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Azure Active Directory Users

This Integration is part of the Microsoft Graph User Pack.#

Unified gateway to security insights - all from a unified Microsoft Graph User API.


For more details about the authentication used in this integration, see Microsoft Integrations - Authentication.

Required Permissions:

  • Directory.Read.All - Delegated
  • User.ReadWrite.All - Application
  • User.Read - Delegated

Authorize Cortex XSOAR for Azure Active Directory Users (Self deployed Azure App)#

There are two different authentication methods for a self-deployed configuration:

We recommend using the Client Credentials flow. In order to use the msgraph-user-change-password command, you must configure with the Authorization Code flow.

Note: When using the Authorization Code flow, make sure the user you authenticate with has the correct roles in Azure AD in order to use the command.

Configure Azure Active Directory Users in Cortex#

Azure CloudSee option table below.
Host URL (e.g.,
ID / client IDFalse
Token / Tenant IDFalse
Key / Client SecretFalse
Certificate ThumbprintUsed for certificate authentication. As appears in the "Certificates & secrets" page of the app.False
Private KeyUsed for certificate authentication. The private key of the registered certificate.False
Use a self-deployed Azure applicationFalse
Application redirect URI (for Self Deployed - Authorization Code Flow)False
Authorization code (for Self Deployed - Authorization Code Flow)False
Use Azure Managed IdentitiesRelevant only if the integration is running on Azure VM. If selected, authenticates based on the value provided for the Azure Managed Identities Client ID field. If no value is provided for the Azure Managed Identities Client ID field, authenticates based on the System Assigned Managed Identity. For additional information, see the Help tab.False
Azure Managed Identities Client IDThe Managed Identities client ID for authentication - relevant only if the integration is running on Azure VM.False
Trust any certificate (not secure)False
Use system proxy settingsFalse
Suppress Errors for Non Found UsersFalse

Azure cloud options

Azure CloudDescription
WorldwideThe publicly accessible Azure Cloud
US GCCAzure cloud for the USA Government Cloud Community (GCC)
US GCC-HighAzure cloud for the USA Government Cloud Community High (GCC-High)
DoDAzure cloud for the USA Department of Defense (DoD)
GermanyAzure cloud for the German Government
ChinaAzure cloud for the Chinese Government
CustomCustom endpoint configuration to the Azure cloud. See note below.


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Disables a user from all Office 365 applications, and prevents sign in. Note: This command disables user, but does not terminate an existing session. Supported only in a self deployed app flow with the Permission: Directory.AccessAsUser.All(Delegated)

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
userUser ID or userPrincipalName.Required


Unblock a user.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
userUser ID or userPrincipalName.Required

Command example#

!msgraph-user-unblock user=1875cf87-ebf9-4a29-b5e2-74e36591296e

Human Readable Output#

"1875cf87-ebf9-4a29-b5e2-74e36591296e" unblocked. It might take several minutes for the changes to take affect across all applications.


Updates the properties of a user object. Permissions: - User.ReadWrite (Delegated & Application)

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
userUser ID or userPrincipalName to update properties for.Required
updated_fieldsUser fields to update (in a key=value format. Example: displayName=John.Required
updated_fields_delimiterDelimiter to use for passing multiple fields to the 'updated_fields' argument. Example using ',' as a delimiter: displayName=John,givenName=John,surname=Doe. Default is ,.Optional

Context Output#

MSGraphUser.IDStringUser's ID.
MSGraphUser.DisplayNameStringUser's display name.
MSGraphUser.GivenNameStringUser's given name.
MSGraphUser.BusinessPhonesStringUser's business phone numbers.
MSGraphUser.JobTitleStringUser's job title.
MSGraphUser.MailStringUser's mail address.
MSGraphUser.MobilePhoneStringUser's mobile phone number.
MSGraphUser.OfficeLocationStringUser's office location.
MSGraphUser.PreferredLanguageStringUser's preferred language.
MSGraphUser.SurnameStringUser's surname.
MSGraphUser.UserPrincipalNameStringUser's principal name.

