Zoom Pack.#
This Integration is part of theUse the Zoom integration manage your Zoom users and meetings This integration was integrated and tested with version 2.0.0 of Zoom
Configure Zoom in CortexParameter | Description | Required |
Server URL (e.g., 'https://api.zoom.us/v2/') | True | |
Account ID (OAuth) | True | |
Client ID (OAuth) | True | |
Client Secret (OAuth) | True | |
Use system proxy settings | False | |
Trust any certificate (not secure) | False | |
Long running instance | Enable in order to use zoom-ask and for mirroring. | False |
Listen Port | Listener port number. Required when choosing long running instance with an external engine for using the Zoom Bot. | False |
Bot JID | Zoom Bot app JID. | False |
Bot Client ID (OAuth) | Zoom Bot app client ID. | False |
Bot Client Secret (OAuth) | Zoom Bot app secret ID. | False |
Secret Token | For mirroring, see Configuring Secret Token. | False |
Verification Token | For verify the mirror in. | False |
Mirroring | Enable Incident Mirroring. See how to configure the app. | False |
Certificate (Required for HTTPS) | (For Cortex XSOAR 6.x) For use with HTTPS - the certificate that the service should use. (For Cortex XSOAR 8 and Cortex XSIAM) Custom certificates are supported only using engine. | False |
Private Key (Required for HTTPS) | (For Cortex XSOAR 6.x) For use with HTTPS - the private key that the service should use. (For Cortex XSOAR 8 and Cortex XSIAM) When using an engine, configure a private API key | False |
Server configuration (XSOAR 6.x)In the Server Configuration section, verify that the value for the instance.execute.external.INTEGRATION-INSTANCE-NAME
key is set to true. If this key does not exist:
- Click + Add Server Configuration.
- Add instance.execute.external.
and set the value to true.
XSOAR endpoint URL-
- For Cortex XSOAR 6.x:
. For example,https://my.demisto.live/instance/execute/zoom
. Note that the stringinstance
does not refer to the name of your XSOAR instance, but rather is part of the URL. - For Cortex XSOAR 8.x / XSIAM: you need to run using external engine:
https://<Engine URL>:<port>
. For example, https://my-engine-url:7001.
Create Zoom ChatBOT app- Navigate to https://marketplace.zoom.us/.
- Click Develop > Build Team > Team Chat Apps.
- Enter the App Name.
- Click Create.
Configure App SettingsEnter your Cortex XSOAR endpoint URL in all Redirect URLS.
- Click Feature > Team Chat.
In the Team Chat Subscription section under BOT endpoint URL, add:
- For Cortex XSOAR 6.x:
. For example,https://my.demisto.live/instance/execute/zoom
. Note that the stringinstance
does not refer to the name of your Cortex XSOAR instance, but rather is part of the URL. - For Cortex XSOAR 8.x / XSIAM you need to run using external engine:
https://<Engine Url>:<port>
. For example, https://my-engine-url:7001.
- For Cortex XSOAR 6.x:
Click Scopes > + Add Scopes to add the following scope permissions.
Scope Type Scope Name Team Chat Enable Chatbot within Zoom Team Chat Client /imchat:bot Team Chat Send a team chat message to a Zoom Team Chat user or channel on behalf of a Chatbot /imchat:write:admin Team Chat View and manage all users' team chat channels /chat_channel:write:admin User View all user information /user:read:admin Click Local Test > Add to test your app and authorize your Cortex XSOAR app.
If mirroring is enabled in the integration configuration or using ZoomAsk:
CommandsYou can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
zoom-create-userCreate a new user in zoom account
Base Commandzoom-create-user
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
first_name | First name of the new user. | Required |
last_name | Last name of the new user. | Required |
The email of the new user. | Required | |
user_type | The type of the newly created user. Note: the old type "pro" in now called "Licensed", and the type "Corporate" is not sopprted in Zoom v2 and above.. Possible values are: Basic, Licensed, pro, Corporate. Default is Basic. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Zoom.User.id | string | The ID of the created user |
Zoom.User.first_name | string | First name of the created user |
Zoom.User.last_name | string | Last name for the created user |
Zoom.User.email | string | Email of the created user |
Zoom.User.created_at | date | Created date of the user. Note that this field does not appear in zoom v2 and above. |
Zoom.User.type | number | The type of the user |
Command example!zoom-create-user email=example@example.com first_name=john last_name=smith user_type=Basic
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputUser created successfully with ID: wSQafNLNSJWq_oBzmT7XOw
zoom-create-meetingCreate a new zoom meeting (scheduled ,instant, or recurring)
Base Commandzoom-create-meeting
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
type | The type of the meeting. Possible values are: Instant, Scheduled, Recurring meeting with fixed time. Default is Instant. | Required |
end_date_time | For recurring meetings only. Select the final date on which the meeting will recur before it is canceled. For example: 2017-11-25T12:00:00Z. | Optional |
end_times | For recurring meetings only.Select how many times the meeting should recur before it is canceled. max = 365. Default = 1.. | Optional |
