group(permissions).
GitLab.Project.permissions.project_accessUnknownThe project access(permissions).

Command Example#

!gitlab-project-list limit=1 page=1 membership=True order_by=Name owned=True sort=desc visibillity=public with_issues_enabled=True with_merge_requests_enabled=True partial_response=false

Human Readable Output#

List Projects:#

11209first-project-01this is the first projectfirst-project-repository


Get the list of projects of a given group.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
group_idGroup ID from which to retrieve the projects.Required
limitTotal number of projects for display. Default is 50.Optional
pageDispaly projects from this page number. Default is 1.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.GroupProject.idNumberThe project's ID.
GitLab.GroupProject.descriptionStringThe project's description.
GitLab.GroupProject.nameStringThe project's name.
GitLab.GroupProject.name_with_namespaceStringThe project's name with namespace.
GitLab.GroupProject.pathStringThe file's path.
GitLab.GroupProject.path_with_namespaceStringThe project's path with namespace.
GitLab.GroupProject.created_atDateThe project date of creation.
GitLab.GroupProject.default_branchStringThe project default branch.
GitLab.GroupProject.ssh_url_to_repoStringGroup project ssh url to repository.
GitLab.GroupProject.http_url_to_repoStringGroup project http url to repository.
GitLab.GroupProject.web_urlStringGroup project web url.
GitLab.GroupProject.readme_urlStringGroup project readme url.
GitLab.GroupProject.avatar_urlUnknownGroup project avatar url.
GitLab.GroupProject.forks_countNumberGroup project web url forks count.
GitLab.GroupProject.star_countNumberGroup project web url star count.
GitLab.GroupProject.last_activity_atDateThe project date of last date of activity.
GitLab.GroupProject.namespace.idNumberThe namespace id.
GitLab.GroupProject.namespace.nameStringThe namespace name.
GitLab.GroupProject.namespace.pathStringThe namespace path.
GitLab.GroupProject.namespace.kindStringThe namespace kind.
GitLab.GroupProject.namespace.full_pathStringThe full path of the namespace.
GitLab.GroupProject.namespace.parent_idUnknownThe parent id.
GitLab.GroupProject.namespace.avatar_urlUnknownThe avatar url.
GitLab.GroupProject.namespace.web_urlStringThe name web url.
GitLab.GroupProject.container_registry_image_prefixStringThe container registry image prefix.
GitLab.GroupProject._links.selfStringThe group projects' links.
GitLab.GroupProject._links.issuesStringThe group projects' issues.
GitLab.GroupProject._links.merge_requestsStringThe group projects' merge requests.
GitLab.GroupProject._links.repo_branchesStringThe group projects' repository branches.
GitLab.GroupProject._links.labelsStringThe group projects' links labels.
GitLab.GroupProject._links.eventsStringThe group projects' links events.
GitLab.GroupProject._links.membersStringThe group projects' links members.
GitLab.GroupProject._links.cluster_agentsStringThe group projects' links cluster agents.
GitLab.GroupProject.packages_enabledBooleanIf the group projects' packages are enabled.
GitLab.GroupProject.empty_repoBooleanThe group projects' empty repository.
GitLab.GroupProject.archivedBooleanThe group projects is archived.
GitLab.GroupProject.visibilityStringThe group projects' visibility.
GitLab.GroupProject.resolve_outdated_diff_discussionsBooleanThe group projects's resolved outdated different discussions.
GitLab.GroupProject.container_expiration_policy.cadenceStringThe group projects' container expiration policy cadence.
GitLab.GroupProject.container_expiration_policy.enabledBooleanIf the group projects' container expiration policy enabled.
GitLab.GroupProject.container_expiration_policy.keep_nNumberIf to keep the group project expiration policy.
GitLab.GroupProject.container_expiration_policy.older_thanStringIf the group project expiration policy is older than X.
GitLab.GroupProject.container_expiration_policy.name_regexStringWhat is the group project expiration policy regex name.
GitLab.GroupProject.container_expiration_policy.name_regex_keepStringIf to keep the group project expiration policy regex name.
GitLab.GroupProject.container_expiration_policy.next_run_atDateThe group project expiration policy next run at.
GitLab.GroupProject.issues_enabledBooleanif to enabled issues.
GitLab.GroupProject.merge_requests_enabledBooleanIf to enable merge requests.
GitLab.GroupProject.wiki_enabledBooleanIf wiki is enabled.
GitLab.GroupProject.jobs_enabledBooleanIf jobs are enabled.
GitLab.GroupProject.snippets_enabledBooleanIf snippets are enabled.
GitLab.GroupProject.container_registry_enabledBooleanIf the container registry is enabled.
GitLab.GroupProject.service_desk_enabledBooleanIf service desk is enabled.
GitLab.GroupProject.service_desk_addressStringThe group project service desk address.
