LogRhythmRest v2
LogRhythm Pack.#
This Integration is part of theSupported versions
Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 5.5.0 and later.
LogRhythm security intelligence. This integration was integrated and tested with version 7.7 of LogRhythm Rest API. Previous versions that have been declared EOL by the vendor, are not supported.
Some changes have been made that might affect your existing content. If you are upgrading from a previous of this integration, see Breaking Changes.
Configure LogRhythmRest v2 in CortexParameter | Required |
Server URL | True |
API Token | True |
Fetch incidents | False |
Incidents Fetch Interval | False |
First fetch timestamp (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days) | False |
Incident type | False |
Alarms max fetch | False |
Cases max fetch | False |
Fetch incidents from type | True |
Alarm status filter | False |
Alarm rule name filter | False |
Case tags filter | False |
Case status filter | False |
Case priority filter | False |
Fetch case evidences | False |
Use system proxy settings | False |
Trust any certificate (not secure) | False |
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
lr-alarms-listGets the details of the alarms using the filter criteria.
Base Commandlr-alarms-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alarm_status | The alarm status. Possible values: "New", "Opened", "Working", "Escalated", Closed, "Closed_FalseAlarm", "Closed_Resolved", "Closed_Unresolved", "Closed_Reported", "Closed_Monitor". Possible values are: New, Opened, Working, Escalated, Closed, Closed_FalseAlarm, Closed_Resolved, Closed_Unresolved, Closed_Reported, Closed_Monitor. | Optional |
offset | The number of alarms to skip before starting to collect the result set. Default is 0. | Optional |
count | The numbers of alarms to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
alarm_rule_name | Filter by alarm rule name. | Optional |
entity_name | Filter by entity name. | Optional |
alarm_id | Filter by alarm ID. | Optional |
case_association | Filter by case ID. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.Alarm.alarmId | Number | The alarm ID. |
LogRhythm.Alarm.alarmDataCached | String | A flag indicating whether the alarm data is cached. |
LogRhythm.Alarm.alarmRuleName | String | The alarm rule name. |
LogRhythm.Alarm.alarmStatus | String | The alarm status |
LogRhythm.Alarm.dateInserted | Date | The alarm date inserted. |
LogRhythm.Alarm.entityName | String | The alarm entity name. |
LogRhythm.Alarm.associatedCases | String | The alarm associated cases. |
Command Example!lr-alarms-list count=2 alarm_status=Opened
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Alarm Id Alarm Status Associated Cases Alarm Rule Name Date Inserted Entity Name Alarm Data Cached 882 Opened 7C2A040E-3014-41D5-ADF0-164A202D3518,
0795BCB1-28AA-4C3F-9739-B5431AE4004BLogRhythm Agent Heartbeat Missed 2021-10-13T09:13:20.103 EchoTestEntity N 334 Opened 15E63C0A-91EC-49E6-9694-32A432DD657E,
58437431-2117-4982-A2B1-FDEC2F083A43LogRhythm Agent Heartbeat Missed 2021-08-29T11:30:48.083 EchoTestEntity N
lr-alarm-updateUpdates the alarm status and RBP based on the alarm ID supplied. alarm_status or rbp are required.
Base Commandlr-alarm-update
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alarm_id | The alarm ID. | Required |
alarm_status | The alarm status. Possible values: "New", "Opened", "Working", "Escalated", Closed, "Closed_FalseAlarm", "Closed_Resolved", "Closed_Unresolved", "Closed_Reported", "Closed_Monitor". Possible values are: New, Opened, Working, Escalated, Closed, Closed_FalseAlarm, Closed_Resolved, Closed_Unresolved, Closed_Reported, Closed_Monitor. | Optional |
rbp | The alarm rbp. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!lr-alarm-update alarm_id=200 alarm_status=Closed rbp=100
Human Readable OutputAlarm 200 has been updated.
lr-alarm-add-commentUpdates the Alarm History table with comments in the Comments column based on the alarm ID supplied.
Base Commandlr-alarm-add-comment
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alarm_id | The alarm ID. | Required |
alarm_comment | The alarm comment. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!lr-alarm-add-comment alarm_id=200 alarm_comment=test
Human Readable OutputComment added successfully to the alarm 200.
lr-alarm-history-listGets the alarm history details by ID and filter criteria.
Base Commandlr-alarm-history-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alarm_id | The alarm ID. | Required |
person_id | Filter by person ID. | Optional |
date_updated | Filter by when the alarm was updated. The returned value will be greater than or equal to the given date. | Optional |
type | Filter by history type. Possible type: "comment", "status", and "rbp". Possible values are: comment, status, rbp. | Optional |
offset | The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set. Default is 0. | Optional |
count | The numbers of items to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.AlarmHistory.alarmId | Number | The alarm ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmHistory.personId | Number | The ID of the person who edited the alarm (changed status/ added comment, etc.). |
LogRhythm.AlarmHistory.comments | String | The alarm comments. |
LogRhythm.AlarmHistory.dateInserted | Date | The date when the alarm was inserted. |
LogRhythm.AlarmHistory.dateUpdated | Date | The date when the alarm was updated. |
Command Example!lr-alarm-history-list alarm_id=200 type=status
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
History for alarm 200
Alarm Id Comments Date Inserted Date Updated Person Id 200 Changed status to: Closed 2021-10-30T20:16:33.673 2021-10-30T20:16:33.673 1 200 Changed status to: Closed 2021-08-31T15:02:00.127 2021-08-31T15:02:00.127 1 200 Changed status to: Working 2021-08-26T05:17:38.19 2021-08-26T05:17:38.19 1 200 Changed status to: Working 2021-08-26T05:15:57.89 2021-08-26T05:15:57.89 1 200 Changed status to: Closed 2021-08-19T15:31:32.68 2021-08-19T15:31:32.68 1 200 Changed status to: Closed: Unresolved 2021-08-19T15:02:08.6 2021-08-19T15:02:08.6 1 200 Changed status to: Closed: Resolved 2021-08-19T15:01:34.403 2021-08-19T15:01:34.403 1 200 Changed status to: Escalated 2021-08-19T15:01:04.353 2021-08-19T15:01:04.353 1 200 Changed status to: Working 2021-08-19T15:00:38.097 2021-08-19T15:00:38.097 1 200 Changed status to: Opened 2021-08-19T15:00:00.247 2021-08-19T15:00:00.247 1 200 Changed status to: New 2021-08-19T14:59:27.707 2021-08-19T14:59:27.707 1 200 Changed status to: Closed: Monitor 2021-08-19T14:58:06.113 2021-08-19T14:58:06.113 1 200 Changed status to: Closed: False Alarm 2021-08-19T14:57:35.607 2021-08-19T14:57:35.607 1 200 Changed status to: Closed 2021-08-19T14:56:36.82 2021-08-19T14:56:36.82 1
lr-alarm-events-listGets a list of events for the specified alarm ID. Note: Currently, this command does not work as expected on LogRhythm's side. It always returns a list of one item, even if the given alarm ID is associated with more than one event.
Base Commandlr-alarm-events-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alarm_id | The alarm ID. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.alarmId | Number | The alarm ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.account | String | The alarm event account. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.action | String | The alarm event action. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.amount | Unknown | The number of events related to the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.bytesIn | Number | The number of bytes received or input from a device, system, or process. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.bytesOut | Unknown | The number of bytes sent from a device, system, or process. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.classificationId | Number | The alarm event classification ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.classificationName | String | The alarm event classification name. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.classificationTypeName | String | The alarm event classification type. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.command | String | The specific command executed that was recorded in the log message. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.commonEventId | Number | The common event name. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.cve | String | The alarm event CVE. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.commonEventName | String | The alarm event name. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.count | Number | The number of alarm events. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.directionId | Number | The direction by ID of the activity between a log’s origin and impacted zones. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.directionName | String | The direction by name of the activity between a log’s origin and impacted zones. Values can be Internal, External, Outbound, Local, or Unknown. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.domain | String | The alarm event domain. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.duration | Number | The alarm event duration. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.entityId | Number | The alarm event entity ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.entityName | String | The alarm event entity name. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.group | String | The alarm event group. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedEntityId | Number | The ID of the entity that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedEntityName | String | The name of the entity that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedHostId | Number | The ID of the host that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedHostName | String | The name of the host that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedInterface | String | The interface that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedIP | Unknown | The IP address that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedLocation.countryCode | String | The country code of the location that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedLocation.name | String | The country name of the location that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedLocation.latitude | Number | The latitude of the location that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedLocation.locationId | Number | The ID of the location that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedLocation.locationKey | String | The key of the location that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedLocation.longitude | Number | The longitude of the location that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedLocation.parentLocationId | Number | The parent location ID of the location that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedLocation.recordStatus | String | The record status of the location that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedLocation.regionCode | String | The region code of the location that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedLocation.type | String | The type of the location that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedLocation.dateUpdated | Date | The date the impacted location was last updated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedMAC | String | The MAC that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedName | String | The name of the event that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedNATIP | String | The NAT IP address that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedNATPort | Unknown | The NAT port that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedNetwork.beginIPRange.value | String | The beginning of the IP range for the network that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedNetwork.dateUpdated | Date | The date the impacted network was last updated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedNetwork.riskThreshold | String | The risk threshold of the network impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedNetwork.endIPRange.value | String | The end of the IP range for the network that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedNetwork.entityId | Number | The ID of the entity for the network that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedNetwork.hostZone | String | The host zone for the network that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedNetwork.locationId | Number | The location ID of the network that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedNetwork.longDesc | String | The long description of the network that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedNetwork.name | String | The name of the network that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedNetwork.networkId | Number | The ID of the network that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedNetwork.recordStatus | String | The status of the record of the network that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedNetwork.shortDesc | String | The short description of the network that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedPort | Number | The port that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedZone | String | The zone that was impacted by the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.itemsPacketsIn | Number | Items such as packets received or input from a device, system, or process. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.itemsPacketsOut | Number | Items such as packets sent from a device, system, or process. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.logDate | Date | The event log date. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.login | String | The user associated with the log activity. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.logMessage | String | The event log message. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.logSourceHostId | Unknown | The host ID of the log source of the event. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.logSourceHostName | String | The log source host name. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.logSourceName | String | The log source name. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.logSourceTypeName | String | The log source type. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.messageId | Number | The event message ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.mpeRuleId | Number | The event MPE rule ID, |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.mpeRuleName | String | The event MPE rule name. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.normalDateMax | Date | If the message is aggregated, the maximum creation date contained in the group of logs. It can be in UTC or user-selected time zone. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.objectName | String | The object name of the event. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.objectType | String | The object type of the event. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originEntityId | Number | The origin entity ID of the event. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originEntityName | String | The origin entity name of the event. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originHostId | Number | The host ID of where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originHostName | String | The host name of where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originInterface | String | The interface of where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originIP | Unknown | The IP address of where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originLocation.countryCode | String | The country code of the location of where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originLocation.name | String | The name of the location of where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originLocation.latitude | Number | The latitude of the location of where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originLocation.locationId | Number | The location ID of the location of where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originLocation.locationKey | String | The location key of where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originLocation.longitude | Number | The longitude of the location of where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originLocation.parentLocationId | Number | The parent location ID of where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originLocation.recordStatus | String | The record status of the location of where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originLocation.regionCode | String | The region code of the location of where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originLocation.type | String | The type of location of where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originLocation.dateUpdated | Date | The date the location of where the event originated was last updated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originMAC | String | The MAC address of where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originName | String | The name of where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originNATIP | String | The NAT IP address of where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originNATPort | Unknown | The NAT port of where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originNetwork.beginIPRange.value | String | The beginning address of the IP range of the network where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originNetwork.dateUpdated | Date | The date of the network when the event originate was last updated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originNetwork.riskThreshold | String | The risk threshold of the network where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originNetwork.endIPRange.value | String | The end of the IP range for the network where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originNetwork.entityId | Number | The entity ID of the network where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originNetwork.hostZone | String | The host zone of the network where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originNetwork.locationId | Number | The ID of the location of the network where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originNetwork.longDesc | String | The long description of the network where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originNetwork.name | String | The name of the network where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originNetwork.networkId | Number | The ID of the network where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originNetwork.recordStatus | String | The record status of the network where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originNetwork.shortDesc | String | The short description of the network where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originPort | Number | The port where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originZone | String | The zone where the event originated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.parentProcessId | String | The parent process ID of the event. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.parentProcessName | String | The parent process name of the event. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.parentProcessPath | String | The parent process path of the event. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.policy | String | The event policy. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.priority | Number | The event priority. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.process | String | The event process. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.processId | Number | The event process ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.protocolId | Number | The event protocol ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.protocolName | String | The event protocol name. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.quantity | Number | The event quantity. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.rate | Number | The event rate. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.reason | String | The event reason. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.recipient | String | The event recipient. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.result | String | The event result. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.responseCode | String | The event response code. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.sender | String | The event sender. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.session | String | The event session. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.sessionType | String | The event session type. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.serialNumber | String | The event serial number. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.serviceId | Number | The event service ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.serviceName | String | The event service name. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.severity | String | The event severity. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.status | String | The event status. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.size | Number | The event size. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.subject | String | The event subject. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.threatId | String | The event threat ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.threatName | String | The event threat name. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.url | String | The event URL. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.userAgent | String | The event user agent. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.vendorInfo | String | The event vendor info. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.vendorMsgId | String | The event vendor message ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.version | String | The alarm event version |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originUserIdentityName | String | The event origin user identity. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedUserIdentityName | String | The event impacted user identity. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.originUserIdentityId | Unknown | The event origin user identity ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.impactedUserIdentityId | Unknown | The event impacted user identity ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.senderIdentityId | Unknown | The event sender identity ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.senderIdentityName | String | The event sender identity name. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.recipientIdentityId | Unknown | The event recipient identity ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvents.recipientIdentityName | String | The event recipient identity. |
Command Example!lr-alarm-events-list alarm_id=200
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Events for alarm 200
Common Event Name Log Message Priority Log Date Impacted Host Id Impacted Zone Service Name Entity Name Classification Name Classification Type Name LogRhythm Agent Heartbeat Missed A heartbeat message from the LogRhythm System Monitor Agent service was not received in the allotted time. 100 2021-08-18T13:05:59.477 3 Internal LogRhythm Agent EchoTestEntity Error Operations
lr-alarm-summaryGet the alarm summary by the specified alarm ID.
Base Commandlr-alarm-summary
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alarm_id | Numeric ID of the alarm to get. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.AlarmSummary.dateInserted | Date | The date the alarm was inserted. |
LogRhythm.AlarmSummary.rbpMax | Number | The alarm rbp max. |
LogRhythm.AlarmSummary.rbpAvg | Number | The alarm rbp average. |
LogRhythm.AlarmSummary.alarmRuleId | Number | The alarm rule ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmSummary.alarmRuleGroup | String | The alarm rule group. |
LogRhythm.AlarmSummary.briefDescription | String | The alarm brief description. |
LogRhythm.AlarmSummary.additionalDetails | String | The alarm additional details. |
LogRhythm.AlarmSummary.alarmId | Number | The alarm ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmSummary.alarmEventSummary.msgClassId | Number | The alarm summary message class ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmSummary.alarmEventSummary.msgClassName | String | The alarm summary message class name. |
LogRhythm.AlarmSummary.alarmEventSummary.commonEventId | Number | The alarm summary common event ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmSummary.alarmEventSummary.commonEventName | String | The alarm summary common event name. |
LogRhythm.AlarmSummary.alarmEventSummary.originHostId | Number | The alarm summary origin host ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmSummary.alarmEventSummary.impactedHostId | Number | The alarm summary impacted host ID |
LogRhythm.AlarmSummary.alarmEventSummary.originUser | String | The alarm summary origin user. |
LogRhythm.AlarmSummary.alarmEventSummary.impactedUser | String | The alarm summary impacted user. |
LogRhythm.AlarmSummary.alarmEventSummary.originUserIdentityId | Unknown | The alarm summary origin user identity ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmSummary.alarmEventSummary.impactedUserIdentityId | Unknown | The alarm summary impacted user identity ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmSummary.alarmEventSummary.originUserIdentityName | String | The alarm summary origin user identity name. |
LogRhythm.AlarmSummary.alarmEventSummary.impactedUserIdentityName | String | The alarm summary impacted user identity name. |
LogRhythm.AlarmSummary.alarmEventSummary.originEntityName | String | The alarm summary origin entity name. |
LogRhythm.AlarmSummary.alarmEventSummary.impactedEntityName | String | The alarm summary impacted entity name. |
Command Example!lr-alarm-summary alarm_id=200
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Alarm summary
Additional Details Alarm Id Alarm Rule Group Alarm Rule Id Brief Description Date Inserted Rbp Avg Rbp Max Action:
1. Use LogRhythm to analyze and collect all information regarding the alarm, related events/logs, and surrounding logs from affected sources.
2. Check System Monitor service health (try restarting).
3. Check network connectivity between Agent and Mediator.
4. Check scsm.log for errors.
5. If the steps above do not provide a solution or if you require assistance, please contact LogRhythm Support.200 LogRhythm Diagnostics 98 Alarms on the occurrence of a LogRhythm Agent Heartbeat Missed event which could indicate a LogRhythm Agent going down. 2021-08-18T13:05:59.683 100 100 #
Alarm event summary
Common Event Id Common Event Name Impacted Entity Name Impacted Host Id Impacted User Impacted User Identity Id Impacted User Identity Name Msg Class Id Msg Class Name Origin Entity Name Origin Host Id Origin User Origin User Identity Id Origin User Identity Name -1100003 LogRhythm Agent Heartbeat Missed EchoTestEntity 3 3200 Error EchoTestEntity 3
lr-alarm-drilldownGets the drill-down logs per rule block for a specific alarm Id that fired associated with an AIE alarm.
Base Commandlr-alarm-drilldown
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alarm_id | Numeric ID of the alarm to get. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.AlarmID | Number | The alarm ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.AIERuleID | Number | The alarm AIE rule ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.Status.value | Number | The value of the drilldown request. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.Status.name | String | The name of the drilldown request. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.Status.description | String | The description of the drilldown request. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.RetryCount | Number | The number of times the Data Indexer is queried for the drill-down results. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.LastDxTimestamp | Date | The timestamp, in UTC, at which the Data Indexer was queried to obtain the drill-down results. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.DateInserted | Date | The timestamp, in UTC, when the Alarm was added to the cache. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.AlarmGuid | String | The unique identification of the Alarm GUID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.WebConsoleId | String | The unique identification of the Web Console ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.NotificationSent | Boolean | The unique identification of the Alarm GUID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.AIEMsgXml | String | The message XML associated with the event that triggered by the AI Engine. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.EventID | Number | The event ID associated with the AI Engine alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.NormalMessageDate | Date | The date, in UTC, that specifies the time of occurrence of the log. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.RuleBlocks.RuleBlockID | Number | The Rule Block Id associated with the AI Engine rule that triggered the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.RuleBlocks.RuleBlockTypeID | Number | The type of rule block as specified in the Events Msg XML. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.RuleBlocks.DrillDownLogs | String | Logs that triggered the AI Engine rule associated with the rule block. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.RuleBlocks.AIECount | Number | The number of logs identified by the AI Engine that triggered the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.RuleBlocks.DXCount | Number | The number of logs stored in the Data Indexer that matched the drill-down criteria. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.RuleBlocks.NormalMessageDate | Date | The date, in UTC, that specifies the time of occurence of the log. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.RuleBlocks.NormalMessageDateUpper | Date | The date, in UTC, that specifies the upper bound for the rule block triggered. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.RuleBlocks.NormalMessageDateLower | Date | The date, in UTC, that specifies the lower bound for the rule block triggered. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.RuleBlocks.DDSummaries.SummaryFieldType | Number | The Summary Field type selected for the rule block. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.RuleBlocks.DDSummaries.DrillDownSummaries | String | The aggregate of the Summary Field type as found in the drill-down logs associated with the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDrilldown.RuleBlocks.DDSummaries.DefaultValue | String | The value populated from the ARM when an alarm is added to the cache. |
lr-get-alarm-detailsGet the details of an alarm by the specified alarm ID.