monthly_day | For recurring meetings with Monthly recurrence_type only. State the day in a month the meeting should recur. The value range is from 1 to 31. Default = 1.. | Optional |
monthly_week | For recurring meetings with Monthly recurrence_type only.State the week of the month when the meeting should recur. If you use this field, you must also use the monthly_week_day field to state the day of the week when the meeting should recur. Allowed: -1 (for last week of the month) β1β2β3β4. | Optional |
monthly_week_day | For recurring meetings with Monthly recurrence_type only. State a specific day in a week when the monthly meeting should recur. Allowed: 1β2β3β4β5β6β7To use this field, you must also use the monthly_week field.. | Optional |
repeat_interval | For recurring meeting with fixed time only. Define the interval at which the meeting should recur. For instance, if you would like to schedule a meeting that recurs every two months, you must set the value of this field as 2 and the value of the type parameter as Monthly. For a daily meeting, the maximum is 90 days. For a weekly meeting the maximum is of 12 weeks. For a monthly meeting, there is a maximum of 3 months. | Optional |
recurrence_type | For recurring meetings only. Set the recurrence meeting types.. Possible values are: Daily, Weekly, Monthly. | Optional |
weekly_days | For recurring meetings with a Weekly recurrence_type only. State a specific day in a week when the weekly meeting should recur. Allowed: 1β2β3β4β5β6β7 Default = 1.. | Optional |
auto-record-meeting | The automatic recording settings. Note that the Cloud option is available for Zoom paid customers only. Possible values are: local, cloud, none. Default is none. | Optional |
encryption_type | The type of end-to-end (E2EE) encryption, enhanced_encryption or e2ee. Possible values are: enhanced_encryption, e2ee. Default is enhanced_encryption. | Optional |
host_video | start meetings with the host video on. Possible values are: true, false. Default is True. | Optional |
join_before_host_time | If the value of the join_before_host field is true, this field sets the time that a participant can join before the meeting's host. You can choose: 5 or 10 (minutes), or 0 for any time. Possible values are: 0, 5, 10. | Optional |
join_before_host | Whether participants can join the meeting before its host. For scheduled or recurring meetings only. The default value is False. Possible values are: false, true. | Optional |
meeting_authentication | If true, only authenticated users can join the meeting. Possible values are: false, true. Default is false. | Optional |
user | email address or id of user for meeting. | Required |
topic | The topic of the meeting. | Required |
waiting_room | This allows the host to control when a participant joins the meeting. The default is False. Possible values are: false, true. | Optional |
start-time | Meeting start time. When using a format like βyyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZβ, always use GMT time. When using a format like βyyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssβ, you should use local time and you will need to specify the time zone. Only used for scheduled meetings and recurring meetings with fixed time. | Optional |
timezone | Timezone to format start_time. For example, βAmerica/Los_Angelesβ. For scheduled meetings only. . | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Zoom.Meeting.join_url | string | Join url for the meeting |
Zoom.Meeting.id | string | Meeting id of the new meeting that is created |
Zoom.Meeting.start_url | string | The URL to start the meeting |
Zoom.Meeting.uuid | string | Unique meeting ID of the new meeting that is created |
Zoom.Meeting.status | string | The status of the meeting |
Zoom.Meeting.start_time | Date | The time that the meeting will start at |
Zoom.Meeting.host email | string | The email of the host of this meeting |
Zoom.Meeting.topic | string | The topic of the meeting |
Zoom.Meeting.duration | number | The duratian of the meeting |
Zoom.Meeting.created_at | Date | The time that this meeting was created |
Zoom.Meeting.type | number | The type of the new meeting, Instant = 1, Scheduled =2,Recurring with fixed time = 8 |
Command example!zoom-create-meeting topic=test type=scheduled user=example@example.com start-time=2023-01-29T12:12:12Z
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Meeting details
uuid id host_id host_email topic type status start_time duration timezone created_at start_url join_url 4gbib+fjTFmz1wH1LoE7EQ== 88454393857 uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg example@example.com test 2 waiting 2023-01-29T12:12:12Z 60 Asia/Jerusalem 2023-01-15T12:44:30Z https://us06web.zoom.us/s/88454393857?zak=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJzdiI6IjAwMDAwMSIsInptX3NrbSI6InptX28ybSIsImFsZyI6IkhTMjU2In0.eyJhdWQiOiJjbGllbnRzbSIsInVpZCI6InVKaVpOLU83UnA2SnBfOTk1RnBaR2ciLCJpc3MiOiJ3ZWIiLCJzayI6IjczMjU5NTExMTgxNDYyODc0NjciLCJzdHkiOjEwMCwid2NkIjoidXMwNiIsImNsdCI6MCwibW51bSI6Ijg4NDU0MzkzODU3IiwiZXhwIjoxNjczNzkzODcwLCJpYXQiOjE2NzM3ODY2NzAsImFpZCI6ImFlS0QyQkZKUkFTdDFRVlVSV285Q0EiLCJjaWQiOiIifQ.5vRJBkMbmODUD_7H3bkS7OjR-MuuLUzNMJ_KeCzWc_U https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88454393857?pwd=WkI1WnVEWUdvbHhnMlJuaXU1WDNPdz09
zoom-fetch-recordingGet meeting record and save as file in the warroom