GitLab.GroupProject.can_create_merge_request_inBooleanIf the group project can create merge request in.
GitLab.GroupProject.issues_access_levelStringThe group project issues access level.
GitLab.GroupProject.repository_access_levelStringThe group project repository access level.
GitLab.GroupProject.merge_requests_access_levelStringThe group project merge requests access level.
GitLab.GroupProject.forking_access_levelStringThe group project forking access level.
GitLab.GroupProject.wiki_access_levelStringThe group project wiki access level.
GitLab.GroupProject.builds_access_levelStringThe group project builds access level.
GitLab.GroupProject.snippets_access_levelStringThe group project snippets access level.
GitLab.GroupProject.pages_access_levelStringThe group project pages access level.
GitLab.GroupProject.operations_access_levelStringThe group project operations access level.
GitLab.GroupProject.analytics_access_levelStringThe group project analytics access level.
GitLab.GroupProject.container_registry_access_levelStringThe group project container registry access level.
GitLab.GroupProject.security_and_compliance_access_levelStringThe group project security and compliance access level.
GitLab.GroupProject.emails_disabledUnknownIf group project emails are disabled.
GitLab.GroupProject.shared_runners_enabledBooleanIf group project shared runners are enabled.
GitLab.GroupProject.lfs_enabledBooleanIf group project lfs are enabled.
GitLab.GroupProject.creator_idNumberThe group project creator id.
GitLab.GroupProject.import_urlstringThe group project import url.
GitLab.GroupProject.import_typeUnknownThe group project import type.
GitLab.GroupProject.import_statusStringThe group project import status.
GitLab.GroupProject.open_issues_countNumberThe group project issues count.
GitLab.GroupProject.ci_default_git_depthNumberThe group project default fit depth.
GitLab.GroupProject.ci_forward_deployment_enabledBooleanIf the ci forward deployment are enabled.
GitLab.GroupProject.ci_job_token_scope_enabledBooleanIf the group project ci job token scope is enabled.
GitLab.GroupProject.ci_separated_cachesBooleanThe group project ci separated caches.
GitLab.GroupProject.ci_opt_in_jwtBooleanThe group project ci opt in jwt value.
GitLab.GroupProject.ci_allow_fork_pipelines_to_run_in_parent_projectBooleanIf group project ci allows fork pipelines to run in parent project.
GitLab.GroupProject.public_jobsBooleanThe group project import public jobs.
GitLab.GroupProject.build_timeoutNumberThe group project build timeout.
GitLab.GroupProject.auto_cancel_pending_pipelinesStringThe group project auto cancel pending pipelines.
GitLab.GroupProject.ci_config_pathStringThe group project ci config path.
GitLab.GroupProject.only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeedsBooleanIf to only allow merge if pipeline succeeds.
GitLab.GroupProject.allow_merge_on_skipped_pipelineBooleanIf to only allow merge on skipped pipeline.
GitLab.GroupProject.restrict_user_defined_variablesBooleanThe group project restrict user defined variables.
GitLab.GroupProject.request_access_enabledBooleanIf the request access enabled.
GitLab.GroupProject.only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolvedBooleanIf to only allow merge if all discussions are resolved.
GitLab.GroupProject.remove_source_branch_after_mergeBooleanIf to remove source branch after merge.
GitLab.GroupProject.printing_merge_request_link_enabledBooleanIf printing merge request link is enabled.
GitLab.GroupProject.merge_methodStringwhat is the merge method.
GitLab.GroupProject.squash_optionStringWhat the squash option.
GitLab.GroupProject.enforce_auth_checks_on_uploadsBooleanIf to enforce auth checks on uploads.
GitLab.GroupProject.suggestion_commit_messageUnknownThe suggestion commit message.
GitLab.GroupProject.merge_commit_templateUnknownThe merge commit template.
GitLab.GroupProject.squash_commit_templateUnknownThe squash commit template.
GitLab.GroupProject.auto_devops_enabledBooleanThe auto devops deploy strategy.
GitLab.GroupProject.auto_devops_deploy_strategyStringThe auto devops deploy strategy
GitLab.GroupProject.autoclose_referenced_issuesBooleanThe autoclose referenced issues.
GitLab.GroupProject.keep_latest_artifactBooleanIf keeping the lastest artifact is enabled.
GitLab.GroupProject.runner_token_expiration_intervalUnknownWhat is runner token expiration interval.
GitLab.GroupProject.external_authorization_classification_labelStringWhat is the external authorization classification label.
GitLab.GroupProject.requirements_enabledBooleanIf the requirements are enabled.
GitLab.GroupProject.requirements_access_levelStringThe requirements access level.
GitLab.GroupProject.security_and_compliance_enabledBooleanIf the security and compliance is enabled.

