Palo Alto Networks - Strata Cloud Manager
Palo Alto Networks - Strata Cloud Manager Pack.#
This Integration is part of theSupported versions
Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.5.0 and later.
Provides commands for interaction with Prisma SASE API. This integration was integrated and tested with version v1 of Palo Alto Networks - Prisma SASE
Configure Palo Alto Networks - Strata Cloud Manager in CortexParameter | Description | Required |
Server URL | True | |
API Client ID | True | |
API Client Secret | True | |
Tenant Services Group ID | Default Tenant Services Group ID to use for API calls. Example: 1234567890. | True |
Trust any certificate (not secure) | False | |
Use system proxy settings | False |
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
prisma-sase-security-rule-createCreate a new security rule.
Base Commandprisma-sase-security-rule-create
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
folder | The configuration folder group setting. Possible values are: Shared, Mobile Users, Remote Networks, Service Connections, Mobile Users Container, Mobile Users Explicit Proxy. Default is Shared. | Optional |
position | Rule position. Possible values are: pre, post. Default is pre. | Optional |
name | The name of the security rule. | Required |
action | Rule action. Possible values are: deny, allow, drop, reset-client, reset-server, reset-both. | Required |
description | The security rule's description. | Optional |
log_setting | Rule log setting. | Optional |
application | A comma-separated list of applications. Default is any. | Optional |
category | A comma-separated list of categories. You can get category values by running the prisma-sase-custom-url-category-list command. Default is any. | Optional |
destination | A comma-separated list of destination networks. Default is any. | Optional |
destination_hip | A comma-separated list of destination HIPs. | Optional |
profile_setting | Security profiles to apply to the traffic. | Optional |
service | Services the rule applies to. Default is any. | Optional |
source | A comma-separated list of source networks. Default is any. | Optional |
source_hip | A comma-separated list of source HIPs. | Optional |
source_user | A semi-colon (;) separated list of source users or groups. Default is any. | Optional |
tag | A comma-separated list of rule tags. | Optional |
from | A comma-separated list of source zones. Default is any. | Optional |
to | A comma-separated list of destination zones. Default is any. | Optional |
disabled | Whether the rule is disabled. | Optional |
negate_source | Negate the source. | Optional |
negate_destination | Negate the destination. | Optional |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule | String | Created security rule. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.action | String | Security rule action. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.application | String | Security rule application. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.category | String | Security rule category. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.description | String | Security rule description. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.destination | String | Security rule destination. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.folder | String | Security rule folder. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.from | String | Security rule from field (source zone(s)). | | String | Security rule ID. | | String | Security rule name. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.position | String | Security rule position. | | String | Security rule group. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.service | String | Security rule service. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.source | String | Security rule source. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.source_user | String | Security rule source user. | | String | Security rule to field (destination zone(s)). |
Command example!prisma-sase-security-rule-create name="somename11" action="allow"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Security Rule Created
Action Application Category Destination Folder From Id Name Position Service Source Source User To allow any any any Shared any Id somename11 pre any any any any
prisma-sase-security-rule-listLists all security rules.
Base Commandprisma-sase-security-rule-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
folder | The configuration folder group setting. Possible values are: Shared, Mobile Users, Remote Networks, Service Connections, Mobile Users Container, Mobile Users Explicit Proxy. Default is Shared. | Optional |
position | Security rule position. Possible values are: pre, post. Default is pre. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of results to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
page | Page number you would like to view. Each page contains page_size values. Must be used along with page_size. | Optional |
page_size | Number of results per page to display. | Optional |
rule_id | A specific security rule to return. If not specified, all security rules will be returned. | Optional |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule | String | Found security rule. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.action | String | Security rule action. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.application | String | Security rule application. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.category | String | Security rule category. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.description | String | Security rule description. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.destination | String | Security rule destination. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.folder | String | Security rule folder. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.from | String | Security rule from field (source zone(s)). | | String | Security rule ID. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.log_setting | String | Security rule log setting. | | String | Security rule name. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.position | String | Security rule position. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.service | String | Security rule service. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.source | String | Security rule source. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.source_user | String | Security rule source user. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.tag | String | Security rule tag. | | String | Security rule to field (destination zone(s)). |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.negate_destination | Boolean | Security rule negate destination. |
Command example!prisma-sase-security-rule-list limit=1
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Security Rules
Id Name Description Action Destination Folder Id Name Rule to block drop panw-highrisk-ip-list Shared
prisma-sase-candidate-config-pushPush the candidate configuration.