Base Commandzoom-fetch-recording
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
meeting_id | Meeting ID of the recorded meeting. | Required |
delete_after | Whether to delete the recording from the cloud after downloading. Possible values are: false, true. Default is true. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
File.SHA256 | Unknown | Attachment's SHA256 |
File.SHA1 | Unknown | Attachment's SHA1 |
File.MD5 | Unknown | Attachment's MD5 |
File.Name | Unknown | Attachment's Name |
File.Info | Unknown | Attachment's Info |
File.Size | Unknown | Attachment's Size (In Bytes) |
File.Extension | Unknown | Attachment's Extension |
File.Type | Unknown | Attachment's Type |
File.EntryID | Unknown | Attachment's EntryID |
File.SSDeep | Unknown | Attachment's SSDeep hash |
Command example!zoom-fetch-recording meeting_id=83622325727 delete_after=false
Context Example#
Human Readable OutputThe Audio file recording_83622325727_19bf5f8a-e77c-4b75-b09e-13983521703c.M4A was downloaded successfully
zoom-list-usersList the existing users
Base Commandzoom-list-users
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
status | Which status of users to list. Possible values are: active, inactive, pending. Default is active. | Optional |
page-size | Number of users to return. Max 300. The default is 30. | Optional |
next_page_token | The next page token is used to get the next page. IMPORTANT: You must pass the same page size that you passed in the first call. | Optional |
page-number | Which page of results to return. The default = 1. Note: This argument is in a deprecate process by the API. As an alternative use "next_page_token" or "limit".. | Optional |
limit | The total amunt of results to show. | Optional |
user_id | A user ID. this is for a singel user. | Optional |
role_id | Filter the response by a specific role. For example: role_id=0 (Owner), role_id=2 (Member). | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Zoom.Metadata.Count | number | Total page count available |
Zoom.Metadata.Number | number | Current page number |
Zoom.Metadata.Size | number | Number of results in current page |
Zoom.Metadata.Total | number | Total number of records |
Zoom.User.id | string | ID of the user |
Zoom.User.first_name | string | First name of user |
Zoom.User.last_name | string | Last name of user |
Zoom.User.email | string | Email of user |
Zoom.User.type | number | Type of user |
Zoom.User.created_at | date | Date when user was created |
Zoom.User.dept | string | Department for user |
Zoom.User.verified | number | Is the user verified |
Zoom.User.last_login_time | date | Last login time of the user |
Zoom.User.timezone | string | Default timezone for the user |
Zoom.User.pmi | string | PMI of user |
Zoom.User.group_ids | string | Groups user belongs to |
Command example!zoom-list-users status=pending limit=10
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
id type pmi verified created_at status role_id example@example.com 1 0 0 2023-01-15T12:44:34Z pending 0 example@example.com 1 0 0 2023-01-15T12:44:34Z pending 0 example@example.com 1 0 0 2023-01-15T12:44:34Z pending 0 example@example.com 1 0 0 2023-01-15T12:44:34Z pending 0 example@example.com 1 0 0 2023-01-15T12:44:34Z pending 0 example@example.com 1 0 0 2023-01-15T12:44:34Z pending 0 example@example.com 1 0 0 2023-01-15T12:44:34Z pending 0 example@example.com 1 0 0 2023-01-15T12:44:34Z pending 0 example@example.com 1 0 0 2023-01-15T12:44:34Z pending 0 example@example.com 1 0 0 2023-01-15T12:44:34Z pending 0 #
total_records 59
zoom-delete-userDelete a user from Zoom
Base Commandzoom-delete-user
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
user | The user ID or email to delete. | Required |
action | The action to take. Possible values are: disassociate, delete. Default is disassociate. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
zoom-meeting-getGet the information of an existing zoom meeting
Base Commandzoom-meeting-get
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
meeting_id | The id of the existing meeting. | Required |
occurrence_id | Provide this field to view meeting details of a particular occurrence of the recurring meeting. | Optional |
show_previous_occurrences | Set the value of this field to true if you would like to view meeting details of all previous occurrences of a recurring meeting. Possible values are: false, true. Default is True. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Zoom.Meeting.join_url | string | Join url for the meeting |
Zoom.Meeting.id | string | Meeting id of the new meeting that is created |
Zoom.Meeting.start_url | string | The URL to start the meeting |
Zoom.Meeting.uuid | string | Unique meeting ID of the new meeting that is created |
Zoom.Meeting.status | string | The status of the meeting |
Zoom.Meeting.start_time | Date | The time that the meeting will start at |
Zoom.Meeting.host email | string | The email of the host of this meeting |
Zoom.Meeting.topic | string | The topic of the meeting |
Zoom.Meeting.duration | number | The duratian of the meeting |
Zoom.Meeting.created_at | Date | The time that this meeting was created |
Zoom.Meeting.type | number | The type of the new meeting, Instant = 1, Scheduled =2,Recurring with fixed time = 8 |
Command example!zoom-meeting-get meeting_id=88949894296