Command Example#

!gitlab-group-project-list limit=1 page=1 group_id=1

Human Readable Output#

List of the group projects#

1GroupProjectExamplethis is a group project examplegroupproject1


Get the file in a raw format.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
file_pathThe file path.Required
refThe branch to retrieve the file from. Default is master.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.File.refStringThe branch the file's content was taken from.
GitLab.File.pathStringThe file path.
GitLab.File.contentStringThe file content.

Command Example#

!gitlab-raw-file-get file_path=./gitlabca ref=main


Creates a new branch in the repository.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
branchThe name of the branch.Required
refBranch name, or commit SHA to create a branch from.Required
partial_responseReturn partial API response in context data if true, otherwise returns full API response.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.Branch.commit.author_emailStringThe branch commit's author's email.
GitLab.Branch.commit.author_nameStringThe branch commit's author's name.
GitLab.Branch.commit.authored_dateDateThe branch commit's authored date.
GitLab.Branch.commit.committed_dateDateThe branch commit's committed date.
GitLab.Branch.commit.committer_emailStringThe branch commit's committer email.
GitLab.Branch.commit.committer_nameStringThe branch commit's committer name.
GitLab.Branch.commit.idStringThe branch commit's ID.
GitLab.Branch.commit.short_idStringThe branch commit's short ID.
GitLab.Branch.commit.titleStringThe branch commit's title.
GitLab.Branch.commit.messageStringThe branch commit's message.
GitLab.Branch.commit.parent_idsStringThe branch commit's parent ID.
GitLab.Branch.nameStringThe branch's name.
GitLab.Branch.mergedBooleanIf the branch had merged.
GitLab.Branch.protectedBooleanIf the branch is protected.
GitLab.Branch.defaultBooleanIf The branch is the default branch.
GitLab.Branch.developers_can_pushBooleanIf the branch's developers can push.
GitLab.Branch.developers_can_mergeBooleanIf the branch's developers can merge.
GitLab.Branch.can_pushBooleanIf push is possible.
GitLab.Branch.web_urlStringThe branch's web url.

