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Netscout Arbor Sightline (Peakflow)

This Integration is part of the Netscout Arbor Sightline Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 5.5.0 and later.

DDoS protection and network visibility. This integration was integrated and tested with version 9.3 of Netscout Arbor Sightline.

Configure NetscoutArborSightline in Cortex#

Incident typeFalse
Server URL (e.g., https://....)True
API KeyIf using 6.0.2 or lower version, put your API Key in the Password field, leave the User field empty.False
Fetch incidentsFalse
First fetch timeFirst fetch query (<number> <time unit>, e.g., 12 hours, 7 days or ISO format 2020-01-01T10:00:00). Maximal number of past events to fetch is 10,000.False
Fetch LimitMaximum number of alerts per fetch. Default is 50, maximum is 100.False
Alert ClassAlert class to filter by. Only one class can be configured at a time. If none is chosen, all classes will be fetched.False
Alert TypeAlert type to filter by. Only one type can be configured at a time. If none is chosen, all types will be fetched.False
Minimal importance to fetchMinimal alert importance to filter by. If none or Low is chosen, all importances will be fetched.False
Event StatusAlert status to filter by. If none is chosen, all statuses will be fetched.False
Trust any certificate (not secure)False
Use system proxy settingsFalse


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Lists the collection of annotations for a given alert.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
alert_idAlert ID to list the annotation for. Can be obtained from the na-sightline-alert-list command.Required
extend_dataWhether to extend the results with all available data. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional

Context Output#

NASightline.AlertAnnotation.AlertIDStringThe alert ID of the annotation.
NASightline.AlertAnnotation.Annotations.addedDateDate and time the annotation was made.
NASightline.AlertAnnotation.Annotations.authorStringUser ID of the annotation author.
NASightline.AlertAnnotation.Annotations.idStringThe ID of the annotation.
NASightline.AlertAnnotation.Annotations.textStringAnnotation text.
NASightline.AlertAnnotation.Annotations.typeStringType of the returned object.
NASightline.AlertAnnotation.Annotations.relationshipsUnknownRelationships of the annotation (only visible when extending the data).

Command Example#

!na-sightline-alert-annotation-list alert_id="2009" limit=2

Context Example#

"NASightline": {
"AlertAnnotation": {
"AlertID": "2009",
"Annotations": [
"added": "2021-03-29T18:18:13+00:00",
"author": "auto-annotation",
"id": "886",
"text": "Flowspec mitigation 'testMit2' started",
"type": "alert_annotation"
"added": "2021-03-07T19:09:05+00:00",
"author": "auto-annotation",
"id": "797",
"text": "Flowspec mitigation 'testMit' started",
"type": "alert_annotation"
"added": "2021-03-07T11:00:02+00:00",
"author": "auto-annotation",
"id": "795",
"text": "This alert was generated due to fast flood detection. The \"Total Traffic\" host alert signature has been triggered at router \"Traffic-PCAP-CentOS\". (expected rate: 5 bps/50.00 Kpps, observed rate: 11 bps/0 pps)",
"type": "alert_annotation"

Human Readable Output#

Alert 2009 annotations#

2021-03-29T18:18:13+00:00auto-annotation886Flowspec mitigation 'testMit2' startedalert_annotation
2021-03-07T19:09:05+00:00auto-annotation797Flowspec mitigation 'testMit' startedalert_annotation
2021-03-07T11:00:02+00:00auto-annotation795This alert was generated due to fast flood detection. The "Total Traffic" host alert signature has been triggered at router "Traffic-PCAP-CentOS". (expected rate: 5 bps/50.00 Kpps, observed rate: 11 bps/0 pps)alert_annotation


List all alerts. When an alert ID is given, only the relevant alert will be fetched.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
alert_idAlert ID. If given, all other arguments will be ignored.Optional
alert_classAlert class to filter by. Possible values are: bgp, cloudsignal, data, dos, smart, system_error, system_event, tms, traffic.Optional
alert_typeAlert type to filter by. Possible values are: autoclassify_restart, bgp_down, bgp_hijack, bgp_instability, bgp_trap, blob_thresh, cloud_mit_request, cloudsignal_fault, collector_down, collector_start, config_change, device_system_error, dns_baseline, dos, dos_host_detection, dos_mo_profiled, dos_profiled_network, dos_profiled_router, fingerprint_thresh, flexible_license_error, flow_down, flow_missing, gre_down, hw_failure, smart_thresh, interface_usage, nucleus_fault, routing_failover, routing_interface_failover, service_thresh, smart_thresh, snmp_down, spcomm_failure, tms_fault, traffic_auto_mitigation.Optional
classificationAlert classification to filter by. Possible values are: Possible Attack, False Positive, Verified Attack, Network Failure, Flash Crowd, Trivial.Optional
importanceAlert importance to filter by. For more complex operators use the 'importance_operator' argument. Possible values are: Low, Medium, High.Optional
importance_operatorThe operator to apply on the importance argument (">" is greater than, "<" is less than, "=" is equal to). For example: if the chosen operator is ">" and the chosen importance is "Low", only alerts with and importance greater than Low will be fetched. Possible values are: <, =, >.Optional
ongoingAlert status to filter by. If not set, all statuses will be fetched. Possible values are: true, false.Optional
start_timeAlert start time to filter by. For more complex operators use the 'start_time_operator' argument.Optional
start_time_operatorThe operator to apply on the "start_time" argument. For example: if the chosen operator is ">" and the given time is "2020-12-01T13:15:00", only alerts with a starting time greater than "2020-12-01T13:15:00" will be fetched. Possible values are: =, >, <.Optional
stop_timeAlert stop time to filter by. For more complex operators use the 'stop_time_operator' argument.Optional
stop_time_operatorThe operator to apply on the "stop_time" argument. For example: if the chosen operator is ">" and the given time is "2020-12-01T13:15:00", only alerts with a stopping time greater than "2020-12-01T13:15:00" will be fetched. Possible values are: =, >, <.Optional
managed_object_idID of the managed object associated with the alert. Can be obtained from the na-sightline-managed-object-list command.Optional
pageThe page to return starting from 1.Optional
limitMaximal number of alerts to retrieve. Also sets the size of the returned page. Default is 50.Optional
extend_dataWhether to extend the results with all available data. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional

Context Output#

NASightline.Alert.alert_classStringThe class of the alert. One of the following: bgp, cloudsignal, data, dos, smart, system_error, system_event ,tms ,traffic.
NASightline.Alert.alert_typeStringThe type of the alert. One of the following: bgp_hijack, bgp_instability, bgp_trap, cloudsignal, cloudsignal_fault, cloud_mit_request, data, bgp_down, flow_down, snmp_down, dos, dos_host_detection, dos_profiled_network, dos_profiled_router, mobile, mobile_fault, smart, smart_thresh, system_error, collector_down, flexible_license, hw_failure, routing_failover, routing_failover_interface, spcomm_failure, system_monitor, system_event, config_change, tms, dns_baseline, gre_down, tms_fault, traffic, blob_thresh, fingerprint_thresh, interface_usage, service_thresh, traffic_auto_mitigation.
NASightline.Alert.idStringThe ID of the alert.
NASightline.Alert.importanceNumberImportance of the alert. One of the following 2: high, 1: medium, 0: low
NASightline.Alert.ongoingBooleanWhether the alert is currently active.
NASightline.Alert.relationshipsUnknownRelationships of the alert (only visible when extending the data).
NASightline.Alert.start_timeDateDate and time at which the alert activity was first detected.
NASightline.Alert.typeStringType of the returned object.
NASightline.Alert.classificationStringClassification of the alert. One of the following: False Positive, Flash Crowd, Network Failure, Possible Attack, Trivial, Verified Attack
NASightline.Alert.stop_timeDateDate and time at which the alert activity was no longer detected.
NASightline.Alert.subobjectUnknownSubobject data (only visible when extending the data).

Command Example#

!na-sightline-alert-list limit=2

Context Example#

"NASightline": {
"Alert": [
"alert_class": "data",
"alert_type": "flow_down",
"id": "2799",
"importance": 1,
"ongoing": true,
"start_time": "2021-05-08T16:07:13+00:00",
"subobject": {},
"type": "alert"
"alert_class": "dos",
"alert_type": "dos_host_detection",
"classification": "Possible Attack",
"id": "2798",
"importance": 2,
"ongoing": false,
"start_time": "2021-05-08T16:00:02+00:00",
"stop_time": "2021-05-08T16:10:29+00:00",
"subobject": {
"direction": "Incoming",
"fast_detected": true,
"host_address": "",
"impact_boundary": "managed object",
"impact_bps": 1072,
"impact_pps": 3,
"ip_version": 4,
"misuse_types": [
"Total Traffic"
"severity_percent": 10720,
"severity_threshold": 10,
"severity_unit": "bps",
"summary_url": "/page?id=customer_summary&gid=122"
"type": "alert"

Human Readable Output#


dataflow_down27991self: https://xsoar-example:57585/api/sp/v7/alerts/2799true2021-05-08T16:07:13+00:00alert
dosdos_host_detection27982self: https://xsoar-example:57585/api/sp/v7/alerts/2798false2021-05-08T16:00:02+00:00alert


List all mitigations. When a mitigation ID is given, only the relevant mitigation will be fetched.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
mitigation_idThe mitigation ID to get. Can be obtained from the na-sightline-mitigation-list command.Optional
pageThe page to return starting from 1.Optional
limitMaximal number of mitigations to retrieve. Also sets the size of the returned page. Default is 50.Optional
extend_dataWhether to extend the results with all available data. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional

Context Output#

NASightline.Mitigation.descriptionStringDescription of the mitigation.
NASightline.Mitigation.idStringThe ID of the mitigation.
NASightline.Mitigation.ip_versionNumberIP version of the traffic that is being mitigated.
NASightline.Mitigation.is_automitigationBooleanWhether the mitigation is an auto-mitigation.
NASightline.Mitigation.nameStringMitigation name.
NASightline.Mitigation.ongoingBooleanWhether the mitigation is currently running.
NASightline.Mitigation.startStringStart date and time of the mitigation in ISO 8601 format.
NASightline.Mitigation.subtypeStringThe type of mitigation. One of the following: blackhole, flowspec, tms.
NASightline.Mitigation.typeStringType of the returned object.
NASightline.Mitigation.userStringThe user who initiated a mitigation.
NASightline.Mitigation.relationshipsUnknownRelationships of the mitigation (only visible when extending the data).
NASightline.Mitigation.subobjectUnknownSubobject data (only visible when extending the data).