Base Commandlr-get-alarm-details
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
alarm_id | Numeric ID of the alarm to get. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.AlarmDetails.alarmId | Number | The alarm ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDetails.personId | Number | The person ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDetails.entityId | Number | The entity ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDetails.entityName | String | The name of the entity. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDetails.alarmDate | String | The date in UTC of the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDetails.alarmRuleID | Number | The Rule ID of the rule which triggered the alarm |
LogRhythm.AlarmDetails.alarmRuleName | String | The name of the rule which triggered the alarm |
LogRhythm.AlarmDetails.alarmStatus | String | The status of the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDetails.alarmStatusName | String | The name for the status of the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDetails.lastUpdatedID | Number | The ID of the last person to update the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDetails.lastUpdatedName | String | The name of the last person to update the alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDetails.dateInserted | String | The date in UTC, that the alarm was inserted. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDetails.dateUpdated | String | The date in UTC, that the alarm was updated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDetails.associatedCases | String | The cases associated with this alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDetails.lastPersonID | Number | The ID of the last person to edit this alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDetails.eventCount | Number | The amount of events that triggered this alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDetails.eventDateFirst | String | The date in UTC of the first event to trigger this alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDetails.eventDateLast | String | The date in UTC of the last event to trigger this alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDetails.rBPMax | Number | The maximum Risk Based Priority for this alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDetails.rBPAvg | Number | The average Risk Based Priority for this alarm. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDetails.executionTarget | Number | The target which the alarm was executed against. |
LogRhythm.AlarmDetails.alarmDataCached | String | The cached alarm data. |
lr-cases-listGet cases details using filter criteria.
Base Commandlr-cases-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
case_id | The case ID by which to filter the results. | Optional |
timestamp_filter_type | The type by which to filter case results combined with the argument timestamp. Possible values: "updatedAfter", "updatedBefore", "createdAfter", and "createdBefore". Possible values are: updatedAfter, updatedBefore, createdAfter, createdBefore. | Optional |
timestamp | The timestamp by which to filter case results combined with the argument timestamp_filter_type. | Optional |
priority | The priority by which to filter the results. Possible values: "1", "2", "3", "4", and "5", where 1 is the highest priority. Possible values are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. | Optional |
status | The status by which to filter the results. Possible values are "1", (created), "2" (completed), "3" (incident), "4" (mitigated), and "5" (resolved). Possible values are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. | Optional |
owners | A comma-separated list of owner numbers. | Optional |
tags | A comma-separated list of tag numbers. | Optional |
text | Filter results that have a case number or name that contains the specified value. | Optional |
evidence_type | Filter results that have evidence of the specified type. Possible values: "alarm", "userEvents", "log", no"te, and "file". Possible values are: alarm, userEvents, log, note, file. | Optional |
reference_id | Filter results that have evidence with the given reference identifier. For example, an alarm ID. | Optional |
external_id | Filter results that have the specified, unique, external identifier. | Optional |
offset | The number of cases to skip before starting to collect the result set. Default is 0. | Optional |
count | The number of cases to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.Case.id | String | The case ID. |
LogRhythm.Case.number | Number | The case number. |
LogRhythm.Case.externalId | String | The case external ID. |
LogRhythm.Case.dateCreated | Date | The date the case was created. |
LogRhythm.Case.dateUpdated | Date | The date the case was updated. |
LogRhythm.Case.dateClosed | Unknown | The date the case was closed. |
LogRhythm.Case.owner.number | Number | The ID of the case owner. |
LogRhythm.Case.owner.name | String | The name of the case owner. |
LogRhythm.Case.owner.disabled | Boolean | Whether the case owner is disabled. |
LogRhythm.Case.lastUpdatedBy.number | Number | The ID of the user who last updated the case. |
LogRhythm.Case.lastUpdatedBy.name | String | The name of the user who last updated the case. |
LogRhythm.Case.lastUpdatedBy.disabled | Boolean | Whether the user who last updated the case is disabled. |
LogRhythm.Case.name | String | The case name. |
LogRhythm.Case.status.name | String | The case status. |
LogRhythm.Case.status.number | Number | The case status number. |
LogRhythm.Case.priority | Number | The case priority. |
LogRhythm.Case.dueDate | Date | The datetime the case is due. |
LogRhythm.Case.resolution | Unknown | The case resolution. |
LogRhythm.Case.resolutionDateUpdated | Unknown | The date the case resolution was last updated. |
LogRhythm.Case.resolutionLastUpdatedBy | Unknown | The user who last updated the case resolution. |
LogRhythm.Case.summary | String | The case summary. |
LogRhythm.Case.entity.number | Number | The case entity number. |
LogRhythm.Case.entity.name | String | The case entity name. |
LogRhythm.Case.entity.fullName | String | The case entity full name. |
LogRhythm.Case.collaborators.number | Number | The case collaborator number. |
LogRhythm.Case.collaborators.name | String | The case collaborator name. |
LogRhythm.Case.collaborators.disabled | Boolean | Whether the case collaborator is disabled. |
LogRhythm.Case.tags.text | String | The case tag name. |
LogRhythm.Case.tags.number | Number | The case tag number. |
Command Example!lr-cases-list priority=5
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Collaborators Date Closed Date Created Date Updated Due Date Entity External Id Id Last Updated By Name Number Owner Priority Resolution Resolution Date Updated Resolution Last Updated By Status Summary Tags {'number': 1, 'name': 'LR Soap API', 'disabled': False} 2021-08-11T14:10:08.617291Z 2021-08-31T15:18:26.8118901Z 2021-08-12T14:10:08.617291Z number: -100
name: Global Entity
fullName: Global EntityB055F3D5-6F49-4D94-AEF1-FAEDC4A25251 number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: falsetest case 4 number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: false5 name: Incident
number: 3{'number': 1, 'name': 'LR Soap API', 'disabled': False} 2021-08-11T14:19:48.7669718Z 2021-08-11T14:19:48.7669718Z 2021-08-12T14:19:48.7669718Z number: -100
name: Global Entity
fullName: Global Entity75081347-EB56-4AEA-A6F9-A6EB6662F48E number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: falsetest case from API 5 number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: false5 name: Created
number: 1{'number': 1, 'name': 'LR Soap API', 'disabled': False} 2021-10-05T10:53:07.0405063Z 2021-10-05T10:53:07.0405063Z 2021-10-06T10:53:07.0405063Z number: -100
name: Global Entity
fullName: Global EntityBB8EB00A-F4A7-4710-BB1C-E89DA7BF866B number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: falsetest 35 number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: false5 name: Created
number: 1{'number': 1, 'name': 'LR Soap API', 'disabled': False} 2021-10-06T06:13:06.6792318Z 2021-10-06T06:13:06.6792318Z 2021-10-07T06:13:06.6792318Z number: -100
name: Global Entity
fullName: Global Entity5091AD33-E29E-41A4-A975-E792EFCFF8E1 number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: falsetest 38 number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: false5 name: Created
number: 1{'number': 1, 'name': 'LR Soap API', 'disabled': False} 2021-10-06T07:57:30.7682964Z 2021-10-06T07:57:30.7682964Z 2021-10-07T07:57:30.7682964Z number: -100
name: Global Entity
fullName: Global EntityB9F8031A-7420-4080-96A7-4FF9AB6B6ECF number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: falsetest 39 number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: false5 name: Created
number: 1{'number': 1, 'name': 'LR Soap API', 'disabled': False} 2021-10-06T09:30:58.6568951Z 2021-10-06T09:30:58.6568951Z 2021-10-07T09:30:58.6568951Z number: -100
name: Global Entity
fullName: Global Entity9D7AEA2E-F9D4-4787-9A9B-F8F0E9CE817E number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: falsetest1111 40 number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: false5 name: Created
number: 1{'number': 1, 'name': 'LR Soap API', 'disabled': False} 2021-10-06T09:37:39.7847983Z 2021-10-06T09:37:39.7847983Z 2021-10-07T09:37:39.7847983Z number: -100
name: Global Entity
fullName: Global Entity805BCD50-D301-4F20-9757-A96AC3B1E52C number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: falsetest1111 41 number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: false5 name: Created
number: 1{'number': 1, 'name': 'LR Soap API', 'disabled': False} 2021-10-06T09:44:06.4646762Z 2021-10-06T09:44:06.4646762Z 2021-10-07T09:44:06.4646762Z number: -100
name: Global Entity
fullName: Global EntityFE8A7A3F-2D33-449F-83A5-09D3351E67DC number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: falsetest1111 42 number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: false5 name: Created
number: 1{'number': 1, 'name': 'LR Soap API', 'disabled': False} 2021-10-18T11:45:02.190818Z 2021-10-18T11:45:02.190818Z 2021-10-19T11:45:02.190818Z number: -100
name: Global Entity
fullName: Global Entity01825095-3D3E-4082-9F3D-29BC68EBCE9F number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: falsetest123123 58 number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: false5 name: Created
number: 1{'number': 1, 'name': 'LR Soap API', 'disabled': False} 2021-10-19T05:44:36.6091003Z 2021-10-19T05:44:36.6091003Z 2021-10-20T05:44:36.6091003Z number: -100
name: Global Entity
fullName: Global Entity97F336B2-D18E-438A-8FB1-7F49DCB0A867 number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: falsetest777777 59 number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: false5 name: Created
number: 1{'number': 1, 'name': 'LR Soap API', 'disabled': False} 2021-10-19T05:51:51.6372007Z 2021-10-19T05:51:51.6372007Z 2021-10-20T05:51:51.6372007Z number: -100
name: Global Entity
fullName: Global Entity064C632E-E7E8-4913-A123-EB6153FE4BE4 number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: falsetest777777 60 number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: false5 name: Created
number: 1
lr-case-createCreate a new case.
Base Commandlr-case-create
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
name | Name of the case. | Required |
priority | The priority by which to filter the results. Possible values: "1", "2", "3", "4", and "5", where 1 is the highest priority. Possible values are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. | Required |
external_id | Externally defined identifier for the case. | Optional |
due_date | The timedate of when the case is due, as an RFC 3339 formatted string. E.g., 2020-04-20T14:15:22Z. | Optional |
summary | Note summarizing the case. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.Case.id | String | The case ID. |
LogRhythm.Case.number | Number | The case number. |
LogRhythm.Case.externalId | String | The case external ID. |
LogRhythm.Case.dateCreated | Date | The date the case was created. |
LogRhythm.Case.dateUpdated | Date | The date the case was updated. |
LogRhythm.Case.dateClosed | Unknown | The date the case was closed. |
LogRhythm.Case.owner.number | Number | The ID of the case owner. |
LogRhythm.Case.owner.name | String | The name of the case owner. |
LogRhythm.Case.owner.disabled | Boolean | Whether the owner is disabled. |
LogRhythm.Case.lastUpdatedBy.number | Number | The ID of the user who last updated the case. |
LogRhythm.Case.lastUpdatedBy.name | String | The name of the user who last updated the case. |
LogRhythm.Case.lastUpdatedBy.disabled | Boolean | Whether the last user who updated the case is disabled. |
LogRhythm.Case.name | String | The case name. |
LogRhythm.Case.status.name | String | The case status. |
LogRhythm.Case.status.number | Number | The case status number. |
LogRhythm.Case.priority | Number | The case priority. |
LogRhythm.Case.dueDate | Date | The datetime the case is due. |
LogRhythm.Case.resolution | Unknown | The case resolution. |
LogRhythm.Case.resolutionDateUpdated | Unknown | The date the case resolution was last updated. |
LogRhythm.Case.resolutionLastUpdatedBy | Unknown | The user who last updated the case resolution. |
LogRhythm.Case.summary | String | The case summary. |
LogRhythm.Case.entity.number | Number | The case entity number. |
LogRhythm.Case.entity.name | String | The case entity name. |
LogRhythm.Case.entity.fullName | String | The case entity full name. |
LogRhythm.Case.collaborators.number | Number | The case collaborator number. |
LogRhythm.Case.collaborators.name | String | The case collaborator name. |
LogRhythm.Case.collaborators.disabled | Boolean | Whether the case collaborator is disabled. |
LogRhythm.Case.tags.text | String | The case tag name. |
LogRhythm.Case.tags.number | Number | The case tag number. |
Command Example``!lr-case-create name=test priority=1 external_id=8200 summary=
test case````
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Case created successfully
Collaborators Date Closed Date Created Date Updated Due Date Entity External Id Id Last Updated By Name Number Owner Priority Resolution Resolution Date Updated Resolution Last Updated By Status Summary Tags {'number': 1, 'name': 'LR Soap API', 'disabled': False} 2021-10-30T20:33:44.6636405Z 2021-10-30T20:33:44.6636405Z 2021-10-31T20:33:44.6636405Z number: -100
name: Global Entity
fullName: Global Entity8200 83E66AB6-5F9A-441E-BF96-52CA53E20BEA number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: falsetest 98 number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: false1 name: Created
number: 1test case
lr-case-updateUpdate case information. For example, the case name, priority, and due date.
Base Commandlr-case-update
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
case_id | Unique identifier for the case. | Required |
name | Name of the case. | Optional |
priority | The priority of the case. Possible values: "1", "2", "3", "4", and "5", where 1 is the highest priority. Possible values are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. | Optional |
external_id | Externally defined identifier for the case. | Optional |
due_date | The timedate of when the case is due, as an RFC 3339 formatted string. E.g., 2020-04-20T14:15:22Z. | Optional |
summary | Note summarizing the case. | Optional |
entity_id | Entity to assign to the case. | Optional |
resolution | Description of how the case was resolved. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.Case.id | String | The case ID. |
LogRhythm.Case.number | Number | The case number. |
LogRhythm.Case.externalId | String | The case external ID. |
LogRhythm.Case.dateCreated | Date | The date the case was created. |
LogRhythm.Case.dateUpdated | Date | The date the case was updated. |
LogRhythm.Case.dateClosed | Unknown | The date the case was closed. |
LogRhythm.Case.owner.number | Number | The ID of the case owner. |
LogRhythm.Case.owner.name | String | The name of the case owner. |
LogRhythm.Case.owner.disabled | Boolean | Whether the owner is disabled. |
LogRhythm.Case.lastUpdatedBy.number | Number | The ID of the user who last updated the case. |
LogRhythm.Case.lastUpdatedBy.name | String | The name of the user who last updated the case. |
LogRhythm.Case.lastUpdatedBy.disabled | Boolean | Whether the last user who updated the case is disabled. |
LogRhythm.Case.name | String | The case name. |
LogRhythm.Case.status.name | String | The case status. |
LogRhythm.Case.status.number | Number | The case status number. |
LogRhythm.Case.priority | Number | The case priority. |
LogRhythm.Case.dueDate | Date | The datetime the case is due. |
LogRhythm.Case.resolution | Unknown | The case resolution. |
LogRhythm.Case.resolutionDateUpdated | Unknown | The date the case resolution was last updated. |
LogRhythm.Case.resolutionLastUpdatedBy | Unknown | The user who last updated the case resolution. |
LogRhythm.Case.summary | String | The case summary. |
LogRhythm.Case.entity.number | Number | The case entity number. |
LogRhythm.Case.entity.name | String | The case entity name. |
LogRhythm.Case.entity.fullName | String | The case entity full name. |
LogRhythm.Case.collaborators.number | Number | The case collaborator number. |
LogRhythm.Case.collaborators.name | String | The case collaborator name. |
LogRhythm.Case.collaborators.disabled | Boolean | Whether the case collaborator is disabled. |
LogRhythm.Case.tags.text | String | The case tag name. |
LogRhythm.Case.tags.number | Number | The case tag number. |
Command Example!lr-case-update case_id=2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE priority=3
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Case 2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE updated successfully
Collaborators Date Closed Date Created Date Updated Due Date Entity External Id Id Last Updated By Name Number Owner Priority Resolution Resolution Date Updated Resolution Last Updated By Status Summary Tags {'number': 1, 'name': 'LR Soap API', 'disabled': False} 2021-08-19T15:38:07.8995494Z 2021-08-31T15:31:24.9870972Z 2021-08-20T15:38:07.8995494Z number: -100
name: Global Entity
fullName: Global Entity9930 2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: falsetest 17 number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: false3 name: Incident
number: 3test case
lr-case-status-changeUpdate the status of a case.
Base Commandlr-case-status-change
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
case_id | Unique identifier for the case. | Required |
status | The case status. Possible values: "Created", "Completed", "Incident", "Mitigated", and "Resolved". Possible values are: Created, Completed, Incident, Mitigated, Resolved. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.Case.id | String | The case ID. |
LogRhythm.Case.number | Number | The case number. |
LogRhythm.Case.externalId | String | The case external ID. |
LogRhythm.Case.dateCreated | Date | The date the case was created. |
LogRhythm.Case.dateUpdated | Date | The date the case was updated. |
LogRhythm.Case.dateClosed | Unknown | The date the case was closed. |
LogRhythm.Case.owner.number | Number | The ID of the case owner. |
LogRhythm.Case.owner.name | String | The name of the case owner. |
LogRhythm.Case.owner.disabled | Boolean | Whether the owner is disabled. |
LogRhythm.Case.lastUpdatedBy.number | Number | The ID of the user who last updated the case. |
LogRhythm.Case.lastUpdatedBy.name | String | The name of the user who last updated the case. |
LogRhythm.Case.lastUpdatedBy.disabled | Boolean | Whether the last user who updated the case is disabled. |
LogRhythm.Case.name | String | The case name. |
LogRhythm.Case.status.name | String | The case status. |
LogRhythm.Case.status.number | Number | The case status number. |
LogRhythm.Case.priority | Number | The case priority. |
LogRhythm.Case.dueDate | Date | The datetime the case is due. |
LogRhythm.Case.resolution | Unknown | The case resolution. |
LogRhythm.Case.resolutionDateUpdated | Unknown | The date the case resolution was last updated. |
LogRhythm.Case.resolutionLastUpdatedBy | Unknown | The user who last updated the case resolution. |
LogRhythm.Case.summary | String | The case summary. |
LogRhythm.Case.entity.number | Number | The case entity number. |
LogRhythm.Case.entity.name | String | The case entity name. |
LogRhythm.Case.entity.fullName | String | The case entity full name. |
LogRhythm.Case.collaborators.number | Number | The case collaborator number. |
LogRhythm.Case.collaborators.name | String | The case collaborator name. |
LogRhythm.Case.collaborators.disabled | Boolean | Whether the case collaborator is disabled. |
LogRhythm.Case.tags.text | String | The case tag name. |
LogRhythm.Case.tags.number | Number | The case tag number. |
Command Example!lr-case-status-change case_id=2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE status=Incident
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Case status updated successfully
Collaborators Date Closed Date Created Date Updated Due Date Entity External Id Id Last Updated By Name Number Owner Priority Resolution Resolution Date Updated Resolution Last Updated By Status Summary Tags {'number': 1, 'name': 'LR Soap API', 'disabled': False} 2021-08-19T15:38:07.8995494Z 2021-08-31T15:31:24.9870972Z 2021-08-20T15:38:07.8995494Z number: -100
name: Global Entity
fullName: Global Entity9930 2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: falsetest 17 number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: false3 name: Incident
number: 3test case
lr-case-evidence-listReturn a list of evidence summaries for a case.