Command example#

!msgraph-user-update user=1875cf87-ebf9-4a29-b5e2-74e36591296e updated_fields="MobilePhone=050123456"

Context Example#

"Account": {
"DisplayName": "Test 1",
"Email": {
"Address": null
"ID": "1875cf87-ebf9-4a29-b5e2-74e36591296e",
"JobTitle": null,
"Office": null,
"TelephoneNumber": "050123456",
"Type": "Azure AD",
"Username": ""
"MSGraphUser": {
"BusinessPhones": [],
"DisplayName": "Test 1",
"GivenName": "Test",
"ID": "1875cf87-ebf9-4a29-b5e2-74e36591296e",
"JobTitle": null,
"Mail": null,
"MobilePhone": "050123456",
"OfficeLocation": null,
"PreferredLanguage": null,
"Surname": "Test",
"UserPrincipalName": ""

Human Readable Output#

1875cf87-ebf9-4a29-b5e2-74e36591296e data#

Display NameGiven NameIDMobile PhoneSurnameUser Principal Name


Deletes an existing user. Permissions: - Directory.AccessAsUser.All (Delegated) - User.ReadWrite.All (Application)

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
userUser ID or userPrincipalName to delete.Required


Creates a new user. Permissions: - User.ReadWrite.All (Delegated & Application)

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
account_enabledtrue if the account is enabled; otherwise, false. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true.Optional
display_nameThe name to display in the address book.Required
on_premises_immutable_idOnly needs to be specified when creating a new user account if you are using a federated domain for the user's userPrincipalName (UPN) property.Optional
mail_nicknameThe mail alias for the user.Required
passwordThe password profile for the user.Required
user_principal_nameThe user principal name, for example: .Required
other_propertiesOptional properties for the user, for example: "displayName=name,mobilePhone=phone-num" .Optional

Context Output#

MSGraphUser.IDStringUser's ID.
MSGraphUser.DisplayNameStringUser's display name.
MSGraphUser.GivenNameStringUser's given name.
MSGraphUser.BusinessPhonesStringUser's business phone numbers.
MSGraphUser.JobTitleStringUser's job title.
MSGraphUser.MailStringUser's mail address.
MSGraphUser.MobilePhoneStringUser's mobile phone number.
MSGraphUser.OfficeLocationStringUser's office location.
MSGraphUser.PreferredLanguageStringUser's preferred language.
MSGraphUser.SurnameStringUser's surname.
MSGraphUser.UserPrincipalNameStringUser's principal name.
Account.IDStringUser’s ID.
Account.DisplayNameStringUser’s display name.
Account.UsernameStringUser’s principal name.
Account.JobTitleStringUser’s job title.
Account.Email.AddressStringUser’s mail address.
Account.TelephoneNumberStringUser’s mobile phone number.
Account.OfficeStringUser’s office location.
Account.TypeStringThe account entity type.


Retrieves the properties and relationships of a user object. For more information, visit: Permissions: - User.Read (Delegated) - User.Read.All (Application)

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
userUser ID or userPrincipalName.Required
propertiesA CSV list of properties by which to filter the results, for example: "displayName,jobTitle,mobilePhone" .Optional

Context Output#

MSGraphUser.IDStringUser's ID.
MSGraphUser.DisplayNameStringUser's display name.
MSGraphUser.GivenNameStringUser's given name.
MSGraphUser.BusinessPhonesStringUser's business phone numbers.
MSGraphUser.JobTitleStringUser's job title.
MSGraphUser.MailStringUser's mail address.
MSGraphUser.MobilePhoneStringUser's mobile phone number.
MSGraphUser.OfficeLocationStringUser's office location.
MSGraphUser.PreferredLanguageStringUser's preferred language.
MSGraphUser.SurnameStringUser's surname.
MSGraphUser.UserPrincipalNameStringUser's principal name.
Account.IDStringUser’s ID.
Account.DisplayNameStringUser’s display name.
Account.UsernameStringUser’s principal name.
Account.JobTitleStringUser’s job title.
Account.Email.AddressStringUser’s mail address.
Account.TelephoneNumberStringUser’s mobile phone number.
Account.OfficeStringUser’s office location.
Account.TypeStringThe account entity type.