Command Example#

!na-sightline-mitigation-list limit=2

Context Example#

"NASightline": {
"Mitigation": [
"description": "TMS mitigation for alert 101",
"id": "flowspec-36",
"ip_version": 4,
"is_automitigation": false,
"name": "DoS Alert 1079",
"ongoing": true,
"start": "2021-04-22T07:39:27.849350+00:00",
"subtype": "flowspec",
"type": "mitigation",
"user": "demisto"
"description": "Some annotation description",
"id": "flowspec-12",
"ip_version": 4,
"is_automitigation": false,
"name": "Mitigation Annotation Name1",
"ongoing": true,
"start": "2021-04-17T18:03:54.875020+00:00",
"subtype": "flowspec",
"type": "mitigation",
"user": "demisto"

Human Readable Output#

Mitigation list#

TMS mitigation for alert 101flowspec-364falseself: https://xsoar-example:57585/api/sp/v7/mitigations/flowspec-36DoS Alert 1079true2021-04-22T07:39:27.849350+00:00flowspecmitigationdemisto
Some annotation descriptionflowspec-124falseself: https://xsoar-example:57585/api/sp/v7/mitigations/flowspec-12Mitigation Annotation Name1true2021-04-17T18:03:54.875020+00:00flowspecmitigationdemisto


Add a TMS or flowspec mitigation with the attributes and relationships passed in the JSON sub_object.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
nameMitigation name.Required
ip_versionIP version of the traffic that is being mitigated. This attribute cannot be changed once it is set. Possible values are: IPv4, IPv6.Required
descriptionDescription of the mitigation.Optional
ongoingWhether to start the mitigation (true) or not (false). Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional
sub_typeThe type of mitigation. Possible values are: tms, flowspec.Required
sub_objectJSON object that specifies the attributes specific to the mitigation subtype. For example: {"bgp_announce": false, "protection_prefixes": [""]}. List of values supported for each sub-type can be found in the Netscout Arbor Sightline documentation: <your_server_url>/api/sp/doc/v7/mitigations.html#url-/mitigations/.Required
alert_idID of the alert associated with the mitigation. Can be obtained from the na-sightline-alert-list command.Optional
mitigation_template_idID of the mitigation template applied to this mitigation. To get a list of available templates and their IDs, run the na-sightline-mitigation-template-list command.Optional
router_ids(Flowspec mitigations only) Comma-separated list of IDs of the routers to which the flowspec announcement is made. To get a list of available routers and their IDs run the na-sightline-router-list command.Optional
managed_object_id(TMS mitigations only) ID of the managed object associated with the alert. To get a list of available managed objects and their IDs run the na-sightline-managed-object-list command.Optional
tms_group_id(TMS mitigations only) ID of the TMS group that the associated managed object belongs to. To get a list of available TMS groups and their IDs run the na-sightline-tms-group-list command.Optional
extend_dataWhether to extend the results with all available data. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional

Context Output#

NASightline.Mitigation.idStringThe ID of the mitagation.
NASightline.Mitigation.ip_versionNumberIP version of the traffic that is being mitigated.
NASightline.Mitigation.is_automitigationBooleanWhether the mitigation is an auto-mitigation.
NASightline.Mitigation.nameStringMitigation name.
NASightline.Mitigation.ongoingBooleanWhether the mitigation is currently running.
NASightline.Mitigation.subobjectUnknownSubobject data (only visible when extending the data).
NASightline.Mitigation.subtypeStringThe type of mitigation. One of the following: blackhole, flowspec, tms.
NASightline.Mitigation.typeStringType of the returned object.
NASightline.Mitigation.relationshipsUnknownRelationships of the mitigation (only visible when extending the data).

Command Example#

!na-sightline-mitigation-create description="Some mitigation description" ip_version=IPv4 name="Mitigation Annotation Name" ongoing=true sub_object="{\"protection_prefixes\": [\"\"]}" sub_type=flowspec

Context Example#

"NASightline": {
"Mitigation": {
"description": "Some mitigation description",
"id": "flowspec-58",
"ip_version": 4,
"is_automitigation": false,
"name": "Mitigation Annotation Name",
"ongoing": true,
"start": "2021-05-08T20:16:53.251710+00:00",
"subobject": {
"action": {
"type": "accept"
"bgp_communities": [],
"l3vpn_route_distinguisher": "",
"l3vpn_route_targets": []
"subtype": "flowspec",
"type": "mitigation",
"user": "demisto"

Human Readable Output#

Mitigation was created#

Some mitigation descriptionflowspec-584falseself: https://xsoar-example:57585/api/sp/v7/mitigations/flowspec-58Mitigation Annotation Nametrue2021-05-08T20:16:53.251710+00:00flowspecmitigationdemisto