Base Commandlr-case-evidence-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
case_id | Unique identifier for the case. | Required |
evidence_type | Filter results that have evidence of the specified type. Possible values are: "alarm", "userEvents", "log", "note", and "file". Possible values are: alarm, userEvents, log, note, file. | Optional |
status | Filter results that have a specific evidence status. Possible values: "pending", "completed", and "failed". Possible values are: pending, completed, failed. | Optional |
evidence_number | Filter results by evidence number. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.CaseEvidence.CaseID | String | The case ID. |
LogRhythm.CaseEvidence.Evidences.number | Number | The evidence number. |
LogRhythm.CaseEvidence.Evidences.dateCreated | Date | The date the evidence was created. |
LogRhythm.CaseEvidence.Evidences.dateUpdated | Date | The date the evidence was updated. |
LogRhythm.CaseEvidence.Evidences.createdBy.number | Number | The ID of the user who created the evidence. |
LogRhythm.CaseEvidence.Evidences.createdBy.name | String | The name of the user who created the evidence. |
LogRhythm.CaseEvidence.Evidences.createdBy.disabled | Boolean | Whether the user is disabled. |
LogRhythm.CaseEvidence.Evidences.lastUpdatedBy.number | Number | The ID of the user who last updated the case evidence. |
LogRhythm.CaseEvidence.Evidences.lastUpdatedBy.name | String | The name of the user who last updated the case evidence. |
LogRhythm.CaseEvidence.Evidences.lastUpdatedBy.disabled | Boolean | Whether the last user who updated the case evidence is disabled. |
LogRhythm.CaseEvidence.Evidences.type | String | The evidence type. |
LogRhythm.CaseEvidence.Evidences.status | String | The evidence status |
LogRhythm.CaseEvidence.Evidences.statusMessage | Unknown | The evidence status message. |
LogRhythm.CaseEvidence.Evidences.text | String | The evidence text. |
LogRhythm.CaseEvidence.Evidences.pinned | Boolean | Whether the evidence is pinned. |
LogRhythm.CaseEvidence.Evidences.datePinned | Unknown | The date the evidence was pinned. |
Command Example!lr-case-evidence-list case_id=583A7DAA-872A-4ECE-80B8-0DECB6FC3061
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Evidences for case 583A7DAA-872A-4ECE-80B8-0DECB6FC3061
Number Type Status Date Created Created By Text Alarm File 58 alarm completed 2021-08-19T14:21:01.7066667Z number: -100
name: LogRhythm Administrator
disabled: falsealarmId: 212
alarmDate: 2021-08-19T13:08:08.713Z
alarmRuleId: 98
alarmRuleName: LogRhythm Agent Heartbeat Missed
dateInserted: 2021-08-19T13:08:08.727Z
entityId: 2
entityName: EchoTestEntity
riskBasedPriorityMax: 3959 alarm completed 2021-08-19T14:21:11.7766667Z number: -100
name: LogRhythm Administrator
disabled: falsealarmId: 211
alarmDate: 2021-08-19T11:07:56.86Z
alarmRuleId: 98
alarmRuleName: LogRhythm Agent Heartbeat Missed
dateInserted: 2021-08-19T11:07:56.877Z
entityId: 2
entityName: EchoTestEntity
riskBasedPriorityMax: 3961 note completed 2021-08-19T14:25:33.5976206Z number: -100
name: LogRhythm Administrator
disabled: falsetest note
lr-case-alarm-evidence-addAdd multiple alarms as evidence on a case.
Base Commandlr-case-alarm-evidence-add
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
case_id | Unique identifier for the case. | Required |
alarm_numbers | A comma-separated list of alarm IDs. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.CaseID | String | The case ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.number | Number | The evidence number. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.dateCreated | Date | The date the evidence was created. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.dateUpdated | Date | The date the evidence was updated. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.createdBy.number | Number | The ID of the user who created the evidence. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.createdBy.name | String | The name of the user who created the evidence. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.createdBy.disabled | Boolean | Whether the user is disabled. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.lastUpdatedBy.number | Number | The ID of the user who last updated the alarm evidence. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.lastUpdatedBy.name | String | The name of the user who last updated the alarm evidence. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.lastUpdatedBy.disabled | Boolean | Whether the last user who updated the alarm evidence is disabled. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.type | String | The evidence type. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.status | String | The evidence status |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.statusMessage | Unknown | The evidence status message. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.text | String | The evidence text. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.pinned | Boolean | Whether the evidence is pinned. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.datePinned | Unknown | The date the evidence was pinned. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.alarm.alarmId | Number | The alarm ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.alarm.alarmDate | Date | The alarm date. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.alarm.alarmRuleId | Number | The alarm rule ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.alarm.alarmRuleName | String | The alarm rule name. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.alarm.dateInserted | Date | The date the alarm was inserted. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.alarm.entityId | Number | The alarm entity ID. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.alarm.entityName | String | The alarm entity name. |
LogRhythm.AlarmEvidence.Evidences.alarm.riskBasedPriorityMax | Number | The maximum Risk Based Priority (RBP) threshold of events to monitor. |
Command Example!lr-case-alarm-evidence-add case_id=2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE alarm_numbers=200,201
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Alarms added as evidence to case 2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE successfully
Number Type Status Date Created Created By Text Alarm File 62 alarm completed 2021-08-19T15:41:35.54Z number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: falsealarmId: 200
alarmDate: 2021-08-18T13:05:59.663Z
alarmRuleId: 98
alarmRuleName: LogRhythm Agent Heartbeat Missed
dateInserted: 2021-08-18T13:05:59.683Z
entityId: 2
entityName: EchoTestEntity
riskBasedPriorityMax: 10063 alarm completed 2021-08-19T15:41:35.54Z number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: falsealarmId: 201
alarmDate: 2021-08-18T15:06:10.623Z
alarmRuleId: 98
alarmRuleName: LogRhythm Agent Heartbeat Missed
dateInserted: 2021-08-18T15:06:10.637Z
entityId: 2
entityName: EchoTestEntity
riskBasedPriorityMax: 39
lr-case-note-evidence-addAdd a note as evidence on a case.
Base Commandlr-case-note-evidence-add
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
case_id | Unique identifier for the case. | Required |
note | Note text. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.NoteEvidence.CaseID | String | The case ID. |
LogRhythm.NoteEvidence.Evidences.number | Number | The evidence number. |
LogRhythm.NoteEvidence.Evidences.dateCreated | Date | The date the evidence was created. |
LogRhythm.NoteEvidence.Evidences.dateUpdated | Date | The date the evidence was updated. |
LogRhythm.NoteEvidence.Evidences.createdBy.number | Number | The ID of the user who created the evidence. |
LogRhythm.NoteEvidence.Evidences.createdBy.name | String | The name of the user who created the evidence. |
LogRhythm.NoteEvidence.Evidences.createdBy.disabled | Boolean | Whether the user is disabled. |
LogRhythm.NoteEvidence.Evidences.lastUpdatedBy.number | Number | The ID of the user who last updated the evidence. |
LogRhythm.NoteEvidence.Evidences.lastUpdatedBy.name | String | The name of the user who last updated the evidence. |
LogRhythm.NoteEvidence.Evidences.lastUpdatedBy.disabled | Boolean | Whether the last user who updated the evidence is disabled. |
LogRhythm.NoteEvidence.Evidences.type | String | The evidence type. |
LogRhythm.NoteEvidence.Evidences.status | String | The evidence status, |
LogRhythm.NoteEvidence.Evidences.statusMessage | Unknown | The evidence status message. |
LogRhythm.NoteEvidence.Evidences.text | String | The evidence text. |
LogRhythm.NoteEvidence.Evidences.pinned | Boolean | Whether the evidence is pinned. |
LogRhythm.NoteEvidence.Evidences.datePinned | Unknown | The date the evidence was pinned. |
Command Example!lr-case-note-evidence-add case_id=2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE note=test
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Note added as evidence to case 2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE successfully
Number Type Status Date Created Created By Text Alarm File 243 note completed 2021-10-30T20:17:09.2251906Z number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: falsetest
lr-case-file-evidence-addUpload a file as evidence on a case.
Base Commandlr-case-file-evidence-add
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
case_id | Unique identifier for the case,. | Required |
entryId | The entry ID of the file to attach. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.FileEvidence.CaseID | String | The case ID. |
LogRhythm.FileEvidence.Evidences.number | Number | The evidence number. |
LogRhythm.FileEvidence.Evidences.dateCreated | Date | The date the evidence was created. |
LogRhythm.FileEvidence.Evidences.dateUpdated | Date | The date the evidence was updated. |
LogRhythm.FileEvidence.Evidences.createdBy.number | Number | The ID of the user who created the evidence. |
LogRhythm.FileEvidence.Evidences.createdBy.name | String | The name of the user who created the evidence. |
LogRhythm.FileEvidence.Evidences.createdBy.disabled | Boolean | Whether the user is disabled. |
LogRhythm.FileEvidence.Evidences.lastUpdatedBy.number | Number | The ID of the user who last updated the evidence. |
LogRhythm.FileEvidence.Evidences.lastUpdatedBy.name | String | The name of the user who last updated the evidence. |
LogRhythm.FileEvidence.Evidences.lastUpdatedBy.disabled | Boolean | Whether the last user who updated the evidence is disabled. |
LogRhythm.FileEvidence.Evidences.type | String | The evidence type. |
LogRhythm.FileEvidence.Evidences.status | String | The evidence status |
LogRhythm.FileEvidence.Evidences.statusMessage | Unknown | The evidence status message. |
LogRhythm.FileEvidence.Evidences.text | String | The evidence text. |
LogRhythm.FileEvidence.Evidences.pinned | Boolean | Whether the evidence is pinned. |
LogRhythm.FileEvidence.Evidences.datePinned | Unknown | The date the evidence was pinned. |
Command Example!lr-case-file-evidence-add case_id=2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE entryId=8502@383ed6ae-1fd7-431a-858d-a11f2620c73b
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
File added as evidence to case 2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE successfully
Number Type Status Date Created Created By Text Alarm File 244 file pending 2021-10-30T20:33:46.8Z number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: falsename: File.jpeg
size: 170781
lr-case-evidence-deleteRemove evidence from a case.
Base Commandlr-case-evidence-delete
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
case_id | Unique identifier for the case. | Required |
evidence_number | Unique, numeric identifier for the evidence to remove. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!lr-case-evidence-delete case_id=2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE evidence_number=65
Human Readable OutputEvidence deleted successfully from case 2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE.
lr-case-file-evidence-downloadDownload an item of file evidence from a case.
Base Commandlr-case-file-evidence-download
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
case_id | Unique identifier for the case. | Required |
evidence_number | Unique, numeric identifier for the evidence. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!lr-case-file-evidence-download case_id=2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE evidence_number=66
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
lr-case-tags-addAdd tags to a case.
Base Commandlr-case-tags-add
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
case_id | Unique identifier for the case. | Required |
tag_numbers | A comma-separated list of tag numbers to add. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.Case.id | String | The case ID. |
LogRhythm.Case.number | Number | The case number. |
LogRhythm.Case.externalId | String | The case external ID. |
LogRhythm.Case.dateCreated | Date | The date the case was created. |
LogRhythm.Case.dateUpdated | Date | The date the case was updated. |
LogRhythm.Case.dateClosed | Unknown | The date the case was closed. |
LogRhythm.Case.owner.number | Number | The ID of the case owner. |
LogRhythm.Case.owner.name | String | The name of the case owner. |
LogRhythm.Case.owner.disabled | Boolean | Whether the owner is disabled or not |
LogRhythm.Case.lastUpdatedBy.number | Number | The ID of the user who last updated the case. |
LogRhythm.Case.lastUpdatedBy.name | String | The name of the user who last updated the case. |
LogRhythm.Case.lastUpdatedBy.disabled | Boolean | Whether the last user who updated the case is disabled. |
LogRhythm.Case.name | String | The case name. |
LogRhythm.Case.status.name | String | The case status. |
LogRhythm.Case.status.number | Number | The case status number. |
LogRhythm.Case.priority | Number | The case priority. |
LogRhythm.Case.dueDate | Date | The datetime the case is due. |
LogRhythm.Case.resolution | Unknown | The case resolution. |
LogRhythm.Case.resolutionDateUpdated | Unknown | The date the case resolution was last updated. |
LogRhythm.Case.resolutionLastUpdatedBy | Unknown | The user who last updated the case resolution. |
LogRhythm.Case.summary | String | The case summary. |
LogRhythm.Case.entity.number | Number | The case entity number. |
LogRhythm.Case.entity.name | String | The case entity name. |
LogRhythm.Case.entity.fullName | String | The case entity full name. |
LogRhythm.Case.collaborators.number | Number | The case collaborator number. |
LogRhythm.Case.collaborators.name | String | The case collaborator name. |
LogRhythm.Case.collaborators.disabled | Boolean | Whether the case collaborator is disabled. |
LogRhythm.Case.tags.text | String | The case tag name. |
LogRhythm.Case.tags.number | Number | The case tag number. |
Command Example!lr-case-tags-add case_id=2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE tag_numbers=2,3
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Tags added successfully to case 2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE
Collaborators Date Closed Date Created Date Updated Due Date Entity External Id Id Last Updated By Name Number Owner Priority Resolution Resolution Date Updated Resolution Last Updated By Status Summary Tags {'number': 1, 'name': 'LR Soap API', 'disabled': False} 2021-08-19T15:38:07.8995494Z 2021-10-30T20:17:15.9861818Z 2021-08-20T15:38:07.8995494Z number: -100
name: Global Entity
fullName: Global Entity9930 2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: falsetest 17 number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: false3 name: Incident
number: 3test case {'number': 2, 'text': 'tag #2'},
{'number': 3, 'text': 'tag #3'}
lr-case-tags-removeRemove tags from a case.
Base Commandlr-case-tags-remove
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
case_id | Unique identifier for the case. | Required |
tag_numbers | A comma-separated list of tag numbers to remove. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.Case.id | String | The case ID. |
LogRhythm.Case.number | Number | The case number. |
LogRhythm.Case.externalId | String | The case external ID. |
LogRhythm.Case.dateCreated | Date | The date the case was created. |
LogRhythm.Case.dateUpdated | Date | The date the case was updated. |
LogRhythm.Case.dateClosed | Unknown | The date the case was closed. |
LogRhythm.Case.owner.number | Number | The ID of the case owner. |
LogRhythm.Case.owner.name | String | The name of the case owner. |
LogRhythm.Case.owner.disabled | Boolean | Whether the owner is disabled or not |
LogRhythm.Case.lastUpdatedBy.number | Number | The ID of the user who last updated the case. |
LogRhythm.Case.lastUpdatedBy.name | String | The name of the user who last updated the case. |
LogRhythm.Case.lastUpdatedBy.disabled | Boolean | Whether the last user who updated the case is disabled. |
LogRhythm.Case.name | String | The case name. |
LogRhythm.Case.status.name | String | The case status. |
LogRhythm.Case.status.number | Number | The case status number. |
LogRhythm.Case.priority | Number | The case priority. |
LogRhythm.Case.dueDate | Date | The datetime the case is due. |
LogRhythm.Case.resolution | Unknown | The case resolution. |
LogRhythm.Case.resolutionDateUpdated | Unknown | The date the case resolution was last updated. |
LogRhythm.Case.resolutionLastUpdatedBy | Unknown | The user who last updated the case resolution. |
LogRhythm.Case.summary | String | The case summary. |
LogRhythm.Case.entity.number | Number | The case entity number. |
LogRhythm.Case.entity.name | String | The case entity name. |
LogRhythm.Case.entity.fullName | String | The case entity full name. |
LogRhythm.Case.collaborators.number | Number | The case collaborator number. |
LogRhythm.Case.collaborators.name | String | The case collaborator name. |
LogRhythm.Case.collaborators.disabled | Boolean | Whether the case collaborator is disabled. |
LogRhythm.Case.tags.text | String | The case tag name. |
LogRhythm.Case.tags.number | Number | The case tag number. |
Command Example!lr-case-tags-remove case_id=2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE tag_numbers=1,2
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Tags removed successfully from case 2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE
Collaborators Date Closed Date Created Date Updated Due Date Entity External Id Id Last Updated By Name Number Owner Priority Resolution Resolution Date Updated Resolution Last Updated By Status Summary Tags {'number': 1, 'name': 'LR Soap API', 'disabled': False} 2021-08-19T15:38:07.8995494Z 2021-10-30T20:17:17.3901952Z 2021-08-20T15:38:07.8995494Z number: -100
name: Global Entity
fullName: Global Entity9930 2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: falsetest 17 number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: false3 name: Incident
number: 3test case {'number': 3, 'text': 'tag #3'}
lr-tags-listReturn a list of tags using filter criteria.
Base Commandlr-tags-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
tag_name | Filter results that have a tag name that contains the specified value. | Optional |
offset | The number of tags to skip before starting to collect the result set. Default is 0. | Optional |
count | The numbers of tags to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.Tag.number | Number | The tag number. |
LogRhythm.Tag.text | String | The tag text. |
LogRhythm.Tag.dateCreated | Date | The date the tag was created. |
LogRhythm.Tag.createdBy.number | Number | The ID of the user who created the tag. |
LogRhythm.Tag.createdBy.name | String | The name of the user who created the tag. |
LogRhythm.Tag.createdBy.disabled | Boolean | Whether the user is disabled. |
Command Example!lr-tags-list count=2
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Number Text Date Created Created By 2 tag #2 2021-08-11T13:44:00.4433333Z number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: false3 tag #3 2021-08-11T13:44:05.7433333Z number: 1
name: LR Soap API
disabled: false
lr-case-collaborators-listReturns the owner and a list of collaborators associated with a specific case.
Base Commandlr-case-collaborators-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
case_id | Unique identifier for the case. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.CaseCollaborator.CaseID | String | The case ID. |
LogRhythm.CaseCollaborator.owner.number | Number | The ID of the case owner. |
LogRhythm.CaseCollaborator.owner.name | String | The name of the case owner. |
LogRhythm.CaseCollaborator.owner.disabled | Boolean | Whether the owner is disabled. |
LogRhythm.CaseCollaborator.collaborators.number | Number | The case collaborator number. |
LogRhythm.CaseCollaborator.collaborators.name | String | The case collaborator name. |
LogRhythm.CaseCollaborator.collaborators.disabled | Boolean | Whether the case collaborator is disabled. |
Command Example!lr-case-collaborators-list case_id=2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Case owner
Disabled Name Number false LR Soap API 1 #
Case collaborators
Disabled Name Number false LR Soap API 1
lr-case-collaborators-updateUpdates the owner and collaborators associated with a specific case.
Base Commandlr-case-collaborators-update
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
case_id | Unique identifier for the case. | Required |
owner | Unique, numeric identifier for the person. | Required |
collaborators | A comma-separated list of user IDs. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.CaseCollaborator.CaseID | String | The case ID. |
LogRhythm.CaseCollaborator.owner.number | Number | The ID of the case owner. |
LogRhythm.CaseCollaborator.owner.name | String | The name of the case owner. |
LogRhythm.CaseCollaborator.owner.disabled | Boolean | Whether the owner is disabled. |
LogRhythm.CaseCollaborator.collaborators.number | Number | The case collaborator ID. |
LogRhythm.CaseCollaborator.collaborators.name | String | The case collaborator name. |
LogRhythm.CaseCollaborator.collaborators.disabled | Boolean | Whether the case collaborator is disabled. |
Command Example!lr-case-collaborators-update case_id=2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE collaborators=1 owner=1
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Case 2E7FA20D-191E-4733-B7DC-A18BBFE762CE updated successfully#
Case owner
Disabled Name Number false LR Soap API 1 #
Case collaborators
Disabled Name Number false LR Soap API 1
lr-entities-listReturns all Entities that match the specified criteria.
Base Commandlr-entities-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
parent_entity_id | Filter by the object parent entity ID. | Optional |
entity_id | Filter by the entity ID. | Optional |
offset | The number of entities to skip before starting to collect the result set. Default is 0. | Optional |
count | The number of entities to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.Entity.id | Number | The entity ID. |
LogRhythm.Entity.name | String | The entity name. |
LogRhythm.Entity.fullName | String | The entity full name. |
LogRhythm.Entity.recordStatusName | String | The entity record status. |
LogRhythm.Entity.shortDesc | String | The entity short description. |
LogRhythm.Entity.dateUpdated | Date | The date the entity was updated. |
Command Example!lr-entities-list count=2
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Id Name Full Name Record Status Name Short Desc Date Updated 2 EchoTestEntity EchoTestEntity Active LogRhythm ECHO 2021-10-12T14:01:21.54Z -100 Global Entity Global Entity Active Global entity containing shared network and host records 2021-10-27T16:27:14.363Z
lr-hosts-listReturns all hosts that match the specified criteria.
