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Case Management - Generic - Send On Call Notification

This Playbook is part of the CaseManagement-Generic Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.2.0 and later.

This playbook can be used to send email notification if an Incidents severity is Critical or High.

Can be used as a sub-playbook to perform the same logic across different playbooks/use cases.


This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.


This playbook does not use any sub-playbooks.


This playbook does not use any integrations.


  • Set


  • send-mail

Playbook Inputs#

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
emailsThe email addresses to send the message to, can be comma separated.Required
minimum_severityThe minimum severity level for the Incident to send notification for. Default is 3 (High). XSOAR Severity values:
Critical (4), High (3), Medium (2), Low (1), Information (0.5), Unknown (0)

Playbook Outputs#

EscalationEmailSentWhether an escalation email was sent, will be Yes or Nostring

Playbook Image#

Case Management - Generic - Send On Call Notification