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HashiCorp Vault

This Integration is part of the HashiCorp Vault Pack.#

Secure, store, and tightly control access to tokens, passwords, certificates, and encryption keys for protecting secrets and other sensitive data using HashiCorp Vault. This integration fetches credentials. For more information, see Managing Credentials.

This integration was integrated and tested with version 1.12.2 of HashiCorp Vault.


The integration supports the following auth methods:

Userpass Auth Method#

You are required to fill in only the Username / Role ID parameter with the username and Password / Secret ID parameter with the password. For more details, see the HashiCorp Vault documentation.

Token Auth Method#

You are required to fill in only the Authentication token parameter. For more details, see the HashiCorp Vault documentation.

AppRole Auth Method#

You are required to fill in only the Username / Role ID parameter with the role ID and Password / Secret ID parameter with the secret ID, and check the Use AppRole Auth Method checkbox. For more details, see the HashiCorp Vault documentation.

Configure HashiCorp Vault in Cortex#

HashiCorp server URL (e.g., server URLTrue
Use AppRole Auth MethodSet as true if you are using the AppRole method for authentication.False
Username / Role IDThe username for the Hashicorp vault.False
Password / Secret IDThe password for the Hashicorp vault.False
Authentication tokenA token for authentication for the Hashicorp vault. (Use instead of password and username.)False
Vault enterprise namespaceThe namespace used for the vault by the user.False
Trust any certificate (not secure)Mark as true to make unverified HTTP requests.False
Use system proxy settingsMark as true to use proxy settings.False
Fetches credentialsMark as true to fetch credentials to the Cortex XSOAR credentials vault.False
CSV list of secrets engine types to fetch secrets fromPossible values are KV, Cubbyhole, AWS.False
Concat username to credential object nameShould be used in case there are several secrets under the same folder in order to make the credential object unique.False


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


List all secrets engines that exist in HashiCorp Vault.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments.

Context Output#

HashiCorp.Engine.TypestringSecrets engine type.
HashiCorp.Engine.PathstringSecrets engine path in HashiCorp.
HashiCorp.Engine.DescriptionstringSecrets engine description.
HashiCorp.Engine.AccessorstringSecrets engine accessor.

Command example#



List secrets (names) for a specified KV engine.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
engineEngine path, e.g.,"secret/". Use the list-secrets-engines command to retrieve the engine path.Required
versionThe version of the KV engine. Possible values are: 1, 2. Default is 1.Optional

Context Output#

HashiCorp.Secret.PathstringSecret path

Command example#



Returns information about a specified secret in a specified KV V2 engine.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
engine_pathKV Engine path, e.g., "kv/".Required
secret_pathSecret path, e.g., "secret".Required

Context Output#

HashiCorp.Secret.CreateddateSecret creation time.
HashiCorp.Secret.Version.DestroyedbooleanIs the version destroyed.
HashiCorp.Secret.Version.CreatednumberVersion creation time.
HashiCorp.Secret.Version.DeleteddateVersion deletion time.
HashiCorp.Secret.UpdateddateSecret last updated time.
HashiCorp.Secret.EnginestringSecret engine type.
HashiCorp.Secret.CurrentVersionnumberSecret current version.
HashiCorp.Secret.PathstringSecret path.

Command example#

!hashicorp-get-secret-metadata engine_path=secret secret_path=test


Deletes the data under a specified secret given the secret path. Performs a soft delete that allows you to run the hashicorp-undelete-secret command if necessary (for KV V2 engine).

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
secret_pathSecret path, e.g., "secret".Required
engine_pathEngine path, e.g.,"secret/".Required
versionsCSV list of secret versions to delete.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!hashicorp-delete-secret engine_path=secret secret_path=test versions=2


Undeletes (restores) a secret on HashiCorp (for KV V2 engine).

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
secret_pathSecret path, e.g., "secret".Required
engine_pathEngine path, e.g.,"secret/".Required
versionsCSV list of secret versions to undelete (restore).Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!hashicorp-undelete-secret engine_path=secret secret_path=test versions=2


Permanently deletes a secret (for KV V2 engine).

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
secret_pathSecret path, .e.g., "secret".Required
engine_pathEngine path, e.g.,"secret/".Required
versionsCSV list of secret versions to permanently delete.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!hashicorp-destroy-secret engine_path=secret secret_path=test versions=2


When a secrets engine is no longer needed, it can be disabled. All secrets under the engine are revoked and the corresponding vault data and configurations are removed.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
pathPath of the secrets engine to disable.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!hashicorp-disable-engine path=secret


***!hashicorp-disable-engine path=secret Enables a new secrets engine at the specified path.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
pathThe path where the secrets engine will be mounted.Required
typeType of backend, e.g., "aws".Required
descriptionFriendly description of the mount.Optional
default_lease_ttlThe default lease duration, specified as a string duration, e.g., "5s" or "30m".Optional
max_lease_ttlThe maximum lease duration, specified as a string duration, e.g., "5s" or "30m".Optional
force_no_cacheWhether to disable caching.Optional
audit_non_hmac_request_keysCSV list of keys that will not be HMAC'd by audit devices in the request data object.Optional
audit_non_hmac_response_keysCSV list of keys that will not be HMAC'd by audit devices in the response data object.Optional
listing_visibilityWhether to show this mount in the UI-specific listing endpoint. Default is hidden. Possible values are: unauth, hidden.Optional
passthrough_request_headersCSV list of headers to add to allow list and pass from the request to the backend.Optional
kv_versionKV version to mount. Set to "2" for mount KV V2. Possible values are: 1, 2.Optional
localSpecifies if the secrets engine is a local mount only. Local mounts are not replicated, nor (if a secondary) removed by replication. Supported only in Vault Enterprise.Optional
seal_wrapEnable seal wrapping for the mount. Supported only in Vault Enterprise.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!hashicorp-enable-engine path=secret type=AWS


Lists all configured policies.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired

Context Output#

HashiCorp.Policy.NamestringPolicy name.

Command example#



Get information for a policy.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
namePolicy name.Required

Context Output#

HashiCorp.Policy.NamestringPolicy name.
HashiCorp.Policy.Rule.PathstringPolicy rule path.
HashiCorp.Policy.Rule.CapabilitiesunknownPolicy rule capabilities.

Command example#

!hashicorp-get-policy name=secret


If you suspect your data has been compromised, you can seal your vault to prevent access to your secrets.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#



Use a single master key share to unseal the vault. If the master key shares threshold is met, the key will attempt to unseal the vault. Otherwise, this API must be called until the threshold is met.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
keySingle master key .Optional
resetReset the unseal project. Possible values are: true.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#



Configure a secrets engine to fetch secrets from.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
pathThe engine path, e.g., "secret/".Required
folderSpecific folder to fetch secrets from, e.g., "secret-folder/". (Supported only for engine type KV2.)Optional
typeThe engine type, e.g., "KV". Possible values are: KV, Cubbyhole, AWS.Required
versionThe engine version (for KV engines). Possible values are: 1, 2.Optional
aws_roles_listA comma-delimited list of roles names to generate credentials for. If not mentioned, we will generate credentials for all roles in the path.(used for only for AWS).Optional
aws_methodA parameter to indicate which type of request we would like to use to generate credentials(used for only for AWS).Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!hashicorp-configure-engine type=type version=2 path=path ttl=3600

Human Readable Output#

Engine configured successfully


Reset the engine configuration.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#


Human Readable Output#

Successfully reset the engine configuration.


Create a new authentication token.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
role_nameThe name of the token role.Optional
policiesCSV list of policies for the token. This must be a subset of the policies belonging to the token making the request, unless root. If policies are not specified, all policies of the calling token are applied to the new token.Optional
metaA map of string-to-string valued metadata. This is passed through to the audit devices.Optional
no_parentIf true and set by a root caller, the token will not have the parent token of the caller. This creates a token with no parent. Possible values are: true, false.Optional
no_default_policyIf true the default policy will not be included in this token's policy set. Possible values are: true, false.Optional
renewableIf set to false, the token cannot be renewed past its initial TTL. If set to true, the token can be renewed up to the system/mount maximum TTL. Possible values are: true, false.Optional
ttlThe TTL (lease duration) period of the token, provided as "10m" or "1h", where hour is the largest suffix. If not provided, the token is valid for the default lease TTL, or indefinitely if the root policy is used.Optional
explicit_max_ttlIf set, the token will have an explicit max TTL applied to it. The maximum token TTL cannot be changed later, and unlike with normal tokens, updates to the system/mount max TTL value will have no effect at renewal time. The token can never be renewed or used past the value set at issue time.Optional
display_nameThe display name of the token.Optional
num_usesThe maximum number of times the token can be used. Supply this argument to create a one-time-token, or limited use token. The value of 0 has no limit to the number of uses.Optional
periodIf specified, the token will be periodic. It will not have a maximum TTL (unless an "explicit-max-ttl" is also set), but every renewal will use the given period. Requires a root/sudo token to use.Optional

Context Output#

HashiCorp.Auth.TokenstringAuthentication token.
HashiCorp.Auth.PolicyunknownAuthentication policies.
HashiCorp.Auth.LeaseDurationnumberAuthentication lease duration in seconds, 0 if indefinitely.

Command example#

!hashicorp-create-token display_name=token explicit_max_ttl=3600 renewable=false


Generates and issues a new SecretID on an existing AppRole.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
role_nameThe name of the AppRole.Required
meta_dataMetadata to be tied to the SecretID.Optional
cidr_listComma separated string or list of CIDR blocks enforcing secret IDs to be used from specific set of IP addresses.Optional
token_bound_cidrsComma-separated string or list of CIDR blocks.Optional
num_usesNumber of times this SecretID can be used, after which the SecretID expires. A value of zero will allow unlimited uses.Optional
ttl_secondsDuration in seconds after which this SecretID expires. A value of zero will allow the SecretID to not expire.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command example#

!hashicorp-generate-role-secret role_name=my-role

Human Readable Output#



Retrieves the AppRole ID for a specified role.

Base Command#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
role_nameThe name of the AppRole.Required

Context Output#

HashiCorp.AppRole.IdstringAppRole ID.
HashiCorp.AppRole.NamestringAppRole Name.

Command example#

!hashicorp-get-role-id role_name=my-role

Human Readable Output#


Additional Information#

  • In order to fetch credentials from HashiCorp Vault, the relevant secrets engines must be configured with the integration so it can pull the data from them. To configure an engine with the integration, use the configure-engine command.
  • The default fetch rate for fetch-credentials is 10 minutes. This is configurable with the server parameter vault.module.cache.expire

Known Limitations#

Currently the integration is able to fetch credentials from the following engines:

  • K/V Versions 1,2
  • Cubbyhole
  • AWS

The following commands are limited to the K/V V2 engine:#

  • hashicorp-list-secrets
  • hashicorp-get-secret-metadata
  • hashicorp-delete-secret
  • hashicorp-undelete-secret
  • hashicorp-destroy-secret