Base Commandlr-hosts-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
host_id | Filter by host ID. | Optional |
host_name | Filter by host name. | Optional |
entity_name | Filter by entity name. | Optional |
record_status | Filter by record status. Possible values: "all", "active", "retired". Possible values are: all, active, retired. | Optional |
offset | The number of hosts to skip before starting to collect the result set. Default is 0. | Optional |
count | The number of hosts to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.Host.id | Number | The host ID. |
LogRhythm.Host.entity.id | Number | The host entity ID. |
LogRhythm.Host.entity.name | String | The host entity name. |
LogRhythm.Host.name | String | The host name. |
LogRhythm.Host.riskLevel | String | The host risk level. |
LogRhythm.Host.threatLevel | String | The host threat level. |
LogRhythm.Host.threatLevelComments | String | The threat level comments |
LogRhythm.Host.recordStatusName | String | The host record status name. |
LogRhythm.Host.hostZone | String | The host zone. |
LogRhythm.Host.location.id | Number | The host location ID. |
LogRhythm.Host.os | String | The operating system type supported by LogRhythm. |
LogRhythm.Host.useEventlogCredentials | Boolean | Whether to use the event log credentials. |
LogRhythm.Host.osType | String | The agent server type on which the operating system is installed. |
LogRhythm.Host.dateUpdated | Date | The date the host was updated. |
LogRhythm.Host.shortDesc | String | The host short description. |
LogRhythm.Host.osVersion | String | The host operation system version. |
LogRhythm.Host.hostIdentifiers.type | String | The host identifier type. |
LogRhythm.Host.hostIdentifiers.value | String | The host identifier value. |
LogRhythm.Host.hostIdentifiers.dateAssigned | Date | The date the host identifier was assigned. |
LogRhythm.Host.eventlogPassword | String | The event log password. |
Command Example!lr-hosts-list count=2
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Date Updated Entity Host Identifiers Host Roles Host Zone Id Location Name Os Os Type Record Status Name Risk Level Threat Level Threat Level Comments Use Eventlog Credentials 2021-07-27T15:56:14.34Z id: -100
name: Global EntityInternal -1000001 id: -1 AI Engine Server Unknown Server Active None None false 2021-07-27T15:56:14.343Z id: 1
name: Primary SiteInternal -1000002 id: -1 AI Engine Server Unknown Server Active None None false
lr-users-listReturns user records based on the permissions of the currently logged in user and the specified criteria.
Base Commandlr-users-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
user_ids | A comma-separated list of user IDs. | Optional |
entity_ids | A comma-separated list of entity IDs. | Optional |
user_status | Filter by user status. Possible values: "Active" and "Retired". Possible values are: Active, Retired. | Optional |
offset | The ID of users to skip before starting to collect the result set. Default is 0. | Optional |
count | The IDs of the users to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.User.firstName | String | The user first name. |
LogRhythm.User.lastName | String | The user last name. |
LogRhythm.User.userType | String | The user type |
LogRhythm.User.fullName | String | The user full name. |
LogRhythm.User.objectPermissions.readAccess | String | The user read access permissions. |
LogRhythm.User.objectPermissions.writeAccess | String | The user write access permissions. |
LogRhythm.User.objectPermissions.entity.id | Number | The user permissions entity ID. |
LogRhythm.User.objectPermissions.entity.name | String | The user permissions entity name. |
LogRhythm.User.objectPermissions.owner.id | Number | The user permissions owner ID. |
LogRhythm.User.objectPermissions.owner.name | String | The user permissions owner. |
LogRhythm.User.id | Number | The user ID. |
LogRhythm.User.recordStatusName | String | The user record status. |
LogRhythm.User.dateUpdated | Date | The date the user was updated. |
Command Example!lr-users-list count=2
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Id Full Name User Type First Name Last Name Record Status Name Date Updated Object Permissions 1 LR Soap API Role Active 2021-07-27T20:38:31.443Z readAccess: PublicGlobalAdmin
writeAccess: PublicGlobalAdmin
entity: {"id": 1, "name": "Primary Site"}
owner: {"id": -100, "name": "LogRhythmAdmin"}-101 LogRhythm Analyst Role LogRhythm Analyst Active 2021-07-27T15:07:47.05Z readAccess: PublicAll
writeAccess: PublicGlobalAdmin
entity: {"id": -100, "name": "Global Entity"}
owner: {"id": -100, "name": "LogRhythmAdmin"}
lr-lists-getReturns list details using the filter criteria.
Base Commandlr-lists-get
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
list_type | The list type. Possible values: "None", "Application", "Classification", "CommonEvent", "Host", "Location", "MsgSource", "MsgSourceType", "MPERule", "Network", "User", "GeneralValue", "Entity", "RootEntity", "IP", "IPRange", and "Identity". Possible values are: None, Application, Classification, CommonEvent, Host, Location, MsgSource, MsgSourceType, MPERule, Network, User, GeneralValue, Entity, RootEntity, IP, IPRange, Identity. | Optional |
list_name | The name of the object or regex match. | Optional |
can_edit | Specifies if Write Only (true) or Read Only (false) lists are required for a user. Possible values: "true" and "false". Possible values are: true, false. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.List.listType | String | The list type. |
LogRhythm.List.status | String | The list status. |
LogRhythm.List.name | String | The list name. |
LogRhythm.List.shortDescription | String | The list short description. |
LogRhythm.List.useContext | String | The use context type. |
LogRhythm.List.autoImportOption.enabled | Boolean | Whether the list auto import is enabled. |
LogRhythm.List.autoImportOption.usePatterns | Boolean | Whether the auto import use patterns is enabled. |
LogRhythm.List.autoImportOption.replaceExisting | Boolean | Whether the auto import replace existing is enabled. |
LogRhythm.List.id | Number | The list ID. |
LogRhythm.List.guid | String | The list GUID. |
LogRhythm.List.dateCreated | Date | The date the list was created. |
LogRhythm.List.dateUpdated | Date | The date the list was updated. |
LogRhythm.List.readAccess | String | The read permission level. |
LogRhythm.List.writeAccess | String | The write permission level. |
LogRhythm.List.restrictedRead | Boolean | Whether the list is read restricted. |
LogRhythm.List.entityName | String | The list entity name. |
LogRhythm.List.entryCount | Number | The list entry count. |
LogRhythm.List.needToNotify | Boolean | Whether the list will notify the user when updated. |
LogRhythm.List.doesExpire | Boolean | Whether the list expires. |
LogRhythm.List.owner | Number | The ID of the list owner. |
LogRhythm.List.longDescription | String | The list long description. |
LogRhythm.List.timeToLiveSeconds | Number | The list time for the list to live in seconds. |
LogRhythm.List.revisitDate | Date | The list revisit date. |
Command Example!lr-lists-get
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Guid Name List Type Status Short Description Id Entity Name Date Created Owner Write Access Read Access B1E34445-2693-411E-8BE2-9B97AFFF20A9 Windows System32 Hashes GeneralValue Active Hashes of executables in the %systemroot%\system32 directory. Use Case: Masquerading technique in MITRE ATT&CK -1000130 Global Entity 2019-11-05T04:11:38.303Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll F205DE21-9F73-462E-8F83-DE64CAD2A401 CloudAI: Ignore for 24 Hours Identity Active Anomaly scores from CloudAI will not be displayed for the identities in this list. Identities added to this list will automatically expire 24 hours after they are added. -1000001 Global Entity 2021-07-27T15:07:50.893Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll 5A2E34FB-3AD1-44CB-8E5F-643CAEDD1EC2 CloudAI: Monitored Identities Identity Active Identities monitored by CloudAI -1000000 Global Entity 2021-07-27T15:07:50.893Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll 6B9A54EF-70C9-49E0-B051-75C363178603 NERC-CIP: Electronic Security Perimeter MsgSource Active This log source list represents various network related systems such as security perimeter enforcing devices (i.e. IPS, firewalls), security perimeter monitoring devices (i.e. IDS), VPNs, wireless access points, remote access devices, anti-malware, etc. -2389 Global Entity 2015-06-06T00:15:20.033Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll F7A6369A-33C3-4249-91EF-6710E13F48F6 NERC-CIP: BES Cyber Systems MsgSource Active This log source list represents various BES Cyber Assets related to IT operations that reflect groupings of the BES Cyber System(s) -2379 Global Entity 2015-06-05T21:31:30.7Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll 4E629B5B-7D5D-447B-B672-BBCAF8E32E37 PCI-DSS: Allowed DMZ => Internal App List Application Active This list should be populated with the impacted applications, ports, and protocols which are allowed from the demilitarized zone environment to the internal network. -2085 Global Entity 2012-06-14T03:39:14.56Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll AFD1ACEB-A5CB-4EE7-BB46-331CE023F750 PCI-DSS: Internal Environment List Network Active This list should be populated with internal IP addresses of your entire internal network. -2078 Global Entity 2012-06-14T02:43:14.257Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll 2A5E5FCE-1FEF-4A7A-A827-93B7676028EA PCI-DSS: DMZ Environment List Network Active This list should be populated with internal IP addresses of your demilitarized zone network. -2077 Global Entity 2012-06-14T02:29:50.9Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll 4CAB138D-9BD4-4ED4-AB4E-FF5F48D4BC3E PCI-DSS: Cardholder Data Environment List Network Active This list should be populated with internal IP addresses of your cardholder data. -2076 Global Entity 2012-06-14T02:22:50.693Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll 76B503F9-7F63-4EBC-B06F-0AB083ECDCF1 PCI-DSS: Network Security Systems MsgSource Active This list should be populated with network security systems (firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, malware detection/prevention, network access control, remote access, virtual private network, vulnerability scanning) on the network. -2073 Global Entity 2012-06-14T02:10:32.13Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll EAAC1F68-44F7-477E-BBB5-CFAEF5AEDBF6 PCI-DSS: Allowed Internet => Internal App List Application Active This list should be populated with the impacted applications, ports, and protocols which are allowed from the external internet environment to the internal environment network. -2063 Global Entity 2012-06-14T00:31:39.017Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll 3D987185-2C72-4AE0-B453-FB27E8412510 PCI-DSS: Allowed Internet => DMZ App List Application Active This list should be populated with the impacted applications, ports, and protocols which are allowed from the external internet to the demilitarized zone environment network. -2062 Global Entity 2012-06-14T00:29:15.183Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll 8A030E0F-870C-4F59-A5DD-28F8572723DD PCI-DSS: Allowed Internet => CDE App List Application Active This list should be populated with the impacted applications, ports, and protocols which are allowed from the external internet to the internal cardholder data environment network. -2061 Global Entity 2012-06-14T00:27:14.477Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll DBA00254-D606-43D0-B291-EF38DA092DB3 PCI-DSS: Allowed CDE => Internet App List Application Active This list should be populated with the impacted applications, ports, and protocols which are allowed from the cardholder data environment network to the external internet. -2058 Global Entity 2012-06-14T00:18:04.5Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll 642A7B7B-274E-4A66-9FBD-E4EC1CFC2404 NRC: Workstations MsgSource Active Workstations that store or process data applicable to compliance regulations. Examples: personal computers, notebooks, tablet PCs, and publicly accessible systems. -2031 Global Entity 2011-12-14T06:13:01.05Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll 229E1613-221C-4961-90F6-0B19B282B80F NRC: Production Servers MsgSource Active Production servers applicable to compliance regulations. Examples: servers that store/process financial data, customer data, and employee data. -2027 Global Entity 2011-12-14T06:09:16.99Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll F0F6C2E0-5EBD-41D8-B64E-3D67E649B2F1 NEI: Workstations MsgSource Active Workstations that store or process data applicable to compliance regulations. Examples: personal computers, notebooks, tablet PCs, and publicly accessible systems. -2023 Global Entity 2011-12-14T00:43:04.903Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll 35EB656F-CEB0-498D-B684-9E97B325B14B NEI: Production Servers MsgSource Active Production servers applicable to compliance regulations. Examples: servers that store/process financial data, customer data, and employee data. -2019 Global Entity 2011-12-14T00:39:35.59Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll 48555D7B-0BEB-43F0-B758-29D7838B0907 QsEMP: Data Loss Prevention MsgSource Active Production data loss prevention devices, including LogRhythm Data Loss Defender. -1049 Global Entity 2010-08-16T20:21:23.91Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll 280E2A9C-EB0C-4CCC-9776-FE1C164B8C5D QsEMP: Production *NIX Servers MsgSource Active System and audit logs of production UNIX and Linux servers. LogRhythm User Activity Monitor and Network Connection Monitor for production agents. -1048 Global Entity 2010-08-16T20:20:56.847Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll 60390FB9-0419-4A01-A517-611098B9171E QsEMP: Production Windows Servers MsgSource Active System, Application, and Security Event Logs of production Windows Servers. LogRhythm User Activity Monitor, Process Monitor and Network Connection Monitor for production agents. -1047 Global Entity 2010-08-16T20:20:34.41Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll A55CE990-D057-4760-9845-2E9CD173FE5B QsEMP: Production Routers and Switches MsgSource Active System logs of all production routers and switches. -1046 Global Entity 2010-08-16T20:20:10.877Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll AE1EDD58-9DE0-4E72-BC87-A4939D9CA0B7 QsEMP: Production Firewalls MsgSource Active System logs of all production firewalls. -1045 Global Entity 2010-08-16T20:19:46.61Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll 6658537A-358C-435F-8451-B02440B6C50B QsEMP: Production Malware Detection Devices MsgSource Active System or application logs of devices providing malware detection capabilities. Examples: anti-virus, spyware, general malware detection software and central servers. -1044 Global Entity 2010-08-16T20:19:25.033Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll DE466E5C-19D6-46B5-936C-7A7E5ADFB03E QsEMP: Production IDS/IPS Devices MsgSource Active System logs of devices with intrusion detection or prevention capabilities. Examples: firewalls and UTM devices that include these capabilities. -1043 Global Entity 2010-08-16T20:18:57.753Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll 41BCC625-7E73-4603-8B39-AE1E6DEEDC18 FISMA: Workstations MsgSource Active Workstations that store or process data applicable to compliance regulations. Examples: personal computers, notebooks, tablet PCs, and publicly accessible systems. -1038 Global Entity 2010-02-25T00:42:26.083Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll BF568BD1-E69E-4377-BB7F-2BD5FEE593A0 FISMA: Production Servers MsgSource Active Production servers applicable to compliance regulations. Examples: servers that store/process financial data, customer data, and employee data. -1037 Global Entity 2010-02-25T00:41:57.283Z -1000000 PublicGlobalAdmin PublicAll 2D0073F7-DB6A-4751-91E7-38272D12C737 test list Network Active test for logrhythm integration 2001 Primary Site 2021-08-09T05:04:50.927Z -100 PublicAll PublicAll EA778B8F-20CA-4413-9A2D-CF69FB536793 test list 2 Application Active 2002 Primary Site 2021-08-09T05:41:30.443Z -100 Private Private 15C307AE-CDA6-4BA0-A605-F3FAE5215C1B test Application Active 2003 Global Entity 2021-09-29T14:09:10.093Z 1 PublicAll PublicAll B8D0E804-928A-492E-85FF-4E2940BB8B3C test1 Application Active 2004 Global Entity 2021-09-29T14:51:55.337Z 1 PublicAll PublicAll 1120112E-4743-4BE8-BF95-ADE3252CB915 test1 Application Active 2005 Global Entity 2021-09-29T14:53:03.013Z 1 Private Private 7C8B63A6-68D3-4B1C-AD95-06125A77CF99 test1 Application Active 2006 Global Entity 2021-09-29T15:03:03.84Z 1 Private Private F52EDC03-ECED-4683-86E9-4783409D1C92 test1 Application Active 2007 Global Entity 2021-09-29T15:03:07.51Z 1 Private Private A2D11D2A-3017-4216-870E-6F3E1E5682BF test1 Application Active 2008 Global Entity 2021-09-29T15:06:38.853Z 1 Private Private 325E81FC-2D62-461B-BB7C-5C9169600C97 test1 Application Active 2009 Global Entity 2021-09-29T15:10:14.497Z 1 Private Private D3EA4CDC-5A58-4D60-8CAB-096B466AE4B7 test1 Application Active 2010 Global Entity 2021-09-29T15:10:17.113Z 1 Private Private 8BC72673-1C8C-4B26-BB21-E65AA908A4EF test1 Application Active 2011 Global Entity 2021-09-29T15:10:17.98Z 1 Private Private A927EB2E-8850-46A0-9798-E2C3B8C6C4F6 test1 Application Active 2012 Global Entity 2021-09-29T15:10:18.923Z 1 Private Private D0D70666-1BF2-4C34-A10A-F4C131C76687 test1 Application Active 2013 Global Entity 2021-09-29T15:10:55.743Z 1 Private Private CBC412AE-F98C-4CE9-A290-B36C0D3344E4 test1 Application Active 2014 Global Entity 2021-09-29T15:11:03.187Z 1 Private Private F4CB25B5-F190-482C-A82D-B3C4AF4BCAAE test1 Application Active 2015 Global Entity 2021-09-29T15:11:05.657Z 1 Private Private F9597684-1119-42B9-911C-0114968D402E test1 Application Active 2016 Global Entity 2021-09-29T15:13:22.533Z 1 Private Private 4CBB4771-0A44-4B8B-BF05-DD832369A864 test1 Application Active 2017 Global Entity 2021-09-29T15:13:40Z 1 Private Private B21EA8F5-3031-42B5-8410-F6AEE42B8E42 test1 User Active 2018 Global Entity 2021-10-05T07:44:41.107Z 1 Private Private 3624C3B7-04E5-4820-BF93-3D22D2DDEF96 test1 User Active 2019 Global Entity 2021-10-05T07:45:20.603Z 1 Private Private D73FEF9B-D9BA-4C1E-8C6A-A5A15EB9F657 test1 User Active 2020 Global Entity 2021-10-05T07:45:24.86Z 1 Private Private DA3B78E8-A0EF-4BEC-A41D-0671D509A56D tesl list User Active 2021 Global Entity 2021-10-05T07:56:28.223Z 1 PublicAll PublicAll 43BC3DD5-00B9-4F3D-9A6E-B01F96560B46 test1 User Active 2022 Global Entity 2021-10-05T08:03:35.007Z 1 Private Private 2888D7FD-1C6F-40E0-AAB7-AF292BCB8A3D test1 User Active 2023 Global Entity 2021-10-05T08:04:27.267Z 1 Private Private CBA4C600-ED03-4F5E-A274-A694144F362F test1 User Active 2024 Global Entity 2021-10-05T08:04:37.11Z 1 Private Private D35B50C4-3CA3-4A20-9B31-742137965A64 test1 Application Active 2025 Global Entity 2021-10-05T08:05:11.877Z 1 Private Private 58041B5B-2B8A-4353-8DF8-5169D28E71DA test1 Application Active 2026 Global Entity 2021-10-05T08:05:14.59Z 1 Private Private 20CC50DF-7352-4521-8642-50C93BBD0182 test1 Application Active 2027 Global Entity 2021-10-05T08:05:19.55Z 1 Private Private FD411415-93C4-4094-B3E5-8415A42A7F9E test1 User Active 2028 Global Entity 2021-10-05T08:05:51.01Z 1 Private Private 6C353897-F317-4077-A720-62F4204C8BB0 test1 User Active 2029 Global Entity 2021-10-05T08:06:14.563Z 1 Private Private 73E09328-94C5-4166-B1CE-8DC581F98496 test1 User Active 2030 Global Entity 2021-10-05T08:06:18.727Z 1 Private Private 6B417043-4740-4821-8474-8DC8972F529C test1 User Active 2031 Global Entity 2021-10-27T13:46:24.71Z 1 Private Private 3D9ED83F-0ED6-4911-B13D-1FC750A411C3 test1 User Active 2032 Global Entity 2021-10-27T13:47:30.467Z 1 Private Private 7C13886C-A9E7-42F2-8553-33B6AFEFD079 test1 User Active 2033 Global Entity 2021-10-27T13:47:39.58Z 1 Private Private 9B279A23-2822-43C2-BABC-23D08AD0046E test202020 Application Active 2034 Global Entity 2021-10-27T13:50:09.693Z 1 PublicAll PublicAll A2F0C0AB-6C8C-46D5-9F57-13A5298DC7AC test2020201 Application Active 2035 Global Entity 2021-10-27T13:50:23.25Z 1 PublicAll PublicAll F4A3EAE5-E5F8-4A6B-92DD-06C9CCCFF67A a Application Active 2036 Primary Site 2021-10-27T13:54:14.383Z -100 Private Private B8B79601-76E5-4C19-94E3-053A0D41EC67 a CommonEvent Active 2037 Primary Site 2021-10-27T13:54:48.01Z -100 Private Private 5FEDBC14-EE01-4B00-BF9D-20D0BE549C14 a MsgSource Active 2038 Primary Site 2021-10-27T13:55:27.393Z -100 Private Private 741FAD03-E3AC-4C43-BE93-A17407A66C89 test20202012 Application Active 2039 Global Entity 2021-10-27T13:56:45.6Z 1 PublicAll PublicAll 07F90C7D-F205-4614-9B2D-8F2005878226 test20202012_true Application Active 2040 Global Entity 2021-10-27T13:58:18.13Z 1 PublicAll PublicAll 02684746-10C2-4153-A854-D4465E24B82C test20202012_false Application Active 2041 Global Entity 2021-10-27T13:58:26.87Z 1 PublicAll PublicAll CB767AFE-65BC-4243-AC82-22B398FB61D9 test1818_false Application Active 2042 Global Entity 2021-10-27T14:02:32.25Z 1 PublicAll PublicAll F89F6CAF-4892-4E83-81C5-C64DE02591E8 test1818_true Application Active 2043 Global Entity 2021-10-27T14:02:44.92Z 1 PublicAll PublicAll
lr-list-summary-create-updateUpdates a list summary based on the GUID and other required details. Searches the system for existing list summaries by GUID. Creates a new list summary if the GUID does not exist. Otherwise, updates the list summary.
