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Field Polling - Generic

This Playbook is part of the Common Playbooks Pack.#

This playbook polls a field to check if a specific value exists.


This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.


  • Generic Polling


This playbook does not use any integrations.


  • CheckFieldValue


This playbook does not use any commands.

Playbook Inputs#

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
fieldThe field to poll for a value. Ensure that you use the lower case version of the field. For example, the Details field should be details.Required
valueThe regex to check the field for. By default this contains .+, which matches anything other than None..+Required
frequencyHow often to check (in minutes).1Required
timeoutWhen to timeout (in minutes).10Required

Playbook Outputs#

There are no outputs for this playbook.

Playbook Image#

Field Polling Generic