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Retrieve Alert Attachments - Rapid7 ThreatCommand

This Playbook is part of the Rapid7 - Threat Command (IntSights) Pack.#

Supported versions

Supported Cortex XSOAR versions: 6.8.0 and later.

This playbook is used by default for the Rapid7 ThreatCommand alerts being ingested as XSOAR incidents. This playbook retrieves attachments (CSV file and images) using the Alert ID incident field.


This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.


This playbook does not use any sub-playbooks.


This playbook does not use any integrations.


  • AreValuesEqual
  • Exists
  • Print


  • threat-command-alert-image-list
  • threat-command-alert-csv-get

Playbook Inputs#

NameDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
alert_idAlert ID of the Rapid7 Threat Command incident.${incident.alertid}Required
fetch_attachmentsBoolean value indicating to include image files of alerts. If set to "true", then it fetches image files; otherwise, it does not.${incident.labels.fetch_attachments}Optional
fetch_csvBoolean value indicating to include CSV file of alerts. If set to "true", then it fetches CSV file; otherwise, it does not.${incident.labels.fetch_csv}Optional

Playbook Outputs#

There are no outputs for this playbook.

Playbook Image#

Retrieve Alert Attachments - Rapid7 ThreatCommand