Slack v2 (Deprecated)
Slack Pack.#
This Integration is part of theDeprecated
Use SlackV3 instead.
Send messages and notifications to your Slack Team. This integration was integrated and tested with version 4.0.1 of Slack, and is available from Cortex XSOAR version 5.0.
Use Cases
- Mirror Cortex XSOAR investigations War Room to Slack channels and vice-versa.
- Send notifications, message and files from Cortex XSOAR to Slack.
- Get notifications in Slack about events in Cortex XSOAR.
- Manage Cortex XSOAR incidents via direct messages to the Cortex XSOAR bot.
- Manage Slack channels (create, edit, filter, invite, kick, close).
Detailed Description
- To allow us access to Slack, the Cortex XSOAR app has to be added to the relevant workspace. Do so by clicking on the following link .
- After adding the Cortex XSOAR app, you will get an Access Token and Bot Token, which should be inserted in the integration instance configuration's corresponding fields.
Configure SlackV2 on Cortex XSOAR
- Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services .
- Search for SlackV2.
Add instance
to create and configure a new integration instance.
- Name : a textual name for the integration instance.
- Slack API access token : A token received by adding the application (Starts with xoxp).
- Slack API bot token : A token received by adding the application (Starts with xoxb).
- Dedicated Slack channel to receive notifications
- Send notifications about incidents to the dedicated channel
- Minimum incident severity to send messages to slack by
- Type of incidents created in Slack
- Allow external users to create incidents via DM
- Use system proxy settings
- Trust any certificate (not secure)
- Bot display name in Slack (Cortex XSOAR by default)
- Bot icon in Slack - Image URL (Demisto icon by default)
- Maximum time to wait for a rate limited call in seconds - 60 by default
- Number of objects to return in each paginated call - 200 by default
- Proxy URL to use in Slack API calls
- Click Test to validate the new instance.
You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
- mirror-investigation: mirror-investigation
- send-notification: send-notification
- close-channel: close-channel
- slack-send-file: slack-send-file
- slack-set-channel-topic: slack-set-channel-topic
- slack-create-channel: slack-create-channel
- slack-invite-to-channel: slack-invite-to-channel
- slack-kick-from-channel: slack-kick-from-channel
- slack-rename-channel: slack-rename-channel
- slack-get-user-details: slack-get-user-details
- slack-filter-channels: slack-filter-channels
1. mirror-investigation
Mirrors the investigation between Slack and the Cortex XSOAR War Room.
Base Command
Argument Name | Description | Required |
type | The mirroring type. Can be "all", which mirrors everything, "chat", which mirrors only chats (not commands), or "none", which stops all mirroring. | Optional |
autoclose | Whether the channel is auto-closed when an investigation is closed. Can be "true" or "false". Default is "true". | Optional |
direction | The mirroring direction. Can be "FromDemisto", "ToDemisto", or "Both". Default value is "Both". | Optional |
mirrorTo | The channel type. Can be "channel" or "group". The default value is "group". | Optional |
channelName |
The name of the channel. The default is "incident-
Optional |
channelTopic | The topic of the channel. | Optional |
kickAdmin | Whether to remove the Slack administrator (channel creator) from the mirrored channel. | Optional |
Context Output
There are no context output for this command.
Command Example
!mirror-investigation type=all autoclose=true direction=Both channelName=my-mirror channelTopic=my-incident
Human Readable Output
Investigation mirrored successfully, channel: my-mirror
2. send-notification
Sends a message to a user, group, or channel.
Base Command
Argument Name | Description | Required |
message | The message content. When mentioning another slack user, make sure to do so in the following format: <@user_name>. | Optional |
to | The user to whom to send the message. Can be either the username or email address. | Optional |
channel | The name of the Slack channel to which to send the message. | Optional |
entry | An entry ID to send as a link. | Optional |
ignoreAddURL | Whether to include a URL to the relevant component in Cortex XSOAR. Can be "true" or "false". Default value is "false". | Optional |
threadID | The ID of the thread to which to reply - can be retrieved from a previous send-notification command. | Optional |
blocks | A JSON string of Slack blocks to send in the message. | Optional |
Context Output
Path | Type | Description |
Slack.Thread.ID | String | b'The Slack thread ID.' |
Command Example
!send-notification channel=general message="I love Cortex XSOAR"
Context Example
{ "Slack.Thread": { "ID": "1567407432.000500" } }
Human Readable Output
Message sent to Slack successfully. Thread ID is: 1567407432.000500
3. close-channel
Archives a Slack channel.
