Trello Pack.#
This Integration is part of theSupported versions
Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.0.0 and later.
Interact with the Trello task manager This integration was integrated and tested with version 1.0.0 of Trello
Configure Trello in CortexFirst, retrieve an API key from the trello API page, by following this link For more information, see the following Trello documentation
Parameter | Description | Required |
Server URL (e.g. | True | |
Fetch incidents | False | |
Use system proxy settings | False | |
Default and Fetch Board ID | ID of Trello board used both to fetch incidents and as the default for all integration commands. | False |
API Key | False | |
List to Fetch Incidents from | Optional - If specified, incidents will only be fetched when cards are created in this specific list. Use trello-list-lists command to display IDs of available lists in Board. | False |
Incident type | False |
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
trello-list-boardsList the boards available to the provided API Key
Base Commandtrello-list-boards
InputThere are no input arguments for this command.
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Trello.Boards.Id | Unknown | The board ID |
Trello.Boards.Name | Unknown | Board name |
Trello.Boards.Closed | Unknown | Bool - True if board closed. |
Trello.Boards.DateLastActivity | Unknown | The last time this board was updated. |
Command Example!trello-list-boards
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Trello Boards
id name dateLastActivity 5f84cf4db437823603f98ad0 Current Tasks 2021-03-24T04:38:20.193Z 602f2f91cc8a4e23e393556a Devel 2021-03-29T05:18:09.118Z 5ea81000966eeb7e86362b35 MOXSOAR 2020-12-06T23:15:15.945Z 5f0fc9c1e1ca6e3eef34913d XSOAR 2021-03-29T00:28:52.283Z
trello-list-listsList all the lists associated with the trello board.
Base Commandtrello-list-lists
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
board_id | Optional - the ID of the board to query, if not provided will use configured . | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Trello.Lists.Id | Unknown | List ID |
Trello.Lists.Name | Unknown | List Name |
Trello.Lists.Closed | Unknown | Bool - True if list is closed |
Trello.Lists.IdBoard | Unknown | ID Of the board this list belongs to |
Command Example!trello-list-lists
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Trello Lists
closed id idBoard name pos softLimit subscribed false 606120363e1eb362adcfdb47 602f2f91cc8a4e23e393556a New Tasks 65535.5 false false 605d2a706398646de27a1f8f 602f2f91cc8a4e23e393556a Created by XSOAR 98303.25 false false 603c6dcfe6f2ef24e161d31f 602f2f91cc8a4e23e393556a Xsoar to Investigate 131071 false false 605ac66f9f37c20f9f3205d9 602f2f91cc8a4e23e393556a Completed List 196607 false
trello-create-cardCreate a new card.
Base Commandtrello-create-card
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
name | Card name. | Required |
desc | Card Description - Markdown Compatible. | Optional |
list_id | ID of list to create card within. | Required |
idLabels | CSV list of Labels (by ID) to add to the card. Use trello-list-labels command to display. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Trello.CreatedCard.Id | Unknown | ID of created card |
Trello.CreatedCard.Name | Unknown | Name of created card |
Trello.CreatedCard.Url | Unknown | URL Of created card |
Trello.CreatedCard.IdList | Unknown | ID of list this card belongs to |
Command Example
Human Readable Output#
trello-update-cardUpdate an existing card
Base Commandtrello-update-card
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
card_id | ID of card to be updated. | Required |
closed | If true, archives the card. Possible values are: true, false. | Optional |
idLabels | CSV Of Trello Label IDs to add to card. | Optional |
idList | ID Of list to move card to. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Trello.UpdatedCard.Id | Unknown | ID of Updated Card |
Trello.UpdatedCard.Name | Unknown | Name of updated card |
Command Example
Human Readable Output#
trello-delete-cardDelete a card
Base Commandtrello-delete-card
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
card_id | ID of card to delete. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example
Human Readable Output#
trello-list-actionsList all actions on a board, such as card updates, additions, and deletes.