Command example#

!gitlab-branch-create branch=newBranch ref=main partial_response=true

Context Example#

"GitLab": {
"Branch": {
"can_push": true,
"commit": {
"author_email": "",
"author_name": "Test Account",
"authored_date": "2022-10-02T10:01:15.000+00:00",
"committed_date": "2022-10-02T10:01:15.000+00:00",
"committer_email": "",
"committer_name": "Test Account",
"created_at": "2022-10-02T10:01:15.000+00:00",
"id": "eadec97163297620df38f9cbc906eff7fa04eb18",
"message": "Update CheckRawFileCommand_main",
"parent_ids": [
"short_id": "eadec971",
"title": "Update CheckRawFileCommand_main",
"trailers": {},
"web_url": ""
"default": false,
"developers_can_merge": false,
"developers_can_push": false,
"merged": false,
"name": "newBranch",
"protected": false,
"web_url": ""

Human Readable Output#

Create Branch#

newBrancheadec971Update CheckRawFileCommand_main2022-10-02T10:01:15.000+00:00falsefalse


Deletes a branch from the repository.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
branchThe name of the branch.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!gitlab-branch-delete branch=new-branch-example

Human Readable Output#

Branch deleted successfully


Deletes all branches that are merged into the project's default branch.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#


Context Example#

"message": "202 Accepted"

Human Readable Output#

Merged branches Deleted successfully


Get a list of repository branches from a project, sorted by name alphabetically.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
branch_nameoptional Url parameter, if the user provided a value a single branch will be returned.Optional
searchReturn list of branches containing the search string. You can use ^term and term$ to find branches that begin and end with term respectively.Optional
limitMaximum number of results to return. Default is 50.Optional
pageThe number of results on the page. Default is 1.Optional
partial_responseReturn partial API response in context data if true, otherwise returns full API response.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.Branch.nameStringThe branch's name.
GitLab.Branch.mergedBooleanIf the branch had merged.
GitLab.Branch.protectedBooleanIf the branch is protected.
GitLab.Branch.defaultBooleanIf the branch is the default branch of the project.
GitLab.Branch.developers_can_pushBooleanIf developers can push to the branch.
GitLab.Branch.developers_can_mergeBooleanIf developers can merge.
GitLab.Branch.can_pushBooleanIf the branch cab be pushed.
GitLab.Branch.web_urlStringThe branch web url.
GitLab.Branch.commit.author_emailStringThe branch commit's author's email.
GitLab.Branch.commit.author_nameStringThe branch commit's author's name.
GitLab.Branch.commit.authored_dateDateThe branch commit's authored date.
GitLab.Branch.commit.committed_dateDateThe branch commit's committed date.
GitLab.Branch.commit.committer_emailStringThe branch commit's committer's email.
GitLab.Branch.commit.committer_nameStringThe branch commit's committer's name.
GitLab.Branch.commit.idStringThe branch commit's id.
GitLab.Branch.commit.short_idStringThe branch commit's short id.
GitLab.Branch.commit.titleStringThe branch commit's title.
GitLab.Branch.commit.messageStringThe branch commit's message.
GitLab.Branch.commit.parent_idsStringThe branch commit's parent ids.

Command Example#

!gitlab-branch-list limit=1 page=1 branch_name=branchName search=searchString partial_response=false

Human Readable Output#

Branch details:#



Get a list of visible groups for the authenticated user. When accessed without authentication, only public groups are returned. By default, this request returns 20 results at a time because the API results are paginated

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
skip_groupsSkip the group IDs passed.Optional
all_availableShow all the groups you have access to (defaults to false for authenticated users, true for administrators).Optional
searchReturn the list of authorized groups matching the search criteria.Optional
order_byOrder groups by name, path, id, or similarity. Possible values are: name, path, similarity. Default is name.Optional
sortOrder groups in asc or desc order. Possible values are: asc, desc. Default is asc.Optional
ownedLimit to groups explicitly owned by the current user.Optional
min_access_levelLimit to groups where current user has at least this access level.Optional
top_level_onlyLimit to top level groups, excluding all subgroups.Optional
limitMaximum number of results to return. Default is 50.Optional
pageThe number of results on the page. Default is 1.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.Group.idNumberThe group's ID.
GitLab.Group.nameStringThe group's name.
GitLab.Group.pathStringThe group's path.
GitLab.Group.descriptionStringThe group's description.
GitLab.Group.visibilityStringThe group's visibility.
GitLab.Group.share_with_group_lockBooleanThe group's ID.
GitLab.Group.require_two_factor_authenticationBooleanIf the group require two factor authentication.
GitLab.Group.two_factor_grace_periodNumberThe group's two factor grace period.
GitLab.Group.project_creation_levelStringThe group's project's creation level.
GitLab.Group.auto_devops_enabledUnknownIf the group devops is enabled.
GitLab.Group.subgroup_creation_levelStringThe group's subgroup creation level.
GitLab.Group.emails_disabledUnknownIf the group's emails are disabled.
GitLab.Group.mentions_disabledUnknownIf the group mentions are disabled.
GitLab.Group.lfs_enabledBooleanIf the group lfs are enabled.
GitLab.Group.default_branch_protectionNumberThe group's default branch protection.
GitLab.Group.avatar_urlStringThe group's avatar url.
GitLab.Group.web_urlStringThe group's web url.
GitLab.Group.request_access_enabledBooleanIf the group's request access is enabled.
GitLab.Group.full_nameStringThe group's full name.
GitLab.Group.full_pathStringThe group's full path.
GitLab.Group.file_template_project_idNumberThe group's file template project id.
GitLab.Group.parent_idUnknownThe group's parent id.
GitLab.Group.created_atDateThe group's creation time.

Command Example#

!gitlab-group-list limit=1 page=1 skip_groups=1,2 all_available=False search=string order_by=Name sort=asc owned=True min_access_level=1 top_level_only=False

Human Readable Output#

List Groups:#

4groupExampledemgroupexample description2000-09-15T17:22:42.246Zprivate


Gets a list of group or project members viewable by the authenticated user.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
group_idThe ID of the group owned by the authenticated user.Required

Context Output#

GitLab.Group.idNumberThe ID of the group owned by the authenticated user.
GitLab.Group.usernameStringThe user's username.
GitLab.Group.nameStringThe user's name.
GitLab.Group.stateStringThe group's state.
GitLab.Group.avatar_urlStringThe group's avatar url.
GitLab.Group.web_urlStringThe group's web url.
GitLab.Group.created_atDateThe group's creation time.
GitLab.Group.created_by.idNumberThe group's creator's ID.
GitLab.Group.created_by.usernameStringThe group's creator's username.
GitLab.Group.created_by.nameStringThe group's creator's name.
GitLab.Group.created_by.stateStringThe group's creator's state.
GitLab.Group.created_by.avatar_urlStringThe group's creator's avatar url.
GitLab.Group.created_by.web_urlStringThe group's creator's web url.
GitLab.Group.expires_atDateThe group's expertion time.
GitLab.Group.access_levelNumberThe group's access level.
GitLab.Group.group_saml_identity.extern_uidStringThe group saml identity extern uid.
GitLab.Group.group_saml_identity.providerStringThe group saml identity provider.
GitLab.Group.group_saml_identity.saml_provider_idNumberThe group saml identity provider id.
GitLab.Group.emailStringThe group member email.

Command Example#

!gitlab-group-member-list group_id=1130

Human Readable Output#

List Group Members:#



Using Scope blobs. Blobs searches are performed on both filenames and contents.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
searchThe search query.Required
limitMaximum number of results to return. Default is 50.Optional
pageThe number of results on the page. Default is 1.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.Code.basenameStringThe base name of the code.
GitLab.Code.dataStringData of the code.
GitLab.Code.pathStringThe code's path.
GitLab.Code.filenameStringthe name of the file.
GitLab.Code.idUnknownThe code Id.
GitLab.Code.refStringBranch name.
GitLab.Code.startlineNumberThe line which the search code begin.
GitLab.Code.project_idNumberThe project's id.