Base Command
Argument Name | Description | Required |
channel | The name of the channel to archive. If not provided, the mirrored investigation channel is archived (if the channel exists). | Optional |
Context Output
There are no context output for this command.
Command Example
Human Readable Output
Channel successfully archived.
4. slack-send-file
Sends a file to a user, channel, or group. If not specified, the file is sent to the mirrored investigation channel (if the channel exists).
Base Command
Argument Name | Description | Required |
file | The ID of the file entry to send. | Required |
to | The user to whom to send the file. Can be the username or the email address. | Optional |
group | The name of the Slack group (private channel) to which to send the file. | Optional |
channel | The name of the Slack channel to which to send the file. | Optional |
threadID | The ID of the thread to which to reply - can be retrieved from a previous send-notification command. | Optional |
comment | A comment to add to the file. | Optional |
Context Output
There are no context output for this command.
Command Example
!slack-send-file file=1@2 channel=general
Human Readable Output
File sent to Slack successfully.
5. slack-set-channel-topic
Sets the topic for a channel.
Base Command
Argument Name | Description | Required |
channel | The channel name. If not specified, the topic of the mirrored investigation channel is set (if the channel exists). | Optional |
topic | The topic for the channel. | Required |
Context Output
There are no context output for this command.
Command Example
!slack-set-channel-topic channel=general topic="Cortex XSOAR rocks"
Human Readable Output
Topic successfully set.
6. slack-create-channel
Creates a channel in Slack.
Base Command
Argument Name | Description | Required |
type | The channel type. Can be "private" or "public". | Optional |
name | The name of the channel. | Required |
users | A CSV list of user names or email addresses to invite to the channel. For example: "user1, user2...". | Optional |
Context Output
There are no context output for this command.
Command Example
!slack-create-channel name=my-channel topic=cool-topic type=private users=demisto_integration
Human Readable Output
Successfully created the channel my-channel.
7. slack-invite-to-channel
Invites users to join a channel.
Base Command
Argument Name | Description | Required |
users | A CSV list of usernames or email addresses to invite to join the channel. For example: "user1, user2...". | Required |
channel | The name of the channel to which to invite the users. If the name of the channel is not specified, the name of the mirrored investigation channel is used (if the channel exists). | Optional |
Context Output
There are no context output for this command.
Command Example
!slack-invite-to-channel channel=my-channel users=cool-user
Human Readable Output
Successfully invited users to the channel.
8. slack-kick-from-channel
Removes users from the specified channel.
Base Command
Argument Name | Description | Required |
users | A CSV list of usernames or email addresses to remove from the a channel. For example: "user1, user2..." | Required |
channel | The name of the channel from which to remove the users. If the name of the channel is not specified, the mirrored investigation channel is used (if the channel exists). | Optional |
Context Output
There are no context output for this command.
Command Example
!slack-kick-from-channel channel=my-channel users=cool-user
Human Readable Output
Successfully kicked users from the channel.
9. slack-rename-channel
Renames a channel in Slack.
Base Command
Argument Name | Description | Required |
name | The new name of the channel. | Required |
channel | The current name of the channel. If the name of the channel is not specified, the mirrored investigation channel is used (if the channel exists). | Optional |
Context Output
There are no context output for this command.
Command Example
!slack-rename-channel channel=my-channel name=your-channel
Human Readable Output
Channel renamed successfully.
10. slack-get-user-details
Get details about a specified user.
Base Command
Argument Name | Description | Required |
user | The Slack user (username or email). | Required |
Context Output
Path | Type | Description |
Slack.User.ID | String | b'The ID of the user.' |
Slack.User.Username | String | b'The username of the user.' |
Slack.User.Name | String | b'The actual name of the user.' |
Slack.User.DisplayName | String | b'The display name of the user.' |
Slack.User.Email | String | b'The email address of the user.' |
Command Example
!slack-get-user-details user="cool_user"
Context Example
{ "Slack.User": { "ID": "UXXXXXXXX", "Name": "Cool User", "Username": "cool_user", "Email": "" } }
Human Readable Output
Details for Slack user: cool_user
ID | Username | Name | |
UXXXXXXXX | cool_user | Cool User | |
11. slack-filter-channels
Get channels matching provided criteria.