Base Commandprisma-sase-candidate-config-push
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
folders | Comma-separated list of targets (Remote Networks, Mobile Users, Service Connections). | Required |
description | Configuration push job description. | Optional |
interval_in_seconds | interval for polling command. Default is 30. | Optional |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
PrismaSase.CandidateConfig.job_id | String | Configuration job ID. |
PrismaSase.CandidateConfig.result | String | The configuration push result, e.g. OK, FAIL. |
PrismaSase.CandidateConfig.details | String | The configuration push details. |
Command example!prisma-sase-candidate-config-push folders="Mobile Users"
Human Readable OutputWaiting for all data to push for job id 201
prisma-sase-security-rule-updateUpdate an existing security rule.
Base Commandprisma-sase-security-rule-update
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
rule_id | ID of the rule to be changed. | Required |
folder | The configuration folder group setting. Possible values are: Shared, Mobile Users, Remote Networks, Service Connections, Mobile Users Container, Mobile Users Explicit Proxy. Default is Shared. | Optional |
position | Security rule position. Possible values are: pre, post. Default is pre. | Optional |
action | Rule action. Possible values are: deny, allow, drop, reset-client, reset-server, reset-both. | Optional |
description | The security rule's description. | Optional |
log_setting | Rule log setting. | Optional |
application | A comma-separated list of applications. | Optional |
category | A comma-separated list of categories. | Optional |
destination | A comma-separated list of destination networks. | Optional |
destination_hip | A comma-separated list of destination HIPs. | Optional |
profile_setting | Security profiles to apply to the traffic. | Optional |
service | Services the rule applies to. | Optional |
source | A comma-separated list of source networks. | Optional |
source_hip | A comma-separated list of source HIPs. | Optional |
source_user | A semi-colon (;) separated list of source user(s). | Optional |
tag | A comma-separated list of rule tags. | Optional |
from | A comma-separated list of source zones. | Optional |
to | A comma-separated list of destination zones. | Optional |
disabled | Whether the rule is disabled. | Optional |
negate_source | Negate source. | Optional |
negate_destination | Negate the destination. | Optional |
overwrite | Whether to overwrite the original rule values. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false. | Optional |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule | String | Edited security rule. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.action | String | Security rule action. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.application | String | Security rule application. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.category | String | Security rule category. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.description | String | Security rule description. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.destination | String | Security rule destination. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.folder | String | Security rule folder. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.from | String | Security rule from field (source zone(s)). | | String | Security rule ID. | | String | Security rule name. | | String | Security rule profile setting. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.service | String | Security rule service. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.source | String | Security rule source. |
PrismaSase.SecurityRule.source_user | String | Security rule source user. | | String | Security rule to field (destination zone(s)). |
Command example!prisma-sase-security-rule-update rule_id="Id" position="pre" action="deny"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Security Rule Updated
Action Application Category Description Destination Folder From Id Name Position Service Source Source User To deny any test test any Shared any Id name pre any any any any
prisma-sase-address-object-updateUpdate an existing address object.