Base Commandlr-list-summary-create-update
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
list_type | The list type. Possible values: "None", "Application", "Classification", "CommonEvent", "Host", "Location", "MsgSource", "MsgSourceType", "MPERule", "Network", "User", "GeneralValue", "Entity", "RootEntity", "IP", "IPRange", and "Identity". Possible values are: None, Application, Classification, CommonEvent, Host, Location, MsgSource, MsgSourceType, MPERule, Network, User, GeneralValue, Entity, RootEntity, IP, IPRange, Identity. | Required |
name | The list name. | Required |
enabled | Whether the list auto import is enabled. Possible values: "true" and "false". Possible values are: true, false. | Required |
use_patterns | Whether the auto import use patterns is enabled. Possible values: "true" and "false". Possible values are: true, false. | Required |
replace_existing | Whether the auto import replace existing is enabled. Possible values: "true" and "false". Possible values are: true, false. | Required |
read_access | The read permission level. Possible values: "Private", "PublicAll", "PublicGlobalAdmin", "PublicGlobalAnalyst", "PublicRestrictedAnalyst", "PublicRestrictedAdmin". Possible values are: Private, PublicAll, PublicGlobalAdmin, PublicGlobalAnalyst, PublicRestrictedAnalyst, PublicRestrictedAdmin. | Required |
write_access | The write permission level. Possible values: "Private", "PublicAll", "PublicGlobalAdmin", "PublicGlobalAnalyst", "PublicRestrictedAnalyst", "PublicRestrictedAdmin". Possible values are: Private, PublicAll, PublicGlobalAdmin, PublicGlobalAnalyst, PublicRestrictedAnalyst, PublicRestrictedAdmin. | Required |
restricted_read | Whether the list is read restricted. Possible values: "true" and "false". Possible values are: true, false. | Required |
entity_name | The entity name. | Required |
need_to_notify | Whether the list need to notify. Possible values: "true" and "false". Possible values are: true, false. | Required |
does_expire | Whether the list expires. Possible values: "true" and "false". Possible values are: true, false. | Required |
owner | The ID of the owner. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.List.listType | String | The list type. |
LogRhythm.List.status | String | The list status. |
LogRhythm.List.name | String | The list name. |
LogRhythm.List.useContext | String | The use context type. |
LogRhythm.List.autoImportOption.enabled | Boolean | Whether the list auto import is enabled. |
LogRhythm.List.autoImportOption.usePatterns | Boolean | Whether the auto import use patterns is enabled. |
LogRhythm.List.autoImportOption.replaceExisting | Boolean | Whether the auto import replace existing is enabled. |
LogRhythm.List.id | Number | The list ID. |
LogRhythm.List.guid | String | The list GUID. |
LogRhythm.List.dateCreated | Date | The date the list was created. |
LogRhythm.List.dateUpdated | Date | The date the list was updated. |
LogRhythm.List.readAccess | String | The read permission level. |
LogRhythm.List.writeAccess | String | The write permission level. |
LogRhythm.List.restrictedRead | Boolean | Whether the list is read restricted. |
LogRhythm.List.entityName | String | The list entity name. |
LogRhythm.List.entryCount | Number | The list entry count. |
LogRhythm.List.needToNotify | Boolean | Whether the list will notify the user when updated. |
LogRhythm.List.doesExpire | Boolean | Whether the list expires. |
LogRhythm.List.owner | Number | The ID of the list owner. |
Command Example!lr-list-summary-create-update does_expire=false enabled=true entity_name=`Global Entity` list_type=User name=test1 need_to_notify=false read_access=Private replace_existing=false restricted_read=false use_patterns=false write_access=Private owner=1
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
List created successfully
Guid Name List Type Status Short Description Id Entity Name Date Created Owner Write Access Read Access 4BC51B20-640B-4F58-A448-A5C8A52161D2 test1 User Active 2044 Global Entity 2021-10-30T20:17:42.433Z 1 Private Private
lr-list-details-and-items-getReturns list details and list items based on the list GUID.
Base Commandlr-list-details-and-items-get
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
list_guid | The GUID stored in the database. | Required |
max_items | The maximum number of items that can be returned in a single request. Default is 100. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.listType | String | The list type. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.status | String | The list status. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.name | String | The list name. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.useContext | String | The use context type. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.autoImportOption.enabled | Boolean | Whether the list auto import is enabled. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.autoImportOption.usePatterns | Boolean | Whether the auto import use patterns is enabled. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.autoImportOption.replaceExisting | Boolean | Whether the auto import replace existing is enabled. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.id | Number | The list ID. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.guid | String | The list GUID. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.dateCreated | Date | The date the list was created. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.dateUpdated | Date | The date the list was updated. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.revisitDate | Date | The date the list was revisited. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.readAccess | String | The read permission level. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.writeAccess | String | The write permission level. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.restrictedRead | Boolean | Whether the list is read restricted. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.entityName | String | The list entity name. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.entryCount | Number | The list entry count. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.needToNotify | Boolean | Whether the list will notify the user when updated. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.doesExpire | Boolean | Whether the list expires. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.owner | Number | The ID of the list owner. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.listItemsCount | Number | The list items count. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.items.displayValue | String | The list items value. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.items.expirationDate | Unknown | The list item expiration date. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.items.isExpired | Boolean | Whether the item is expired. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.items.isListItem | Boolean | Whether the item is a list item. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.items.isPattern | Boolean | Whether the item is a pattern. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.items.listItemDataType | String | The item data type. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.items.listItemType | String | The item type. |
LogRhythm.ListDetails.items.value | String | The item value. |
Command Example!lr-list-details-and-items-get list_guid=EA778B8F-20CA-4413-9A2D-CF69FB536793
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
List EA778B8F-20CA-4413-9A2D-CF69FB536793 details
Guid Name List Type Status Short Description Id Entity Name Date Created Owner Write Access Read Access EA778B8F-20CA-4413-9A2D-CF69FB536793 test list 2 Application Active 2002 Primary Site 2021-08-09T05:41:30.443Z -100 Private Private #
List items
Display Value Expiration Date Is Expired Is List Item Is Pattern List Item Data Type List Item Type Value 8081,8085 false false false PortRange PortRange 8081,8085 1,100 false false false PortRange PortRange 1,100
lr-list-items-addAdds more items to an existing list.
Base Commandlr-list-items-add
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
list_guid | The GUID stored in the database. | Required |
items | The body of the list item so that the list can be updated with new items (JSON format). | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.ListItemsAdd.listType | String | The list type. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsAdd.status | String | The list status. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsAdd.name | String | The list name. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsAdd.useContext | String | The use context type. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsAdd.autoImportOption.enabled | Boolean | Whether the list auto import is enabled. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsAdd.autoImportOption.usePatterns | Boolean | Whether the auto import use patterns is enabled. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsAdd.autoImportOption.replaceExisting | Boolean | Whether the auto import replace existing is enabled. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsAdd.id | Number | The list ID. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsAdd.guid | String | The list GUID. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsAdd.dateCreated | Date | The date the list was created. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsAdd.dateUpdated | Date | The date the list was updated. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsAdd.revisitDate | Date | The list revisit date. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsAdd.readAccess | String | The read permission level. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsAdd.writeAccess | String | The write permission level. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsAdd.restrictedRead | Boolean | Whether the list is read restricted. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsAdd.entityName | String | The list entity name. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsAdd.entryCount | Number | The list entry count. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsAdd.needToNotify | Boolean | Whether the list will notify the user when updated. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsAdd.doesExpire | Boolean | Whether the list expires. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsAdd.owner | Number | The ID of the list owner. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsAdd.listItemsCount | Number | The list items count. |
Command Example``!lr-list-items-add list_guid=EA778B8F-20CA-4413-9A2D-CF69FB536793 items=
{"listItemDataType": "PortRange","listItemType": "PortRange","value": "200,300","valueAsListReference":{"listType": "Network"}}````
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
The item added to the list EA778B8F-20CA-4413-9A2D-CF69FB536793.
Auto Import Option Date Created Date Updated Does Expire Entity Name Entry Count Guid Id List Items Count List Type Name Need To Notify Owner Read Access Restricted Read Revisit Date Status Use Context Write Access enabled: false
usePatterns: false
replaceExisting: false2021-08-09T05:41:30.443Z 2021-10-30T20:33:48.12Z false Primary Site 3 EA778B8F-20CA-4413-9A2D-CF69FB536793 2002 0 Application test list 2 false -100 Private false 2031-10-30T20:33:48.12Z Active None Private
lr-list-items-removeRemoves items from an existing list.
Base Commandlr-list-items-remove
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
list_guid | The GUID stored in the database. | Required |
items | Body of the list items to be removed from the list (JSON format). | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.ListItemsRemove.listType | String | The list type. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsRemove.status | String | The list status. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsRemove.name | String | The list name. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsRemove.useContext | String | The use context type. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsRemove.autoImportOption.enabled | Boolean | Whether the list auto import is enabled. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsRemove.autoImportOption.usePatterns | Boolean | Whether the auto import use patterns is enabled. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsRemove.autoImportOption.replaceExisting | Boolean | Whether the auto import replace existing is enabled. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsRemove.id | Number | The list ID. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsRemove.guid | String | The list GUID. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsRemove.dateCreated | Date | The date the list was created. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsRemove.dateUpdated | Date | The date the list was updated. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsRemove.revisitDate | Date | The list revisit date. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsRemove.readAccess | String | The read permission level. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsRemove.writeAccess | String | The write permission level. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsRemove.restrictedRead | Boolean | Whether the list is read restricted. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsRemove.entityName | String | The list entity name. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsRemove.entryCount | Number | The list entry count. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsRemove.needToNotify | Boolean | Whether the list will notify the user when updated. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsRemove.doesExpire | Boolean | Whether the list expires. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsRemove.owner | Number | The ID of the list owner. |
LogRhythm.ListItemsRemove.listItemsCount | Number | The list items count. |
Command Example``!lr-list-items-remove list_guid=EA778B8F-20CA-4413-9A2D-CF69FB536793 items=
{"displayValue": "201,301","listItemType": "PortRange","value": "201,301"}````
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
The item deleted from the list EA778B8F-20CA-4413-9A2D-CF69FB536793.
Auto Import Option Date Created Date Updated Does Expire Entity Name Entry Count Guid Id List Items Count List Type Name Need To Notify Owner Read Access Restricted Read Revisit Date Status Use Context Write Access enabled: false
usePatterns: false
replaceExisting: false2021-08-09T05:41:30.443Z 2021-10-30T20:33:49.717Z false Primary Site 3 EA778B8F-20CA-4413-9A2D-CF69FB536793 2002 0 Application test list 2 false -100 Private false 2031-10-30T20:33:49.717Z Active None Private
lr-execute-search-queryExecute a search query on the LogRhythm log database.
Base Commandlr-execute-search-query
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
number_of_days | Number of days to search. | Required |
search_name | Name of the search. | Optional |
