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ThreatFox Feed

This Integration is part of the ThreatFox Feed Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.10.0 and later.

Use the ThreatFox Feed integration to fetch indicators from the feed. This integration was integrated and tested with version 6.0.3 of ThreatFox Feed.

Configure ThreatFox Feed on Cortex XSOAR#

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services.

  2. Search for ThreatFox Feed.

  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.

    Server URLTrue
    Use system proxy settingsFalse
    Trust any certificate (not secure)False
    Fetch indicatorsFalse
    Source ReliabilityReliability of the source providing the intelligence data.True
    Indicator ReputationIndicators from this integration instance will be marked with this reputation.False
    Traffic Light Protocol ColorThe Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) designation to apply to indicators fetched from the feed.False
    Indicator Expiration MethodThe method to be used to expire indicators from this feed. Default: indicatorTypeFalse
    Bypass exclusion listWhen selected, the exclusion list is ignored for indicators from this feed. This means that if an indicator from this feed is on the exclusion list, the indicator might still be added to the system.False
    Feed Fetch Interval (in days)False
    Return IOCs with PortsIf selected, IP indicators will include a tag with the port valueFalse
    Confidence ThresholdFalse
    Create relationshipIf selected, indicators will be created with relationshipsFalse
  4. Click Test to validate the URL and connection.


You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Retrieves indicators from the ThreatFox API.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
search_termIndicator value to search forOptional
idIndicator ID to search for.Optional
hashHash to search for.Optional
tagTag to search by. For available tag options, please refer to the API documentation-
malwareMalware to search by. For available malware options, please refer to the API documentation-
limitMaximum indicators to search for. Available only when searching by 'malware' or 'tag'. Default is 50. Max is 1000.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.