Base Commandprisma-sase-address-object-update
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
object_id | ID of the address object to edit. | Required |
folder | The configuration folder group setting. Possible values are: Shared, Mobile Users, Remote Networks, Service Connections, Mobile Users Container, Mobile Users Explicit Proxy. Default is Shared. | Optional |
description | The address object's description. | Optional |
type | The type of the address. Possible values are: ip_netmask, ip_range, ip_wildcard, fqdn. | Optional |
address_value | The address value (should match the type). | Required |
tag | A comma-separated list of address object tags. | Optional |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
PrismaSase.Address.description | String | Address description. |
PrismaSase.Address.folder | String | Address folder. | | String | Address ID. |
PrismaSase.Address.address_value | String | Address value. |
PrismaSase.Address.type | String | Address type. | | String | Address name. |
Command example!prisma-sase-address-object-update object_id="Id" address_value=""
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Address Object updated
Address Value Folder Id Name Type Shared Id name ip_netmask
prisma-sase-config-job-listLists all configuration jobs.
Base Commandprisma-sase-config-job-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
job_id | A specific config job to return. If not specified, all config jobs will be returned. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of results to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
page | Page number you would like to view. Each page contains page_size values. Must be used along with page_size. | Optional |
page_size | Number of results per page to display. | Optional |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
PrismaSase.ConfigJob.description | String | Configuration job description. |
PrismaSase.ConfigJob.end_ts | Date | Configuration job end timestamp. | | String | Configuration job ID. |
PrismaSase.ConfigJob.job_result | String | Configuration job result. |
PrismaSase.ConfigJob.job_status | String | Configuration job status. |
PrismaSase.ConfigJob.job_type | String | Configuration job type. |
PrismaSase.ConfigJob.parent_id | String | Configuration job parent ID. |
PrismaSase.ConfigJob.percent | String | Configuration job percent. |
PrismaSase.ConfigJob.result_str | String | Configuration job result string. |
PrismaSase.ConfigJob.start_ts | Date | Configuration job start timestamp. |
PrismaSase.ConfigJob.status_str | String | Configuration job status string. |
PrismaSase.ConfigJob.summary | String | Configuration job summary. |
PrismaSase.ConfigJob.type_str | String | Configuration job type string. |
PrismaSase.ConfigJob.uname | String | Configuration job uname. |
prisma-sase-security-rule-deleteDelete a specific security rule.
Base Commandprisma-sase-security-rule-delete
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
rule_id | Rule ID of the rule to be deleted. | Required |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!prisma-sase-security-rule-delete rule_id="Id"
Human Readable OutputSecurity Rule object with id Id and name name was deleted successfully
prisma-sase-address-object-createCreate a new address object.
Base Commandprisma-sase-address-object-create
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
folder | The configuration folder group setting. Possible values are: Shared, Mobile Users, Remote Networks, Service Connections, Mobile Users Container, Mobile Users Explicit Proxy. Default is Shared. | Optional |
name | The name of the address object. | Required |
description | The address object's description. | Optional |
type | The type of the address. Possible values are: ip_netmask, ip_range, ip_wildcard, fqdn. | Required |
tag | A comma-separated list of address object tags. | Optional |
address_value | The address value (should match the type). | Required |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
PrismaSase.Address | String | Created address object. |
PrismaSase.Address.description | String | Address description. |
PrismaSase.Address.folder | String | Address folder. | | String | Address ID. |
PrismaSase.Address.type | String | Address type. |
PrismaSase.Address.address_value | String | Address value. | | String | Address name. |
Command example!prisma-sase-address-object-create name="somename11" type="ip_netmask" address_value=""
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Address Object Created
Address Value Folder Id Name Type Shared Id somename11 ip_netmask
prisma-sase-address-object-deleteDelete a specific address object.
Base Commandprisma-sase-address-object-delete
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
object_id | ID of the address object to delete. | Required |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!prisma-sase-address-object-delete object_id="Id"
Human Readable OutputAddress object with id Id and name name was deleted successfully
prisma-sase-address-object-listLists all addresses objects.