source_type | Log source type. Possible values are: all, API-_AWS_CloudTrail, API-AWS_CloudWatch_Alarm, API-AWS_Config_Event, API-AWS_S3_Flat_File, API-AWS_S3_Server_Access_Event, API-BeyondTrust_Retina_Vulnerability_Management, API-Box_Event, API-Cisco_IDS/IPS, API-Cradlepoint_ECM, API-IP360_Vulnerability_Scanner, API-Metasploit_Penetration_Scanner, API-Nessus_Vulnerability_Scanner, API-NetApp_CIFS_Security_Audit_Event_Log, API-NeXpose_Vulnerability_Scanner, API-Office_365_Management_Activity, API-Office_365_Message_Tracking, API-Okta_Event, API-Qualys_Vulnerability_Scanner, API-Salesforce_EventLogFile, API-Sourcefire_eStreamer, API-Tenable_SecurityCenter, API-Tenable.io_Scanner, Flat_File-ActivIdentity_CMS, Flat_File-Airwatch_MDM, Flat_File-Alfresco, Flat_File-AllScripts, Flat_File-Apache_Access_Log, Flat_File-Apache_Error_Log, Flat_File-Apache_SSL_Access_Log, Flat_File-Apache_SSL_Error_Log, Flat_File-Apache_Tomcat_Access_Log, Flat_File-Apache_Tomcat_Console_Log, Flat_File-Avaya_Secure_Access_Link_Remote_Access_Log, Flat_File-Avaya_Voice_Mail_Log, Flat_File-Axway_SFTP, Flat_File-Beacon_Endpoint_Profiler, Flat_File-Bind_9, Flat_File-BlackBerry_Enterprise_Server, Flat_File-Blue_Coat_Proxy_BCREPORTERMAIN_Format, Flat_File-Blue_Coat_Proxy_CSV_Format, Flat_File-Blue_Coat_Proxy_SQUID-1_Format, Flat_File-Blue_Coat_Proxy_W3C_Format, Flat_File-Bro_IDS_Critical_Stack_Intel_Log, Flat_File-Broadcom_SiteMinder, Flat_File-CA_ACF2_for_z/OS-ACFRPTDS, Flat_File-CA_ACF2_for_z/OS-ACFRPTEL, Flat_File-CA_ACF2_for_z/OS-ACFRPTJL, Flat_File-CA_ACF2_for_z/OS-ACFRPTLL, Flat_File-CA_ACF2_for_z/OS-ACFRPTNV, Flat_File-CA_ACF2_for_z/OS-ACFRPTOM, Flat_File-CA_ACF2_for_z/OS-ACFRPTPW, Flat_File-CA_ACF2_for_z/OS-ACFRPTRL, Flat_File-CA_ACF2_for_z/OS-ACFRPTRV, Flat_File-CA_ControlMinder, Flat_File-Cerberus_FTP_Server, Flat_File-Cerner, Flat_File-Cisco_AMP_for_Endpoints, Flat_File-Cisco_Email_Security_Appliance, Flat_File-Cisco_LMS(cwcli), FlatFile-Cisco_LMS(Syslog), FlatFile-Cisco_NGFW, Flat_File-Cisco_Secure_ACS_CSV_File, Flat_File-Cisco_Security_Agent, Flat_File-Cisco_Umbrella_DNS, Flat_File-Cisco_Web_Security_aclog, Flat_File-Citrix_Access_Gateway_IIS_Format, Flat_File-Citrix_Access_Gateway_NCSA_Common_Format, Flat_File-Citrix_Access_Gateway_W3C_Format, Flat_File-Citrix_Presentation_Server, Flat_File-Citrix_Secure_Gateway, Flat_File-ClamAV_Anti-Virus, Flat_File-ColdFusion_Application_Log, Flat_File-ColdFusion_Exception_Log, Flat_File-ColdFusion_Mail_Log, Flat_File-ColdFusion_Mailsent_Log, Flat_File-ColdFusion_Server_Log, Flat_File-Cornerstone_Managed_File_Transfer, Flat_File-Coyote_Point_Equalizer, Flat_File-DB2_Audit_Log, Flat_File-DB2_via_BMC_Log_Master, Flat_File-Defender_Server, Flat_File-DocWorks, Flat_File-eClinicalWorks_Audit_Log, Flat_File-EMC_Isilon, Flat_File-Epicor_Coalition, Flat_File-FairWarning_Ready-For-Healthcare, Flat_File-FileZilla_System_Log, Flat_File-FireEye_Web_MPS, Flat_File-Forcepoint_Web_Security_CEF_Cloud_Format, Flat_File-Forescout_CounterACT, Flat_File-FoxT_BoKS_Server_Access_Control, Flat_File-FundsXpress, Flat_File-Gene6_FTP, Flat_File-GlobalSCAPE_EFT, Flat_File-Hadoop, Flat_File-HMC, Flat_File-HP-UX_Audit_Log, Flat_File-IBM_4690_POS, Flat_File-IBM_Informix_Application_Log, Flat_File-IBM_Informix_Audit_Log, Flat_File-IBM_Tivoli_Storage_Manager, Flat_File-IBM_WebSphere_App_Server_v7_Audit_Log, Flat_File-IBM_WebSphere_Cast_Iron_Cloud_Integration, Flat_File-IBM_ZOS_Batch_Decryption_Log, Flat_File-IBM_ZOS_CICS_Decryption_Log, Flat_File-IBM_ZOS_RACF_Access_Log, Flat_File-IBM_ZOS_RACF_SMF_Type_80, Flat_File-IPSwitch_WS_FTP, Flat_File-Irix_Audit_Logs, Flat_File-IT-CUBE_AgileSI, Flat_File-JBoss_Log_File, Flat_File-Juniper_Steel_Belted_Radius_Server, Flat_File-Kerio_Mail_Server, Flat_File-KERISYS_Doors_Event_Export_Format, Flat_File-Kippo_Honeypot, Flat_File-Linux_Audit_ASCII, Flat_File-Linux_Audit_Log, Flat_File-Linux_Host_Secure_Log, Flat_File-LOGbinder_EX, Flat_File-LogRhythm_Alarm_Reingest, Flat_File-LogRhythm_Data_Indexer_Monitor, Flat_File-LogRhythm_Oracle_Log, Flat_File-LogRhythm_System_Monitor, Flat_File-LogRhythm_System_Monitor_Log_File, Flat_File-LogRhythm_Trebek_Log, Flat_File-LogRhythm_Zeus_Log, Flat_File-Lotus_Domino_Client_Log, Flat_File-McAfee_Cloud_Proxy_do_not_use, Flat_File-McAfee_ePO_HIPS, Flat_File-McAfee_Foundstone, Flat_File-McAfee_Proxy_Cloud, Flat_File-McAfee_SaaS_Web_Protection, Flat_File-McAfee_Web_Gateway_Audit_Log, Flat_File-Merak, Flat_File-Meridian, Flat_File-Microsoft_ActiveSync_2010, Flat_File-Microsoft_CRM, Flat_File-Microsoft_DHCP_Server_Log, Flat_File-Microsoft_Forefront_TMG, Flat_File-Microsoft_Forefront_TMG_Web_Proxy, Flat_File-Microsoft_IIS(IISFormat)_File, Flat_File-Microsoft_IIS_7.x_W3C_Extended_Format, Flat_File-Microsoft_IIS_Error_Log_V6, Flat_File-Microsoft_IIS_FTP_IIS_Log_File_Format, Flat_File-Microsoft_IIS_FTP_W3C_Extended_Format, Flat_File-Microsoft_IIS_NCSA_Common_Format_File, Flat_File-Microsoft_IIS_SMTP_W3C_Format, Flat_File-Microsoft_IIS_URL_Scan_Log, Flat_File-Microsoft_IIS_W3C_File, Flat_File-Microsoft_ISA_Server_2004, Flat_File-Microsoft_ISA_Server_W3C_File, Flat_File-Microsoft_Netlogon, Flat_File-Microsoft_Port_Reporter_PR-PORTS_Log, Flat_File-Microsoft_Semantic_Logging, Flat_File-Microsoft_SQL_Server_2000_Error_Log, Flat_File-Microsoft_SQL_Server_2005_Error_Log, Flat_File-Microsoft_SQL_Server_2008_Error_Log, Flat_File-Microsoft_SQL_Server_2012_Error_Log, Flat_File-Microsoft_SQL_Server_2014_Error_Log, Flat_File-Microsoft_Windows_2003_DNS, Flat_File-Microsoft_Windows_2008_DNS, Flat_File-Microsoft_Windows_2012_DNS, Flat_File-Microsoft_Windows_Firewall, Flat_File-MicroStrategy, Flat_File-Mimecast_Audit, Flat_File-Mimecast_Email, Flat_File-Monetra, Flat_File-MongoDB, Flat_File-MS_Exchange_2003_Message_Tracking_Log, Flat_File-MS_Exchange_2007_Message_Tracking_Log, Flat_File-MS_Exchange_2010_Message_Tracking_Log, Flat_File-MS_Exchange_2013_Message_Tracking_Log, Flat_File-MS_Exchange_2016_Message_Tracking_Log, Flat_File-MS_Exchange_RPC_Client_Access, Flat_File-MS_IAS/RAS_Server_NPS_DB_Log_Format, Flat_File-MS_IAS/RAS_Server_Standard_Log_Format, Flat_File-MS_ISA_Server_2006_ISA_All_Fields, Flat_File-MS_ISA_Server_2006_W3C_All_Fields, Flat_File-MS_SQL_Server_Reporting_Services_2008, Flat_File-MySQL, Flat_File-MySQL_error.log, Flat_File-MySQL_mysql.log, Flat_File-MySQL_mysql-slow.log, Flat_File-Nessus_System_Log, Flat_File-NetApp_Cluster, Flat_File-Nginx_Log, Flat_File-Novell_Audit, Flat_File-Novell_GroupWise, Flat_File-Novell_LDAP, Flat_File-ObserveIT_Enterprise, Flat_File-Office_365_Message_Tracking, Flat_File-OpenDJ, Flat_File-OpenVMS, Flat_File-OpenVPN, Flat_File-Oracle_11g_Fine_Grained_Audit_Trail, Flat_File-Oracle_9i, Flat_File-Oracle_BRM_CM_Log, Flat_File-Oracle_BRM_DM_Log, Flat_File-Oracle_Listener_Audit_Trail, Flat_File-Oracle_SunOne_Directory_Server, Flat_File-Oracle_SunOne_Web_Server_Access_Log, Flat_File-Oracle_Virtual_Directory, Flat_File-Oracle_WebLogic_11g_Access_Log, Flat_File-Other, Flat_File-PeopleSoft, Flat_File-PhpMyAdmin_Honeypot, Flat_File-Postfix, Flat_File-PowerBroker_Servers, Flat_File-Princeton_Card_Secure, Flat_File-ProFTPD, Flat_File-PureMessage_For_Exchange_SMTP_Log, Flat_File-PureMessage_For_UNIX_Blocklist_Log, Flat_File-PureMessage_For_UNIX_Message_Log, Flat_File-RACF(SMF), FlatFile-Radmin, Flat_File-Restic_Backup_Log, Flat_File-RL_Patient_Feedback, Flat_File-RSA_Adaptive_Authentication, Flat_File-RSA_Authentication_Manager_6.1, Flat_File-S2_Badge_Reader, Flat_File-Safenet, Flat_File-Sendmail_File, Flat_File-Sharepoint_ULS, Flat_File-ShoreTel_VOIP, Flat_File-Siemens_Radiology_Information_System, Flat_File-Snort_Fast_Alert_File, Flat_File-Solaris-Sulog, Flat_File-Solaris_Audit_Log, Flat_File-SpamAssassin, Flat_File-Squid_Proxy, Flat_File-Subversion, Flat_File-Sudo.Log, Flat_File-Swift_Alliance, Flat_File-Symantec_Antivirus_10.x_Corporate_Edtn, Flat_File-Symantec_Antivirus_12.x_Corporate_Edtn, Flat_File-Symitar_Episys_Console_Log, Flat_File-Symitar_Episys_Sysevent_Log, Flat_File-Tandem_EMSOUT_Log_File, Flat_File-Tandem_XYGATE, Flat_File-Tectia_SSH_Server, Flat_File-Trade_Innovations_CSCS, Flat_File-Trend_Micro_IMSS, Flat_File-Trend_Micro_Office_Scan, Flat_File-Tumbleweed_Mailgate_Server, Flat_File-Verint_Audit_Trail_File, Flat_File-VMWare_Virtual_Machine, Flat_File-Voltage_Securemail, Flat_File-Vormetric_Log_File, Flat_File-vsFTP_Daemon_Log, Flat_File-Vyatta_Firewall_Kernel_Log, Flat_File-WordPot_Honeypot, Flat_File-X-NetStat_Log, Flat_File-XPient_POS_CCA_Manager, Flat_File-XPIENT_POS_POSLOG, Flat_File-XPIENT_POS_Shell_Log, IPFIX-IP_Flow_Information_Export, J-Flow-Juniper_J-Flow_Version_5, J-Flow-Juniper_J-Flow_Version_9, LogRhythm_CloudAI, LogRhythm_Data_Loss_Defender, LogRhythm_Demo_File-Application_Server_Log, LogRhythm_Demo_File-Content_Inspection_Log, LogRhythm_Demo_File-Database_Audit_Log, LogRhythm_Demo_File-Ecom_Server_Log, LogRhythm_Demo_File-File_Server_Log, LogRhythm_Demo_File-Firewall_Log, LogRhythm_Demo_File-FTP_Log, LogRhythm_Demo_File-IDS_Alarms_Log, LogRhythm_Demo_File-Mail_Server_Log, LogRhythm_Demo_File-Netflow_Log, LogRhythm_Demo_File-Network_Device_Log, LogRhythm_Demo_File-Network_Server_Log, LogRhythm_Demo_File-VPN_Log, LogRhythm_Demo_File-Web_Access_Log, LogRhythm_File_Monitor(AIX), LogRhythmFile_Monitor(HP-UX), LogRhythmFile_Monitor(Linux), LogRhythmFile_Monitor(Solaris), LogRhythmFile_Monitor(Windows), LogRhythmFilter, LogRhythm_Network_Connection_Monitor(AIX), LogRhythmNetwork_Connection_Monitor(HP-UX), LogRhythmNetwork_Connection_Monitor(Linux), LogRhythmNetwork_Connection_Monitor(Solaris), LogRhythmNetwork_Connection_Monitor(Windows), LogRhythmProcess_Monitor(AIX), LogRhythmProcess_Monitor(HP-UX), LogRhythmProcess_Monitor(Linux), LogRhythmProcess_Monitor(Solaris), LogRhythmProcess_Monitor(Windows), LogRhythmRegistry_Integrity_Monitor, LogRhythm_SQL_Server_2000_C2_Audit_Log, LogRhythm_SQL_Server_2005_C2_Audit_Log, LogRhythm_SQL_Server_2008_C2_Audit_Log, LogRhythm_SQL_Server_2012+_C2_Audit_Log, LogRhythm_User_Activity_Monitor(AIX), LogRhythmUser_Activity_Monitor(HP-UX), LogRhythmUser_Activity_Monitor(Linux), LogRhythmUser_Activity_Monitor(Solaris), LogRhythmUser_Activity_Monitor(Windows), MSEvent_Log_for_XP/2000/2003-Application, MS_Event_Log_for_XP/2000/2003-Application-Espaniol, MS_Event_Log_for_XP/2000/2003-BioPassword, MS_Event_Log_for_XP/2000/2003-DFS, MS_Event_Log_for_XP/2000/2003-Directory_Service, MS_Event_Log_for_XP/2000/2003-DNS, MS_Event_Log_for_XP/2000/2003-DotDefender, MS_Event_Log_for_XP/2000/2003-EMC_Celerra_NAS, MS_Event_Log_for_XP/2000/2003-File_Rep_Service, MS_Event_Log_for_XP/2000/2003-HA, MS_Event_Log_for_XP/2000/2003-Kaspersky, MS_Event_Log_for_XP/2000/2003-Micros_POS, MS_Event_Log_for_XP/2000/2003-PatchLink, MS_Event_Log_for_XP/2000/2003-SafeWord_2008, MS_Event_Log_for_XP/2000/2003-SCE, MS_Event_Log_for_XP/2000/2003-Security, MS_Event_Log_for_XP/2000/2003-Security-Espaniol, MS_Event_Log_for_XP/2000/2003-SMS_2003, MS_Event_Log_for_XP/2000/2003-System, MS_Event_Log_for_XP/2000/2003-System-Espaniol, MS_Event_Log_for_XP/2000/2003-Virtual_Server, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-ADFS_Admin, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Application, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-AppLockerApp, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Backup, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Citrix_Delivery_Services, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Citrix_XenApp, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-DFS, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-DHCP_Admin, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-DHCP_Operational, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Diagnosis-PLA, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Digital_Persona, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Dir_Service, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-DNS, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Dot_Defender, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-ESD_Data_Flow_Track, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Exchange_Mailbox_DB_Failures, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-FailoverClustering/Operational, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Firewall_With_Advanced_Security, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Forefront_AV, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Group_Policy_Operational, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Hyper-V_Hvisor, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Hyper-V_IMS, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Hyper-V_Network, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Hyper-V_SynthSt, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Hyper-V_VMMS, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Hyper-V_Worker, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Kaspersky, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Kernel_PnP_Configuration, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Lync_Server, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-MSExchange_Management, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Operations_Manager, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-PowerShell, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Print_Services, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Quest_ActiveRoles_EDM_Server, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Replication, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-SafeWord_2008, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Security, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Setup, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Sysmon, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-System, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-Task_Scheduler, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-TS_Gateway, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-TS_Licensing, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-TS_Local_Session_Manager, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-TS_Remote_Connection_Manager, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-TS_Session_Broker, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-TS_Session_Broker_Client, MS_Windows_Event_Logging-VisualSVN, MS_Windows_Event_Logging:Deutsch-Security, MS_Windows_Event_Logging:Espaniol-Application, MS_Windows_Event_Logging:Espaniol-Security, MS_Windows_Event_Logging:Espaniol-System, MS_Windows_Event_Logging:Francais-System, MS_Windows_Event_Logging:Francais-Security, MS_Windows_Event_Logging_XML-ADFS, MS_Windows_Event_Logging_XML-Application, MS_Windows_Event_Logging_XML-Forwarded_Events, MS_Windows_Event_Logging_XML-Generic, MS_Windows_Event_Logging_XML-Security, MS_Windows_Event_Logging_XML-Sysmon, MS_Windows_Event_Logging_XML-Sysmon_7.01, MS_Windows_Event_Logging_XML-Sysmon_8/9/10, MS_Windows_Event_Logging_XML-System, MS_Windows_Event_Logging_XML-Unisys_Stealth, MS_Windows_Event_Logging_XML-Windows_Defender, Netflow-Cisco_Netflow_Version_1, Netflow-Cisco_Netflow_Version_5, Netflow-Cisco_Netflow_Version_9, Netflow-Palo_Alto_Version_9, Netflow-SonicWALL_Version_5, Netflow-SonicWALL_Version_9, OPSEC_LEA-Checkpoint_Firewall, OPSEC_LEA-Checkpoint_Firewall_Audit_Log, OPSEC_LEA-Checkpoint_For_LR_7.4.1+, OPSEC_LEA-Checkpoint_Log_Server, sFlow-Version_5, SNMP_Trap-Audiolog, SNMP_Trap-Autoregistered, SNMP_Trap-Brocade_Switch, SNMP_Trap-Cisco_5508_Wireless_Controller, SNMP_Trap-Cisco_IP_SLA, SNMP_Trap-Cisco_Prime, SNMP_Trap-Cisco_Router-Switch, SNMP_Trap-CyberArk, SNMP_Trap-Dell_OpenManage, SNMP_Trap-HP_Network_Node_Manager, SNMP_Trap-IBM_TS3000_Series_Tape_Drive, SNMP_Trap-Riverbed_SteelCentral_NetShark, SNMP_Trap-RSA_Authentication_Manager, SNMP_Trap-Swift_Alliance, SNMP_Trap-Trend_Micro_Control_Manager, Syslog-3Com_Switch, Syslog-A10_Networks_AX1000_Load_Balancer, Syslog-A10_Networks_Web_Application_Firewall, Syslog-Accellion_Secure_File_Transfer_Application, Syslog-Active_Scout_IPS, Syslog-Adallom, Syslog-Adtran_Switch, Syslog-Aerohive_Access_Point, Syslog-Aerohive_Firewall, Syslog-AIMIA_Tomcat, Syslog-AirDefense_Enterprise, Syslog-Airmagnet_Wireless_IDS, Syslog-AirTight_IDS/IPS, Syslog-AirWatch_MDM, Syslog-Airwave_Management_System_Log, Syslog-AIX_Host, Syslog-Alcatel-Lucent_Switch, Syslog-Alcatel-Lucent_Wireless_Controller, Syslog-AlertLogic, Syslog-AMX_AV_Controller, Syslog-Apache_Access_Log, Syslog-Apache_Error_Log, Syslog-Apache_Tomcat_Request_Parameters, Syslog-Apache_Tomcat_Service_Clients_Log, Syslog-APC_ATS, Syslog-APC_NetBotz_Environmental_Monitoring, Syslog-APC_PDU, Syslog-APC_UPS, Syslog-Apcon_Network_Monitor, Syslog-Apex_One, Syslog-Arbor_Networks_Peakflow, Syslog-Arbor_Networks_Spectrum, Syslog-Arbor_Pravail_APS, Syslog-Arista_Switch, Syslog-Array_TMX_Load_Balancer, Syslog-Arris_CMTS, Syslog-Aruba_Clear_Pass, Syslog-Aruba_Mobility_Controller, Syslog-Aruba_Wireless_Access_Point, Syslog-AS/400_via_Powertech_Interact, Syslog-Asus_WRT_Router, Syslog-Avatier_Identity_Management_Suite(AIMS), Syslog-_Avaya_Communications_Manager, Syslog-Avaya_Ethernet_Routing_Switch, Syslog-Avaya_G450_Media_Gateway, Syslog-Avaya_Router, Syslog-Aventail_SSL/VPN, Syslog-Avocent_Cyclades_Terminal_Server, Syslog-Azul_Java_Appliance, Syslog-Barracuda_Load_Balancer, Syslog-Barracuda_Mail_Archiver, Syslog-Barracuda_NG_Firewall, Syslog-Barracuda_NG_Firewall_6.x, Syslog-Barracuda_Spam_Firewall, Syslog-Barracuda_Web_Application_Firewall, Syslog-Barracuda_Webfilter, Syslog-BeyondTrust_BeyondInsight_LEEF, Syslog-Bind_DNS, Syslog-Bit9_Parity_Suite, Syslog-Bit9_Security_Platform_CEF, Syslog-Bit9+Carbon_Black(Deprecated), Syslog-_BitDefender, Syslog-Black_Diamond_Switch, Syslog-Blue_Coat_CAS, Syslog-Blue_Coat_Forward_Proxy, Syslog-Blue_Coat_PacketShaper, Syslog-Blue_Coat_ProxyAV_ISA_W3C_Format, Syslog-Blue_Coat_ProxyAV_MS_Proxy_2.0_Format, Syslog-Blue_Coat_ProxySG, Syslog-Blue_Socket_Wireless_Controller, Syslog-Bluecat_Adonis, Syslog-BlueCedar, Syslog-BluVector, Syslog-Bomgar, Syslog-Bradford_Networks_NAC, Syslog-Bradford_Remediation&Registration_Svr, Syslog-Bro_IDS, Syslog-Brocade_Switch, Syslog-Bromium_vSentry_CEF, Syslog-BSD_Host, Syslog-CA_Privileged_Access_Manager, Syslog-Cb_Defense_CEF, Syslog-Cb_Protection_CEF, Syslog-Cb_Response_LEEF, Syslog-Cell_Relay, Syslog-Certes_Networks_CEP, Syslog-Check_Point_Log_Exporter, Syslog-Checkpoint_Site-to-Site_VPN, Syslog-Cisco_ACS, Syslog-Cisco_Aironet_WAP, Syslog-Cisco_APIC, Syslog-Cisco_Application_Control_Engine, Syslog-Cisco_ASA, Syslog-Cisco_Clean_Access(CCA)Appliance, Syslog-Cisco_CSS_Load_Balancer, Syslog-Cisco_Email_Security_Appliance, Syslog-Cisco_FirePOWER, Syslog-Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense, Syslog-Cisco_FireSIGHT, Syslog-Cisco_FWSM, Syslog-Cisco_Global_Site_Selector, Syslog-Cisco_ISE, Syslog-Cisco_Meraki, Syslog-Cisco_Nexus_Switch, Syslog-Cisco_PIX, Syslog-Cisco_Prime_Infrastructure, Syslog-Cisco_Router, Syslog-Cisco_Secure_ACS_5, Syslog-Cisco_Session_Border_Controller, Syslog-Cisco_Switch, Syslog-Cisco_Telepresence_Video_Communications_Server, Syslog-Cisco_UCS, Syslog-Cisco_Unified_Comm_Mgr(CallMgr), Syslog-Cisco_VPN_Concentrator, Syslog-Cisco_WAAS, Syslog-Cisco_Web_Security, Syslog-Cisco_Wireless_Access_Point, Syslog-Cisco_Wireless_Control_System, Syslog-CiscoWorks, Syslog-Citrix_Access_Gateway_Server, Syslog-Citrix_Netscaler, Syslog-Citrix_XenServer, Syslog-Claroty_CTD_CEF, Syslog-Clearswift_Secure_Email_Gateway, Syslog-CloudLock, Syslog-CodeGreen_Data_Loss_Prevention, Syslog-Cofense_Triage_CEF, Syslog-Consentry_NAC, Syslog-Corero_IPS, Syslog-Corero_SmartWall_DDoS, Syslog-CoyotePoint_Equalizer, Syslog-Crowdstrike_Falconhost_CEF, Syslog-CyberArk, Syslog-CyberArk_Privileged_Threat_Analytics, Syslog-Cylance_CEF, Syslog-CylancePROTECT, Syslog-DarkTrace_CEF, Syslog-Dell_Force_10, Syslog-Dell_PowerConnect_Switch, Syslog-Dell_Remote_Access_Controller, Syslog-Dell_SecureWorks_iSensor_IPS, Syslog-Dialogic_Media_Gateway, Syslog-Digital_Guardian_CEF, Syslog-D-Link_Switch, Syslog-Don_not_use, Syslog-Dragos_Platform_CEF, Syslog-Ecessa_ShieldLink, Syslog-EfficientIP, Syslog-EMC_Avamar, Syslog-EMC_Centera, Syslog-EMC_Data_Domain, Syslog-EMC_Isilon, Syslog-EMC_Unity_Array, Syslog-EMC_VNX, Syslog-Ensilo_NGAV, Syslog-Enterasys_Dragon_IDS, Syslog-Enterasys_Router, Syslog-Enterasys_Switch, Syslog-Entrust_Entelligence_Messaging_Server, Syslog-Entrust_IdentityGuard, Syslog-Epic_Hyperspace_CEF, Syslog-EqualLogic_SAN, Syslog-eSafe_Email_Security, Syslog-ESET_Remote_Administrator(ERA)LEEF, Syslog-Event_Reporter(Win2000/XP/2003), Syslog-Exabeam, Syslog-Exchange_Message_Tracking, Syslog-ExtraHop, Syslog-Extreme_Wireless_LAN, Syslog-ExtremeWare, Syslog-ExtremeXOS, Syslog-F5_BIG-IP_Access_Policy_Manager, Syslog-F5_BIG-IP_AFM, Syslog-F5_BIG-IP_ASM, Syslog-F5_BIG-IP_ASM_Key-Value_Pairs, Syslog-F5_BIG-IP_ASM_v12, Syslog-F5_Big-IP_GTM&DNS, Syslog-F5_Big-IP_LTM, Syslog-F5_FirePass_Firewall, Syslog-F5_Silverline_DDoS_Protection, Syslog-Fargo_HDP_Card_Printer_and_Encoder, Syslog-Fat_Pipe_Load_Balancer, Syslog-Fidelis_XPS, Syslog-FireEye_E-Mail_MPS, Syslog-FireEye_EX, Syslog-FireEye_Web_MPS/CMS/ETP/HX, Syslog-Forcepoint_DLP, Syslog-Forcepoint_Email_Security_Gateway, Syslog-Forcepoint_Stonesoft_NGFW, Syslog-Forcepoint_SureView_Insider_Threat, Syslog-Forcepoint_Web_Security, Syslog-Forcepoint_Web_Security_CEF_Format, Syslog-Forescout_CounterACT_NAC, Syslog-Fortinet_FortiAnalyzer, Syslog-Fortinet_FortiAuthenticator, Syslog-Fortinet_FortiDDoS, Syslog-Fortinet_FortiGate, Syslog-Fortinet_FortiGate_v4.0, Syslog-Fortinet_FortiGate_v5.0, Syslog-Fortinet_FortiGate_v5.2, Syslog-Fortinet_FortiGate_v5.4/v5.6, Syslog-Fortinet_FortiGate_v5.6_CEF, Syslog-Fortinet_Fortigate_v6.0, Syslog-Fortinet_FortiMail, Syslog-Fortinet_FortiWeb, Syslog-Foundry_Switch, Syslog-Gene6_FTP, Syslog-Generic_CEF, Syslog-Generic_ISC_DHCP, Syslog-Generic_LEEF, Syslog-Guardium_Database_Activity_Monitor, Syslog-H3C_Router, Syslog-Hitachi_Universal_Storage_Platform, Syslog-HP_BladeSystem, Syslog-HP_iLO, Syslog-HP_Procurve_Switch, Syslog-HP_Router, Syslog-HP_Switch, Syslog-HP_Unix_Tru64, Syslog-HP_Virtual_Connect_Switch, Syslog-HP-UX_Host, Syslog-Huawei_Access_Router, Syslog-IBM_Blade_Center, Syslog-IBM_Security_Network_Protection, Syslog-IBM_Virtual_Tape_Library_Server, Syslog-IBM_WebSphere_DataPower_Integration, Syslog-IBM_zSecure_Alert_for_ACF2_2.1.0, Syslog-IceWarp_Server, Syslog-Imperva_Incapsula_CEF, Syslog-Imperva_SecureSphere, Syslog-Imprivata_OneSign_SSO, Syslog-InfoBlox, Syslog-Invincea(LEEF), Syslog-_iPrism_Proxy_Log, Syslog-IPSWITCH_MOVEit_Server, Syslog-IPTables, Syslog-IRIX_Host, Syslog-iSeries_via_Powertech_Interact, Syslog-Ivanti_FileDirector, Syslog-JetNexus_Load_Balancer, Syslog-Juniper_DX_Application_Accelerator, Syslog-Juniper_Firewall, Syslog-Juniper_Firewall_3400, Syslog-Juniper_Host_Checker, Syslog-Juniper_IDP, Syslog-Juniper_NSM, Syslog-Juniper_Router, Syslog-Juniper_SSL_VPN, Syslog-Juniper_SSL_VPN_WELF_Format, Syslog-Juniper_Switch, Syslog-Juniper_Trapeze, Syslog-Juniper_vGW_Virtual_Gateway, Syslog-Kaspersky_Security_Center, Syslog-Kea_DHCP_Server, Syslog-Kemp_Load_Balancer, Syslog-KFSensor_Honeypot, Syslog-KFSensor_Honeypot_CEF, Syslog-Lancope_StealthWatch, Syslog-Lancope_StealthWatch_CEF, Syslog-Layer_7_SecureSpan_SOA_Gateway, Syslog-Legacy_Checkpoint_Firewall(NotLog_Exporter), Syslog-Legacy_Checkpoint_IPS(NotLog_Exporter), Syslog-Lieberman_Enterprise_Random_Password_Manager, Syslog-Linux_Audit, Syslog-Linux_Host, Syslog-Linux_TACACS_Plus, Syslog-LOGbinder_EX, Syslog-LOGbinder_SP, Syslog-LOGbinder_SQL, Syslog-LogRhythm_Data_Indexer_Monitor, Syslog-LogRhythm_Inter_Deployment_Data_Sharing, Syslog-LogRhythm_Log_Distribution_Services, Syslog-LogRhythm_Network_Monitor, Syslog-LogRhythm_Syslog_Generator, Syslog-Lumension, Syslog-MacOS_X, Syslog-Malwarebytes_Endpoint_Security_CEF, Syslog-Mandiant_MIR, Syslog-McAfee_Advanced_Threat_Defense, Syslog-McAfee_Email_And_Web_Security, Syslog-McAfee_ePO, Syslog-McAfee_Firewall_Enterprise, Syslog-McAfee_Network_Security_Manager, Syslog-McAfee_Secure_Internet_Gateway, Syslog-McAfee_SecureMail, Syslog-McAfee_Skyhigh_for_Shadow_IT_LEEF, Syslog-McAfee_Web_Gateway, Syslog-mGuard_Firewall, Syslog-Microsoft_Advanced_Threat_Analytics(ATA)CEF, Syslog-Microsoft_Azure_Log_Integration, Syslog-Microsoft_Azure_MFA, Syslog-Microsoft_Forefront_UAG, Syslog-Mirapoint, Syslog-MobileIron, Syslog-Motorola_Access_Point, Syslog-MS_IIS_Web_Log_W3C_Format(Snare), Syslog-_MS_Windows_Event_Logging_XML-Application, Syslog-MS_Windows_Event_Logging_XML-Security, Syslog-MS_Windows_Event_Logging_XML-System, Syslog-Nagios, Syslog-nCircle_Configuration_Compliance_Manager, Syslog-NetApp_Filer, Syslog-NETASQ_Firewall, Syslog-NetGate_Router, Syslog-NetMotion_VPN, Syslog-Netscout_nGenius_InfiniStream, Syslog-NetScreen_Firewall, Syslog-Netskope, Syslog-Netskope_CEF, Syslog-Network_Chemistry_RFprotect, Syslog-Nginx_Web_Log, Syslog-Nimble_Storage, Syslog-Nortel_8600_Switch, Syslog-Nortel_BayStack_Switch, Syslog-Nortel_Contivity, Syslog-Nortel_Firewall, Syslog-Nortel_IP_1220, Syslog-Nortel_Passport_Switch, Syslog-Nozomi_Networks_Guardian_CEF, Syslog-NuSecure_Gateway, Syslog-Nutanix, Syslog-Open_Collector, Syslog-Open_Collector-AWS_CloudTrail, Syslog-Open_Collector-AWS_CloudWatch, Syslog-Open_Collector-AWS_Config_Events, Syslog-Open_Collector-AWS_Guard_Duty, Syslog-Open_Collector-AWS_S3, Syslog-Open_Collector-Azure_Event_Hub, Syslog-Open_Collector-Carbon_Black_Cloud, Syslog-Open_Collector-CarbonBlackBeat_Heartbeat, Syslog-Open_Collector-Cisco_AMP, Syslog-Open_Collector-Cisco_Umbrella, Syslog-Open_Collector-CiscoAMPBeat_Heartbeat, Syslog-Open_Collector-Duo_Authentication_Security, Syslog-Open_Collector-DuoBeat_Heartbeat, Syslog-Open_Collector-EventHubBeat_Heartbeat, Syslog-Open_Collector-GCP_Audit, Syslog-Open_Collector-GCP_Cloud_Key_Management_Service, Syslog-Open_Collector-GCP_Http_Load_Balancer, Syslog-Open_Collector-GCP_Pub_Sub, Syslog-Open_Collector-GCP_Security_Command_Center, Syslog-Open_Collector-GCP_Virtual_Private_Cloud, Syslog-Open_Collector-Gmail_Message_Tracking, Syslog-Open_Collector-GMTBeat_Heartbeat, Syslog-Open_Collector-GSuite, Syslog-Open_Collector-GSuiteBeat_Heartbeat, Syslog-Open_Collector-Metricbeat, Syslog-Open_Collector-Okta_System_Log, Syslog-Open_Collector-OktaSystemLogBeat_Heartbeat, Syslog-Open_Collector-PubSubBeat_Heartbeat, Syslog-Open_Collector-S3Beat_Heartbeat, Syslog-Open_Collector-Sophos_Central, Syslog-Open_Collector-SophosCentralBeat_Heartbeat, Syslog-Open_Collector-Webhook, Syslog-Open_Collector-Webhook_OneLogin, Syslog-Open_Collector-Webhook_Zoom, Syslog-Open_Collector-WebhookBeat_Heartbeat, Syslog-Opengear_Console, Syslog-OpenLDAP, Syslog-Oracle_10g_Audit_Trail, Syslog-Oracle_11g_Audit_Trail, Syslog-OSSEC_Alerts, Syslog-Other, Syslog-Outpost24, Syslog-Palo_Alto_Cortex_XDR, Syslog-Palo_Alto_Custom_Pipe, Syslog-Palo_Alto_Firewall, Syslog-Palo_Alto_Traps_CEF, Syslog-Palo_Alto_Traps_Management_Service, Syslog-Password_Manager_Pro, Syslog-pfSense_Firewall, Syslog-PingFederate_7.2, Syslog-PingFederate_CEF, Syslog-Polycom, Syslog-Postfix, Syslog-Procera_PacketLogic, Syslog-Proofpoint_Spam_Firewall, Syslog-Protegrity_Defiance_DPS, Syslog-QLogic_Infiniband_Switch, Syslog-Quest_Defender, Syslog-Radiator_Radius, Syslog-RADiFlow_3180_Switch, Syslog-Radware_Alteon_Load_Balancer, Syslog-Radware_DefensePro, Syslog-Radware_Web_Server_Director_Audit_Log, Syslog-Raritan_KVM, Syslog-Raz-Lee, Syslog-RedSeal, Syslog-Riverbed, Syslog-RSA_ACE, Syslog-RSA_Authentication_Manager_v7.1, Syslog-RSA_Authentication_Manager_v8.x, Syslog-RSA_Web_Threat_Detection, Syslog-RSA_Web_Threat_Detection_5.1, Syslog-RuggedRouter, Syslog-Safenet, Syslog-Sailpoint, Syslog-Sauce_Labs, Syslog-SecureAuth_IdP, Syslog-SecureAuth_IdP_v9, Syslog-SecureLink, Syslog-SecureTrack, Syslog-SEL_3610_Port_Switch, Syslog-SEL_3620_Ethernet_Security_Gateway, Syslog-Sentinel_IPS, Syslog-SentinelOne_CEF, Syslog-Sguil, Syslog-Siemens_Scalance_X400, Syslog-Smoothwall_Firewall, Syslog-SnapGear_Firewall, Syslog-Snare_Windows_2003_Event_Log, Syslog-Snare_Windows_2008_Event_Log, Syslog-Snort_IDS, Syslog-Solaris(Snare), Syslog-_Solaris_Host, Syslog-SonicWALL, Syslog-SonicWALL_SSL-VPN, Syslog-Sophos_Email_Encryption_Appliance, Syslog-Sophos_UTM, Syslog-Sophos_Web_Proxy, Syslog-Sophos_XG_Firewall, Syslog-Sourcefire_IDS_3D, Syslog-Sourcefire_RNA, Syslog-Spectracom_Network_Time_Server, Syslog-Splunk_API-Checkpoint_Firewall, Syslog-Splunk_API-Cisco_Netflow_V9, Syslog-Splunk_API-Nessus_Vulnerability_Scanner, Syslog-Squid_Proxy, Syslog-StealthBits_Activity_Monitor, Syslog-STEALTHbits_StealthINTERCEPT, Syslog-StoneGate_Firewall, Syslog-Stonesoft_IPS, Syslog-Stormshield_Network_Security_Firewall, Syslog-Sycamore_Networks_DNX-88, Syslog-Sygate_Firewall, Syslog-Symantec_Advanced_Threat_Protection(ATP)CEF, Syslog-Symantec_DLP_CEF, Syslog-Symantec_Endpoint_Server, Syslog-Symantec_Messaging_Gateway, Syslog-Symantec_PGP_Gateway, Syslog-Symbol_Wireless_Access_Point, Syslog-Tanium, Syslog-Temporary_LST-2, Syslog-Tenable_SecurityCenter, Syslog-Thycotic_Secret_Server, Syslog-Tipping_Point_IPS, Syslog-Tipping_Point_SSL_Reverse_Proxy, Syslog-Top_Layer_IPS, Syslog-Townsend_Alliance_LogAgent, Syslog-Trend_Micro_Control_Manager_CEF, Syslog-Trend_Micro_Deep_Discovery_Inspector, Syslog-Trend_Micro_Deep_Security_CEF, Syslog-Trend_Micro_Deep_Security_LEEF, Syslog-Trend_Micro_IWSVA, Syslog-Trend_Micro_Vulnerability_Protection_Manager, Syslog-Tripwire, Syslog-Trustwave_NAC, Syslog-Trustwave_Secure_Web_Gateway, Syslog-Trustwave_Web_Application_Firewall, Syslog-Tufin, Syslog-Tumbleweed_Mailgate_Server, Syslog-Ubiquiti_UniFi_Security_Gateway, Syslog-Ubiquiti_UniFi_Switch, Syslog-Ubiquiti_UniFi_WAP, Syslog-Untangle, Syslog-Vamsoft_ORF, Syslog-Vanguard_Active_Alerts, Syslog-Varonis_DatAlert, Syslog-Vasco_Digipass_Identikey_Server, Syslog-Vectra_Networks, Syslog-Versa_Networks_SD-WAN, Syslog-VMWare_ESX/ESXi_Server, Syslog-VMware_Horizon_View, Syslog-VMWare_NSX/NSX-T, Syslog-VMWare_Unified_Access_Gateway, Syslog-VMWare_vCenter_Server, Syslog-VMWare_vShield, Syslog-Voltage_Securemail, Syslog-Vormetric_CoreGuard, Syslog-Vormetric_Data_Security_Manager, Syslog-WALLIX_Bastion, Syslog-Watchguard_FireBox, Syslog-WS2000_Wireless_Access_Point, Syslog-Wurldtech_SmartFirewall, Syslog-Xirrus_Wireless_Array, Syslog-Zimbra_System_Log, Syslog-Zix_E-mail_Encryption, Syslog-Zscaler_Nano_Streaming_Service, Syslog-ZXT_Load_Balancer, Syslog-ZyWALL_VPN_Firewall, Syslog_Avaya_G450_Media_Gateway, Syslog_File-AIX_Host, Syslog_File-BSD_Format, Syslog_File-HP-UX_Host, Syslog_File-IRIX_Host, Syslog_File-Linux_Host, Syslog_File-LogRhythm_Syslog_Generator, Syslog_File-MS_2003_Event_Log(Snare), SyslogFile-Oracle_10g_Audit_Trail, Syslog_File-Oracle_11g_Audit_Trail, Syslog_File-Solaris_Host, UDLA-CA_Single_Sign-On, UDLA-Deepnet_DualShield, UDLA-Drupal, UDLA-Finacle_Core, UDLA-Finacle_Treasury_Logs, UDLA-Forcepoint, UDLA-Gallagher_Command_Centre, UDLA-iManage_Worksite, UDLA-ISS_Proventia_SiteProtector-IPS, UDLA-LogRhythm_Enterprise_Monitoring_Solution, UDLA-LREnhancedAudit, UDLA-McAfee_ePolicy_Orchestrator-Universal_ePOEvents, UDLA-McAfee_ePolicy_Orchestrator_3.6-Events, UDLA-McAfee_ePolicy_Orchestrator_4.0-ePOEvents, UDLA-McAfee_ePolicy_Orchestrator_4.5-ePOEvents, UDLA-McAfee_ePolicy_Orchestrator_5.0-ePOEvents, UDLA-McAfee_ePolicy_Orchestrator_5.1-ePOEvents, UDLA-McAfee_ePolicy_Orchestrator_5.3-ePOEvents, UDLA-McAfee_ePolicy_Orchestrator_5.9-ePOEvents, UDLA-McAfee_Network_Access_Control, UDLA-McAfee_Network_Security_Manager, UDLA-Microsoft_System_Center_2012_Endpoint_Protection, UDLA-ObserveIT, UDLA-Oracle_10g_Audit_Trail, UDLA-Oracle_11g_Audit_Trail, UDLA-Oracle_12C_Unified_Auditing, UDLA-Oracle_9i_Audit_Trail, UDLA-Other, UDLA-SEL_3530_RTAC, UDLA-SharePoint_2007_AuditData, UDLA-SharePoint_2010_EventData, UDLA-SharePoint_2013_EventData, UDLA-Siemens_Invision, UDLA-Sophos_Anti-Virus, UDLA-Sophos_Endpoint_Security_and_Control, UDLA-Symantec_CSP, UDLA-Symantec_SEP, UDLA-Symmetry_Access_Control, UDLA-VMWare_vCenter_Server, UDLA-VMWare_vCloud, VLS-Syslog-Infoblox-DNS_RPZ, VLS-Syslog-Infoblox-_Threat_Protection. | Optional |
host_name | Impacted host name. | Optional |
username | Username. | Optional |
subject | Email subject. | Optional |
sender | Email sender. | Optional |
recipient | Email recipient. | Optional |
hash | Hash code of the event. | Optional |
url | URL of the event. | Optional |
process_name | Process name. | Optional |
object | Log object. | Optional |
ip_address | IP address of the endpoint. | Optional |
max_message | Maximum number of log messages to query. Default is 100. | Optional |
query_timeout | The query timeout in seconds. Default is 60. | Optional |
entity_id | Entity ID. | Optional |
interval_in_seconds | Interval in seconds between each poll. | Optional |
page_size | Page size. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.Search.TaskId | String | The task ID returned from the database for the current search. This is actually the search GUID. |
LogRhythm.Search.StatusMessage | String | The task status returned from the database for the current search. |
LogRhythm.Search.SearchName | String | The name of the search query in Cortex XSOAR. |
LogRhythm.Search.TaskStatus | String | Task status. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.originEntityId | Number | Entity ID. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.impactedIp | String | Impacted IP address. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.classificationTypeName | String | Classification name. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.logSourceName | String | Log source name. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.entityName | String | Entity name. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.normalDate | Date | Date. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.vendorMessageId | String | Vendor log message. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.priority | Number | Log priority. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.sequenceNumber | String | Sequence number. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.originHostId | Number | Origin host ID. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.mpeRuleId | Number | Logrhythm rule ID. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.originIp | String | Origin IP address. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.mpeRuleName | String | Logrhythm rule name. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.logSourceHostId | Number | Log source host ID. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.originHost | String | Origin host. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.logDate | Date | Log date. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.classificationName | String | Log classification name. |
Command Example!lr-execute-search-query number_of_days=5 entity_id=1 host_name=HOSTNAME
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputNew search query created, Task ID=9a5533c6-dc18-46dc-9d9a-3e7461b5ca7a
lr-get-query-resultGet the search query result for the specified task ID. The task ID can be retrieved from the lr-execute-search-query command.
