CyberTotal Auto Enrichment - CyCraft
CyberTotal Pack.#
This Playbook is part of theThis playbook automatically enriches indicators (including IPs, URLs, domains; MD5, SHA-1, and SHA-256 file hashes). Playbook input: the indicators you want to enrich. Playbook output: detection engine results, positive detections, detection ratios; as well as severity, confidence, and threat scores.
DependenciesThis playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.
Sub-playbooksThis playbook does not use any sub-playbooks.
Integrations- CyberTotal
Scripts- Exists
Commands- file
- ip
- domain
- url
Playbook InputsName | Description | Default Value | Required |
Domain | The input domain will be searched automatically on CyberTotal to retrieve reputation data. | Domain.Name | Optional |
IP | The input IP will be searched automatically on CyberTotal and to retrieve reputation data. | IP.Address | Optional |
URL | The input URL will be searched automatically on CyberTotal to retrieve reputation data. | URL.Data | Optional |
MD5 | The input MD5 will be searched automatically on CyberTotal to retrieve reputation data. | File.MD5 | Optional |
SHA1 | The input SHA1 will be searched automatically on CyberTotal to retrieve reputation data. | File.SHA1 | Optional |
SHA256 | The input SHA256 will be searched automatically on CyberTotal to retrieve reputation data. | File.SHA256 | Optional |
threshold | Threshold for reputation commands. default is 10. | 10 | Optional |
Playbook OutputsPath | Description | Type |
CyberTotal.URL.scan_date | Scan date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.URL.resource | The scan target sent to CyberTotal. | unknown |
CyberTotal.URL.task_id | The unique id of each scan in CyberTotal. | unknown |
CyberTotal.URL.permalink | The link of this URL’s report in CyberTotal. | unknown |
CyberTotal.URL.severity | Severity of this URL. The range is from 0 to 10. | unknown |
CyberTotal.URL.confidence | Confidence of this URL. The range is from 0 to 10. | unknown |
CyberTotal.URL.threat | Threat of this URL, which is a select from ‘High’, ‘Medium’ and ‘Low’. | unknown |
CyberTotal.URL.detection_engines | The number of all antivirus vendors scanned. | unknown |
CyberTotal.URL.positive_detections | The number of antivirus vendors scanned with positive detection. | unknown |
CyberTotal.URL.detection_ratio | The ratio of positive_detections and detection_engines. | unknown |
CyberTotal.URL.message | Message about this search. | unknown |
URL.Data | The URL | unknown |
URL.DetectionEngines | The total number of engines that checked the indicator. | unknown |
URL.PositiveDetections | The number of engines that positively detected the indicator as malicious. | unknown |
URL.Malicious.Vendor | The vendor reporting the URL as malicious. | unknown |
URL.Malicious.Description | A description of the malicious URL. | unknown |
DBotScore.Indicator | The indicator that was tested. | unknown |
DBotScore.Type | The indicator type. | unknown |
DBotScore.Vendor | The vendor used to calculate the score. | unknown |
DBotScore.Score | The actual score. | unknown |
CyberTotal.IP.scan_date | Scan date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.IP.resource | The scan target sent to CyberTotal. | unknown |
CyberTotal.IP.task_id | The unique id of each scan in CyberTotal. | unknown |
CyberTotal.IP.permalink | The link of this IP’s report in CyberTotal. | unknown |
CyberTotal.IP.severity | Severity of this IP. The range is from 0 to 10. | unknown |
CyberTotal.IP.confidence | Confidence of this IP. The range is from 0 to 10. | unknown |
CyberTotal.IP.threat | Threat of this IP, which is a select from ‘High’, ‘Medium’ and ‘Low’. | unknown |
CyberTotal.IP.detection_engines | The number of all antivirus vendors scanned. | unknown |
CyberTotal.IP.positive_detections | The number of antivirus vendors scanned with positive detection. | unknown |
CyberTotal.IP.detection_ratio | The ratio of positive_detections and detection_engines. | unknown |
CyberTotal.IP.message | Message about this search. | unknown |
IP.Address | IP address | unknown |
IP.DetectionEngines | The total number of engines that checked the indicator. | unknown |
IP.PositiveDetections | The number of engines that positively detected the indicator as malicious. | unknown |
IP.Malicious.Vendor | The vendor reporting the IP address as malicious. | unknown |
IP.Malicious.Description | A description explaining why the IP address was reported as malicious. | unknown |
CyberTotal.Domain.scan_date | Scan date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.Domain.resource | The scan target sent to CyberTotal. | unknown |
CyberTotal.Domain.permalink | The link of this domain’s report in CyberTotal. | unknown |
CyberTotal.Domain.severity | Severity of this domain. The range is from 0 to 10. | unknown |
CyberTotal.Domain.confidence | Confidence of this domain. The range is from 0 to 10. | unknown |
CyberTotal.Domain.threat | Threat of this domain, which is a select from ‘High’, ‘Medium’ and ‘Low’. | unknown |
CyberTotal.Domain.detection_engines | The number of all antivirus vendors scanned. | unknown |
CyberTotal.Domain.positive_detections | The number of antivirus vendors scanned with positive detection. | unknown |
CyberTotal.Domain.detection_ratio | The ratio of positive_detections and detection_engines. | unknown |
CyberTotal.Domain.message | Message about this search. | unknown |
Domain.Name | The domain name, for example: "". | unknown |
Domain.DetectionEngines | The total number of engines that checked the indicator. | unknown |
Domain.PositiveDetections | The number of engines that positively detected the indicator as malicious. | unknown |
Domain.Malicious.Vendor | The vendor reporting the domain as malicious. | unknown |
Domain.Malicious.Description | A description explaining why the domain was reported as malicious. | unknown |
CyberTotal.File.scan_date | Scan date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.File.resource | The scan target sent to CyberTotal. | unknown |
CyberTotal.File.task_id | The unique id of each scan in CyberTotal. | unknown |
CyberTotal.File.permalink | The link of this HASH’s report in CyberTotal. | unknown |
CyberTotal.File.severity | Severity of this HASH. The range is from 0 to 10. | unknown |
CyberTotal.File.confidence | Confidence of this HASH. The range is from 0 to 10. | unknown |
CyberTotal.File.threat | Threat of this HASH, which is a select from ‘High’, ‘Medium’ and ‘Low’. | unknown |
CyberTotal.File.detection_engines | The number of all antivirus vendors scanned. | unknown |
CyberTotal.File.positive_detections | The number of antivirus vendors scanned with positive detection. | unknown |
CyberTotal.File.detection_ratio | The ratio of positive_detections and detection_engines. | unknown |
CyberTotal.File.message | Message about this search. | unknown |
CyberTotal.File.size | Size of this file. | unknown |
CyberTotal.File.md5 | This file’s md5 value. | unknown |
CyberTotal.File.sha1 | This file’s sha1 value. | unknown |
CyberTotal.File.sha256 | This file’s sha256 value. | unknown |
CyberTotal.File.extension | This file’s extension type. | unknown | | This file’s name, separated by ‘,’ if more than 2 names. | unknown |
File.MD5 | The MD5 hash of the file. | unknown |
File.SHA1 | The SHA1 hash of the file. | unknown |
File.SHA256 | The SHA1 hash of the file. | unknown |
File.Name | The full file name (including file extension). | unknown |
File.Extension | The file extension, for example: 'xls'. | unknown |
File.Size | The size of the file in bytes. | unknown |