CyberTotal Whois - CyCraft
CyberTotal Pack.#
This Playbook is part of theThis playbook is used to automatically retrieve Whois information regarding IPs, URLs and domains. Playbook input: IPs, URLs, domains. Playbook output: Whois lookup information.
DependenciesThis playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.
Sub-playbooksThis playbook does not use any sub-playbooks.
Integrations- CyberTotal
Scripts- Exists
Commands- cybertotal-url-whois
- cybertotal-domain-whois
- cybertotal-ip-whois
Playbook InputsName | Description | Default Value | Required |
Domain | The input domain will be searched automatically on CyberTotal to retrieve whois information. | Domain.Name | Optional |
IP | The input ip will be searched automatically on CyberTotal to retrieve whois information. | IP.Address | Optional |
URL | The input url will be searched automatically on CyberTotal to retrieve whois information. | URL.Data | Optional |
Playbook OutputsPath | Description | Type |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.scan_date | Scan date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.task_id | The unique id of each scan in CyberTotal. | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.resource | The scan target sent to CyberTotal. | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.message | Message about this search. | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.permalink | The link of this whois report in CyberTotal. | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.createdAt | Create date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.updatedAt | Update date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.status | Status of this Domain | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.domain | Top level Domain of this domain | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.domainMd5 | MD5 translation of CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.domain | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.domainUnicode | Encode CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.domain by using unicode | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.nameservers | An array of all DNS nameservers | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.registrarName | The name of registrar | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.registrarEmail | The email address of registrar | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.registrarPhone | The phone number of registrar | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.registrarCreatedAt | Registrar create date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.registrarUpdatedAt | Registrar update date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.registrarExpiresAt | Registrar expire date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.auditCreatedAt | Registrar update date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.auditUpdatedAt | Registrar expire date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.contactEmails | An array of all contact email address | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.contacts | An array of all contact details | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.contactNames | An array of all contact names | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.contactCountries | An array of all contact countries | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.domainAvailable | If this domain is available | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.expired | If this domain is expired | unknown | | The name of registrant | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.registrant.organization | The organization name of registrant | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.registrant.street | The street name of registrant | unknown | | The location city of registrant | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.registrant.state | The location state name of registrant | unknown | | The post zip code of registrant | unknown | | The country of registrant | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.registrant.address | The address of registrant | unknown | | The name of admin | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.admin.organization | The organization name of admin | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.admin.street | The street name of admin | unknown | | The location city of admin | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.admin.state | The location state name of admin | unknown | | The post zip code of admin | unknown | | The country of admin | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.admin.address | The address of admin | unknown | | The name of technical | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.technical.organization | The organization name of technical | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.technical.street | The street name of technical | unknown | | The location city of technical | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.technical.state | The location state name of technical | unknown | | The post zip code of technical | unknown | | The country of technical | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-Domain.technical.address | The address of technical | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.scan_date | Scan date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.task_id | The unique id of each scan in CyberTotal. | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.resource | The scan target sent to CyberTotal. | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.message | Message about this search. | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.permalink | The link of this whois report in CyberTotal. | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.createdAt | Create date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.updatedAt | Update date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.status | Status of this IP | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.domain | Domain of this IP | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.domainMd5 | MD5 translation of CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.domain | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.domainUnicode | Encode CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.domain by using unicode | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.nameservers | An array of all DNS nameservers | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.registrarName | The name of registrar | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.registrarEmail | The email address of registrar | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.registrarPhone | The phone number of registrar | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.registrarCreatedAt | Registrar create date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.registrarUpdatedAt | Registrar update date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.registrarExpiresAt | Registrar expire date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.auditCreatedAt | Registrar update date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.auditUpdatedAt | Registrar expire date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.contactEmails | An array of all contact email address | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.contacts | An array of all contact details | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.contactNames | An array of all contact names | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.contactCountries | An array of all contact countries | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.domainAvailable | If this domain is available | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.expired | If this URL is expired | unknown | | The name of registrant | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.registrant.organization | The organization name of registrant | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.registrant.street | The street name of registrant | unknown | | The location city of registrant | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.registrant.state | The location state name of registrant | unknown | | The post zip code of registrant | unknown | | The country of registrant | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.registrant.address | The address of registrant | unknown | | The name of admin | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.admin.organization | The organization name of admin | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.admin.street | The street name of admin | unknown | | The location city of admin | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.admin.state | The location state name of admin | unknown | | The post zip code of admin | unknown | | The country of admin | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.admin.address | The address of admin | unknown | | The name of technical | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.technical.organization | The organization name of technical | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.technical.street | The street name of technical | unknown | | The location city of technical | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.technical.state | The location state name of technical | unknown | | The post zip code of technical | unknown | | The country of technical | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-URL.technical.address | The address of technical | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.scan_date | Scan date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.task_id | The unique id of each scan in CyberTotal. | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.resource | The scan target sent to CyberTotal. | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.message | Message about this search. | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.permalink | The link of this whois report in CyberTotal. | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.createdAt | Create date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.updatedAt | Update date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.status | Status of this IP | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.domain | Domain of this IP | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.domainMd5 | MD5 translation of CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.domain | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.domainUnicode | Encode CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.domain by using unicode | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.nameservers | An array of all DNS nameservers | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.registrarName | The name of registrar | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.registrarEmail | The email address of registrar | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.registrarPhone | The phone number of registrar | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.registrarCreatedAt | Registrar create date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.registrarUpdatedAt | Registrar update date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.registrarExpiresAt | Registrar expire date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.auditCreatedAt | Registrar update date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.auditUpdatedAt | Registrar expire date format: ISO 8601 | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.contactEmails | An array of all contact email address | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.contacts | An array of all contact details | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.contactNames | An array of all contact names | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.contactCountries | An array of all contact countries | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.domainAvailable | If this domain is available | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.expired | If this IP is expired | unknown | | The name of registrant | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.registrant.organization | The organization name of registrant | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.registrant.street | The street name of registrant | unknown | | The location city of registrant | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.registrant.state | The location state name of registrant | unknown | | The post zip code of registrant | unknown | | The country of registrant | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.registrant.address | The address of registrant | unknown | | The name of admin | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.admin.organization | The organization name of admin | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.admin.street | The street name of admin | unknown | | The location city of admin | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.admin.state | The location state name of admin | unknown | | The post zip code of admin | unknown | | The country of admin | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.admin.address | The address of admin | unknown | | The name of technical | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.technical.organization | The organization name of technical | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.technical.street | The street name of technical | unknown | | The location city of technical | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.technical.state | The location state name of technical | unknown | | The post zip code of technical | unknown | | The country of technical | unknown |
CyberTotal.WHOIS-IP.technical.address | The address of technical | unknown |