Base Commandprisma-sase-address-object-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
object_id | The specific address object to return. If not specified, all addresses will be returned. | Optional |
folder | The configuration folder group setting. Possible values are: Shared, Mobile Users, Remote Networks, Service Connections, Mobile Users Container, Mobile Users Explicit Proxy. Default is Shared. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of results to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
page | Page number you would like to view. Each page contains page_size values. Must be used along with page_size. | Optional |
page_size | Number of results per page to display. | Optional |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
PrismaSase.Address.description | String | Address description. |
PrismaSase.Address.folder | String | Address folder. | | String | Address ID. | | String | Address name. |
PrismaSase.Address.address_value | String | Address value. |
PrismaSase.Address.type | String | Address type. |
Command example!prisma-sase-address-object-list limit=1
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Address Objects
Id Name Description Type Address Value Tag Id Palo Alto Networks Sinkhole Palo Alto Networks fqdn
prisma-sase-tag-listLists all tags.
Base Commandprisma-sase-tag-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
tag_id | A specific tag to return. If not specified, all tags will be returned. | Optional |
folder | The configuration folder group setting. Possible values are: Shared, Mobile Users, Remote Networks, Service Connections, Mobile Users Container, Mobile Users Explicit Proxy. Default is Shared. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of results to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
page | Page number you would like to view. Each page contains page_size values. Must be used along with page_size. | Optional |
page_size | Number of results per page to display. | Optional |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | String | Tag ID. | | String | Tag name. |
PrismaSase.Tag.folder | String | Tag folder. |
PrismaSase.Tag.comments | String | Tag comments. |
PrismaSase.Tag.color | String | The tag color. |
Command example!prisma-sase-tag-list limit=1
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Id Name Folder Color Comments Id test predefined Olive
prisma-sase-tag-createCreate a new tag.
Base Commandprisma-sase-tag-create
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
folder | The configuration folder group setting. Possible values are: Shared, Mobile Users, Remote Networks, Service Connections, Mobile Users Container, Mobile Users Explicit Proxy. Default is Shared. | Optional |
name | The tag unique name. | Required |
color | Tag color. Possible values are: Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Copper, Orange, Purple, Gray, Light Green, Cyan, Light Gray, Blue Gray, Lime, Black, Gold, Brown, Olive, Maroon, Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange, Forest Green, Turquoise Blue, Azure Blue, Cerulean Blue, Midnight Blue, Medium Blue, Cobalt Blue, Violet Blue, Blue Violet, Medium Violet, Medium Rose, Lavender, Orchid, Thistle, Peach, Salmon, Magenta, Red Violet, Mahogany, Burnt Sienna, Chestnut. | Optional |
comments | Tag comments. | Optional |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | String | The tag ID. | | String | The tag name. |
PrismaSase.Tag.folder | String | The tag folder. |
PrismaSase.Tag.color | String | The tag color. |
PrismaSase.Tag.comments | String | The tag comments. |
Command example!prisma-sase-tag-create name="somename11" color="Azure Blue"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Address Object Created
Color Folder Id Name Azure Blue Shared Id somename11
prisma-sase-tag-updateUpdate an existing tag.
Base Commandprisma-sase-tag-update
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
folder | The configuration folder group setting. Possible values are: Shared, Mobile Users, Remote Networks, Service Connections, Mobile Users Container, Mobile Users Explicit Proxy. Default is Shared. | Optional |
tag_id | The tag ID. | Required |
color | Tag color. Possible values are: Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Copper, Orange, Purple, Gray, Light Green, Cyan, Light Gray, Blue Gray, Lime, Black, Gold, Brown, Olive, Maroon, Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange, Forest Green, Turquoise Blue, Azure Blue, Cerulean Blue, Midnight Blue, Medium Blue, Cobalt Blue, Violet Blue, Blue Violet, Medium Violet, Medium Rose, Lavender, Orchid, Thistle, Peach, Salmon, Magenta, Red Violet, Mahogany, Burnt Sienna, Chestnut. | Optional |
comments | Tag comments. | Optional |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | String | The tag ID. | | String | The tag name. |
PrismaSase.Tag.folder | String | The tag folder. |
PrismaSase.Tag.color | String | The tag color. |
PrismaSase.Tag.comments | String | The tag comments. |
Command example!prisma-sase-tag-update tag_id="Id" color="Black"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Tag Edited
Color Folder Id Name Black Shared Id somename
prisma-sase-tag-deleteDelete a specific tag.