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Meeting details
uuid id host_id host_email topic type status start_time duration timezone agenda created_at start_url join_url anhEx2x6QWG7TREn71MmoA== 88949894296 uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg example@example.com test 2 waiting 2022-12-29T12:12:12Z 60 Asia/Jerusalem 2022-12-29T08:10:13Z https://us06web.zoom.us/s/88949894296?zak=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJzdiI6IjAwMDAwMSIsInptX3NrbSI6InptX28ybSIsImFsZyI6IkhTMjU2In0.eyJhdWQiOiJjbGllbnRzbSIsInVpZCI6InVKaVpOLU83UnA2SnBfOTk1RnBaR2ciLCJpc3MiOiJ3ZWIiLCJzayI6IjczMjU5NTExMTgxNDYyODc0NjciLCJzdHkiOjEwMCwid2NkIjoidXMwNiIsImNsdCI6MCwibW51bSI6Ijg4OTQ5ODk0Mjk2IiwiZXhwIjoxNjczNzkzODc2LCJpYXQiOjE2NzM3ODY2NzYsImFpZCI6ImFlS0QyQkZKUkFTdDFRVlVSV285Q0EiLCJjaWQiOiIifQ.BTOeH_-MZRm7A5sACnDJrP_zKbzaDCWZ5orvtH4rVb0 https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88949894296?pwd=b3dzT1pzWGdrSDBBNU1FYTVRVmdadz09
zoom-meeting-listShow all the meetings of a given user. Note: only scheduled and unexpired meetings will appear.
Base Commandzoom-meeting-list
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
user_id | The user ID of the meetings owner. | Required |
page_size | Number of users to return. Default = 30. Max = 300. | Optional |
page_number | Which page of results to return. The default = 1. Note: This argument is in a deprecate process by the API. As an alternative use "next_page_token" or "limit". | Optional |
next_page_token | The next page token is used to paginate te the next page. IMPORTENT: You must pass the same page size that you pased at the first call.. | Optional |
limit | The total amunt of results to show. | Optional |
type | Filter the results by searching specific types. Possible values are: all, scheduled, live, upcoming, upcoming_meetings, previous_meetings. Default is "scheduled". | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Zoom.Metadata.Total | number | Total number of records |
Zoom.Meeting.page_size | number | The size of the page returned from the API |
Zoom.Meeting.total_records | number | The total records in the API for this request. |
Zoom.Meeting.join_url | string | Join url for the meeting |
Zoom.Meeting.id | string | Meeting id of the new meeting that is created |
Zoom.Meeting.start_url | string | The URL to start the meeting |
Zoom.Meeting.uuid | string | Unique meeting ID of the new meeting that is created |
Zoom.Meeting.status | string | The status of the meeting |
Zoom.Meeting.start_time | Date | The time that the meeting will start at |
Zoom.Meeting.host email | string | The email of the host of this meeting |
Zoom.Meeting.topic | string | The topic of the meeting |
Zoom.Meeting.duration | number | The duratian of the meeting |
Zoom.Meeting.created_at | Date | The time that this meeting was created |
Zoom.Meeting.type | unknown | The ty pe of this meeting |
Command example!zoom-meeting-list user_id=example@example.com type=scheduled limit=7
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Meeting list
uuid id host_id topic type start time duration timezone created_at join_url z93Dc6KjSo20Wr3jx+zaYg== 83810397585 uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg 2 8 60 Asia/Jerusalem 2022-12-04T10:41:27Z https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83810397585?pwd=OGFiZjRYNGhwWkVvMWZzdDBoaXlLdz09 4kZQ+Hl2RFOAz0VBPHoCYg== 84540166459 uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg My recurring Meeting -Dima 8 60 Asia/Jerusalem 2022-12-06T07:59:02Z https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84540166459?pwd=ZzdmUEJ5QkZaaUZaaVpFYlBVYnFoUT09 RABXyk81T02D4hA1rgpDgQ== 89824497327 uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg efe 8 60 Asia/Jerusalem 2022-12-27T21:05:41Z https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89824497327?pwd=SWpvK0I0L3pQcTNnWlF3b3VDRVhmQT09 qOXvlLOoSamJjjFaFgniTA== 83245658341 uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg efe 8 60 Asia/Jerusalem 2022-12-27T21:11:01Z https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83245658341?pwd=SmNGMHI0R1hndnNlRXRDNkZ2Yms3Zz09 yHzCvl4USry+C9LnCwdnwQ== 88468901206 uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg efe 8 60 Asia/Jerusalem 2022-12-27T21:25:54Z https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88468901206?pwd=RXZYQlhVbWJKZ1pLWCtpS3l1MHUxZz09 Sblh/I34S1W+rTKUcojJjw== 87525048161 uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg efe 8 60 Asia/Jerusalem 2022-12-28T06:39:48Z https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87525048161?pwd=ZXlXdXl0QWlLOFVyV3U0OUxxSlBkdz09 iLXDe4HsR6uMb+x8GyybTA== 83877839723 uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg efe 8 60 Asia/Jerusalem 2022-12-28T06:42:25Z https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83877839723?pwd=WU9xNmp5RW5KRDhsZ1RySkY4Zkc4Zz09 #
total_records 60
Command example!zoom-list-account-public-channels
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Channel ID Channel JID Channel name Channel type f7ce414a24634240ae0a7894823d8707 f7ce414a24634240ae0a7894823d8707@conference.xmpp.zoom.us Channel1 3 e82e99ac9b0c40b08449c76766cf398d e82e99ac9b0c40b08449c76766cf398d@conference.xmpp.zoom.us Channel2 3 e7e2c5e1ba854056906af1c9dc36148f e7e2c5e1ba854056906af1c9dc36148f@conference.xmpp.zoom.us channel3 3 e6388c9667c245c3844009ae995664d5 e6388c9667c245c3844009ae995664d5@conference.xmpp.zoom.us Channel4 3