Command Example#

!gitlab-code-search search=testSearch limit=1 page=1

Human Readable Output#




Get the users list of a project.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
Get the users list of a project.The search query.Optional
limitMaximum number of results to return. Default is 50.Optional
pageThe number of results on the page. Default is 1.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.User.idNumberThe user's Id.
GitLab.User.usernameStringThe user's username.
GitLab.User.nameStringThe user's name.
GitLab.User.stateStringThe user's state.
GitLab.User.avatar_urlStringThe user's avatar url.
GitLab.User.web_urlStringThe user's web url.

Command Example#

!gitlab-project-user-list search=DemoName limit=1 page=1

Human Readable Output#

List Users :#

123demoExampledemo useractiveWebLink/demoExample

API relevant Scopes for each command#



Gets the details of the pipelines.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
project_idProject ID from which to retrieve pipelines.Optional
pipeline_idID of specific pipeline from which to retrieve its details.Optional
refReference name of the pipelines, e.g., 'master'.Optional
statusRetrieves pipelines of which status matches the given status. Possible values are: created, waiting_for_resource, preparing, pending, running, success, failed, canceled, skipped, manual, scheduled.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.Pipeline.idNumberPipeline ID.
GitLab.Pipeline.project_idNumberProject ID that the pipeline belongs to.
GitLab.Pipeline.statusStringStatus of the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.refStringReference of the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.shaStringSHA of the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.created_atDateTime when the pipeline was created.
GitLab.Pipeline.updated_atDateTime when the pipeline was last updated.
GitLab.Pipeline.started_atDateTime when the pipeline was started.
GitLab.Pipeline.finished_atDateTime when the pipeline was finished.
GitLab.Pipeline.durationNumberDuration of the pipeline in seconds.
GitLab.Pipeline.web_urlStringWeb URL of the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.user.nameStringName of the user who triggered the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.user.usernameStringUsername that triggered the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.user.idNumberID of the user who triggered the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.user.stateStringState of the user who triggered the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.user.avatar_urlStringAvatar URL of the user who trigerred the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.user.web_urlStringWeb URL of the user who triggered the pipeline.


Gets the details of the pipeline schedules.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
project_idProject ID from which to retrieve pipeline schedules.Optional
pipeline_schedule_idID of the specific pipeline schedule from which to retrieve its details.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.PipelineSchedule.idNumberPipeline schedule ID.
GitLab.PipelineSchedule.descriptionStringPipeline schedule description.
GitLab.PipelineSchedule.refStringPipeline schedule reference.
GitLab.PipelineSchedule.next_run_atDatePipeline schedule next run scheduled time.
GitLab.PipelineSchedule.activeBooleanWhether pipeline schedule is active.
GitLab.PipelineSchedule.created_atDateWhen pipeline schedule was created.
GitLab.PipelineSchedule.updated_atDateWhen the pipeline schedule was last updated.
GitLab.PipelineSchedule.last_pipeline.idNumberID of the last pipeline that was run by the scheduled pipeline. Relevant only when the pipeline schedule ID is given.
GitLab.PipelineSchedule.last_pipeline.shaStringSHA of the last pipeline that was run by the scheduled pipeline. Relevant only when the pipeline schedule ID is given.
GitLab.PipelineSchedule.last_pipeline.refStringReference of the last pipeline that was run by the scheduled pipeline. Relevant only when the pipeline schedule ID is given.
GitLab.PipelineSchedule.last_pipeline.statusStringStatus of the last pipeline that was run by the scheduled pipeline. Relevant only when the pipeline schedule ID is given.


