GLIMPS Detect Pack.#
This Integration is part of theSupported versions
Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.0.0 and later.
Use the GLIMPS Detect Integration to send files to GLIMPS Malware and get results from it This integration was integrated and tested with version 0.2.0 of gdetect client.
Configure GLIMPS Detect in CortexParameter | Description | Required |
API Token | True | |
URL | True | |
Trust any certificate (not secure) | False | |
Use system proxy settings | False | |
Incident type | False | |
Fetch incidents | False | |
First Fetch Time | First fetch timestamp (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days, 3 months, 1 year) | False |
Fetch Limit | Maximum number of alerts per fetch. Default and recommended is 50 | False |
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
gdetect-sendsend file to gDetect API.
Base Commandgdetect-send
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
entryID | EntryID of the file to send. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
GLIMPS.Gdetect.Send.UUID | string | GLIMPS Detect Binary UUID. |
GLIMPS.Gdetect.Send.entryID | string | XSOAR file entryID. |
Command example!gdetect-send entryID=1@042262f2-6a12-44da-8e11-74cf4bc67063
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
GLIMPS.GDetect.UUID: 23465d22-3464-39ce-b8b3-bc2ee7d6eecf
gdetect-get-allget all file analysis from gDetect API.
Base Commandgdetect-get-all
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
uuid | GLIMPS Detect Binary UUID. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.uuid | String | Unique analysis identifier |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.sha256 | String | string hex encoded input file SHA256 |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.sha1 | String | string hex encoded input file SHA1 |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.md5 | String | string hex encoded input file MD5 |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.ssdeep | String | string input file SSDeep |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.is_malware | Boolean | analysis result, is a malware or not |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.score | Number | highest score given by probes |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.done | Boolean | is the analysis finished |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.timestamp | Number | timestamp of the start of analysis in milliseconds |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.filetype | String | input file type |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.size | Number | input file size (in bytes) |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.filenames | String | list of analysed filename |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.malwares | String | list of malware names found in analysis |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.files | String | array of submission files (input file and extracted sub-files) |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.files.sha256 | String | string hex encoded input file SHA256 |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.files.sha1 | String | string hex encoded input file SHA1 |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.files.md5 | String | string hex encoded input file MD5 |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.files.ssdeep | String | string hex encoded input file MD5 |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.files.magic | String | file magic - file type |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.files.size | Number | input file size (in bytes) |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.files.is_malware | Boolean | analysis result, is a malware or not |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.files.av_results.av | String | probe name |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.files.av_results.result | String | malware name indicated by probe |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.files.av_results.score | Number | amount of point added by the probe | | String | a link to the analysis in the GLIMPS Malware Expert interface |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.file_count | Number | amount of file in the submission (input + extracted) |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.duration | Number | duration of the analysis in milliseconds |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.token | String | Authentication token for the lite api |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.threats.filenames | String | list of analysed filename |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.threats | String | Summary of threats found in submission. Each submission file reaching threshold score will add an entry. Entry keys are the SHA256 of files |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.threats.tags | String | Summary of threats found in submission. Each submission file reaching threshold score will add an entry. Entry keys are the SHA256 of files | | String | tag name |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.threats.tags.value | String | tag value |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.threats.score | Number | highest score given by probes |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.threats.magic | String | file magic - file type |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.threats.sha256 | String | string hex encoded input file SHA256 |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.threats.sha1 | String | string hex encoded input file SHA1 |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.threats.md5 | String | string hex encoded input file MD5 |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.threats.ssdeep | String | string input file SSDeep |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.threats.file_size | Number | input file size (in bytes) |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.threats.mime | String | file mime type |