zoom-list-user-channelsList the existing channels
Base Commandzoom-list-user-channels
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
page-size | Number of channels to return. Max 300. The default is 50. | Optional |
next_page_token | The next page token is used to get the next page. IMPORTANT: You must pass the same page size that you passed in the first call. | Optional |
page-number | Which page of results to return. The default = 1. Note: This argument is in a deprecate process by the API. As an alternative use "next_page_token" or "limit". | Optional |
limit | The total amunt of results to show. | Optional |
channel_id | A channel ID. This is for a single channel. | Optional |
user_id | A user ID. This is for a single user. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Zoom.Channel.id | string | The ID of the created channel. |
Zoom.Channel.name | string | The name of the created channel. |
Zoom.Channel.type | string | The created channel type. |
Zoom.Channel.url | string | The created channel URL. |
Command example!zoom-list-user-channels user_id=uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg channel_id=88f2f20f4abd415cba2429538be58025
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Channel ID Channel name Channel type Channel url User id channel JID 88f2f20f4abd415cba2429538be58025 Channel-Updated5 3 https://us06web.zoom.us/launch/chat/v2/eyJzaWQiOiI4OGYyZjIwZjRhYmQ0MTVjYmEyNDI5NTM4YmU1ODAyNUBjb25mZXJlbmNlLnhtcHAuem9vbS51cyJ9 uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg 88f2f20f4abd415cba2429538be58025@conference.xmpp.zoom.us
Command example!zoom-list-user-channels user_id=uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
zoom-create-channelCreates a channel for a user
Base Commandzoom-create-channel
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
user_id | The user's unique identifier. | Required |
member_emails | The member(s) to include in the channel. A maximum of 20 members can be added to the channel at once with this API. | Required |
add_member_permissions | Who can add new channel members: 1 - All channel members can add new members. 2 - Only channel owner and administrators can add new members. Note: This setting can only be modified by the channel owner. Default: 1. | |
posting_permissions | The channel members' posting permissions: 1 β All chat channel members can post to the channel. 2 β Only the channel owner and administrators can post to the channel. * 3 β Only the channel owner, administrators and certain members can post to the channel. Default: 1. | Optional |
new_members_can_see_prev_msgs | Whether new channel members can view messages and files previously posted in the channel. Possible values are: true, false. Default is True. | Optional |
channel_name | The name of the channel. Maximum of 128 characters. | Required |
channel_type | The type of the channel. The value can be one of the following: 1: Private channel. In this type of channel, members must be invited to join a channel. 2: Private channel with members that belong to one Zoom account. Members in this channel should be invited and the members should be from the same organization. 3: Public channel. Anyone can search for this channel and join the channel. 4: New chat. This is an instant channel which can be created by adding members to a new chat. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Zoom.Channel.id | string | the channel's unique identifier. |
Zoom.Channel.jid | string | The channel JID. |
Zoom.Channel.name | string | The channel name. |
Zoom.Channel.type | string | The type of the channel. The value can be one of the following: 1: Private channel. In this type of channel, members must be invited to join a channel. 2: Private channel with members that belong to one Zoom account. Members in this channel should be invited and the members should be from the same organization. 3: Public channel. Anyone can search for this channel and join the channel. 4: Group chat. This is an instant channel which can be created by adding members to a new chat. |
Zoom.Channel.url | string | The URL of the Zoom chat channel. |
Command example!zoom-create-channel user_id=uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg member_emails=example@example.com channel_name=ChannelName channel_type="Public channel"
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Channel details
Channel ID Channel name Channel type Channel url User id b18d15140c254549a80af6572b3b552e ChannelName 3 https://us06web.zoom.us/launch/chat/v2/eyJzaWQiOiJiMThkMTUxNDBjMjU0NTQ5YTgwYWY2NTcyYjNiNTUyZUBjb25mZXJlbmNlLnhtcHAuem9vbS51cyJ9 uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg
zoom-delete-channelDeletes a specific Zoom channel
Base Commandzoom-delete-channel
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
channel_id | Unique identifier of a channel. | Required |
user_id | User unique identifier. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!zoom-delete-channel user_id=uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg channel_id=88f2f20f4abd415cba2429538be58025
Human Readable OutputChannel 88f2f20f4abd415cba2429538be58025 was deleted successfully
zoom-update-channelUpdate an existing channel in a Zoom account.