Delete a given mitigation.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
mitigation_idThe mitigation ID to delete. Can be obtained from the na-sightline-mitigation-list command.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!na-sightline-mitigation-delete mitigation_id=flowspec-34

Human Readable Output#

Mitigation flowspec-34 was deleted#


Get a list of available mitigation templates.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
extend_dataWhether to extend the results with all available data. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional

Context Output#

NASightline.MitigationTemplate.descriptionStringThe description of the mitigation template.
NASightline.MitigationTemplate.idStringThe ID of the mitigation template.
NASightline.MitigationTemplate.ip_versionNumberThe IP version of the traffic that you want to mitigate with this mitigation template.
NASightline.MitigationTemplate.nameStringThe name of the mitigation template.
NASightline.MitigationTemplate.subtypeStringThe type of mitigation this template can be applied to.
NASightline.MitigationTemplate.systemBooleanSystem or custom object.
NASightline.MitigationTemplate.typeStringType of the returned object.
NASightline.MitigationTemplate.subobjectUnknownSubobject data (only visible when extending the data).
NASightline.MitigationTemplate.relationshipsUnknownRelationships of the mitigation template (only visible when extending the data).

Command Example#

!na-sightline-mitigation-template-list limit=2

Context Example#

"NASightline": {
"MitigationTemplate": [
"description": "Default mitigation values inherited by all new IPv4 mitigations (unless otherwise scoped)",
"id": "1",
"ip_version": 4,
"name": "Default IPv4",
"subtype": "tms",
"system": true,
"type": "mitigation_template"
"description": "Auto-Mitigation template use by default for all IPv4 auto-mitigations. Auto-mitigation must be enabled for the managed object.",
"id": "2",
"ip_version": 4,
"name": "Auto-Mitigation IPv4",
"subtype": "tms",
"system": true,
"type": "mitigation_template"
"description": "Template contains countermeasures that support TMS deployments focused on VoIP Gateway Flood Protection",
"id": "3",
"ip_version": 4,
"name": "VoIP Gateway Protection",
"subtype": "tms",
"system": true,
"type": "mitigation_template"
"description": "Template provides example countermeasures that would support deployments for DNS infrastructure protection",
"id": "4",
"ip_version": 4,
"name": "DNS Flood Protection",
"subtype": "tms",
"system": true,
"type": "mitigation_template"
"description": "Rogue DC++ P2P clients have been used to attack HTTP Server infrastructure. This template provides an example of payload REGEX inspection for filtering clients used for a DC++ HTTP attack",
"id": "5",
"ip_version": 4,
"name": "Rogue DC++ Protection",
"subtype": "tms",
"system": true,
"type": "mitigation_template"
"description": "TCP SYN flood countermeasure",
"id": "6",
"ip_version": 4,
"name": "TCP SYN Flood",
"subtype": "tms",
"system": true,
"type": "mitigation_template"
"description": "ICMP Flood Countermeasure",
"id": "7",
"ip_version": 4,
"name": "ICMP Flood",
"subtype": "tms",
"system": true,
"type": "mitigation_template"
"description": "Default mitigation values inherited by all new IPv6 mitigations (unless otherwise scoped)",
"id": "8",
"ip_version": 6,
"name": "Default IPv6",
"subtype": "tms",
"system": true,
"type": "mitigation_template"
"description": "Auto-Mitigation template use by default for all IPv6 auto-mitigations. Auto-mitigation must be enabled for the managed object.",
"id": "9",
"ip_version": 6,
"name": "Auto-Mitigation IPv6",
"subtype": "tms",
"system": true,
"type": "mitigation_template"

Human Readable Output#

Mitigation template list#

Default mitigation values inherited by all new IPv4 mitigations (unless otherwise scoped)14self: https://xsoar-example:57585/api/sp/v7/mitigation_templates/1Default IPv4tmstruemitigation_template
Auto-Mitigation template use by default for all IPv4 auto-mitigations. Auto-mitigation must be enabled for the managed object.24self: https://xsoar-example:57585/api/sp/v7/mitigation_templates/2Auto-Mitigation IPv4tmstruemitigation_template
Template contains countermeasures that support TMS deployments focused on VoIP Gateway Flood Protection34self: https://xsoar-example:57585/api/sp/v7/mitigation_templates/3VoIP Gateway Protectiontmstruemitigation_template
Template provides example countermeasures that would support deployments for DNS infrastructure protection44self: https://xsoar-example:57585/api/sp/v7/mitigation_templates/4DNS Flood Protectiontmstruemitigation_template
Rogue DC++ P2P clients have been used to attack HTTP Server infrastructure. This template provides an example of payload REGEX inspection for filtering clients used for a DC++ HTTP attack54self: https://xsoar-example:57585/api/sp/v7/mitigation_templates/5Rogue DC++ Protectiontmstruemitigation_template
TCP SYN flood countermeasure64self: https://xsoar-example:57585/api/sp/v7/mitigation_templates/6TCP SYN Floodtmstruemitigation_template
ICMP Flood Countermeasure74self: https://xsoar-example:57585/api/sp/v7/mitigation_templates/7ICMP Floodtmstruemitigation_template
Default mitigation values inherited by all new IPv6 mitigations (unless otherwise scoped)86self: https://xsoar-example:57585/api/sp/v7/mitigation_templates/8Default IPv6tmstruemitigation_template
Auto-Mitigation template use by default for all IPv6 auto-mitigations. Auto-mitigation must be enabled for the managed object.96self: https://xsoar-example:57585/api/sp/v7/mitigation_templates/9Auto-Mitigation IPv6tmstruemitigation_template