Base Commandlr-get-query-result
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
task_id | The task ID. The task ID can be retrieved from the lr-execute-search-query command. | Required |
page_size | Page size. Default is 50. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.Search.TaskStatus | String | Task status. |
LogRhythm.Search.TaskId | String | Task ID. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.originEntityId | Number | Entity ID. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.impactedIp | String | Impacted IP address. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.classificationTypeName | String | Classification name. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.logSourceName | String | Log source name. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.entityName | String | Entity name. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.normalDate | Date | Date. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.vendorMessageId | String | Vendor log message. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.priority | Number | Log priority. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.sequenceNumber | String | Sequence number. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.originHostId | Number | Origin host ID. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.mpeRuleId | Number | Logrhythm rule ID. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.originIp | String | Origin IP address. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.mpeRuleName | String | Logrhythm rule name. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.logSourceHostId | Number | Log source host ID. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.originHost | String | Origin host. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.logDate | Date | Log date. |
LogRhythm.Search.Results.classificationName | String | Log classification name. |
Command Example!lr-get-query-result task_id=88e1a446-b49d-4197-b599-26d4b3d1d1ac
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Search results for task 88e1a446-b49d-4197-b599-26d4b3d1d1ac
Action Classification Id Classification Name Classification Type Name Command Common Event Id Common Event Name Count Direction Direction Name Entity Id Entity Name Impacted Entity Id Impacted Entity Name Impacted Host Impacted Host Id Impacted Host Name Impacted Zone Name Indexed Date Inserted Date Key Field Log Date Log Message Log Source Host Log Source Host Id Log Source Host Name Log Source Id Log Source Name Log Source Type Log Source Type Name Message Id Message Type Enum Mpe Rule Id Mpe Rule Name Normal Date Normal Date Hour Normal Date Min Normal Msg Date Max Origin Entity Id Origin Entity Name Origin Host Origin Host Id Origin Host Name Origin Name Origin Zone Origin Zone Name Priority Process Protocol Id Root Entity Id Root Entity Name Service Id Service Name Session Severity Subject Vendor Message Id none 1020 Authentication Success Audit authorizationsuccess -1100516 LogRhythm DX Authorization Success 1 1 Local 1 Primary Site 1 Primary Site HOSTNAME * 1 HOSTNAME Internal 1635624839736 1635624765372 messageId 1635624757414 2021-10-30 20:12:37.414 CODE=000030 MESSAGE=AuthorizationSuccess HOST=HOSTNAME SEVERITY=Low SERVICENAME=columbo TRIGGEREDWHEN=Data Indexer has granted access to a user or service SUGGESTEDACTION=None ADDITIONALINFO=[Name:[lr-soap-api]][Role:[globalAdmin]][PersonID:[1]][ID:[1af934a9-4a1e-46ac-9201-63d33f884347]][Action:[search]] HOSTNAME 1 HOSTNAME 16 LogrhythmDXMonitor 1000648 Flat File - LogRhythm Data Indexer Monitor 209782fc-e20e-4fb1-ae24-834e8aba893f 1 1490984 Authorization Success 1635624757437 1635624000000 1635624757437 1635624757437 1 Primary Site HOSTNAME * 1 HOSTNAME HOSTNAME 0 Internal 22 data indexer has granted access to a user or service -1 1 Primary Site -1000012 LogRhythm Data Indexer columbo low none 000030 none 1020 Authentication Success Audit authorizationsuccess -1100516 LogRhythm DX Authorization Success 1 1 Local 1 Primary Site 1 Primary Site HOSTNAME * 1 HOSTNAME Internal 1635624839736 1635344585283 messageId 1635344579793 2021-10-27 14:22:59.793 CODE=000030 MESSAGE=AuthorizationSuccess HOST=HOSTNAME SEVERITY=Low SERVICENAME=columbo TRIGGEREDWHEN=Data Indexer has granted access to a user or service SUGGESTEDACTION=None ADDITIONALINFO=[Name:[lr-soap-api]][Role:[globalAdmin]][PersonID:[1]][ID:[1af934a9-4a1e-46ac-9201-63d33f884347]][Action:[search]] HOSTNAME 1 HOSTNAME 16 LogrhythmDXMonitor 1000648 Flat File - LogRhythm Data Indexer Monitor c820d31f-181f-49bc-95bf-f8017fe43b28 1 1490984 Authorization Success 1635344579837 1635343200000 1635344579837 1635344579837 1 Primary Site HOSTNAME * 1 HOSTNAME HOSTNAME 0 Internal 22 data indexer has granted access to a user or service -1 1 Primary Site -1000012 LogRhythm Data Indexer columbo low none 000030 none 1020 Authentication Success Audit authorizationsuccess -1100516 LogRhythm DX Authorization Success 1 1 Local 1 Primary Site 1 Primary Site HOSTNAME * 1 HOSTNAME Internal 1635624839736 1635624765372 messageId 1635624757382 2021-10-30 20:12:37.382 CODE=000030 MESSAGE=AuthorizationSuccess HOST=HOSTNAME SEVERITY=Low SERVICENAME=columbo TRIGGEREDWHEN=Data Indexer has granted access to a user or service SUGGESTEDACTION=None ADDITIONALINFO=[Name:[lr-soap-api]][Role:[globalAdmin]][PersonID:[1]][ID:[1af934a9-4a1e-46ac-9201-63d33f884347]][Action:[search]] HOSTNAME 1 HOSTNAME 16 LogrhythmDXMonitor 1000648 Flat File - LogRhythm Data Indexer Monitor 69480e5e-75d4-43ee-9cb1-cbd7e1bbf6ac 1 1490984 Authorization Success 1635624757405 1635624000000 1635624757405 1635624757405 1 Primary Site HOSTNAME * 1 HOSTNAME HOSTNAME 0 Internal 22 data indexer has granted access to a user or service -1 1 Primary Site -1000012 LogRhythm Data Indexer columbo low none 000030 none 1400 Startup and Shutdown Audit servicestarting -1100490 LogRhythm DX Starting 1 1 Local 1 Primary Site 1 Primary Site HOSTNAME * 1 HOSTNAME Internal 1635624839736 1635206479279 messageId 1635206477020 2021-10-26 00:01:17.020 CODE=000001 MESSAGE=ServiceStarting HOST=HOSTNAME SEVERITY=Low SERVICENAME=carpenter TRIGGEREDWHEN=Any service is requested to start SUGGESTEDACTION=None ADDITIONALINFO= HOSTNAME 1 HOSTNAME 16 LogrhythmDXMonitor 1000648 Flat File - LogRhythm Data Indexer Monitor 5ce64f92-430c-4d4c-9279-0606daedd670 1 1349761 Sevice Starting 1635206477049 1635206400000 1635206477049 1635206477049 1 Primary Site HOSTNAME * 1 HOSTNAME HOSTNAME 0 Internal 31 any service is requested to start -1 1 Primary Site -1000012 LogRhythm Data Indexer carpenter low none 000001 none 1020 Authentication Success Audit authorizationsuccess -1100516 LogRhythm DX Authorization Success 1 1 Local 1 Primary Site 1 Primary Site HOSTNAME * 1 HOSTNAME Internal 1635624839736 1635352038849 messageId 1635352029023 2021-10-27 16:27:09.023 CODE=000030 MESSAGE=AuthorizationSuccess HOST=HOSTNAME SEVERITY=Low SERVICENAME=columbo TRIGGEREDWHEN=Data Indexer has granted access to a user or service SUGGESTEDACTION=None ADDITIONALINFO=[Name:[lr-soap-api]][Role:[globalAdmin]][PersonID:[1]][ID:[1af934a9-4a1e-46ac-9201-63d33f884347]][Action:[search]] HOSTNAME 1 HOSTNAME 16 LogrhythmDXMonitor 1000648 Flat File - LogRhythm Data Indexer Monitor c6d33902-89d3-4395-a240-56569f4d17a0 1 1490984 Authorization Success 1635352029071 1635350400000 1635352029071 1635352029071 1 Primary Site HOSTNAME * 1 HOSTNAME HOSTNAME 0 Internal 22 data indexer has granted access to a user or service -1 1 Primary Site -1000012 LogRhythm Data Indexer columbo low none 000030 none 1020 Authentication Success Audit authorizationsuccess -1100516 LogRhythm DX Authorization Success 1 1 Local 1 Primary Site 1 Primary Site HOSTNAME * 1 HOSTNAME Internal 1635624839736 1635624745374 messageId 1635624729847 2021-10-30 20:12:09.847 CODE=000030 MESSAGE=AuthorizationSuccess HOST=HOSTNAME SEVERITY=Low SERVICENAME=columbo TRIGGEREDWHEN=Data Indexer has granted access to a user or service SUGGESTEDACTION=None ADDITIONALINFO=[Name:[lr-soap-api]][Role:[globalAdmin]][PersonID:[1]][ID:[1af934a9-4a1e-46ac-9201-63d33f884347]][Action:[search]] HOSTNAME 1 HOSTNAME 16 LogrhythmDXMonitor 1000648 Flat File - LogRhythm Data Indexer Monitor 8641126b-db6a-437f-9e67-07b9f51ee3e9 1 1490984 Authorization Success 1635624729870 1635624000000 1635624729870 1635624729870 1 Primary Site HOSTNAME * 1 HOSTNAME HOSTNAME 0 Internal 22 data indexer has granted access to a user or service -1 1 Primary Site -1000012 LogRhythm Data Indexer columbo low none 000030 none 1400 Startup and Shutdown Audit servicestarted -1100491 LogRhythm DX Started 1 1 Local 1 Primary Site 1 Primary Site HOSTNAME * 1 HOSTNAME Internal 1635624839736 1635206489338 messageId 1635206479386 2021-10-26 00:01:19.386 CODE=000002 MESSAGE=ServiceStarted HOST=HOSTNAME SEVERITY=Low SERVICENAME=carpenter TRIGGEREDWHEN=Any service completes startup SUGGESTEDACTION=None ADDITIONALINFO= HOSTNAME 1 HOSTNAME 16 LogrhythmDXMonitor 1000648 Flat File - LogRhythm Data Indexer Monitor 88997979-edf6-4b1f-82ed-7ebbd7bcce46 1 1349763 Service Started 1635206479415 1635206400000 1635206479415 1635206479415 1 Primary Site HOSTNAME * 1 HOSTNAME HOSTNAME 0 Internal 31 any service completes startup -1 1 Primary Site -1000012 LogRhythm Data Indexer carpenter low none 000002
lr-add-hostAdd a new host to an entity.
Base Commandlr-add-host
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
entity-id | The entity ID for the host. | Optional |
entity-name | The entity name for the host. | Required |
name | The name of the host. | Required |
short-description | A brief description of the component. | Optional |
long-description | A full description of the component. | Optional |
risk-level | The host risk level. Possible values: "None", "Low-Low", "Low-Medium", "Low-High", "Medium-Low", "Medium-Medium", "Medium-High", "High-Low", "High-Medium", and "High-High". Possible values are: None, Low-Low, Low-Medium, Low-High, Medium-Low, Medium-Medium, Medium-High, High-Low, High-Medium, High-High. | Required |
threat-level | The host threat level. Possible values: "None", "Low-Low", "Low-Medium", "Low-High", "Medium-Low", "Medium-Medium", "Medium-High", "High-Low", "High-Medium", and "High-High". Possible values are: None, Low-Low, Low-Medium, Low-High, Medium-Low, Medium-Medium, Medium-High, High-Low, High-Medium, High-High. | Optional |
threat-level-comments | Comments for the host threat level. | Optional |
host-status | The host status. Possible values: "Retired" and "Active". Possible values are: Retired, Active. | Required |
host-zone | The host zone. Possible values: "External", "DMZ", and "Internal". Possible values are: External, DMZ, Internal. | Required |
use-eventlog-credentials | Whether to use the event log credentials. Possible values: "true" and "false". Possible values are: true, false. | Required |
os-type | The Agent server type on which the operating system is installed. Possible values: "None", "Server", and "Desktop". Possible values are: None, Server, Desktop. | Optional |
os | The operating system type supported by LogRhythm. Possible values: "Unknown", "Other", "WindowsNT4","Windows2000Professional", "Windows2000Server", "Windows2003Standard", "Windows2003Enterprise", "Windows95", "WindowsXP", "WindowsVista", "Linux", "Solaris", "AIX", "HPUX", and "Windows". Possible values are: Unknown, Other, WindowsNT4, Windows2000Professional, Windows2000Server, Windows2003Standard, Windows2003Enterprise, Windows95, WindowsXP, WindowsVista, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HPUX, Windows. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.Host.id | Number | The host ID. |
LogRhythm.Host.entity.id | Number | The host entity ID. |
LogRhythm.Host.entity.name | String | The host entity name. |
LogRhythm.Host.name | String | The host name. |
LogRhythm.Host.riskLevel | String | The host risk level |
LogRhythm.Host.threatLevel | String | The host threat level. |
LogRhythm.Host.threatLevelComments | String | The threat level comments. |
LogRhythm.Host.recordStatusName | String | The host record status name. |
LogRhythm.Host.hostZone | String | The host zone. |
LogRhythm.Host.location.id | Number | The host location ID. |
LogRhythm.Host.os | String | The operating system type supported by LogRhythm. |
LogRhythm.Host.useEventlogCredentials | Boolean | Whether to use the event log credentials. |
LogRhythm.Host.osType | String | The agent server type on which the operating system is installed. |
LogRhythm.Host.dateUpdated | Date | The date the host was updated. |
Command Example!lr-add-host entity-name=`Global Entity` host-status=Retired host-zone=DMZ name=test_host223322 os=AIX risk-level="High-High" use-eventlog-credentials=false
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Host added successfully
Date Updated Entity Host Zone Id Location Name Os Os Type Record Status Name Risk Level Threat Level Threat Level Comments Use Eventlog Credentials 2021-10-30T20:33:51.01Z id: -100
name: Global EntityDMZ 9 id: -1 test_host223322 AIX Server Retired High-High None false
endpointReturns information about an endpoint.
Base Commandendpoint
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
id | The endpoint ID. | Optional |
hostname | The endpoint hostname. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Endpoint.Hostname | String | The endpoint's hostname. |
Endpoint.IPAddress | String | The endpoint's IP address. |
Endpoint.ID | String | The endpoint's ID. |
Command Example!endpoint hostname=HOSTNAME
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Logrhythm endpoint
Date Updated Entity Host Identifiers Host Roles Host Zone Id Location Name Os Os Type Os Version Record Status Name Risk Level Short Desc Threat Level Threat Level Comments Use Eventlog Credentials 2021-07-29T14:55:16.427Z id: 1
name: Primary Site{'type': 'WindowsName', 'value': 'HOSTNAME', 'dateAssigned': '2021-07-27T15:55:40.717Z'},
{'type': 'IPAddress', 'value': '', 'dateAssigned': '2021-07-27T15:55:40.717Z'}Internal 1 id: -1 HOSTNAME Windows Server Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.17763.0 Active Medium-Medium This is the LogRhythm Platform Manager host. None false
lr-hosts-status-updateUpdates the status of a host to retire or active.
Base Commandlr-hosts-status-update
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
host_id | The host ID. | Required |
host_status | The host status. Possible values: "Retired" and "Active". Possible values are: Retired, Active. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!lr-hosts-status-update host_id=7 host_status=Active
Human Readable OutputHost status updated successfully to Active.
lr-networks-listReturns all networks that match the specified criteria.
Base Commandlr-networks-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
network_id | Filter by network ID. | Optional |
name | Filter by name. | Optional |
record_status | Filter by object record status. Possible values: "all", "retired", "active". Possible values are: all, retired, active. | Optional |
bip | The starting IP address to allow records to be filtered on a specified IP address, e.g., | Optional |
eip | The ending IP address to allow records to be filtered on a specified IP address, e.g., | Optional |
count | The numbers of networks to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
offset | The number of networks to skip before starting to collect the result set. Default is 0. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
LogRhythm.Network.entity.id | Number | The network entity ID. |
LogRhythm.Network.entity.name | String | The network entity name. |
LogRhythm.Network.name | String | The network name. |
LogRhythm.Network.shortDesc | String | The network short description. |
LogRhythm.Network.longDesc | String | The network long description. |
LogRhythm.Network.riskLevel | String | The network risk level. |
LogRhythm.Network.threatLevel | String | The network threat level. |
LogRhythm.Network.threatLevelComment | String | The threat level comments |
LogRhythm.Network.recordStatusName | String | The network record status name. |
LogRhythm.Network.hostZone | String | The network zone. |
LogRhythm.Network.location.id | Number | The network location ID. |
LogRhythm.Network.location.name | String | The network location name. |
LogRhythm.Network.bip | String | Starting IP address. |
LogRhythm.Network.eip | String | Ending IP address. |
LogRhythm.Network.dateUpdated | Date | The date the network was last updated. |
LogRhythm.Network.id | Number | The network ID. |
Command Example!lr-networks-list count=2
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Id Name Short Desc Long Desc Record Status Name Bip Eip Entity Risk Level Date Updated Threat Level Threat Level Comment Host Zone Location 1 Test network This is a test network This is a test network Active id: -100
name: Global EntityNone 2021-10-12T13:48:43.133Z None string Internal id: 1
name: Andorra2 Test network2 This is a test network This is a test network Active id: -100
name: Global EntityNone 2021-10-12T14:01:21.54Z None string Internal id: 1
name: Andorra
Breaking changes from the previous version of this integration - LogRhythmRest v2The following sections list the changes in this version.
The following commands were removed in this version:- lr-execute-query
- lr-get-persons
- lr-get-logins
- lr-get-privileges
- lr-get-profiles
- lr-add-login
- lr-add-user
- lr-get-hosts-by-entity - this command was replaced by lr-hosts-list.
- lr-update-host-status - this command was replaced by lr-hosts-status-update.
- lr-get-networks - this command was replaced by lr-networks-list.
- lr-get-hosts - this command was replaced by lr-hosts-list.
- lr-get-alarm-data - this command was replaced by lr-alarms-list.
- lr-get-alarm-events - this command was replaced by lr-alarm-events-list.
- lr-get-case-evidence - this command was replaced by lr-case-evidence-list.
- lr-get-users - this command was replaced by lr-users-list.
The following arguments were removed in this version:In the lr-execute-search-query command:
- max_massage - this argument was replaced by max_message.
The following outputs were removed in this version:In the lr-add-host command:
- Logrhythm.Host.EntityId - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Host.entity.id.
- Logrhythm.Host.EntityName - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Host.entity.name.
- Logrhythm.Host.Status - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Host.recordStatusName.
In the lr-get-query-result command:
- Logrhythm.Search.Results.TaskStatus - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Search.TaskStatus.
- Logrhythm.Search.Results.TaskID - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Search.TaskId.
- Logrhythm.Search.Results.Items.originEntityId - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Search.Results.originEntityId.
- Logrhythm.Search.Results.Items.impactedIp - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Search.Results.impactedIp.
- Logrhythm.Search.Results.Items.classificationTypeName - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Search.Results.classificationTypeName.
- Logrhythm.Search.Results.Items.logSourceName - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Search.Results.logSourceName.
- Logrhythm.Search.Results.Items.entityName - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Search.Results.entityName.
- Logrhythm.Search.Results.Items.normalDate - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Search.Results.normalDate.
- Logrhythm.Search.Results.Items.vendorMessageId - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Search.Results.vendorMessageId.
- Logrhythm.Search.Results.Items.priority - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Search.Results.priority.
- Logrhythm.Search.Results.Items.sequenceNumber - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Search.Results.sequenceNumber.
- Logrhythm.Search.Results.Items.originHostId - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Search.Results.originHostId.
- Logrhythm.Search.Results.Items.mpeRuleId - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Search.Results.mpeRuleId.
- Logrhythm.Search.Results.Items.originIp - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Search.Results.originIp.
- Logrhythm.Search.Results.Items.mpeRuleName - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Search.Results.mpeRuleName.
- Logrhythm.Search.Results.Items.logSourceHostId - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Search.Results.logSourceHostId.
- Logrhythm.Search.Results.Items.originHost - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Search.Results.originHost.
- Logrhythm.Search.Results.Items.logDate - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Search.Results.logDate.
- Logrhythm.Search.Results.Items.classificationName - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Search.Results.classificationName.
In the lr-execute-search-query command:
- Logrhythm.Search.Task.TaskID - this output was replaced by LogRhythm.Search.TaskId.