Gets job details.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
project_idProject ID from which to retrieve jobs details.Optional
pipeline_idID of the pipeline from which to retrieve its jobs.Required

Context Output#

GitLab.Job.statusStringThe status of the job.
GitLab.Job.created_atDateTime the job was created.
GitLab.Job.started_atDateTime the job was started.
GitLab.Job.finished_atDateTime the job was finished.
GitLab.Job.durationNumberDuration of the job in seconds.
GitLab.Job.idNumberID of the job.
GitLab.Job.nameStringName of the job.
GitLab.Job.pipeline.idNumberPipeline the job belongs to.
GitLab.Job.pipeline.project_idNumberProject ID the job belongs to.
GitLab.Job.pipeline.refStringReference of the pipeline the job belongs to.
GitLab.Job.pipeline.shaStringSHA of the pipeline the job belongs to.
GitLab.Job.pipeline.statusStringStatus of the pipeline the job belongs to.
GitLab.Job.refStringReference name of the job.
GitLab.Job.stageStringStage of the job.
GitLab.Job.web_urlStringWeb URL of the job.


Gets an artifact from a given artifact path, corresponding to a given job ID.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
project_idProject ID from which to retrieve an artifact.Optional
job_idID of a specific job from which to retrieve its artifact.Required
artifact_path_suffixSuffix to the path of an artifact from which to retrieve its data.Required

Context Output#

GitLab.Artifact.job_idStringJob ID from which the artifact was taken.
GitLab.Artifact.artifact_path_suffixStringSuffix of the given artifact path.
GitLab.Artifact.artifact_dataStringData of the artifact requested.


Triggers a GitLab pipeline on a selected project and branch.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
project_idProject ID on which to run the pipeline.Optional
ref_branchThe branch on which to run the pipeline. Default is 'master'.Optional
trigger_variablesJSON containing the pipeline variables.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.Pipeline.idNumberPipeline ID.
GitLab.Pipeline.project_idNumberProject ID that the pipeline belongs to.
GitLab.Pipeline.statusStringStatus of the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.refStringReference of the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.shaStringSHA of the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.created_atDateTime when the pipeline was created.
GitLab.Pipeline.updated_atDateTime when the pipeline was last updated.
GitLab.Pipeline.started_atDateTime when the pipeline was started.
GitLab.Pipeline.finished_atDateTime when the pipeline was finished.
GitLab.Pipeline.durationNumberDuration of the pipeline in seconds.
GitLab.Pipeline.web_urlStringWeb URL of the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.user.nameStringName of the user who triggered the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.user.usernameStringUsername that triggered the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.user.idNumberID of the user who triggered the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.user.stateStringState of the user who triggered the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.user.avatar_urlStringAvatar URL of the user who trigerred the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.user.web_urlStringWeb URL of the user who triggered the pipeline.


Cancels a GitLab pipeline.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
project_idProject ID on which to run the pipeline.Optional
pipeline_idThe pipline ID to cancel.Optional

Context Output#

GitLab.Pipeline.idNumberPipeline ID.
GitLab.Pipeline.project_idNumberProject ID that the pipeline belongs to.
GitLab.Pipeline.statusStringStatus of the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.refStringReference of the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.shaStringSHA of the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.created_atDateTime when the pipeline was created.
GitLab.Pipeline.updated_atDateTime when the pipeline was last updated.
GitLab.Pipeline.started_atDateTime when the pipeline was started.
GitLab.Pipeline.finished_atDateTime when the pipeline was finished.
GitLab.Pipeline.durationNumberDuration of the pipeline in seconds.
GitLab.Pipeline.web_urlStringWeb URL of the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.user.nameStringName of the user who triggered the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.user.usernameStringUsername that triggered the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.user.idNumberID of the user who triggered the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.user.stateStringState of the user who triggered the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.user.avatar_urlStringAvatar URL of the user who trigerred the pipeline.
GitLab.Pipeline.user.web_urlStringWeb URL of the user who triggered the pipeline.