GLIMPS.GDetect.All.status | Boolean | true => no error to report, false => an error occurred |
Command example!gdetect-get-all uuid=23465d22-3464-39ce-b8b3-bc2ee7d6eecf
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
done duration file_count filenames filetype is_malware link malwares md5 score sha1 sha256 size ssdeep status timestamp token uuid true 8268 3 sha256 exe true https://gdetect-instance.lan/expert/en/analysis-redirect/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ6.J1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFwaS10YW8ndWl0ZXN0IiwiZ7JvdXBzIjpbInRhbmd1aXRlc3QiXSwic2lkIjoiN2d6WUNzWDRSNmp6bHlaQzNpZXJLWSIsImV4cCI4MTY1MzgwNzgwOSwiaWF3IjoxNjUxMjE3ODA2fQ.EGk75tKwAq70TPCjClnOp_2_339XqMXk0TbPJhSN2uE Win.Ransomware.Buhtrap-9865977-0,
Mal/Behav-010c24d410c7e7d4b6066e09ceee057fbf9 4000 2159b8d8b985f32641314220bb24126747b71d13 005b00d41749f7b0336d4d5fe0402dcfc95ae0df44a2231a89a59919eeb30b31 219648 6153:KyJE1yd7WHJmcyfjtPWna8DQFu/U3buRKlemZ9DnGAevIhdi++:KU/d7WsvBPWa9DQFu/U3buRKlemZ9DnGK true 1651157541588 eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ6.J1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFwaS10YW8ndWl0ZXN0IiwiZ7JvdXBzIjpbInRhbmd1aXRlc3QiXSwic2lkIjoiN2d6WUNzWDRSNmp6bHlaQzNpZXJLWSIsImV4cCI4MTY1MzgwNzgwOSwiaWF3IjoxNjUxMjE3ODA2fQ.EGk75tKwAq70TPCjClnOp_2_339XqMXk0TbPJhSN2uE 23465d22-3464-39ce-b8b3-bc2ee7d6eecf #
sha256 sha1 md5 ssdeep magic size is_malware 005b00d41749f7b0336d4d5fe0402dcfc95ae0df44a2231a89a59919eeb30b31 2159b8d8b985f32641314220bb24126747b71d13 c24d410c7e7d4b6066e09ceee057fbf9 6153:KyJE1yd7WHJmcyfjtPWna8DQFu/U3buRKlemZ9DnGAevIhdi++:KU/d7WsvBPWa9DQFu/U3buRKlemZ9DnG E32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windowss 219648 true #
AV Result for 020dac2b02fd8df13e8782aa3aa85eb28f3dba4193dd5fecacee4905ede8fa6a
av result score SignatureOyster Win.Ransomware.Buhtrap-9865977-0 1000 SignatureUmbrella TR/Redcap.ltkcp 1000 SignatureSophos Mal/Behav-010 1000 #
sha256 sha1 md5 ssdeep magic size is_malware bd52eb164e64e6316791a8c260689b8ca0bf54440fa629edc05f6d4c301faec d0333bf36f7bd1bdc1b2110e0a55e608ec378577 5edb7d7e63f80d657e975628add89cd3 99:JKXtFmZan3KNhTP+5oXlNbAuC5mDDtUEDPUmgXSM:JMFkNhy1qlNkPDDzPcF data 6144 false #
sha256 sha1 md5 ssdeep magic size is_malware f9c00d396b73fc4b4d05c518a7c9eddbed35462270d2ae5e31380fe5ca0f0c67 d5cfd73469f053c4ec8cd34d7a81baaf4e6d5068 5a58f4825aa4cc6ce9098c20dcc99448 98:WuuR8iHj18usiDdeKvg3nbNqCH7FazFT3jCDomhCuorfhHSEdP2pVUVi7P1uH:Q6ijDUsEg0nf5CCo0Cu054VUViCu data 6144 false #
Threat 005b00d41749f7b0336d4d5fe0402dcfc95ae0df44a2231a89a59919eeb30b31
filenames score magic sha256 sha1 md5 ssdeep file_size mime 23465d22-3464-39ce-b8b3-bc2ee7d6eecf 4000 PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows 005b00d41749f7b0336d4d5fe0402dcfc95ae0df44a2231a89a59919eeb30b31 2159b8d8b985f32641314220bb24126747b71d13 c24d410c7e7d4b6066e09ceee057fbf9 6153:KyJE1yd7WHJmcyfjtPWna8DQFu/U3buRKlemZ9DnGAevIhdi++:KU/d7WsvBPWa9DQFu/U3buRKlemZ9DnG 219648 application/x-dosexec #
Tags of threat 005b00d41749f7b0336d4d5fe0402dcfc95ae0df44a2231a89a59919eeb30b31
name value av.virus_name Troj/Krypt-DY win_vegalocker_auto av.virus_name win_vegalocker_auto av.virus_name Win.Ransomware.Buhtrap-9865977-0 av.virus_name TR/Redcap.ltkcp
gdetect-get-threatsget threats results for file analysis from gDetect API.
Base Commandgdetect-get-threats
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
uuid | GLIMPS Detect Binary UUID. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
GLIMPS.GDetect.Threats.filenames | String | list of analysed filename | | String | a link to the analysis in the GLIMPS Malware Expert interface |
GLIMPS.GDetect.Threats | String | Summary of threats found in submission. Each submission file reaching threshold score will add an entry. Entry keys are the SHA256 of files |
GLIMPS.GDetect.Threats.tags | String | Summary of threats found in submission. Each submission file reaching threshold score will add an entry. Entry keys are the SHA256 of files | | String | tag name |
GLIMPS.GDetect.Threats.tags.value | String | tag value |
GLIMPS.GDetect.Threats.score | Number | highest score given by probes |
GLIMPS.GDetect.Threats.magic | String | file magic - file type |
GLIMPS.GDetect.Threats.sha256 | String | string hex encoded input file SHA256 |
GLIMPS.GDetect.Threats.sha1 | String | string hex encoded input file SHA1 |
GLIMPS.GDetect.Threats.md5 | String | string hex encoded input file MD5 |
GLIMPS.GDetect.Threats.ssdeep | String | string input file SSDeep |
GLIMPS.GDetect.Threats.file_size | Number | input file size (in bytes) |
GLIMPS.GDetect.Threats.mime | String | file mime type |
Command example!gdetect-get-threats uuid=23465d22-3464-39ce-b8b3-bc2ee7d6eecf
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Threat 020dac2b02fd8df13e8782aa3aa85eb28f3dba4193dd5fecacee4905ede8fa6a
filenames score magic sha256 sha1 md5 ssdeep file_size mime 23465d22-3464-39ce-b8b3-bc2ee7d6eecf 4000 PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows 005b00d41749f7b0336d4d5fe0402dcfc95ae0df44a2231a89a59919eeb30b31 2159b8d8b985f32641314220bb24126747b71d13 c24d410c7e7d4b6066e09ceee057fbf9 6153:KyJE1yd7WHJmcyfjtPWna8DQFu/U3buRKlemZ9DnGAevIhdi++:KU/d7WsvBPWa9DQFu/U3buRKlemZ9DnG 219648 application/x-dosexec #
Tags of threat 020dac2b02fd8df13e8782aa3aa85eb28f3dba4193dd5fecacee4905ede8fa6a
name value av.virus_name Mal/Behav-010 win_vegalocker_auto av.virus_name win_vegalocker_auto av.virus_name Win.Ransomware.Buhtrap-9865977-0 av.virus_name TR/Redcap.ltkcp