Command example#

!msgraph-user-get user=1875cf87-ebf9-4a29-b5e2-74e36591296e

Context Example#

"Account": {
"DisplayName": "Test 1",
"Email": {
"Address": null
"ID": "1875cf87-ebf9-4a29-b5e2-74e36591296e",
"JobTitle": null,
"Office": null,
"TelephoneNumber": "050123456",
"Type": "Azure AD",
"Username": ""
"MSGraphUser": {
"BusinessPhones": [],
"DisplayName": "Test 1",
"GivenName": "Test",
"ID": "1875cf87-ebf9-4a29-b5e2-74e36591296e",
"JobTitle": null,
"Mail": null,
"MobilePhone": "050123456",
"OfficeLocation": null,
"PreferredLanguage": null,
"Surname": "Test",
"UserPrincipalName": ""

Human Readable Output#

1875cf87-ebf9-4a29-b5e2-74e36591296e data#

Display NameGiven NameIDMobile PhoneSurnameUser Principal Name


Retrieves a list of user objects. Permissions: - User.ReadBasic.All (Delegated) - User.Read.All (Application)

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
propertiesA CSV list of properties by which to filter the results, for example: "displayName,jobTitle,mobilePhone".Optional
next_pageThe URL for the next page in the list.Optional
filterFilter to be plugged directly into the API. For more information about the Filter syntax, see the Microsoft documentation:

Context Output#

MSGraphUser.IDStringUser's ID.
MSGraphUser.DisplayNameStringUser's display name.
MSGraphUser.GivenNameStringUser's given name.
MSGraphUser.BusinessPhonesStringUser's business phone numbers.
MSGraphUser.JobTitleStringUser's job title.
MSGraphUser.MailStringUser's mail address.
MSGraphUser.MobilePhoneStringUser's mobile phone number.
MSGraphUser.OfficeLocationStringUser's office location.
MSGraphUser.PreferredLanguageStringUser's preferred language.
MSGraphUser.SurnameStringUser's surname.
MSGraphUser.UserPrincipalNameStringUser's principal name.
MSGraphUser.NextPageStringA token to pass to the next list command to retrieve additional results.
Account.IDStringUser’s ID.
Account.DisplayNameStringUser’s display name.
Account.UsernameStringUser’s principal name.
Account.JobTitleStringUser’s job title.
Account.Email.AddressStringUser’s mail address.
Account.TelephoneNumberStringUser’s mobile phone number.
Account.OfficeStringUser’s office location.
Account.TypeStringThe account entity type.

Command example#


Context Example#

"Account": [
"DisplayName": "Test1",
"Email": {
"Address": ""
"ID": "023096d0-595e-47b5-80dd-ea5886ab9294",
"JobTitle": null,
"Office": null,
"TelephoneNumber": "050505050",
"Type": "Azure AD",
"Username": null
"DisplayName": "Test2",
"Email": {
"Address": ""
"ID": "0628c545-94f6-4d07-8bc6-e6718ba1bc95",
"JobTitle": null,
"Office": null,
"TelephoneNumber": null,
"Type": "Azure AD",
"Username": null
"DisplayName": "Test3",
"Email": {
"Address": null
"ID": "082b3bc9-bb2d-4d12-8b1a-d84a53229696",
"JobTitle": null,
"Office": null,
"TelephoneNumber": null,
"Type": "Azure AD",
"Username": null
"MSGraphUser": [
"NextPage": "$select=id%2cdisplayName%2cjobTitle%2cmobilePhone%2cmail&$count=true&$skiptoken=m~AQAnO2Q2MjljMzcwNjFjOTQ4NTE4ZjNkODBlYTZjMDc2NTVmOzswOzA7"
"DisplayName": "Test 1",
"ID": "023096d0-595e-47b5-80dd-ea5886ab9294",
"JobTitle": null,
"Mail": "",
"MobilePhone": "050505050"
"DisplayName": "Test 2",
"ID": "0628c545-94f6-4d07-8bc6-e6718ba1bc95",
"JobTitle": null,
"Mail": "",
"MobilePhone": null
"DisplayName": "Test 3",
"ID": "082b3bc9-bb2d-4d12-8b1a-d84a53229696",
"JobTitle": null,
"Mail": null,
"MobilePhone": null

