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Residents Notification - Breach Notification

This Playbook is part of the US - Breach Notification Pack.#

This playbook is triggered by a breach notification playbook and is responsible for the resident notification process.


This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.


This playbook does not use any sub-playbooks.


This playbook does not use any integrations.


  • Sleep
  • SetGridField
  • Set


  • extractIndicators
  • send-mail

Playbook Inputs#

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
AutoNotificationThis input determines if the resident notification should be done automatically or manually.

Ture - Automatically False - Manually. | False | Required | | ResidentNotification_WhatCanTheyDo | An explanation to the resident's notification email of what can they do. | First, change your online login information, passwords, and security questions-and-answers. Second, if you used similar login information and passwords for different sites - change the login information, passwords, and security Q&A to them too. Third, pay attention if you start receiving notices of password changes to your current accounts or find yourself locked out of your accounts. Fourth, Consider implementing two-factor-authentication to your account to reduce the risk of unauthorized access in your account. | Optional | | ContactName | In case of a breach, the contact details to send to the Attorney General and the affected residents. | | Optional | | ContactEmailAddress | In case of a breach, the contact details to send to the Attorney General and the affected residents. | | Optional | | ContactTelNumber | In case of a breach, the contact details to send to the Attorney General and the affected residents. | | Optional | | MeasuresToMitigate | An explanation to the resident's notification email of the company actions to mitigate the breach. | | Optional |

Playbook Outputs#

There are no outputs for this playbook.

Playbook Image#