Base Commandprisma-sase-tag-delete
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
tag_id | The specific tag to delete. | Required |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!prisma-sase-tag-delete tag_id="Id"
Human Readable OutputTag with id Id and name somename was deleted successfully
prisma-sase-address-group-listLists all address groups.
Base Commandprisma-sase-address-group-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
group_id | A specific address group to return. If not specified, all address groups will be returned. | Optional |
folder | The configuration folder group setting. Possible values are: Shared, Mobile Users, Remote Networks, Service Connections, Mobile Users Container, Mobile Users Explicit Proxy. Default is Shared. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of results to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
page | Page number you would like to view. Each page contains page_size values. Must be used along with page_size. | Optional |
page_size | Number of results per page to display. | Optional |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | String | The address group ID. | | String | The address group name. |
PrismaSase.AddressGroup.description | String | The address group description. |
PrismaSase.AddressGroup.addresses | String | The address group addresses. |
PrismaSase.AddressGroup.dynamic_filter | String | The address group filter. |
Command example!prisma-sase-address-group-list limit=1
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Address Groups
Id Name Description Addresses Dynamic Filter Id Moishy_Test test 'test' or 'test1' and 'best-practice'
prisma-sase-address-group-createCreate a new address group.
Base Commandprisma-sase-address-group-create
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
folder | The configuration folder group setting. Possible values are: Shared, Mobile Users, Remote Networks, Service Connections, Mobile Users Container, Mobile Users Explicit Proxy. Default is Shared. | Optional |
type | The address group type. Possible values are: static, dynamic. | Required |
static_addresses | Static addresses for the address group. If the type is static, a value must be provided. | Optional |
dynamic_filter | Dynamic filter for the address group. If the type is dynamic, a value must be provided. | Optional |
description | The address group's description. | Optional |
name | The name of the address group. | Required |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | String | The address group ID. | | String | The address group name. |
PrismaSase.AddressGroup.folder | String | The address group folder. |
PrismaSase.AddressGroup.description | String | The address group description. |
PrismaSase.AddressGroup.addresses | String | The address group addresses. |
PrismaSase.AddressGroup.dynamic_filter | String | The address group filter. |
Command example!prisma-sase-address-group-create name="somename" dynamic_filter="test" overwrite="false"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Address Group created
Dynamic Filter Folder Id Name test Shared Id somename
prisma-sase-address-group-updateUpdate an existing address group.
Base Commandprisma-sase-address-group-update
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
group_id | The id of the address group. | Required |
folder | The configuration folder group setting. Possible values are: Shared, Mobile Users, Remote Networks, Service Connections, Mobile Users Container, Mobile Users Explicit Proxy. Default is Shared. | Optional |
static_addresses | Static addresses for the address group. If the type is static, a value must be provided. | Optional |
dynamic_filter | Dynamic filter for the address group. If the type is dynamic, a value must be provided. | Optional |
overwrite | Whether to overwrite the original address group values. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false. | Optional |
description | The address group's description. | Optional |
type | The address group type. Possible values are: dynamic, static. | Optional |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | String | The address group ID. | | String | The address group name. |
PrismaSase.AddressGroup.folder | String | The address group folder. |
PrismaSase.AddressGroup.description | String | The address group description. |
PrismaSase.AddressGroup.addresses | String | The address group addresses. |
PrismaSase.AddressGroup.dynamic_filter | String | The address group filter. |
Command example!prisma-sase-address-group-update group_id="Id" dynamic_filter="and 'test2'" overwrite="false"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Address Group updated
Dynamic Filter Folder Id Name test and test2 Shared Id somename
prisma-sase-address-group-deleteDelete a specific address group.
Base Commandprisma-sase-address-group-delete
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
group_id | The name of the address group. | Required |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!prisma-sase-address-group-delete group_id="Id"
Human Readable OutputAddress group with id Id and name somename was deleted successfully
prisma-sase-custom-url-category-listLists all custom URL categories.
Base Commandprisma-sase-custom-url-category-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
id | A specific url category to return. If not specified, all url categories will be returned. | Optional |
folder | The configuration folder group setting. Possible values are: Shared, Mobile Users, Remote Networks, Service Connections, Mobile Users Container, Mobile Users Explicit Proxy. Default is Shared. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of results to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
page | Page number you would like to view. Each page contains page_size values. Must be used along with page_size. | Optional |
page_size | Number of results per page to display. | Optional |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | String | The URL category ID. | | String | The URL category name. |
PrismaSase.CustomURLCategory.folder | String | The URL category folder. |
PrismaSase.CustomURLCategory.type | String | The URL category type. |
PrismaSase.CustomURLCategory.list | String | The URL category match list. |
PrismaSase.CustomURLCategory.description | String | The URL category description. |
Command example!prisma-sase-custom-url-category-list limit=1
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Custom Url Categories
Id Name Folder Type List Id name Shared URL List,
prisma-sase-custom-url-category-createCreate a new URL category.
Base Commandprisma-sase-custom-url-category-create
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
folder | The configuration folder group setting. Possible values are: Shared, Mobile Users, Remote Networks, Service Connections, Mobile Users Container, Mobile Users Explicit Proxy. Default is Shared. | Optional |
type | The custom URL category's type. Possible values are: URL List, Category Match. | Required |
value | If the type is URL List, the value will be a comma-separated array of URL addresses. If the type is Category Match, the value will be a comma-separated array of category names. You can get the names by running the prisma-sase-url-access-profile-list command. | Required |
description | The custom URL category's description. | Optional |
name | The name of the custom URL category. | Required |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | String | The URL category ID. | | String | The URL category name. |
PrismaSase.CustomURLCategory.folder | String | The URL category folder. |
PrismaSase.CustomURLCategory.type | String | The URL category type. |
PrismaSase.CustomURLCategory.list | String | The URL category match list. |
PrismaSase.CustomURLCategory.description | String | The URL category description. |
Command example!prisma-sase-custom-url-category-create type="Category Match" value="low-risk" name="somename11"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Custom URrl Category Created
Folder Id List Name Type Shared Id low-risk somename11 Category Match
prisma-sase-custom-url-category-updateUpdate an existing url category.
Base Commandprisma-sase-custom-url-category-update
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
id | The custom URL category id. | Required |
folder | The configuration folder group setting. Possible values are: Shared, Mobile Users, Remote Networks, Service Connections, Mobile Users Container, Mobile Users Explicit Proxy. Default is Shared. | Optional |
value | The custom URL category's value. | Optional |
overwrite | Whether to overwrite the original custom URL category values. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false. | Optional |
description | The custom URL category's description. | Optional |
type | The custom URL category's type. Possible values are: URL List, Category Match. | Optional |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | String | The URL category ID. | | String | The URL category name. |
PrismaSase.CustomURLCategory.folder | String | The URL category folder. |
PrismaSase.CustomURLCategory.type | String | The URL category type. |
PrismaSase.CustomURLCategory.list | String | The URL category match list. |
PrismaSase.CustomURLCategory.description | String | The URL category description. |
Command example!prisma-sase-custom-url-category-update id="Id" value="high-risk" overwrite="false"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Custom Url Category updated
Folder Id List Name Type Shared Id low-risk,
high-risksomename Category Match
prisma-sase-custom-url-category-deleteDelete a specific url category.
Base Commandprisma-sase-custom-url-category-delete
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
id | The custom URL category id. | Required |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!prisma-sase-custom-url-category-delete id="Id"
Human Readable OutputCustom Url Category with id Id and name somename was deleted successfully
prisma-sase-external-dynamic-list-listLists all external dynamic lists.
Base Commandprisma-sase-external-dynamic-list-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
id | A specific external dynamic list to return. If not specified, all external dynamic lists will be returned. | Optional |
folder | The configuration folder group setting. Possible values are: Shared, Mobile Users, Remote Networks, Service Connections, Mobile Users Container, Mobile Users Explicit Proxy. Default is Shared. | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of results to return. Default is 50. | Optional |
page | Page number you would like to view. Each page contains page_size values. Must be used along with page_size. | Optional |
page_size | Number of results per page to display. | Optional |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | String | The external dynamic list ID. | | String | The external dynamic list name. |
PrismaSase.ExternalDynamicList.folder | String | The external dynamic list folder. |
PrismaSase.ExternalDynamicList.description | String | The external dynamic list description. |
PrismaSase.ExternalDynamicList.type | String | The external dynamic list type. |
PrismaSase.ExternalDynamicList.source | String | The external dynamic list source. |
PrismaSase.ExternalDynamicList.frequency | String | The external dynamic list frequency. |
Command example!prisma-sase-external-dynamic-list-list limit=1
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
External Dynamic Lists
Id Name Type Folder Description Source Frequency panw-known-ip-list predefined predefined description predefined
prisma-sase-external-dynamic-list-createCreate a new dynamic list.
Base Commandprisma-sase-external-dynamic-list-create
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
name | The external dynamic list name. | Required |
folder | The configuration folder group setting. Possible values are: Shared, Mobile Users, Remote Networks, Service Connections, Mobile Users Container, Mobile Users Explicit Proxy. Default is Shared. | Optional |
description | The dynamic list's description. | Optional |
type | The dynamic list's type. Possible values are: predefined_ip, predefined_url, ip, domain, url. | Required |
predefined_ip_list | The predefined IP list. If the type is predefined_ip, a value must be provided. Possible values are: panw-torexit-ip-list, panw-bulletproof-ip-list, panw-highrisk-ip-list, panw-known-ip-list. | Optional |
predefined_url_list | The predefined URL list. If the type is predefined_url, a value must be provided. Possible values are: panw–auth-portal-exclude-list. | Optional |
source_url | The source URL. If the type is ip, url or domain, a value must be provided. | Optional |
frequency | Frequency to check for updates. Possible values are: five_minute, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly. | Optional |
frequency_hour | The frequency hour. If the frequency argument is daily, weekly or monthly, value must be provided. Possible values are 00-23. | Optional |
day_of_week | The day of the week. If the frequency argument is weekly or monthly, a value must be provided. Possible values are: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday. | Optional |
day_of_month | The day of the month. If the frequency argument is monthly, a value must be provided. Possible values are between 1 and 31. | Optional |
exception_list | The user can exclude certain addresses from the list depending on the type of list. | Optional |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | String | The external dynamic list ID. | | String | The external dynamic list name. |
PrismaSase.ExternalDynamicList.folder | String | The external dynamic list folder. |
PrismaSase.ExternalDynamicList.description | String | The external dynamic list description. |
PrismaSase.ExternalDynamicList.type | String | The external dynamic list type. |
PrismaSase.ExternalDynamicList.source | String | The external dynamic list source. |
PrismaSase.ExternalDynamicList.frequency | String | The external dynamic list frequency. |
Command example!prisma-sase-external-dynamic-list-create name="somename11" folder="Shared" type="predefined_ip" predefined_ip_list="panw-highrisk-ip-list"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
External Dynamic List Created
Id Name Type Folder Description Source Frequency Id somename11 predefined_ip Shared panw-highrisk-ip-list
Command example!prisma-sase-external-dynamic-list-create name="somename111" folder="Shared" type="domain" source_url="" frequency="monthly" frequency_hour="09" day_of_month="1"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
External Dynamic List Created
Id Name Type Folder Description Source Frequency Id somename111 domain Shared monthly:
at: 09
day_of_month: 1
prisma-sase-external-dynamic-list-updateUpdate an existing dynamic list.
Base Commandprisma-sase-external-dynamic-list-update
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
id | The external dynamic list id. | Required |
folder | The configuration folder group setting. Possible values are: Shared, Mobile Users, Remote Networks, Service Connections, Mobile Users Container, Mobile Users Explicit Proxy. Default is Shared. | Optional |
overwrite | Whether to overwrite the external dynamic list values. Possible values are: true, false. Default is false. | Optional |
description | The dynamic list's description. | Optional |
type | The dynamic list's type. Possible values are: predefined_ip, predefined_url, ip, domain, url. | Optional |
predefined_ip_list | The predefined ip list. If the type is predefined_ip, a value must be provided. Possible values are: panw-torexit-ip-list, panw-bulletproof-ip-list, panw-highrisk-ip-list, panw-known-ip-list. | Optional |
predefined_url_list | The predefined URL list. If the type is predefined_url, a value must be provided. Possible values are: panw–auth-portal-exclude-list. | Optional |
source_url | The source URL. If the type is ip, url or domain, a value must be provided. | Optional |
frequency | Frequency to check for updates. Possible values are: five_minute, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly. | Optional |
frequency_hour | The frequency hour. | Optional |
day_of_week | The day of the week. Possible values are: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday. | Optional |
day_of_month | The day of the month. Possible values are between 1 and 31. | Optional |
exception_list | The user can exclude certain addresses from the list depending on the type of list. | Optional |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | String | The external dynamic list ID. | | String | The external dynamic list name. |
PrismaSase.ExternalDynamicList.folder | String | The external dynamic list folder. |
PrismaSase.ExternalDynamicList.description | String | The external dynamic list description. |
PrismaSase.ExternalDynamicList.type | String | The external dynamic list type. |
PrismaSase.ExternalDynamicList.source | String | The external dynamic list source. |
PrismaSase.ExternalDynamicList.frequency | String | The external dynamic list frequency. |
Command example!prisma-sase-external-dynamic-list-update id'"Id"" predefined_ip_list="panw-lowrisk-ip-list"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
External Dynamic List Updated
Id Name Type Folder Description Source Frequency Id somename11 predefined_ip Shared panw-lowrisk-ip-list
prisma-sase-external-dynamic-list-deleteDelete a specific dynamic list.
Base Commandprisma-sase-external-dynamic-list-delete
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
id | The external dynamic list id. | Required |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!prisma-sase-external-dynamic-list-delete id="Id"
Human Readable OutputExternal Dynamic List with id Id and name name was deleted successfully
prisma-sase-url-category-listGet all predefined URL categories.
Base Commandprisma-sase-url-category-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
folder | The configuration folder group setting. Possible values are: Shared, Mobile Users, Remote Networks, Service Connections, Mobile Users Container, Mobile Users Explicit Proxy. Default is Shared. | Optional |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!prisma-sase-url-category-list limit=1
Human Readable Output#
URL categories
alert allow block continue override recreation-and-hobbies,
prisma-sase-quarantine-hostQuarantine a host.
Base Commandprisma-sase-quarantine-host
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
tsg_id | Tenant services group ID. If not provided, the tsg_id integration parameter will be used as the default. | Optional |
host_id | The host ID. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!prisma-sase-quarantine-host host_id="host_id"
Human Readable Output#
Host Quarantined
host_id test_host #
Get the CIE user.
Base Commandprisma-sase-cie-user-get
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
domain | The domain of the directory-sync connected to the CIE. | Required |
value_for_filter | The attribute value for the filter. | Required |
attributes_to_return | A comma-separated list of attributes to return. Default is Common-Name, Unique Identifier, Manager, User Principal Name, Name, Distinguished Name. | Optional |
attributes_to_filter_by | A comma-separated list of attributes to filter by. Default is Distinguished Name, Unique Identifier, Common-Name, Name, User Principal Name. | Optional |
operator | The operator. Possible values are: Equal, Starts With, Ends With, Contain, Text Search. Default is Equal. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
PrismaSase.CIE.User.common_name | String | The common name. |
PrismaSase.CIE.User.distinguished_name | String | The distinguished name. |
PrismaSase.CIE.User.manager | String | The manager. | | String | The name. |
PrismaSase.CIE.User.unique_identifier | String | The unique identifier. |