Human Readable Output#

All Graph Users#

To get further results, enter this to the next_page parameter:$select=id%2cdisplayName%2cjobTitle%2cmobilePhone%2cmail&$count=true&$skiptoken=m~AQAnO2Q2MjljMzcwNjFjOTQ4NTE4ZjNkODBlYTZjMDc2NTVmOzswOzA7 |Display Name|ID|Job Title|Mail|Mobile Phone| |---|---|---|---|---| | Test 1 | 023096d0-595e-47b5-80dd-ea5886ab9294 | | | 050505050 | | Test 2 | 0628c545-94f6-4d07-8bc6-e6718ba1bc95 | | | | | Test 3 | 082b3bc9-bb2d-4d12-8b1a-d84a53229696 | | | |


Retrieves the direct reports for a user. Direct reports are the people who have that user configured as their manager.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
userThe User ID or userPrincipalName of the user for which to retrieve direct reports.Required

Context Output#

MSGraphUserDirectReports.ManagerStringThe manager's user principal name (UPN).
MSGraphUserDirectReports.Reports.@Odata.TypeStringA string value that can be used to classify user types in your directory, such as "Member" and "Guest".
MSGraphUserDirectReports.Reports.DisplayNameStringThe name displayed in the address book for the user. This is usually the combination of the user's first name, middle initial and last name.
MSGraphUserDirectReports.Reports.GivenNameStringThe given name (first name) of the user.
MSGraphUserDirectReports.Reports.IDStringThe user ID in Microsoft Graph User.
MSGraphUserDirectReports.Reports.JobTitleStringThe user's job title.
MSGraphUserDirectReports.Reports.MailStringThe email address of the user.
MSGraphUserDirectReports.Reports.MobilePhoneStringThe primary cellular telephone number for the user.
MSGraphUserDirectReports.Reports.OfficeLocationStringThe office location in the user's place of business.
MSGraphUserDirectReports.Reports.PreferredLanguageStringThe preferred language for the user. Should follow ISO 639-1 Code; for example: en-US.
MSGraphUserDirectReports.Reports.SurnameStringThe user's surname (family name or last name).
MSGraphUserDirectReports.Reports.UserPrincipalNameStringThe user principal name (UPN) of the user. The UPN is an Internet-style login name for the user based on the Internet standard RFC 822. By convention, this should map to the user's email name. The general format is alias@domain, where domain must be present in the tenant’s collection of verified domains. This property is required when a user is created. The verified domains for the tenant can be accessed from the verifiedDomains property of organization.

Command example#

!msgraph-direct-reports user=259d2a3c-167b-411c-b2ee-88646ce6e054

Context Example#

"MSGraphUserDirectReports": {
"Manager": "259d2a3c-167b-411c-b2ee-88646ce6e054",
"Reports": [
"@Odata.Type": "#microsoft.graph.user",
"BusinessPhones": [],
"DisplayName": "Test 1",
"GivenName": "Test",
"ID": "1875cf87-ebf9-4a29-b5e2-74e36591296e",
"JobTitle": null,
"Mail": null,
"MobilePhone": "050123456",
"OfficeLocation": null,
"PreferredLanguage": null,
"Surname": "Test",
"UserPrincipalName": ""

