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This Script is part of the Mattermost Pack.#

Ask a user a question on Mattermost and expect a response. The response can also close a task (might be conditional) in a playbook.

Script Data#

Script Typepython3
Cortex XSOAR Version5.0.0


This script uses the following commands and scripts.

  • send-notification


Argument NameDescription
userThe Mattermost user to ask. Can be either an email or Mattermost username.
messageThe message to ask the user.
option1First option for a user reply. "yes" is the default.
option2Second option for the user reply. "no" is the default.
taskWhich task should we close with the reply. If none, then no playbook tasks will be closed.
replyEntriesTagTag to add on email reply entries.
persistentIndicates whether to use one-time entitlement or a persistent one.
replyThe reply to send to the user. Use the templates {user} and {response} to incorporate these in the reply. (i.e., "Thank you **{user}**. You have answered **{response}**.").
lifetimeTime until the question expires. For example - 1 day. When it expires, a default response is sent. Default value is 1 day.
defaultResponseDefault response in case the question expires.


There are no outputs for this script.