Base Commandzoom-update-channel
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
channel_id | The channel ID. | Required |
user_id | User unique identifier. | Required |
add_member_permissions | Who can add new channel members: 1 - All channel members can add new members. 2 - Only channel owner and administrators can add new members. Note: This setting can only be modified by the channel owner. | Optional |
posting_permissions | The channel members' posting permissions: 1 β All chat channel members can post to the channel. 2 β Only the channel owner and administrators can post to the channel. * 3 β Only the channel owner, administrators and certain members can post to the channel. | Optional |
new_members_can_see_prev_msgs | Whether new channel members can view messages and files previously posted in the channel. Possible values are: true, false. Default is True. | Optional |
channel_name | A new name for the channel. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!zoom-update-channel user_id=uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg channel_name=Channel-Updated5 channel_id=88f2f20f4abd415cba2429538be58025
Human Readable OutputChannel 88f2f20f4abd415cba2429538be58025 was updated successfully
zoom-invite-to-channelInvites members that are in a user's contact list to a channel. A channel can have one or multiple members. The maximum number of members that can be added at once with this API is 5.
Base Commandzoom-invite-to-channel
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
channel_id | The channel's unique identifier. | Required |
user_id | User unique identifier. | Required |
members | The member's email address. | Required |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Zoom.Channel.ids | string | A comma-separated list of user IDs of the members added to the channel. User IDs of those who are not from the same account will be omitted from the list. |
Zoom.Channel.added_at | string | The date and time when the members are added to the channel. |
Zoom.Channel.member_ids | string | A comma-separated list of member IDs of the members added to the channel. |
Command example!zoom-invite-to-channel user_id=uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg members=example@example.com channel_id=88f2f20f4abd415cba2429538be58025
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Channel details
Added at date and time Channel ID User id 2023-05-22T08:36:57Z 88f2f20f4abd415cba2429538be58025 pq0t1uvlrqmip-cg2ugq
zoom-remove-from-channelRemoves a member from a chat channel. A channel can have one or more members.
Base Commandzoom-remove-from-channel
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
channel_id | The unique identifier of the channel from where you would like to remove a member. | Required |
user_id | User unique identifier. | Required |
member_id | The email address or user ID or member ID of the member to remove from the channel. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!zoom-remove-from-channel user_id=uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg member_id=example@example.com channel_id=88f2f20f4abd415cba2429538be58025
Human Readable OutputMember example@example.com was successfully removed from channel 88f2f20f4abd415cba2429538be58025
zoom-send-fileSends a file on Zoom to either an individual user in your contact list or a channel of which you are a member.
Base Commandzoom-send-file
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
to_channel | The channel ID of the channel to which to send the chat file. | Optional |
user_id | The user's ID. | Required |
to_contact | The user ID or member ID of the contact to send the chat file. | Optional |
entry_id | Cortex XSOAR internal file ID. | Required |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
zoom-send-messageSends chat messages on Zoom to either an individual user who is in your contact list or to a channel of which you are a member.
Base Commandzoom-send-message
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
user_id | Unique identifier of the user. | Required |
at_contact | Email address of the mention contact. | Optional |
is_markdown | if a markdown message provide in the message argument | Optional |
message | The message to be sent. Maximum of 1024 characters. | Required |
entry_ids | A list of the file IDs to send. This field only accepts a maximum of six file IDs. | Optional |
reply_main_message_id | The reply message's ID. This field only returns if the message is a reply message. | Optional |
to_channel | The channel ID of the channel to send a message. | Optional |
to_contact | The email address or user ID or member ID of the person to send a message. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Zoom.ChatMessage.id | number | Unique identifier of the message. |
Command example!zoom-send-message user_id=uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg message="message" to_contact=example@example.com
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Contact Message ID example@example.com 7df8cc5b-efc4-4e08-9083-9823b8871c82
zoom-delete-messageDeletes a chat message previously sent to a contact or a channel.