Get a list of available routers.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
extend_dataWhether to extend the results with all available data. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional

Context Output#

NASightline.Router.advanced_fallback_algStringThe algorithm used to classify interfaces during auto-configuration that either report no traffic or have no associated BGP information: internal, external, or use_bgp_and_local. use_bgp_and_local classifies each observed flow, based on learned BGP information and the configured IP address space.
NASightline.Router.advanced_use_simpson_flowspec_redirect_ipBooleanIf true, BGP Redirect-to-IP flowspec announcements are generated conforming to draft-simpson-idr-flowspec-redirect-02.txt.
NASightline.Router.bgp2_capabilities_labeled_unicastBooleanIf true, Sightline is permitted to generate BGP 6PE diversion announcements for IPv6 destinations over the secondary BGP session per RFC 4798.
NASightline.Router.bgp_capabilities_l3vpn_flowspec_ipv4Boolean(MPLS Layer 3 VPNs only) If true, Sightline includes the route distinguisher (RD) and route target (RT) values in BGP flowspec diversion announcements for IPv4 traffic in flowspec mitigations and TMS mitigations.
NASightline.Router.bgp_capabilities_l3vpn_flowspec_ipv6Boolean(MPLS Layer 3 VPNs only) If true, Sightline includes the route distinguisher (RD) and route target (RT) values in BGP flowspec diversion announcements for IPv6 traffic in flowspec mitigations and TMS mitigations.
NASightline.Router.bgp_capabilities_labeled_unicastBooleanIf true, Sightline is permitted to generate BGP 6PE diversion announcements for for IPv6 destinations over the primary BGP session per RFC 4798.
NASightline.Router.descriptionStringRouter description.
NASightline.Router.flow_alertingBooleanIf true, enables flow down alerting for this router.
NASightline.Router.flow_export_ipStringThe IP address of the router that sends flow records to Sightline.
NASightline.Router.flow_flow_ignoredStringEither ignore NetFlow from this router (on) or not (off).
NASightline.Router.flow_flow_ignored_ipv6StringEither ignore IPv6 NetFlow from this router (on) or not (off).
NASightline.Router.flow_sample_rateStringThe sample rate of the flow information sent by this router.
NASightline.Router.idStringThe ID of the router.
NASightline.Router.is_proxyBooleanIf true, Sightline treats the router as a proxy for other routers.
NASightline.Router.license_typeStringThe router license type: core, edge, or unset. For more information, see “Configuring Routers” in the Sightline and TMS User Guide.
NASightline.Router.nameStringRouter name
NASightline.Router.snmp_authprotocolStringSNMP v3 authentication protocol. One of the following: md5, sha, sha-224, sha-256, sha-384, sha-512.
NASightline.Router.snmp_priv_protocolStringThe SNMP v3 privacy protocol: DES or AES.
NASightline.Router.snmp_security_levelStringSNMP v3 security level. One of the following: noAuthNoPriv (no pass-phrase authentication is performed), authNoPriv (pass-phrase authentication is performed, but there is no encryption of the data in the trap messages), authPriv (pass-phrase authentication is performed and the data in the trap messages is encrypted).
NASightline.Router.snmp_versionNumberSNMP version: 1, 2, or 3.
NASightline.Router.typeStringType of the returned object.
NASightline.Router.advanced_local_asStringThe default local AS number override.
NASightline.Router.bgp_capabilities_flowspecBooleanIf true, Sightline can use the primary BGP peering session to generate BGP flowspec diversion announcements for IPv4 traffic in flowspec mitigations and TMS mitigations.
NASightline.Router.bgp_capabilities_flowspec_ipv4BooleanIf true, Sightline can use the primary BGP peering session to generate BGP flowspec diversion announcements for IPv4 traffic in flowspec mitigations and TMS mitigations.
NASightline.Router.bgp_capabilities_monitor_routes_ipv4StringIf primary, the primary BGP peering session is used to monitor the IPv4 routes on the router for the purposes of classifying IPv4 traffic. If secondary, the secondary BGP peering session is used. If disabled, IPv4 routes are not monitored and IPv4 traffic is not classified using BGP routing information from this router.
NASightline.Router.bgp_ip_addressStringThe remote IP address that you want Sightline to use to create a BGP peering session with this router.
NASightline.Router.bgp_remote_asStringThe ASN of the router.
NASightline.Router.bgp_session_nameStringA name to help identify the BGP peering session in the Sightline UI when you create a blackhole or TMS mitigation.
NASightline.Router.relationshipsUnknownRelationships of the router (only visible when extending the data).