Human Readable Output#

259d2a3c-167b-411c-b2ee-88646ce6e054 - direct reports#

@Odata.TypeDisplay NameGiven NameIDMobile PhoneSurnameUser Principal Name


Retrieves the properties from the manager of a user.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
userThe User ID or userPrincipalName of the user for which to get the manager properties.Required

Context Output#

MSGraphUserManager.IDStringUser's user ID.
MSGraphUserManager.Manager.IDStringManager's user ID.
MSGraphUserManager.Manager.DisplayNameStringUser's display name.
MSGraphUserManager.Manager.GivenNameStringUser's given name.
MSGraphUserManager.Manager.BusinessPhonesStringUser's business phone numbers.
MSGraphUserManager.Manager.JobTitleStringUser's job title.
MSGraphUserManager.Manager.MailStringUser's mail address.
MSGraphUserManager.Manager.MobilePhoneStringUser's mobile phone number.
MSGraphUserManager.Manager.OfficeLocationStringUser's office location.
MSGraphUserManager.Manager.PreferredLanguageStringUser's preferred language.
MSGraphUserManager.Manager.SurnameStringUser's surname.
MSGraphUserManager.Manager.UserPrincipalNameStringUser's principal name.

Command example#

!msgraph-user-get-manager user=1875cf87-ebf9-4a29-b5e2-74e36591296e

Context Example#

"MSGraphUserManager": {
"Manager": {
"BusinessPhones": [],
"DisplayName": "Test 2",
"GivenName": "Test",
"ID": "259d2a3c-167b-411c-b2ee-88646ce6e054",
"JobTitle": null,
"Mail": null,
"MobilePhone": "050505050",
"OfficeLocation": null,
"PreferredLanguage": null,
"Surname": "Test",
"UserPrincipalName": ""
"User": "1875cf87-ebf9-4a29-b5e2-74e36591296e"

Human Readable Output#

1875cf87-ebf9-4a29-b5e2-74e36591296e - manager#

Display NameGiven NameIDMobile PhoneSurnameUser Principal Name


Assigns a manager to the specified user. Permission: - User.ReadWrite (Delegated) or - User.ReadWrite (Application)

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
userUser ID or userPrincipalName of the user to which to assign a manager.Required
managerUser ID or userPrincipalName of the manager.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!msgraph-user-assign-manager user=1875cf87-ebf9-4a29-b5e2-74e36591296e manager=259d2a3c-167b-411c-b2ee-88646ce6e054

Human Readable Output#

A manager was assigned to user "1875cf87-ebf9-4a29-b5e2-74e36591296e". It might take several minutes for the changes to take effect across all applications.


Changes the user password. Supported only in a self deployed app flow with the Permission: Directory.AccessAsUser.All(Delegated) Note: In order to change the password, you need additional permissions: Auth Admin, Privileged Auth Admin or Global Admin, depending on the target user's role.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
userUser ID or userPrincipalName to update password for.Required
passwordThe new password.Required
force_change_password_next_sign_inWhether the password will be changed on the next sign in. Possible values are: true, false. Default is true.Optional
force_change_password_with_mfaWhether to change the password with MFA. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional


Tests connectivity to Microsoft Graph User.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#


Human Readable Output#



Revoke a user session by invalidating all refresh tokens issued to applications for a user. This command requires an administrator role. Permission required: Directory.AccessAsUser.All (Delegated).

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
userUser ID or userPrincipalName.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.


Generate the login url used for Authorization code flow.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#


Human Readable Output#

Authorization instructions#

  1. Click on the login URL to sign in and grant Cortex XSOAR permissions for your Azure Service Management. You will be automatically redirected to a link with the following structure: REDIRECT_URI?code=AUTH_CODE&session_state=SESSION_STATE
  2. Copy the AUTH_CODE (without the code= prefix, and the session_state parameter) and paste it in your instance configuration under the Authorization code parameter.


Run this command if for some reason you need to rerun the authentication process.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.