Dedup - Generic v2
Common Playbooks Pack.#
This Playbook is part of theDeprecated
Use the Dedup Generic v3 playbook instead.
Deprecated. Please use Dedup Generic v3. This playbook identifies duplicate incidents using one of the supported methods.
DependenciesThis playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.
Sub-playbooksThis playbook does not use any sub-playbooks.
IntegrationsThis playbook does not use any integrations.
Scripts- FindSimilarIncidentsByText
- CloseInvestigationAsDuplicate
- FindSimilarIncidents
- GetDuplicatesMlv2
Commands- linkIncidents
Playbook InputsName | Description | Default Value | Required |
DuplicateMethod | Select a method for identifying duplicate incidents. Can be "ml", "rules", or "text". 'rules' - defines specific rules, such as similar incident fields & labels. This method works best if you know the exact logic to find similar incidents. 'text' - text similarity, based on TF-IDF - unique word frequency in the incidents (based on similar incident fields) 'ml' - machine learning model, which was trained on similar phishing incidents. Considers similar labels, incident fields, and indicators. | Required | |
DuplicateThreshold | The similarity threshold by which to consider an incident as a duplicate (0-1), where "1" is a duplicate and "0" is not a duplicate. Use this argument in the ML or text methods. | 0.9 | Required |
TimeFrameHours | The time frame (in hours) in which to check for duplicate incident candidates. | 72 | Required |
IgnoreCloseIncidents | Whether to ignore closed incidents. Can be "yes" or "no". | yes | Required |
MaxNumberOfCandidates | The maximum number of candidates to check for duplication. | 1000 | Optional |
CloseAsDuplicate | Whether to close incidents identified as duplicates. Can be "true" or "false". | true | Optional |
TimeField | The Time field by which to query for past incidents to check for duplicate incident candidates. Values: created, occurred, modified | created | Optional |
similarLabelsKeys | A comma-separated list of similar label keys. Comma separated value. Also supports allowing X different words between labels, within the following way: label_name:X, where X is the number of words. X can also be '*' for contains. For example: the value "Email/subject:*" will consider email subject similar, if one is substring of the other. Relevant for 'Rules' method. | Optional | |
similarIncidentFields | Fields to compare. Can be label name, incident fields or custom fields. Comma separated value. Relevant for 'Text' and 'Rules' methods. | name,type,details | Optional |
Playbook OutputsPath | Description | Type |
isSimilarIncidentFound | Whether a similar incident was found? Can be "true" or "false". | boolean |
similarIncident | The similar incident. | unknown |