Command Example#

!na-sightline-router-list limit=2

Context Example#

"NASightline": {
"Router": [
"advanced_fallback_alg": "internal",
"advanced_use_simpson_flowspec_redirect_ip": false,
"bgp2_capabilities_labeled_unicast": false,
"bgp_capabilities_l3vpn_flowspec_ipv4": false,
"bgp_capabilities_l3vpn_flowspec_ipv6": false,
"bgp_capabilities_labeled_unicast": false,
"description": "Traffic-PCAP-CentOS -",
"flow_alerting": true,
"flow_export_ip": "",
"flow_flow_ignored": "off",
"flow_flow_ignored_ipv6": "off",
"flow_sample_rate": "1",
"id": "121",
"is_proxy": false,
"license_type": "core",
"name": "Traffic-PCAP-CentOS",
"snmp_authprotocol": "md5",
"snmp_priv_protocol": "DES",
"snmp_security_level": "noAuthNoPriv",
"snmp_version": 2,
"type": "router"
"advanced_fallback_alg": "internal",
"advanced_local_as": "44",
"advanced_use_simpson_flowspec_redirect_ip": false,
"bgp2_capabilities_labeled_unicast": false,
"bgp_capabilities_flowspec": true,
"bgp_capabilities_flowspec_ipv4": true,
"bgp_capabilities_l3vpn_flowspec_ipv4": false,
"bgp_capabilities_l3vpn_flowspec_ipv6": false,
"bgp_capabilities_labeled_unicast": false,
"bgp_capabilities_monitor_routes_ipv4": "primary",
"bgp_ip_address": "",
"bgp_remote_as": "4",
"bgp_session_name": "NetscoutProfile",
"description": "To Netscout PANW FW Router",
"flow_alerting": true,
"flow_flow_ignored": "off",
"flow_flow_ignored_ipv6": "off",
"id": "186",
"is_proxy": false,
"license_type": "core",
"name": "PANW-FW_Netscout",
"snmp_authprotocol": "md5",
"snmp_priv_protocol": "DES",
"snmp_security_level": "noAuthNoPriv",
"snmp_version": 2,
"type": "router"

Human Readable Output#

Router list#

121Traffic-PCAP-CentOSTraffic-PCAP-CentOS -
186PANW-FW_NetscoutTo Netscout PANW FW Routerfalsecoremd5DESnoAuthNoPriv2


Get a list of available managed objects.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
pageThe page to return starting from 1.Optional
limitMaximal number of mitigations to retrieve. Also sets the size of the returned page. Default is 50.Optional
extend_dataWhether to extend the results with all available data. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional

Context Output#

NASightline.ManagedObject.autodetectedBooleanIf true, Sightline automatically detects and configures VPN sites when the match type of a VPN managed object is a route target and the VPN sites match the configured route targets.
NASightline.ManagedObject.automitigation_precise_protection_prefixesBooleanIf true, the precise protection prefixes feature for auto-mitigations is enabled.
NASightline.ManagedObject.detection_network_country_enabledBooleanIf true, profiled country detection is enabled.
NASightline.ManagedObject.detection_network_enabledBooleanIf true, profiled network detection is enabled.
NASightline.ManagedObject.detection_profiled_autorateBooleanIf true, automatic rate calculation for profiled router detection is enabled.
NASightline.ManagedObject.detection_profiled_enabledBooleanIf true, profiled router detection is enabled.
NASightline.ManagedObject.detection_profiled_fast_flood_enabledBooleanIf true, fast flood detection for profiled routers is enabled.
NASightline.ManagedObject.detection_profiled_outgoing_enabledBooleanIf true, outgoing detection for profiled router detection is enabled.
NASightline.ManagedObject.detection_profiled_severity_durationNumberNumber of seconds that traffic must exceed a given severity threshold before Sightline escalates its severity for profiled router detection.
NASightline.ManagedObject.detection_profiled_severity_snmp_enabledBooleanIf true, SNMP link rate severity calculation is enabled for profiled router detection.
NASightline.ManagedObject.detection_profiled_threshold_bandwidthNumberThreshold for interface bandwidth alerts for profiled router detection. An integer from 1 to 5, where: 1 = detect more alerts, 2 = default, 3 = detect fewer alerts, 4 = detect even fewer alerts, 5 = detect fewest alerts.
NASightline.ManagedObject.detection_profiled_threshold_packet_rateNumberThreshold for interface packet alerts for profiled router detection. An integer from 1 to 5, where: 1 = detect more alerts, 2 = default, 3 = detect fewer alerts, 4 = detect even fewer alerts, 5 = detect fewest alerts.
NASightline.ManagedObject.detection_profiled_threshold_protocolNumberThreshold for all protocol alerts for profiled router detection. An integer from 1 to 5, where: 1 = detect more alerts, 2 = default, 3 = detect fewer alerts, 4 = detect even fewer alerts, 5 = detect fewest alerts.
NASightline.ManagedObject.dynamic_match_enabledBooleanIf true, Sightline can monitor traffic for OTT domains that have frequently changing service IP addresses.
NASightline.ManagedObject.editableBooleanIf true, is editable.
NASightline.ManagedObject.familyStringA valid managed object type. Not all values appear in the UI as managed object types. One of the following: none, peer, profile, customer, worm (deprecated), vpn, vpnsite, service, subscriber.
NASightline.ManagedObject.idStringThe ID of the managed object.
NASightline.ManagedObject.matchStringA value appropriate for the specified match_type.
NASightline.ManagedObject.match_enabledBooleanIf true, Sightline records flow for this managed object.
NASightline.ManagedObject.match_typeStringThe managed object’s match type. One of the following: advanced, appid, asregexp, cidr_blocks, cidr_groups, cidr_v6_blocks, community, extended_community, interface, profiled_interface_group, subas, peer_as, tmsports.
NASightline.ManagedObject.mitigation_automitigation_stop_eventStringThe event that stops this TMS auto-mitigation. One of the following: manual, after_mitigation_starts, after_alert_ends.
NASightline.ManagedObject.mitigation_automitigation_stop_minutesNumberStops the TMS auto-mitigation after the specified number of minutes for the after_mitigation_starts or after_alert_ends stop events. This is automatically set to 0 if mitigation_automitigation_stop_event is manual.
NASightline.ManagedObject.mitigation_automitigation_tms_enabledBooleanIf true, TMS auto-mitigation is enabled.
NASightline.ManagedObject.mitigation_blackhole_auto_enabledBooleanIf true, blackhole auto-mitigation is enabled.
NASightline.ManagedObject.mitigation_flowspec_auto_enabledBooleanIf true, flowspec auto-mitigation is enabled.
NASightline.ManagedObject.nameStringThe managed object’s name.
NASightline.ManagedObject.num_childrenNumberThe number of child managed objects assigned to this one.
NASightline.ManagedObject.parent_editableBooleanIf false, parent is read-only.
NASightline.ManagedObject.relationshipsUnknownRelationships of the managed object (only visible when extending the data).
NASightline.ManagedObject.scrub_insight_mo_matchBooleanIf true, Sightline disassociates the managed object from the flow before sending the flow to Insight, thereby preventing the managed object from being subject to or appearing in Insight queries.
NASightline.ManagedObject.tagsStringA list of tags that are applied to the managed object.
NASightline.ManagedObject.typeStringType of the returned object.