Base Commandzoom-delete-message
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
user_id | Unique identifier of the user. | Required |
message_id | Unique identifier of the message. | Required |
to_channel | The channel ID where the message was sent. You must provide this parameter or the to_contact parameter. | Optional |
to_contact | The member ID or user ID or email address of a chat contact to whom the message was sent. You must provide this parameter or the to_channel parameter. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!zoom-delete-message user_id=uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg to_contact=example@example.com message_id=4a59df4a-9668-46bd-bff2-3e1f3462ecc3
Human Readable OutputMessage 4a59df4a-9668-46bd-bff2-3e1f3462ecc3 was deleted successfully
zoom-update-messageEdits a chat message that you previously sent to either a contact or a channel in Zoom by providing the ID of the message as the value of the messageId parameter. As a query parameter, you must provide either the contact's email address or the Channel ID of the channel where the message was sent.
Base Commandzoom-update-message
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
user_id | Unique identifier of the user. | Required |
message_id | Unique identifier of the message. | Required |
message | The edited message. | Required |
to_channel | The channel ID of the channel where you sent the message. You must provide either to_contact or to_channel parameter in the API request. Channel ID can be retrieved from List User's Channels API. | Optional |
to_contact | The email address or user ID or member ID of the contact to whom the message was sent. You must provide either this parameter or the to_channel parameter in the API request. | Optional |
entry_ids | A list of Cortex XSOAR file entry IDs to send. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!zoom-update-message user_id=uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg message="message2" to_contact=example@example.com message_id=4a59df4a-9668-46bd-bff2-3e1f3462ecc3
Human Readable OutputMessage 4a59df4a-9668-46bd-bff2-3e1f3462ecc3 was successfully updated
zoom-list-messagesSearches chat messages or shared files between a user and an individual contact or a chat channel.
Base Commandzoom-list-messages
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
user_id | Unique identifier of the user. | Required |
to_contact | This field allows you to query by the email address or user ID or member ID of a chat contact with whom the user communicated. The API only returns messages sent and/or received between the user and the queried contact. | Optional |
to_channel | This field queries by the channel ID of a channel in which the user had chat conversations. The API only returns messages sent and/or received by the user in the queried channel. | Optional |
date | The query date from which to retrieve the chat messages. This value defaults to the current date. Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.. | Optional |
from | Start date. Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S. | Optional |
to | End date. Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S. | Optional |
include_deleted_and_edited_message | Whether to include deleted and edited messages. Default false. | Optional |
search_type | The type of search: message β Search messages. file β Search files.. Possible values are: message, file. | Optional |
search_key | Key for search in messages. | Optional |
exclude_child_message | Whether to exclude returning all child messages in a chat, leaving only the parent messages. Default: false. | Optional |
next_page_token | The next page token paginates through a large set of results. A next page token is returned whenever the set of available results exceeds the current page size. This token's expiration period is 15 minutes. | Optional |
page_size | Number of records returned from a single API call. Default 50. | Optional |
page_number | The page of results to return. Default 1. | Optional |
limit | Total amount of results to show. | Optional |
Context OutputPath | Type | Description |
Zoom.ChatMessage.date | date | The queried date value. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.id | string | The channel's unique identifier. |
Zoom.Channel.jid | string | The channel JID. |
Zoom.Channel.name | string | The channel name. |
Zoom.Channel.type | string | The type of the channel. The value can be one of the following: 1: Private channel. In this type of channel, members must be invited to join a channel. 2: Private channel with members that belong to one Zoom account. Members in this channel should be invited and the members should be from the same organization. 3: Public channel. Anyone can search for this channel and join the channel. 4: Group chat. This is an instant channel which can be created by adding members to a new chat. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.date | date | The queried date value. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.from | date-time | The queried from value. (Returned only if the from query parameter is used) |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages | array of object | Information about received messages and files. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.bot_message | object | The chatbot's message in JSON format. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.bot_message.date_time | date-time | The date and time when the message was sent. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.files | array of object | Information about chat files (if multiple files exist). |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.files.download_url | string | The download URL of the chat file. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.files.file_id | string | The unique ID of the chat file. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.files.file_name | string | The name and file extension of the chat file. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.files.file_size | integer | The size of the chat file in bytes. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.rich_text | array of object | Rich text formatting information. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.rich_text.start_position | integer | The start position of the rich text in the message string. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.rich_text.end_position | integer | The end position of the rich text. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.rich_text.format_type | enum | The type of rich text format. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.rich_text.format_attr | string | The attribute values of a specific format_type. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.rich_text.download_url | string | The download URL of the first file. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.rich_text.file_id | string | The unique ID of the first file. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.rich_text.file_name | string | The name of the first file. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.rich_text.file_size | integer | The size of the first file in bytes. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.id | string | Unique identifier of the message. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.message | string | The message content. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.reply_main_message_id | string | The unique identifier of a reply message. (Returned only for reply messages) |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.reply_main_message_timestamp | integer | The timestamp of when the reply message was sent. (Returned only for reply messages) |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.sender | string | The email address of the message sender. Empty if the sender does not belong to the same account as the current user or is not a contact. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.sender_member_id | string | The member ID of the message sender. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.sender_display_name | string | The display name of the message sender. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.status | enum | Indicates the status of the message. Allowed values Deleted, Edited, Normal. (Returned only when include_deleted_and_edited_message query parameter is set to true) |
Zoom.ChatMessage.messages.timestamp | integer | The timestamp of the message in microseconds. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.at_items | array of object | Information about mentions. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.at_items.at_contact | string | The user ID of the mentioned contact. Empty if the contact does not belong to the same account as the current user. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.at_items.at_contact_member_id | string | The member ID of the mentioned contact. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.at_items.at_type | integer | The type of mention. Allowed values 1 (Contact), 2 (Channel). |
Zoom.ChatMessage.at_items.end_position | integer | The end position of the mention. |
Zoom.ChatMessage.at_items.start_position | integer | The start position of the mention. |
Zoom.ChatMessageNextToken.user_id | string | The user ID associated with the next page token. |
Zoom.ChatMessageNextToken.to_channel | string | The channel ID associated with the next page token. |
Zoom.ChatMessageNextToken.include_deleted_and_edited_message | boolean | Indicates whether deleted and edited messages are included in the next page token request. |
Zoom.ChatMessageNextToken.search_type | string | The search type associated with the next page token. |
Zoom.ChatMessageNextToken.to | string | The recipient associated with the next page token. |
Zoom.ChatMessageNextToken.date | string | The date associated with the next page token. |
Zoom.ChatMessageNextToken.page_size | integer | The page size associated with the next page token. |
Zoom.ChatMessageNextToken.next_page_token | string | The next page token for pagination. |
Zoom.ChatMessageNextToken.from | string | The sender associated with the next page token. |
Zoom.ChatMessageNextToken.search_key | string | The search key associated with the next page token. |
Zoom.ChatMessageNextToken.exclude_child_message | boolean | Indicates whether child messages are excluded in the next page token request. |
Zoom.ChatMessageNextToken.to_contact | string | The contact ID associated with the next page token. |
Command example!zoom-list-messages user_id=uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg to_contact=example@example.com date=today
Context Example#
Human Readable Output#
Date Time From Message Id Message sender Message text Sender display name To User id 2023-05-22T08:24:14Z None a62636c8-b6c1-4135-9352-88ac61eafc31 example@example.com message admin zoom None uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg 2023-05-22T08:20:22Z None 4a59df4a-9668-46bd-bff2-3e1f3462ecc3 example@example.com my message admin zoom None uJiZN-O7Rp6Jp_995FpZGg
zoom-delete-user-tokenRevoke a user's Zoom SSO session.
To list all available users use the zoom-list-users
Base Commandzoom-delete-user-token
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
user_id | The user ID or email to be revoked. | Required |
Command example!zoom-delete-user-token user_id=useremail@myself.com
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Human Readable Output#
MessageUser SSO token for user usetobe@myself.com is deleted
send-notificationSends messages from your Marketplace Chatbot app on Zoom to either an individual user or to a channel.
Base Commandsend-notification
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
to | The email address or user ID or member ID of the person to send a message. | Required |
channel_id | The channel ID of the channel to send a message. | Optional |
message | The message to be sent. Maximum of 1024 characters. | Required |
visible_to_user | The UserID that allows a Chatbot to send a message to a group channel when it has only one designated person in that group channel to see the message. | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command example!send-notification message=hi to=example@example.com
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Human Readable Output#
MessageMessage sent to Zoom successfully. Message ID is: 20230815153245201_BPK3S3S_aw1
mirror-investigationMirrors the investigation between Zoom and the Cortex XSOAR War Room.
Base Commandmirror-investigation
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
type | The mirroring type. Can be "all", which mirrors everything, "chat", which mirrors only chats (not commands), or "none", which stops all mirroring. Possible values are: all, chat, none. Default is all. | Optional |
autoclose | Whether the channel is auto-closed when an investigation is closed. Can be "true" or "false". Default is "true". | Optional |
direction | The mirroring direction. Can be "FromDemisto", "ToDemisto", or "Both". Default value is "Both". | Optional |
channelName | The name of the channel. The default is "incident-<incidentID>". | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example!mirror-investigation direction="FromDemisto" channelName="example"
Human Readable OutputInvestigation mirrored successfully, channel:example
close-channelDelete a mirrored Zoom channel.
Base Commandclose-channel
InputArgument Name | Description | Required |
channel | The name of the channel to delete. If not provided, the mirrored investigation channel is deleted (if the channel exists). | Optional |
channel_id | The ID of the channel to delete. If not provided, the mirrored investigation channel is deleted (if the channel exists). | Optional |
Context OutputThere is no context output for this command.
Command Example#
Human Readable OutputChannel successfully deleted.