Base Commandtrello-list-actions
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
board_id | Optional - the ID of the board to query, if not provided will use configured . | Optional |
filter | CSV of action types used to filter response. Possible values are: , acceptEnterpriseJoinRequest , addAttachmentToCard , addChecklistToCard , addLabelToCard , addMemberToBoard , addMemberToCard , addMemberToOrganization , addOrganizationToEnterprise , addToEnterprisePluginWhitelist , addToOrganizationBoard , commentCard , convertToCardFromCheckItem , copyBoard , copyCard , copyChecklist , createLabel , copyCommentCard , createBoard , createBoardInvitation , createBoardPreference , createCard , createList , createOrganization , createOrganizationInvitation , deleteAttachmentFromCard , deleteBoardInvitation , deleteCard , deleteCheckItem , deleteLabel , deleteOrganizationInvitation , disableEnterprisePluginWhitelist , disablePlugin , disablePowerUp , emailCard , enableEnterprisePluginWhitelist , enablePlugin , enablePowerUp , makeAdminOfBoard , makeAdminOfOrganization , makeNormalMemberOfBoard , makeNormalMemberOfOrganization , makeObserverOfBoard , memberJoinedTrello , moveCardFromBoard , moveCardToBoard , moveListFromBoard , moveListToBoard , removeAdminFromBoard (Deprecated in favor of makeNormalMemberOfBoard) removeAdminFromOrganization (Deprecated in favor of - makeNormalMemberOfOrganization) , removeChecklistFromCard , removeFromEnterprisePluginWhitelist , removeFromOrganizationBoard , removeLabelFromCard , removeMemberFromBoard , removeMemberFromCard , removeMemberFromOrganization , removeOrganizationFromEnterprise , unconfirmedBoardInvitation , unconfirmedOrganizationInvitation , updateBoard , updateCard , updateCheckItem , updateCheckItemStateOnCard , updateChecklist , updateLabel , updateList , updateMember , updateOrganization, voteOnCard. | Optional |
since | First action time. | Optional |
before | Last action time. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Trello.Actions.Id | Unknown | Action ID |
Trello.Actions.Type | Unknown | Type of action |
Trello.Actions.Date | Date | Date of action |
Trello.Actions.ListId | Unknown | List ID - Null if not card or list action |
Trello.Actions.CardId | Unknown | Card ID - Null if not card action |
Trello.Actions.BoardId | Unknown | Board ID |
Command Example!trello-list-actions filter="createCard" since="2021-03-29T00:53:21.972Z"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Trello Actions
id type date 606163113a492b52f69c40df createCard 2021-03-29T05:18:09.138Z 6061628bedda298c34aa588e createCard 2021-03-29T05:15:55.706Z
trello-list-labelsList all the labels in a given board
Base Commandtrello-list-labels
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
board_id | Optional - Board ID. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Trello.Labels.Id | Unknown | Label ID |
Trello.Labels.Name | Unknown | Label Name |
Trello.Labels.Color | Unknown | Label Color |
Command Example!trello-list-labels
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Trello Labels
color id idBoard name green 60596b0b080907067c65c0ee 602f2f91cc8a4e23e393556a Low green 603c6bd95984232d2a060953 602f2f91cc8a4e23e393556a test-xsoar-label pink 6059585c1b00040da553cd77 602f2f91cc8a4e23e393556a LabelFromXsoar orange 605973a683fc7129761f000b 602f2f91cc8a4e23e393556a High red 602f2f9186c6bc9cc5d3d1d1 602f2f91cc8a4e23e393556a yellow 60596d0a7dc72638aea5ef8d 602f2f91cc8a4e23e393556a Medium orange 602f2f9186c6bc9cc5d3d1d0 602f2f91cc8a4e23e393556a green 602f2f9186c6bc9cc5d3d1cb 602f2f91cc8a4e23e393556a purple 602f2f9186c6bc9cc5d3d1d4 602f2f91cc8a4e23e393556a blue 602f2f9186c6bc9cc5d3d1d6 602f2f91cc8a4e23e393556a yellow 602f2f9186c6bc9cc5d3d1ce 602f2f91cc8a4e23e393556a green 6059493cd83e275095800912 602f2f91cc8a4e23e393556a Testlabel 606162c31caee583b35a0772 602f2f91cc8a4e23e393556a Test label
trello-create-labelCreate a new trello label
Base Commandtrello-create-label
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
board_id | Optional - Board ID. | Optional |
name | Name of Label. | Required |
color | Label Color. Possible values are: yellow, purple, blue, red, green, orange, black, sky, pink, lime. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Trello.CreatedLabel.Id | Unknown | ID Of created label |
Trello.CreatedLabel.Name | Unknown | Name of created label |
Command Example
Human Readable Output#
trello-add-commentAdd a comment to a Trello card
Base Commandtrello-add-comment
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
text | Comment to add. | Required |
card_id | Card to add comment to. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Trello.AddedComment.Id | Unknown | ID Of comment action |
Trello.AddedComment.Date | Unknown | Date of comment |
Command Example
Human Readable Output#
trello-list-cardsList all the trello cards
Base Commandtrello-list-cards
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
list_id | ID of list containing cards. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Trello.Cards.Id | Unknown | Card ID |
Trello.Cards.Name | Unknown | Card Name |
Trello.Cards.IdList | Unknown | ID of parent list |
Trello.Cards.Due | Date | Due date of card |
Trello.Cards.Labels | Unknown | List of labels associated with card |
Trello.Cards.Desc | Unknown | Card description |
Trello.Cards.Start | Date | Card Start date | | Unknown | Label ID |
Command Example!trello-list-cards list_id=605d2a706398646de27a1f8f
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Trello Cards
id name url 6061628bedda298c34aa588d Temp card 606163113a492b52f69c40de This is a test card from XSOAR!