Base Command
Argument Name | Description | Required |
name | The name of a channel or a regex pattern | Optional |
creator | The member ID who created the channel | Optional |
is_archived | True or False | Optional |
is_general | True or False | Optional |
is_private | True or False | Optional |
limit | The maximum number of channels to return. Default is "20" | Optional |
Context Output
Path | Type | Description |
Slack.Channel.ID | String | The channel ID |
Slack.Channel.Name | String | The channel name |
Slack.Channel.Created | Number | The channel creation timestamp |
Slack.Channel.Creator | String | The channel creator's member ID |
Slack.Channel.IsArchived | Boolean | Has the channel been archived? |
Slack.Channel.IsGeneral | Boolean | Is the channel the general channel? |
Slack.Channel.IsPrivate | Boolean | Is the channel a private channel? |
Command Example
!slack-filter-channels name="^general$"
Context Example
{ "Slack.Channel": { "ID": "CXXXXXXXX", "Name": "general", "Created": 1449252889, "Creator": "UXXXXXXXX", "IsArchived": false, "IsGeneral": true, "IsPrivate": false, } }
Human Readable Output
ID | Name | Created | Creator | IsArchived | IsGeneral | IsPrivate |
CXXXXXXXX | general | 1449252889 | UXXXXXXXX | false | true | false |
Additional Information
Change the name of the Cortex XSOAR App
You can change the name and icon of the Cortex XSOAR app in direct messages using the integration configuration settings (parameters). In order to change the name of the application itself, do the following:
Go to the app in the **Apps** section in Slack
In the app, go to **About > Settings**:
Scroll down and click the pencil icon to change the name.
Direct messages
You can send direct messages to the Cortex XSOAR app on Slack using the following commands:
list incidents [page x] - lists the current incidents in Cortex XSOAR. Requires user permissions in Cortex XSOAR.
list my incidents [page x] - lists the current incidents assigned to you in Cortex XSOAR. Requires user permissions in Cortex XSOAR.
list my tasks [page x] - lists the current tasks assigned to you in Cortex XSOAR. Requires user permissions in Cortex XSOAR.
list closed incidents - lists the closed incidents in Cortex XSOAR. Requires user permissions in Cortex XSOAR.
new incident [details] - creates a new incident in Cortex XSOAR. Requires user permissions in Cortex XSOAR, or that the `Allow external users to create incidents via DM` parameter is enabled.
mirror [incident-id] - mirrors an incident in Cortex XSOAR to a Slack channel. Requires user permissions in Cortex XSOAR for the specified incident.
The integration sends notifications as they are configured in the notification settings (User Preferences in Cortex XSOAR), and to the dedicated channel configured for incident notifications (according to the integration configuration). If a dedicated channel for incident notifications is configured, the following notifications will be sent there:
- Incident opened
- Incident updated
- Investigation closed
- Investigation deleted
- Incident SLA changed
- Task completed
Blocks and interactive components
The integration supports sending "blocks" to Slack. Blocks are a series of components that can be combined to create visually rich and compellingly interactive messages. In the integration, they can be sent as an array of JSON. More information about that here. You can experiment with and build your own blocks here. The integration also allows some level of interactivity. When a user interacts with an element in a Slack message, Slack sends a request with the relevant information. This request is processed and stored by a dedicated endpoint outside of Cortex XSOAR in the address:
The integration allows polling this endpoint for user interactions that contain entitlement strings, which are used to perform actions in Cortex XSOAR by external users. See the
script for an example.
This means that in order to enable interactivity using the integration, connection to this endpoint has to be enabled.
The following information is sent to the dedicated endpoint in the request:
- Current Cortex XSOAR content version
- Current Cortex XSOAR server version
- The name of the integration
- Team name in Slack - for identification
- Team ID in Slack - for identification
- Cortex XSOAR license ID - for identification
- Entitlement - the unique entitlement string to allow interaction with Cortex XSOAR.
Important! The interactions work only with the Cortex XSOAR Integration bot - the only application that's allowed to send requests to the dedicated endpoint(for security reasons). They will not work with another application.
Known Limitations
- Due to limitations of the `aiohttp` library, only http proxies are supported.
- Channels are created by the Slack user who authorized the application. Thus, this user will be in every channel that the integration creates. You cannot kick this user, but they can leave.
- The integration can only manage channels that the application is a member of. Otherwise those channels will not be found.
- Currently, the integration does not support working without verifying SSL certificates. The parameter applies only to the endpoint for interactive responses.
If messages are not mirrored in Cortex XSOAR, or direct messages are not handled properly, check the integration status on the integration page: