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Microsoft Teams Management

This Integration is part of the Microsoft Teams Pack.#

Manage teams and members in Microsoft Teams.


In both options below, the device authorization grant flow is used.

In order to connect to the Azure Network Security Group using either Cortex XSOAR Azure App or the Self-Deployed Azure App:

  1. Fill in the required parameters.
  2. Run the !microsoft-teams-auth-start command.
  3. Follow the instructions that appear.
  4. Run the !microsoft-teams-auth-complete command.

At end of the process you'll see a message that you've logged in successfully.

Cortex XSOAR Azure App#

In order to use the Cortex XSOAR Azure application, use the default application ID (3307a0ab-612c-47af-b3b5-8208247562db).

You only need to fill in your subscription ID and resource group name. For more details, follow Azure Integrations Parameters.

Self-Deployed Azure App#

To use a self-configured Azure application, you need to add a new Azure App Registration in the Azure Portal, with mobile and desktop flows enabled.

Required Permissions

  • Group.ReadWrite.All - Application
  • Team.ReadBasic.All - Application
  • TeamMember.ReadWrite.All - Application

Configure Microsoft Teams Management in Cortex#

Application IDFalse
Azure AD endpointAzure AD endpoint associated with a national cloud.False
Trust any certificate (not secure)False
Use system proxy settingsFalse
Authentication TypeType of authentication - could be Client Credentials Authorization Flow (recommended) or Device FlowFalse
Tenant ID (for Client Credentials mode)False
Client Secret (for Client Credentials mode)False
Azure Managed Identities Client IDThe Managed Identities client id for authentication - relevant only if the integration is running on Azure VM.False


You can execute these commands from the CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.


Tests the connectivity to Microsoft.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Human Readable Output#

โœ… Success!


Run this command to start the authorization process and follow the instructions in the command results.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Human Readable Output#

Authorization instructions#

1. To sign in, use a web browser to open the page:
and enter the code **XXXXXXXX** to authenticate.
2. Run the ***!microsoft-teams-auth-complete*** command in the War Room.


Run this command to complete the authorization process. Should be used after running the microsoft-teams-auth-start command.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Human Readable Output#

โœ… Authorization completed successfully.


Run this command if for some reason you need to rerun the authentication process.

Base Command#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Human Readable Output#

Authorization was reset successfully. You can now run !microsoft-teams-auth-start and !microsoft-teams-auth-complete.


Creates a new team.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
display_nameThe name of the team.Required
descriptionDescription of the team.Optional
visibilityThe visibility of the group and team. Possible values are: "public" and "private". Default is "public". Possible values are: public, private. Default is public.Optional
allow_guests_create_channelsWhether guests can add and update channels. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_guests_delete_channelsWhether guests can delete channels. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_members_create_private_channelsWhether members can add and update private channels. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_members_create_channelsWhether members can add and update channels. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_members_delete_channelsWhether members can delete channels. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_members_add_remove_appsWhether members can add and remove apps. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_members_add_remove_tabsWhether members can add, update, and remove tabs. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_members_add_remove_connectorsWhether members can add, update, and remove connectors. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_user_edit_messagesWhether users can edit their messages. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_user_delete_messagesWhether users can delete their messages. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_owner_delete_messagesWhether owners can delete any message. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_team_mentionsWhether @team mentions are allowed. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_channel_mentionsWhether @channel mentions are allowed. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
ownerID of the user to be the team owner (e.g., 0040b377-61d8-43db-94f5-81374122dc7e).Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!microsoft-teams-team-create display_name="Sample Engineering Team" owner=3fa9f28b-eb0e-463a-ba7b-8089fe9991e2

Human Readable Output#

Team Sample Engineering Team was created successfully.


Create a new team under a group. In order to create a team, the group must have a least one owner and the group cannot be of type Security.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
group_idID of group to create team from. Can be retrieved by running the msgraph-groups-list-groups command.Required
display_nameThe name of the team.Optional
descriptionDescription of the team.Optional
visibilityThe visibility of the group and team. Possible values are: "public" and "private". Default is "public". Possible values are: public, private. Default is public.Optional
allow_guests_create_channelsWhether guests can add and update channels. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_guests_delete_channelsWhether guests can delete channels. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_members_create_private_channelsWhether members can add and update private channels. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_members_create_channelsWhether members can add and update channels. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_members_delete_channelsWhether members can delete channels. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_members_add_remove_appsWhether members can add and remove apps. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_members_add_remove_tabsWhether members can add, update, and remove tabs. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_members_add_remove_connectorsWhether members can add, update, and remove connectors. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_user_edit_messagesWhether users can edit their messages. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_user_delete_messagesWhether users can delete their messages. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_owner_delete_messagesWhether owners can delete any message. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_team_mentionsWhether @team mentions are allowed. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional
allow_channel_mentionsWhether @channel mentions are allowed. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!microsoft-teams-team-create-from-group group_id=7bc73bf4-c88e-4e0c-a927-6b52d19ca3e6

Human Readable Output#

The team was created from group 7bc73bf4-c88e-4e0c-a927-6b52d19ca3e6 successfully.


Returns all the groups that have teams in an organization.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#



There are no input arguments for this command.

Context Output#

MicrosoftTeams.Team.securityEnabledBooleanSpecifies whether the group is a security group.
MicrosoftTeams.Team.preferredDataLocationStringThe preferred data location for the group.
MicrosoftTeams.Team.resourceProvisioningOptionsStringSpecifies the group resources that are provisioned as part of Microsoft 365 group creation, that are not normally part of default group creation. Possible value is Team.
MicrosoftTeams.Team.createdDateTimeStringTimestamp of when the group was created. The value cannot be modified and is automatically populated when the group is created. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 would look like this: '2014-01-01T00:00:00Z'.
MicrosoftTeams.Team.mailNicknameStringThe alias of the group in an Exchange organization.
MicrosoftTeams.Team.securityIdentifierStringSecurity identifier of the group, used in Windows scenarios.
MicrosoftTeams.Team.mailEnabledBooleanSpecifies whether the group is mail-enabled.
MicrosoftTeams.Team.displayNameStringThe display name for the group.
MicrosoftTeams.Team.visibilityStringSpecifies the visibility of a Microsoft 365 group. Possible values are: Private, Public, or Hiddenmembership. Blank values are treated as public.
MicrosoftTeams.Team.proxyAddressesStringEmail addresses for the group that direct to the same group mailbox. For example: ["SMTP:", "smtp:"]
MicrosoftTeams.Team.mailStringThe SMTP address for the group, for example, "".
MicrosoftTeams.Team.idStringThe unique identifier for the group.
MicrosoftTeams.Team.descriptionStringAn optional description for the group.

Command Example#


Context Example#

"MicrosoftTeams": {
"Team": [
"description": "Welcome to the HR Taskforce team.",
"displayName": "HR Taskforce",
"groupTypes": [
"id": "02bd9fd6-8f93-4758-87c3-1fb73740a315",
"mailEnabled": true,
"mailNickname": "HRTaskforce",
"resourceBehaviorOptions": [],
"resourceProvisioningOptions": [
"securityEnabled": false,
"visibility": "Private"
"description": "Welcome to the team that we've assembled to launch our product.",
"displayName": "X1050 Launch Team",
"groupTypes": [
"id": "8090c93e-ba7c-433e-9f39-08c7ba07c0b3",
"mailEnabled": true,
"mailNickname": "X1050LaunchTeam",
"resourceBehaviorOptions": [],
"resourceProvisioningOptions": [
"securityEnabled": false,
"visibility": "Private"

Human Readable Output#

Microsoft Teams List#

02bd9fd6-8f93-4758-87c3-1fb73740a315HR Taskforce2014-01-01T00:00:00ZWelcome to the HR Taskforce team.
8090c93e-ba7c-433e-9f39-08c7ba07c0b3X1050 Launch Team2014-01-01T00:00:00ZWelcome to the team that we've assembled to launch our product.


Retrieve the properties and relationships of the specified team.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
team_idID of team to get. Can be retrieved by running the microsoft-teams-teams-list command.Required

Context Output#

MicrosoftTeams.Team.createdDateTimeDateTimestamp of when the group was created. The value cannot be modified and is automatically populated when the group is created. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 would look like this: '2014-01-01T00:00:00Z'.
MicrosoftTeams.Team.classificationStringTypically describes the data or business sensitivity of the team.
MicrosoftTeams.Team.isArchivedBooleanWhether this team is in read-only mode.
MicrosoftTeams.Team.displayNameStringThe display name for the group.
MicrosoftTeams.Team.visibilityStringSpecifies the visibility of a Microsoft 365 group. Possible values are: Private, Public, or Hiddenmembership; blank values are treated as public.
MicrosoftTeams.Team.idStringThe unique identifier for the group.
MicrosoftTeams.Team.descriptionStringAn optional description for the group.

Command Example#

!microsoft-teams-team-get team_id=489080f2-98c3-4993-84ec-fa0aac622b2e

Context Example#

"MicrosoftTeams": {
"Team": [
"id": "489080f2-98c3-4993-84ec-fa0aac622b2e",
"discoverySettings": {
"showInTeamsSearchAndSuggestions": true
"funSettings": {
"allowCustomMemes": true,
"allowGiphy": true,
"allowStickersAndMemes": true,
"giphyContentRating": "strict"
"guestSettings": {
"allowCreateUpdateChannels": true,
"allowDeleteChannels": true
"isArchived": false,
"memberSettings": {
"allowAddRemoveApps": true,
"allowCreateUpdateChannels": true,
"allowCreateUpdateRemoveConnectors": true,
"allowCreateUpdateRemoveTabs": true,
"allowDeleteChannels": true
"messagingSettings": {
"allowChannelMentions": true,
"allowOwnerDeleteMessages": true,
"allowTeamMentions": true,
"allowUserDeleteMessages": true,
"allowUserEditMessages": true

Human Readable Output#

Team 489080f2-98c3-4993-84ec-fa0aac622b2e#

showInTeamsSearchAndSuggestions: trueallowGiphy: true\<br/>giphyContentRating: strict\<br/>allowStickersAndMemes: true\<br/>allowCustomMemes: trueallowCreateUpdateChannels: true\<br/>allowDeleteChannels: truefalseallowCreateUpdateChannels: true\<br/>allowDeleteChannels: true\<br/>allowAddRemoveApps: true\<br/>allowCreateUpdateRemoveTabs: true\<br/>allowCreateUpdateRemoveConnectors: trueallowUserEditMessages: true\<br/>allowUserDeleteMessages: true\<br/>allowOwnerDeleteMessages: true\<br/>allowTeamMentions: true\<br/>allowChannelMentions: true


Update the properties of the specified team.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
team_idID of the team to update. Can be retrieved by running the microsoft-teams-teams-list command.Required
display_nameThe name of the team.Optional
descriptionDescription of the team.Optional
visibilityThe visibility of the group and team. Possible values are: "public" and "private". Possible values are: public, private.Optional
allow_guests_create_channelsWhether guests can add and update channels. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Possible values are: false, true.Optional
allow_guests_delete_channelsWhether guests can delete channels. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Possible values are: false, true.Optional
allow_members_create_private_channelsWhether members can add and update private channels. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Possible values are: false, true.Optional
allow_members_create_channelsWhether members can add and update channels. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Possible values are: false, true.Optional
allow_members_delete_channelsWhether members can delete channels. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Possible values are: false, true.Optional
allow_members_add_remove_appsWhether members can add and remove apps. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Possible values are: false, true.Optional
allow_members_add_remove_tabsWhether members can add, update, and remove tabs. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Possible values are: false, true.Optional
allow_members_add_remove_connectorsWhether members can add, update, and remove connectors. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Possible values are: false, true.Optional
allow_user_edit_messagesWhether users can edit their messages. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Possible values are: false, true.Optional
allow_user_delete_messagesWhether users can delete their messages. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Possible values are: false, true.Optional
allow_owner_delete_messagesWhether owners can delete any message. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Possible values are: false, true.Optional
allow_team_mentionsWhether @team mentions are allowed. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Possible values are: false, true.Optional
allow_channel_mentionsWhether @channel mentions are allowed. Possible values are: "true" and "false". Possible values are: false, true.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!microsoft-teams-team-update team_id=489080f2-98c3-4993-84ec-fa0aac622b2e description=NewDescription

Human Readable Output#

Team 489080f2-98c3-4993-84ec-fa0aac622b2e was updated successfully.


Deletes a group. Note: it might take time for the team to disappear from the teams list.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
team_idID of the team to delete. Can be retrieved by running the microsoft-teams-teams-list command.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!microsoft-teams-team-delete team_id=8d64be1b-590f-4afd-9bac-0b31b3703300

Human Readable Output#

Team 8d64be1b-590f-4afd-9bac-0b31b3703300 was deleted successfully.


Returns the members of the specified team.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
team_idID of the team to get the member of. Can be retrieved by running the microsoft-teams-teams-list command.Required

Context Output#

MicrosoftTeams.TeamMember.teamIdStringThe unique identifier for the group.
MicrosoftTeams.TeamMember.displayNameStringThe display name of the user.
MicrosoftTeams.TeamMember.emailStringThe email of the user.
MicrosoftTeams.TeamMember.idStringUnique ID of the user.
MicrosoftTeams.TeamMember.rolesStringThe roles for that user.

Command Example#

!microsoft-teams-members-list team_id=489080f2-98c3-4993-84ec-fa0aac622b2e

Context Example#

"MicrosoftTeams": {
"TeamMember": [
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember",
"displayName": "Adele Vance",
"email": "",
"roles": [],
"userId": "73761f06-2ac9-469c-9f10-279a8cc267f9"
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember",
"displayName": "MOD Administrator",
"email": "",
"roles": [
"userId": "598efcd4-e549-402a-9602-0b50201faebe"
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember",
"displayName": "Harry Johnson",
"email": "",
"roles": [],
"userId": "752f50b7-256f-4539-b775-c4d12f2e4722"

Human Readable Output#

Team 489080f2-98c3-4993-84ec-fa0aac622b2e Members List#

ZWUwZjVhZTItOGJjNi00YWU1LTg0NjYtN2RhZWViYmZhMDYyIyM1OThlZmNkNC1lNTQ5LTQwMmEtOTYwMi0wYjUwMjAxZmFlYmU=MOD Administratoradmin@M365x987948.OnMicrosoft.comowner


Gets a member of a team.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
membership_idID of member to get. Can be retrieved by running the microsoft-teams-members-list command.Required
team_idID of the team to get the member of. Can be retrieved by running the microsoft-teams-teams-list command.Required

Context Output#

MicrosoftTeams.TeamMember.teamIdStringThe unique identifier for the group.
MicrosoftTeams.TeamMember.displayNameStringThe display name of the user.
MicrosoftTeams.TeamMember.emailStringThe email of the user.
MicrosoftTeams.TeamMember.idStringUnique ID of the user.
MicrosoftTeams.TeamMember.rolesStringThe roles for that user.

Command Example#

!microsoft-teams-member-get membership_id=NDg5MDgwZjItOThjMy00OTkzLTg0ZWMtZmEwYWFjNjIyYjJlIyMzZmE5ZjI4Yi1lYjBlLTQ2M2EtYmE3Yi04MDg5ZmU5OTkxZTI= team_id=489080f2-98c3-4993-84ec-fa0aac622b2e

Context Example#

"MicrosoftTeams": {
"TeamMember": [
"@odata.context": "$metadata#teams('ece6f0a1-7ca4-498b-be79-edf6c8fc4d82')/members/microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember/$entity",
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember",
"displayName": "John Doe",
"email": null,
"id": "NDg5MDgwZjItOThjMy00OTkzLTg0ZWMtZmEwYWFjNjIyYjJlIyMzZmE5ZjI4Yi1lYjBlLTQ2M2EtYmE3Yi04MDg5ZmU5OTkxZTI=",
"roles": [
"userId": "8b081ef6-4792-4def-b2c9-c363a1bf41d5"

Human Readable Output#

Team Member NDg5MDgwZjItOThjMy00OTkzLTg0ZWMtZmEwYWFjNjIyYjJlIyMzZmE5ZjI4Yi1lYjBlLTQ2M2EtYmE3Yi04MDg5ZmU5OTkxZTI= Details#



Add a user to be a team member.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
team_idID of the team to add the user to. Can be retrieved by running the microsoft-teams-teams-list command.Required
user_idEmail address or ID of the user to add to the team. The ID can be retrieved by running the microsoft-teams-members-list command.Required
is_ownerWhether to add the member with the owner role. Possible values are: "false" and "true". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional

Context Output#

MicrosoftTeams.TeamMember.displayNameStringThe display name of the user.
MicrosoftTeams.TeamMember.emailStringThe email of the user.
MicrosoftTeams.TeamMember.idStringUnique ID of the user.
MicrosoftTeams.TeamMember.rolesStringThe roles for that user.

Command Example#

!microsoft-teams-member-add user_id=2827c1e7-edb6-4529-b50d-25984e968637 team_id=489080f2-98c3-4993-84ec-fa0aac622b2e

Context Example#

"MicrosoftTeams": {
"TeamMember": {
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember",
"displayName": "Cameron White",
"email": "",
"roles": [
"userId": "2827c1e7-edb6-4529-b50d-25984e968637"

Human Readable Output#

User 2827c1e7-edb6-4529-b50d-25984e968637 was added to the team 489080f2-98c3-4993-84ec-fa0aac622b2e successfully.#

ZWUwZjVhZTItOGJjNi00YWU1LTg0NjYtN2RhZWViYmZhMDYyIyM3Mzc2MWYwNi0yYWM5LTQ2OWMtOWYxMC0yNzlhOGNjMjY3Zjk=Cameron WhiteCameronW@M365x987948.OnMicrosoft.comowner


Remove a member from the team.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
team_idID of the team to remove the user from. Can be retrieved by running the microsoft-teams-teams-list command.Required
membership_idID of the member to remove from the team. Can be retrieved by running the microsoft-teams-members-list command.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!microsoft-teams-member-remove team_id=489080f2-98c3-4993-84ec-fa0aac622b2e membership_id=NDg5MDgwZjItOThjMy00OTkzLTg0ZWMtZmEwYWFjNjIyYjJlIyMxZTc2NTVhNC02ZThmLTQ2NjUtYWMxNS03ZWJhMmJmOGQ4ODY=

Human Readable Output#

Team member NDg5MDgwZjItOThjMy00OTkzLTg0ZWMtZmEwYWFjNjIyYjJlIyMxZTc2NTVhNC02ZThmLTQ2NjUtYWMxNS03ZWJhMmJmOGQ4ODY= was removed from the team 489080f2-98c3-4993-84ec-fa0aac622b2e successfully.


Updates a team member.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
team_idID of the team to update the member in. Can be retrieved by running the microsoft-teams-teams-list command.Required
membership_idID of the team member to update. Can be retrieved by running the microsoft-teams-members-list command.Required
is_ownerWhether to set the member with the owner role. Possible values are: "false" and "true". Default is "false". Possible values are: false, true. Default is false.Optional

Context Output#

MicrosoftTeams.TeamMember.displayNameStringThe display name of the user.
MicrosoftTeams.TeamMember.emailStringThe email of the user.
MicrosoftTeams.TeamMember.idStringUnique ID of the user.
MicrosoftTeams.TeamMember.rolesStringThe roles for that user.

Command Example#

!microsoft-teams-member-update membership_id=NDg5MDgwZjItOThjMy00OTkzLTg0ZWMtZmEwYWFjNjIyYjJlIyM4OTE4YzM5MC0zNWI4LTQyYzMtODNmMS04MzUyZTBlOWRmNjU= team_id=489080f2-98c3-4993-84ec-fa0aac622b2e is_owner=true

Context Example#

"MicrosoftTeams": {
"TeamMember": {
"@odata.context": "$metadata#teams('ece6f0a1-7ca4-498b-be79-edf6c8fc4d82')/members/microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember/$entity",
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember",
"displayName": "John Doe",
"email": null,
"roles": [
"userId": "8b081ef6-4792-4def-b2c9-c363a1bf41d5"

Human Readable Output#

Team member NDg5MDgwZjItOThjMy00OTkzLTg0ZWMtZmEwYWFjNjIyYjJlIyM4OTE4YzM5MC0zNWI4LTQyYzMtODNmMS04MzUyZTBlOWRmNjU= was updated successfully.#



Archive the specified team. When a team is archived, users can no longer send or like messages on any channel in the team, edit the team's name, description, or other settings, or in general make most changes to the team. Membership changes to the team continue to be allowed. Archiving is an async operation. A team is archived once the async operation completes successfully, which may occur subsequent to a response from this command. In order to archive a team, the team and group must have an owner.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
team_idID of the team to archive. Can be retrieved by running the microsoft-teams-teams-list command.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!microsoft-teams-team-archive team_id=d74944a4-8dca-4cc5-9892-b1f73b4a4419

Human Readable Output#

Team d74944a4-8dca-4cc5-9892-b1f73b4a4419 was archived successfully.


Restore an archived team. This restores the users' ability to send messages and edit the team, abiding by tenant and team settings. Unarchiving is an async operation. A team is unarchived once the async operation completes successfully, which may occur subsequent to a response from this command.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
team_idID of the team to unarchive. Can be retrieved by running the microsoft-teams-teams-list command.Required

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!microsoft-teams-team-unarchive team_id=d74944a4-8dca-4cc5-9892-b1f73b4a4419

Human Readable Output#

Team d74944a4-8dca-4cc5-9892-b1f73b4a4419 was unarchived successfully.


Create a copy of a team. This operation also creates a copy of the corresponding group. Cloning is a long-running operation.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
team_idID of the team to clone. Can be retrieved by running the microsoft-teams-teams-list command.Required
display_nameThe name of the team.Required
descriptionDescription of the team.Optional
visibilityThe visibility of the group and team. Possible values are: "public" and "private". Default is "public". Possible values are: public, private. Default is public.Optional
clone_appsWhether to copy Microsoft Teams apps that are installed in the team. Possible values are: "false" and "true". Default is "true". Possible values are: false, true. Default is true.Optional
clone_tabsWhether to copy the tabs within channels. Possible values are: "false" and "true". Default is "true". Possible values are: false, true. Default is true.Optional
clone_settingsWhether to copy all settings within the team, along with key group settings. Possible values are: "false" and "true". Default is "true". Possible values are: false, true. Default is true.Optional
clone_channelsWhether to copy the channel structure (but not the messages in the channel). Possible values are: "false" and "true". Default is "true". Possible values are: false, true. Default is true.Optional

Context Output#

There is no context output for this command.

Command Example#

!microsoft-teams-team-clone team_id=6e0d7429-4736-4373-bfb7-a1b59e3c463a display_name=Cloned

Human Readable Output#

Team 6e0d7429-4736-4373-bfb7-a1b59e3c463a was cloned successfully.


Get the teams in Microsoft Teams that the user is a direct member of.

Base Command#


Required Permissions#



Argument NameDescriptionRequired
user_idID of the user (e.g., 2827c1e7-edb6-4529-b50d-25984e968637). Can be retrieved by running the msgraph-user-list command.Required

Context Output#

MicrosoftTeams.Team.createdDateTimeDateTimestamp of when the group was created. The value cannot be modified and is automatically populated when the group is created. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 would look like this: '2014-01-01T00:00:00Z'.
MicrosoftTeams.Team.classificationStringTypically describes the data or business sensitivity of the team.
MicrosoftTeams.Team.isArchivedBooleanWhether this team is in read-only mode.
MicrosoftTeams.Team.displayNameStringThe display name for the group.
MicrosoftTeams.Team.visibilityStringSpecifies the visibility of a Microsoft 365 group. Possible values are: Private, Public, or Hiddenmembership; blank values are treated as public.
MicrosoftTeams.Team.idStringThe unique identifier for the group.
MicrosoftTeams.Team.descriptionStringAn optional description for the group.

Command Example#

!microsoft-teams-teams-list-joined user_id=3fa9f28b-eb0e-463a-ba7b-8089fe9991e2

Context Example#

"MicrosoftTeams": {
"Team": [
"displayName": "MyGreatTeam",
"groupTypes": [
"id": "02bd9fd6-8f93-4758-87c3-1fb73740a315",
"mailEnabled": true,
"resourceBehaviorOptions": [],
"resourceProvisioningOptions": [
"securityEnabled": false,
"visibility": "Private",
"description": "desc"
"displayName": "WooahTeam",
"groupTypes": [
"id": "8090c93e-ba7c-433e-9f39-08c7ba07c0b3",
"mailEnabled": true,
"mailNickname": "X1050LaunchTeam",
"resourceBehaviorOptions": [],
"resourceProvisioningOptions": [
"securityEnabled": false,
"visibility": "Private",
"description": "desc"

Human Readable Output#

User 3fa9f28b-eb0e-463a-ba7b-8089fe9991e2 Teams#