Command Example#

!na-sightline-managed-object-list limit=2

Context Example#

"NASightline": {
"ManagedObject": {
"autodetected": false,
"automitigation_precise_protection_prefixes": false,
"automitigation_precise_protection_prefixes_mit_on_query_failure": false,
"custom_shared_host_detection_setting": true,
"detection_network_country_enabled": false,
"detection_network_enabled": false,
"detection_profiled_autorate": false,
"detection_profiled_enabled": false,
"detection_profiled_fast_flood_enabled": false,
"detection_profiled_outgoing_enabled": true,
"detection_profiled_severity_duration": 300,
"detection_profiled_severity_snmp_enabled": false,
"detection_profiled_threshold_bandwidth": 2,
"detection_profiled_threshold_packet_rate": 2,
"detection_profiled_threshold_protocol": 2,
"dynamic_match_enabled": false,
"editable": true,
"family": "customer",
"id": "122",
"match": "",
"match_enabled": true,
"match_type": "cidr_blocks",
"mitigation_automitigation": false,
"mitigation_automitigation_stop_event": "after_alert_ends",
"mitigation_automitigation_stop_minutes": 0,
"mitigation_automitigation_tms_enabled": false,
"mitigation_blackhole_auto_enabled": false,
"mitigation_flowspec_auto_enabled": false,
"name": "TestMO1",
"num_children": 0,
"parent_editable": false,
"scrub_insight_mo_match": false,
"tags": [
"type": "managed_object"

Human Readable Output#

Managed object list#



Get a list of available TMS groups.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
extend_dataWhether to extend the results with all available data. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false.Optional

Context Output#

NASightline.TMSGroup.check_available_bwBooleanIf true, ensures that all TMS appliances or Cisco ASR 9000 vDDoS Protection devices in a group use less than 90% of the allowed traffic rate in order for a mitigation to start.
NASightline.TMSGroup.check_bgp_peeringBooleanIf true, ensures that the TMS appliances or Cisco ASR 9000 vDDoS Protection devices are part of a peering session.
NASightline.TMSGroup.check_group_allupBooleanIf true, requires all group members to be up before starting a mitigation. This ensures that sufficient resources are available before a mitigation starts.
NASightline.TMSGroup.default_bgp_offrampBooleanIf true, the default BGP diversion nexthops of the TMS appliances or Cisco ASR 9000 vDDoS Protection devices in the TMS group are used.
NASightline.TMSGroup.descriptionStringDescription of the TMS group.
NASightline.TMSGroup.fail_openBooleanIf true, ends the mitigation if one or more group members fails or becomes unreachable.
NASightline.TMSGroup.flowspec_redirect_ipv4_destinationStringIn TMS flowspec diversion deployments, these attributes each specify a destination route target or IP address. The Sightline peer uses these destinations in TMS mitigations to advertise routes to its BGP peers.
NASightline.TMSGroup.flowspec_redirect_ipv4_typeStringIn TMS flowspec diversion deployments, these attributes define whether the Sightline peer redirects TMS mitigation traffic to a route target or to an IP address.
NASightline.TMSGroup.flowspec_redirect_ipv6_destinationStringIn TMS flowspec diversion deployments, these attributes each specify a destination route target or IP address. The Sightline peer uses these destinations in TMS mitigations to advertise routes to its BGP peers.
NASightline.TMSGroup.flowspec_redirect_ipv6_typeStringIn TMS flowspec diversion deployments, these attributes define whether the Sightline peer redirects TMS mitigation traffic to a route target or to an IP address.
NASightline.TMSGroup.idStringThe TMS group ID.
NASightline.TMSGroup.l3vpn_flowspec_ipv4_route_distinguisherStringThe route distinguisher (RD) for a VPN, which uniquely identifies the routes for that VPN.
NASightline.TMSGroup.l3vpn_flowspec_ipv6_route_distinguisherStringThe route distinguisher (RD) for a VPN, which uniquely identifies the routes for that VPN.
NASightline.TMSGroup.member_limits_differBooleanIf true, TMS device limits (such as maximum mitigations or filter lists) differ, which leads to either performance issues if devices change midstream for ongoing mitigations, or failure to start or save mitigations.
NASightline.TMSGroup.mitigation_orchestration.bandwidth_threshold_percentNumberThe percentage of total bandwidth capacity at which this TMS group will become overloaded.
NASightline.TMSGroup.mitigation_orchestration.enabledBooleanIf true, mitigation orchestration is enabled for this TMS group.
NASightline.TMSGroup.nameStringTMS group name.
NASightline.TMSGroup.nexthopStringThe IPv4 address for the BGP diversion nexthop. It overrides the default nexthops of the TMS appliances or Cisco ASR 9000 vDDoS Protection devices that are in the TMS group.
NASightline.TMSGroup.nexthop_v6StringThe IPv6 address for the BGP diversion nexthop. It overrides the default nexthops of the TMS appliances or Cisco ASR 9000 vDDoS Protection devices that are in the TMS group.
NASightline.TMSGroup.relationshipsUnknownRelationships of the managed object (only visible when extending the data).
NASightline.TMSGroup.systemBooleanIf true, the TMS group is pre-configured in Sightline and is not editable.
NASightline.TMSGroup.tms_group_typeStringType of the TMS group.
NASightline.TMSGroup.typeStringType of the returned object.

Command Example#

!na-sightline-tms-group-list limit=2

Context Example#

"NASightline": {
"TMSGroup": [
"bgp_communities": [],
"check_available_bw": true,
"check_bgp_peering": true,
"check_group_allup": true,
"default_bgp_offramp": true,
"description": "Default all mitigation group. Mitigations will use all ports on all configured TMS devices.",
"dns_auth_active_secondary_servers": [],
"fail_open": false,
"flowspec_communities": [],
"flowspec_offramp": "",
"flowspec_redirect_ipv4_destination": "",
"flowspec_redirect_ipv4_type": "",
"flowspec_redirect_ipv6_destination": "",
"flowspec_redirect_ipv6_type": "",
"id": "3",
"l3vpn_flowspec_ipv4_route_distinguisher": "",
"l3vpn_flowspec_ipv4_route_targets": [],
"l3vpn_flowspec_ipv6_route_distinguisher": "",
"l3vpn_flowspec_ipv6_route_targets": [],
"member_limits_differ": false,
"mitigation_orchestration": {
"bandwidth_threshold_percent": 85,
"enabled": false
"name": "All",
"nexthop": "",
"nexthop_v6": "",
"system": true,
"tms_group_type": "",
"type": "tms_group"
"bgp_communities": [],
"check_available_bw": true,
"check_bgp_peering": true,
"check_group_allup": true,
"default_bgp_offramp": false,
"description": "",
"dns_auth_active_secondary_servers": [],
"fail_open": true,
"flowspec_communities": [],
"flowspec_offramp": "",
"flowspec_redirect_ipv4_destination": "",
"flowspec_redirect_ipv4_type": "route_target",
"flowspec_redirect_ipv6_destination": "",
"flowspec_redirect_ipv6_type": "route_target",
"id": "192",
"l3vpn_flowspec_ipv4_route_distinguisher": "",
"l3vpn_flowspec_ipv4_route_targets": [],
"l3vpn_flowspec_ipv6_route_distinguisher": "",
"l3vpn_flowspec_ipv6_route_targets": [],
"member_limits_differ": false,
"mitigation_orchestration": {
"bandwidth_threshold_percent": 85,
"enabled": false
"name": "anar_test",
"nexthop": "",
"nexthop_v6": "",
"system": false,
"tms_group_type": "",
"type": "tms_group"

Human Readable Output#

TMS group list#

truetruetruetrueDefault all mitigation group. Mitigations will use all ports on all configured TMS devices.false3self: https://xsoar-example:57585/api/sp/v7/tms_groups/3falsebandwidth_threshold_percent: 85
enabled: false
truetruetruefalsetrueroute_targetroute_target192self: https://xsoar-example:57585/api/sp/v7/tms_groups/192falsebandwidth_threshold_percent: 85
enabled: false